Exploring Adam

By Damon Ellison Ellison

Published on Aug 23, 2011


We did finally make it up to campus, and I showed Adam around. I was relieved he did not feel compelled to be affectionate in public. Whatever the intensity of my feelings in private, I was still uncomfortable being open about it. Fortunately, Adam seemed to have the same idea, and we walked around the university and later the town itself like we were just good friends. But every so often my thoughts leapt ahead to what awaited me when we were back at my place, and I would have to quickly think about something else before my cock sprang to hardness.

Whatever we had been doing mere hours before, I found that I really enjoyed Adam's company. He was mature for his age and very sharp-witted. We had lunch at my favourite diner, and enjoyed the warm spring day. It was late afternoon when we finally wandered back to my apartment. As I unlocked the door, he murmured, "I've been thinking the whole time we've been out about what I want to do to you when we got back."

A tremor ran up my arm and the key missed the lock as I whispered back, "Me too." It took an effort, but I got the door open. "What have you been thinking about?"

He smiled shyly. "You first."

We stepped through the door into my living room, and I closed it and locked it behind us. Immediately, his hand when to my crotch and rubbed my bulge into it pressed back against my jeans. Though speech was suddenly difficult, I said thickly, "I want to rub my cock against yours. I want to feel us cum together."

His breath caught a little, but he did not pause in massaging the front of my jeans. "I think I like the sound of that." His fingers trembling a little, he unbuckled my belt and opened my pants. Kneeling, he pulled my underwear down just enough to reveal my cock's swollen, leaking head. Locking his eyes on mine, he leaned forward and swirled his tongue around my glans.

I shivered. "What were you thinking of?" I asked.

His expression got shy again. "I was thinking of ... of what you said before. What you said you want me to do to you."

His reluctance to say the words out loud was adorable. I pulled him to his feet and undid his pants, sliding my hand in his underwear over his beautiful, hard cock. As I squeezed, I leaned into his ear and whispered "That I want you to fuck me?"

He shuddered as if the word was electric and his cock jumped in my hand. I pushed him to the ground right there in front of my door, my hand stroking his cock and my mouth right at his ear. "You like the sound of that, don't you?" I asked. He nodded helplessly. "You like hearing I want you to fuck me."

"Yes," he croaked.

"Well. If you're a good boy, perhaps we can see about that. Do you want to?"


"Yes what?"

He gasped as my stroking speeded up. "Yes, I want to fuck you."

"Good. Because I want you to fuck me." Again, he shivered to hear the words. His cock felt so big and hard in my hand, so eager. He was getting close, I could tell. I leaned in to his ear again and whispered hoarsely. "Fuck me." He moaned. "Fuck me," I repeated. "Fuck. Me."

He gave a strangled cry and his cock twitched. I felt it pulse in my hand, and I looked down to watch his seed spurt in three huge bursts, landing on his chest and belly, staining his tee shirt. The last spasm oozed a final bit out over my hand and as he looked at me through spent, heavy-lidded eyes, I deliberately raised my hand to my mouth and licked it clean.

"Dear god, you are magnificent," he growled. "I want you so much."

"What do you want?"

He paused. "I want your cock," he said finally. "I want to suck you again. I want to do what you just did to me and feel you cum in my hand. And I want to fuck you."

He stood, clumsy with his pants hanging mid-thigh, and pulled me to my feet. Laughing, we stumbled through the apartment into the bedroom, where he shucked his pants and cum-spattered shirt. "You get naked too," he ordered me. "And sit on the bed with your back to the wall." He looked around the room. "Do you have lube?"

Wordlessly, I retrieved my bottle of KY from the night table, and followed his instructions, sitting at the head of my bead, my back to the wall, my hard cock sticking up like an exclamation point. Adam came and knelt in front of me, carefully rubbing some lube into his palms, and sliding his slick hand down over my shaft.

It felt exquisite, and in moments I was helpless with pleasure as he stroked me leisurely, occasionally running his other hand around the head of my cock.

"I love doing this to myself," he said with a smile. "I've always wanted to do it to someone else. To you."

I realized as he stroked me and my world narrowed to the single point of ecstasy that was his lubed hand on my cock that I had never had a proper handjob before. I'd had them, just not ... not nearly as good. Adam stroked me with the expertise of someone who had spent years learning to pleasure his own cock, and was eager to share his talent. His hand was strong and sure, knowing precisely how to make me a slave to his ministrations.

It was almost better than his mouth. Almost.

He was very obviously enjoying it as well, for I could see that his own cock, only milked mere minutes before, was already hardening again. As he stroked me, he spared his other hand for himself, occasionally reaching down to squeeze and tug himself to full hardness.

"Here," I said, my voice ragged. "Come here." I pulled him toward me so that we were both sitting, our legs wrapped around each other and our cocks pressing against each other. "THIS is what I was thinking of all day."

Once I had seen a short video on a gay porn site of two cocks being stroked together. I couldn't see the men, just their cocks and the hand that was slick with lube stroking them and rubbing the shafts together. All of a minute long, that became my jerk off material for a week, and I regretted at the time not having tried that with my internet hookup.

Now, I poured a generous dollop of KY into my hands and slid them over Adam's raging erection. I pressed our cocks together, rubbing them against each other, my hand encircling them stroking up and down. Adam's eyes were locked in fascination on the sight, his breath starting to come faster and faster. I leaned forward and licked his nipple, and was rewarded with a moan. I could feel myself getting close, so I let go of my cock and concentrated on his for a while, every so often bringing mine back into play.

"Fuck," he said thickly. "Fuck, I'm getting close."

"Tell me when," I whispered back, and started rubbing my cock up against his again. I was right on the edge, and could feel my orgasm building .

"Oh fuck. I'm gonna cum again," he gasped, and suddenly his semen flooded over my hand and my cock. That put me over and I gasped as well, spurting what felt like an enormous amount of cum over our cocks, my hand, and our legs. With a whimper of pleasure, he leaned forward and put his arms around me, hugging me close as our sticky cocks softened against each other.

"I didn't think it was possible to cum this many times in a day," he breathed, even as I felt his cock stiffening again.

"Fuck me," I said as I ran my hand over his hardening tool. "You've got to be kidding me."

He grinned. "Sorry."

"No. Jesus. Don't you dare apologize. It's like the gift that keeps on giving. I just wish mine could do the same."

"Oh, yours does pretty fucking well."

I pushed him back on the bed and settled myself between his legs. "Three days with you, and I'm going to need to buy new sheets," I teased, and ran my tongue over his hardening cock. It tasted of our mingled semen, and I licked it for a few moments like a lollipop, cleaning it off, while my lover grunted with pleasure. "You're basically had a hardon since walking into my apartment," I said between licks. "Aren't you getting sore yet?"

He chuckled. "I believe you said something a moment ago about fucking you?"

"Later, lover," I said, returning my attention to his cockhead. "If you behave."

I swirled my tongue around his head, and he whimpered, "What does behave mean?"

"Well, if you give me a little more cum to eat, I'll seriously considering letting you fuck me."

He moaned. "Keep saying shit like that, and you'll get it sooner than you think."

He didn't lie. He was leaking copiously, and I lapped up his precum hungrily. I then swallowed his cock as deep as I could, and started sucking earnestly. I knew when I went to town on him he could not last long ... I loved how suddenly he came. No long buildup for Adam ... he still had a teenage cock, really, however mature he might otherwise behave, and one stroke or lick at the right time and suddenly he was there.

True to form, a casual swirl of my tongue around his glans did it for him. He'd been moaning the whole time, but suddenly his whole body stiffened and his cock jerked and I was rewarded with a new spurt of his salty cum on my tongue. It amazed me he could still produce any, considering how many times I'd already gotten him off that day.

But finally, he seemed spent, and ready to take a rest from sex. As I licked him clean again, I reflected that I could use some time to recharge my batteries as well ... because I had no intention of letting my lover sleep that night.


Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, and want more, please let me know at damon9888@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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