Exploring Adam

By Damon Ellison Ellison

Published on Aug 26, 2011


Hi everyone ... I just want to say, thanks for all the emails you've been sending. I've been really gratified (and occasionally turned on) to hear all your responses to this story. Keep `em coming! I love hearing from my readers ... especially when they tell me how these stories affect them (emotionally AND physically).

And now, on with part five ...

I woke the next morning with a start, feeling like there was something I was forgetting, or something urgent that I needed to do. Then I looked to my left on the bed and saw Adam, and I remembered.

I lay there having a few minutes of panicked holy-shit-what-did-I-do, feeling a lot like I did one morning years before after cheating on a girlfriend. The feeling was the same, but I couldn't locate the source of my guilt this time. Was I ashamed of having had sex with a man? Perhaps. I might be a progressively-minded and open and tolerant person, but this was still new territory for me. Or perhaps I felt guilty at having had sex with a good friend's little brother ... in precisely the same way I'd feel about sleeping with a friend's sister. Especially if she was seventeen going on eighteen. Ye gods.

As I lay there, memories of the day before came flooding back, and washed away much of the guilt and shame, replacing it with a warm, satisfied feeling of desire. I could feel myself getting hard as I called to mind thoughts of sucking Adam, feeling his hard cock, fucking and being fucked by him. Twenty-four hours before I had been a mild-mannered, occasionally bi-curious hetero man. Now I got hard as I thought of another day filled with Adam's cock.

Realizing that my mouth was parched, I carefully got up and padded naked to the kitchen. It was unseasonably warm for May, but still a bit of gooseflesh pleasantly prickled my skin as I poured myself a glass of water and busied myself with putting on coffee. I looked at the time—just after seven in the morning. Early for me on a Saturday; almost certainly early for someone like Adam, and when I went back to the bedroom and leaned on the doorjamb, looking down at him, he hadn't stirred at all.

I stood there for a long while, drinking him in. He lay sprawled on his back, his left arm behind his head, the other resting on his chest. His mouth was slightly open, his hair adorably mussed. He was long and lean, with well-defined shoulders and chest, nice abs, and a torso that narrowed to slim hips. A swimmer's body, to be certain. The comforter lay teasingly across his waist, as if he'd been posed by some coy cameraman; his left leg splayed out from under it, bent at the knee, his foot disappearing back under the sheets. He was beautiful.

I stepped forward and lightly twitched away the comforter to reveal what lay beneath. He still did not stir. Looking down at his cock, which flopped flaccidly to the right, I reflected that I had not seen it soft since he had been here. It had softened somewhat during our play on the couch the night before, and between sexual sessions, but only about halfway. It was always quick to rise as soon as I kissed him or touched it.

Even soft, his cock was aesthetically pleasing ... perhaps it was because I was circumcised too, but I far preferred that look to the skin-covered head. Soft, his shaft shrunk back on itself, resting on the pillow of his testicles and flopped over to the side. Even as pleasing to my eye as it was, it was nowhere near as arousing as the sight of him erect. It was such a huge difference in the look of a man, I thought ... soft, a cock was just a dangly piece of flesh one used to piss. Hard, it exuded strength and force. It was no wonder ancient peoples raised phallic standing stones. Some would say it was the patriarchal authority asserting itself, and that was certainly true for what it was worth. But looking at Adam, feeling my own cock stirring at the memory of his hard and throbbing member, I liked to imagine that some of those ancient stoneworkers thought about the cock they were going to suck that night and ran worshipful hands over the smooth surfaces of their shrines to the phallus.

Looking down at Adam's slumbering organ, I thought of my first experience with my internet hookup, who had without ceremony dropped his pants and sat back on my couch awaiting my mouth. It had been at once shocking, irritating, and arousing. But what had been oddest for me was the fact that he had been soft. I had been hard from the moment I made the assignation. And going from soft to hard had never been an issue for me at any point in my life (barring one or two excessively drunken nights of fumbling); it didn't take much for my cock to stand up and take notice.

At first, my hookup's soft cock had been a bit off-putting ... in all my masturbatory fantasies that had preceded that moment, the cocks I sucked were always hard to start with. But afterward, there were times I jerked off to the memory of how it had slowly gotten hard, feeling it grow inside my mouth. Looking down at Adam now, it occurred to me that his cock tended to spring to hardness as quickly as mine ... if I wanted to feel him get hard in my mouth, now was the time to try it.

The thought had barely arisen in my mind when I was crossing to the bed. Gently, I moved his leg out of the way and lay down with my face just above his crotch. He still did not stir ... god, he was a deep sleeper. I was curious to see how long he would remain asleep. I ran my tongue up the underside of his limp shaft, bringing my fingers up to tease the underside of his balls. Again, the skin there was divine ... so soft, but it was his cock I wanted in my mouth, and after a moment I lifted it up and slid my mouth down, taking him in completely. It was a very different feeling, of course, not nearly as pleasant or arousing, but as I squirmed my tongue against it I was finally rewarded with a sleepy sigh and murmur as Adam dropped his hand to his side and turned his head to his right. He still did not wake, but I felt his cock shift against my tongue. Taking it out of my mouth, I again licked it from base to tip, and watched it slowly start to straighten out of its drunken lean.

Eagerly, I took it in my mouth again, wanting to feel it grow and harden. I started to suck him slowly, and with each stroke he was straighter, larger, and harder. He started to whimper in his sleep, and I wondered if my ministrations were invading his dreams. From the point when he was halfway hard to totally hard, the sensation of him growing in my mouth was intoxicating, and I started grinding my hips into the bed. Suddenly I felt hands on the back of my head, and I looked up to see Adam awake, heavy-lidded with sleep, looking a little confused but panting hard as I continued to suck him.

"Here," he said thickly. "Up. Around. I want it."

Though barely coherent, I understood his meaning. Without taking him out of my mouth, I twisted myself around and turned my body so my cock, hard and leaking by now, was right by his face. Without any preamble or teasing, he swallowed me whole and sucked me like a starving man.

For a long while the only noise in the room was a mingled slurping and moaning as we sucked each other feverishly. It was as if, having slept for several hours, we had woken starved for each other's cocks. We broke our fast in delirious pleasure, not knowing whether the sensation of the other's cock in our mouth or of being sucked was the greater, or whether we just became this indistinguishable continuum of mouth and cock. For a time as I licked and sucked him hungrily it seemed almost as if I sucked myself, for our movements passed into sync with each other, and each downstroke of my mouth on him was matched by the delicious feel of his mouth sliding down my shaft.

I was getting close, and I could tell that he was too. His balls tightened and his cock swelled even larger in my mouth, which had the effect of bringing me right to the edge. His moaning became more urgent, and I answered with my own. Though our noises were muffled, we each knew what the other was saying, and as I felt myself come spectacularly in his mouth, his cock pulsed in mine and I felt his hot, hot seed coat my tongue.

We did not break contact, but each lay lazily sucking and licking each other's cocks clean. Finally, I turned my body around and lay beside him, kissing him, licking a dollop of my own cum off the side of his mouth.

"Good morning," he sighed. "I haven't been woken up like that ever before."

I chuckled. "Well, I wanted to feel you get hard in my mouth, and it didn't seem like it would happen when you're awake."

He laughed too. "I guess not. I am quick to rise. Especially when I'm this close to you."

We lay together, spent, occasionally kissing, caressing each other's skin. After a time, he asked shyly, "So what was it that first made you ... you know, curious?"

I smiled. "I worked in a bookstore in undergrad. I was bored one night because we had no customers, and I'd done everything that needed doing ... so to amuse myself I started flipping through a collection of erotica. There were a couple of gay stories in there, and I found myself reading one about a teacher and a student, and ... well, I surprised myself with how hot I found it. It was really well done, and the description of when they finally had sex was incredibly arousing. I didn't really think much about it after the fact, but it stayed with me."

"OK ... so how do you go from being turned on by a story to hooking up with someone online and sucking him off?"

"No, no, no," I laughed. "Your turn. When did YOU first suspect you preferred boys?"

"Oh, I think I've always known," he replied shyly. "Like I said, I always had a huge crush on you. It made me happy whenever you'd come over to hang with Doug. So I always knew."

"But I'm your first?"

"Well, mostly."

"Mostly?" I pretended to be shocked, and he laughed.

"I had a friend in junior high," he said. "Sandy. He taught me to jerk off. He'd come over and we'd hang out in my room, and eventually we'd take our dicks out. He always wanted to talk about girls ... who was a slut, who had big tits, that sort of thing. I obliged, but only because it made him hard to talk about pussy and tits. He had a really nice cock. Then we'd jerk off, and he always wanted to make sure we came at the same time. He'd do this countdown thing ... started at five down to one."

"Did you ever jerk each other off?"

"Oh, yes. That was my favourite thing." He paused, and ran his fingers up my chest. "A few times we were upstairs when you were hanging out with Doug, drinking beer in the backyard. I always imagined it was your cock I was holding, then."

I thought for a long moment. "Holy shit. I remember this guy Sandy. Short, blocky guy? Blond hair?"

"That's him," Adam replied, delighted.

"Wow." I thought about those times, sitting out on Doug's back patio, drinking his father's beer, laughing and talking. And now I was fucking his younger brother. Somehow the thought didn't fill me with guilt at all, but rather managed to turn me on a little. "So you two were jerking each other off while we were downstairs."

"Yup," he laughed.

"But you didn't suck each other?"

"No. I really, really wanted to. But Sandy said that would be faggy. Kissing was out for the same reason."

I laughed out loud. "Well, don't judge him too harshly. My first hookup, we were both pretty clear we wanted no kissing."

"You don't seem to mind it now," he said throatily, rolling over and kissing me deeply. Feeling his tongue slide past my lips made my cock twitch.

"I like kissing YOU," I said. I ran my hand down his side, brushing over his hardening cock.

But he pulled away slightly, looking at me challengingly. "So you wouldn't kiss another man?"

The question caught me by surprise. "Would that bother you?"

He paused for a few seconds. "I don't know. I mean, this is all new to me, and all new to you."

"Yes, it is," I said. "I've never felt this kind of desire for another man. I've never really felt desire for another man, period, if you except my experiments in sucking cock. Even now, I don't think I would see a gorgeous man on the street and have my head turn the way it would with a woman. Does that bother you?"

He thought again. "I really don't know," he said. "It's different for me. I've always liked boys. Men. Women do nothing for me. Am I just another experiment for you?" The question was asked with trepidation, as if he feared the answer.

"No," I said emphatically. "I don't know what it is. I'll be honest. I don't know if I could be openly in a gay relationship. Not now, anyway ... not yet. But ..." I faltered for a moment, and he hugged me comfortingly. "I haven't felt this kind of desire for ... well, ever. It's entirely new to me. But one thing I do know is that since you first kissed me, I have wanted nothing other than to give you pleasure. To make you feel good."

He smiled. "That's good," he said. "Want to do a bit of that now?"

I rested my hand on his cock, and felt the intoxicating sensation of it growing and hardening again. "More than anything," I whispered. "What do you want to do?" After a pause, I said, "More to the point, what do you want me to do to you?"

He thought for a moment, and said, "I think I want you to demonstrate your love of my cock," he whispered. "I want you to worship it. I want you to pay it the respect and honor it deserves. With your lips and tongue and hands. And then I want to fuck you hard, on your knees, from behind, and teach your hetero ass a rich lesson."

"Oh, fuck," I whispered, barely able to get the words out. "I think that would be divine."

"Then get to it, cocksucker," he said, biting of the consonants.

I obeyed, sliding down until my face was level with his hard cock. "You are so fucking beautiful," I said, and ran the tip of my tongue up his shaft.

He hissed in pleasure. "Tell me what it tastes like."

"Like salt and copper and desire," I whispered.

"Kiss it. Kiss the head. A proper French fucking kiss."

I obliged, leading with my tongue, running the tip over his glans and slowly sliding my lips over the flaring, swollen head, my tongue squirming against it. After a moment I slid my mouth down the shaft, my tongue still working, opening my throat and letting his length slide in. I held my nose in his pubes for a moment, and then withdrew.

"Do you like that?" he demanded when I gasped for breath.

"More than anything," I admitted.


"It is hard and soft. Like velvet around steel. I love feeling it grow, I love even more when you cum in my mouth."

"What does my cum taste like?"

"Salt and fish and lust."

He put his hand on the back of my head and thrust me down on his cock again, and I sucked him deeply for a few minutes while he moaned and writhed on the bed. Suddenly I felt his hands on the sides of my head, pulling me off, and he lay gasping for a few seconds.

"Oh, no," he whimpered. "No, you naughty man. I do not want to cum in your mouth. I still need to fuck you."

I brought myself up and kissed him. "As you command," I said, reaching beside the bed and coming up with the KY. Not looking away from his heavy-lidded eyes, I smeared the lube on my hands and stroked his cock gently. When he gasped, I chuckled. "You want to teach my hetero ass a lesson, lover?" I asked. He nodded helplessly. "Well, you'll have to last more than thirty seconds."

He growled, and with thrilling strength, he grabbed me by the shoulders and threw me back. He rolled me over onto my stomach. "Give me your fucking ass," he said.

Oh god, that turned me on. Keeping my face buried in the mattress, I lifted my ass up for him. It was still pleasantly sore from the last time he fucked me, but it itched to feel his cockhead pressed up against it. Which did not take long. He lay down on top of me, his cock against my hole, and said, "Do you want this?"



"I want you to fuck me."


"Fuck me."



And then he did. Not hard, but excruciatingly slowly, sliding his slick shaft into me, so I could feel every millimeter of his throbbing cock. I cried out as he entered me. I felt my cock, already hard, stiffen and twitch as he hit my prostate.

"You like that?" he whispered fiercely into my ear.

"Oh. Fuck yes," I whimpered. "Fuck me. Fuck me hard with your sweet cock."

"My what cock?"

"Your magnificent cock. Your godly cock."

I loved that he had learned in our short time together to be rough and dirty, and loved even more that I could say such abject things and mean them so much. Because he had a godly cock. I would in the future encounter bigger cocks than his, but none ever enraptured me with their perfection and the sublime way his felt as he slid in and out of my ass with such velvety force. I cried out as his nails raked up my sweaty back, and cried out again as he plunged back into me. Each stroke was ecstasy, and I loved feeling him dominate me. I would have my turn later, I knew, and would tease his asshole with my slicked cock and make him beg me to fuck him, but for now I played his slave with an abandon that I never knew was possible for me. I buried my face in the bedspread and moaned wildly as he fucked me, loving the feel of his cock inside me and his body pressed down on my back and his mouth nuzzling the nape of my neck between dirty murmurs telling me how tight my ass was, how sweet a fuck I was, and demanding to know if I liked what he was doing. This last question always got an enthusiastic yes. I LOVED what he was doing to me, and could feel the orgasm building in my cock with every stroke of his. I hadn't touched myself, but knew I was going to cum if he could keep it up. Every so often he paused, panting, and I knew he was right on the edge. "Do you want to feel me cum?"

"Fuck yes."

"Oh, fuck. I'm close."

"Fuck me. Cum in my ass."

"Ohhhh, yes. You have such a sweet ass. So fucking tight."

"Fuck me. Fuck my tight hole."

"Yesssss. I'm fucking you. You like that?"

"Yes. More. Fuck me."

"Oh, fuck. Fuck. Fuck yes."

I felt him stiffen and heard him give his strangled moan, and he thrust himself deep inside me. Impossibly, his cock grew even bigger, and at that moment all of his fucking culminated in making my cock pulse.

"Holy shit," I gasped. "I'm cumming."

"No fucking way."

"Yes, I'm ... ahhhhhhhhh ... oh fuck ..." My cock spasmed as he came deep in my ass, and I cried out as I felt my seed spurt on the sheets. He reached around to feel me, smearing my cum over my still-pulsing cock, moaning in appreciation as he spent himself and collapsed on me. We lay like that, my cum sticky on the sheets and my belly, his cock softening in my ass, his lips and tongue nuzzling the back of my neck.

"OK, I'd read about that sort of thing happening," he murmured into my neck. "I didn't think I'd experience it."

"Me neither," I said, still light-headed. I rolled over, and he slid off my back onto his side, his cock slipping out of me. "And I was pretty fucking certain it would never happen to ME." I rolled onto my other side to face him. "I guess I wasn't exaggerating. You DO have a godly cock. And you did teach my hetero ass a pretty rich lesson."

He laughed, and kissed me hungrily. "Shower?"

"You first," I said. "I don't know if I can go again so soon, but the sight of your wet and soapy body might make the decision for me."

"Spoilsport," he pouted, but flounced out of bed. A few minutes later I heard the water running.

I hauled my pleasantly sore ass up and into the kitchen, pausing to put on my robe over my nakedness. I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat on one of my stools by my kitchen counter. Every part of me still tingled. There had been times when I was with a women who had particularly powerful orgasms that I got a little bit envious of their experience. The male orgasm was reliably easy to bring about, but it always seemed to lack the full-body ecstasy that some women experience.

I think I knew better now how that felt.

The phone rang, startling me. What the hell? I looked at the clock, seeing that it was only eight-fifteen in the morning. Who calls that early on a Saturday?

"Hey man!" Doug's voice came over the line. "How are things?"

It took me a moment to regroup, so I covered my discomfiture by pretending indignation. "Jesus Christ, Doug. Do you know what time it is?"

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry. I'm just hitting the road for a few hours on a business trip, just thought I'd call before I left to see how everything is going."

I heard the water stop. "Uh, yeah. Things are good. Took Adam up to campus yesterday, showed him around. Going to give him a tour today of the town."

"Great, great!" The bathroom door opened and Adam emerged, wet and glistening, one of my towels around his waist. "He's behaving himself?"

"Um, sure." Covering the receiver, I mouthed "It's Doug!", and said into the phone, "Why wouldn't he?"

Adam got a wicked grin on his face, and with a slow and sensuous movement peeled the towel away from himself so he stood, damp and naked, in the middle of my living room. Swiveling his hips, he reached down and ran his fingertips over his balls and grasped the base of his cock. It was all I could do not to groan out loud as I watched, riveted, as his shaft thickened and lengthened. He pumped his hips, thrusting his cock into his fist and rolling his eyes back in his head in mock ecstasy.

I suddenly realized that Doug was still talking.

"Hey, buddy! You there?"

"Uh, yeah. Sorry, there was a commotion outside, I just went to the window to see it. What were you saying?" My traitorous cock had gotten hard watching Adam's lewd show, and it nudged aside my robe to reveal itself. Adam grinned again and fell to his knees, crawling across the floor toward me."

"I said I didn't think he'd misbehave, it was just something to ask. Is he still asleep?"

"Um, no, he's in the shower." I couldn't take my eyes away from Adam's as he crossed the floor, his mouth partly open, the pink tip of his tongue circling them.

"Really? Wow, that's unusual. Usually he sleeps until noon."

Adam did not take his hands off the carpet, but leaned forward and took my hard cock into his mouth.

"Well, uh ... hah ... yeah, but he's sleeping in ... ah ... my living room, so you know ... as soon as I'm up ..."

Dear god, he was going to town. My knees threatened to buckle as he slurped my straining cock.

"Yeah, I guess so. Hey, are you all right? You sound a bit out of breath."

"Yeah ... hah ... well, I was just um ... doing some situps when you called." I could feel myself getting close, and there was no way I wanted to cum while on the phone with Doug. "Oh, hey ... he just got out of the shower, want to talk to him?"

"Sure, great. Put him on."

Smirking, I handed the phone to Adam, who pouted, but stood and took it from my hand. "Hello? Oh, hey Doug. Yeah, he's been great. It's been really ... educational."

As soon as he had taken the phone from my hand, I dropped to my knees and ran the tip of my tongue up the underside of his shaft. I paused with my mouth over the head, swirling my tongue around, and then slowly slid the entire organ into my mouth. With my fingertip I tickled the base of his scrotum, finding that sensitive patch of skin he had showed me the night before. As I sucked, my fingertip traveled back, finding his hole, still fresh from the shower, and slowly slid my finger past his pucker.

He had been doing pretty well until that point keeping an even voice, but when my fingertip found his prostate, he covered up the receiver so Doug couldn't hear the gasp that fought its way out of his throat.

"What's that?" he asked, his voice having gone up a register. "Oh, yeah, sure. Of course. Yeah, I'll ... I'll do that. And yes, I'll ... I'll call Mom later." He covered the receiver again as Doug talked, and hissed, "Holy fuck, I'm close." Then back into the phone, "What's that? Oh, no ... sorry, he can't come back to the phone. Yeah. Yeah, I'll tell him goodbye. Yeah. Later, big brother.

He put the phone back in the cradle and let out the moan he'd been holding in, putting his hands on my head and suddenly starting to fuck my face. His sphincter clenched around my fingertip. "oh, fuck. Yes. That's good. Oh, god. I love your finger there. You HAVE to fuck me again later. Oh yeah. Right there. Right there. Right theeeeeeerrrrrrrrree ..." The front third of his cock swelled like a balloon as he thrust himself deep in my throat. He let out a long, keening cry and his hot semen exploded in my mouth. Considering he had just cum less than an hour before, I was amazed at how much there was, enough that some of it escaped the side of my mouth and dribbled down my chin.

I was still painfully hard from when he'd sucked me just before, made even harder by what a turn on it was to suck him like I just had. Before He could say anything I reached up and dragged him down to the floor. I rolled him onto his back and straddled his hips, sitting up to throw my robe away. "Jerk me off," I ordered in a thick voice. "I want to cum all over your chest."

He obliged, wrapping his strong hand around my shaft and stroking me with slow, sure strokes, reaching up with his other hand to smear my copious precum around the head until it was slick and shiny. I sat on his hips and arched my back, feeling his half-hard cock against my ass. I want to be fucked by him in this position, I thought. No sooner had the thought occurred to me than I was cumming, spraying his belly and chest with my hot seed.

He looked up at me with naked lust. "Rub it in," he whispered.

I ran man hands over his smooth torso, massaging my semen into his skin as he closed his eyes and sighed in pleasure. When I was done, he opened them and looked up at me in mock petulance. "Great. Now I need to take ANOTHER shower."

I laughed. "This time, I might join you."


Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, and want more, please let me know

at damon9888@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 6

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