Exploring Adam

By Damon Ellison Ellison

Published on Jun 27, 2012


Hi all--thanks everyone for the amazing feedback and emails. I love hearing from you all! Keep them coming, at damon9888@hotmail.com.

I've started an email list to let people know when I've written a new installment, so if you want to keep abreast of things, let me know. One small requirement: you have to let me know (1) what your favourite moment has been, and (2) what effect it has had on you. Or, (3) send me a beautifully explicit description of your, ah, physical response to these stories

Also, I just want to repeat my caveat of a few chapters ago--for the sake of the story, I've omitted all references to condoms. But of course in real life, practice safe sex!

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And without further ado ...

I suppose I should do Trevor justice here, seeing as how all I've said about him is that he's extremely handsome. He is slightly shorter than Adam and I--we're both a little over six feet--with a slim build and very fine features. He had black hair cut short all around, but longer on top so that it sort of flopped in a fetching and roguish way over his brow. His face, as befits an actor, was very expressive and his grin utterly devastating.

Under his clothes, he was very fit; not muscular, but very well-toned, with nice shapely legs and an amazing ass. His nipples were one of his best features--wide and dark, and when teased they stood up like thick eraserheads. And they were sensitive, even more sensitive, it seemed, than my own (and I have incredibly sensitive nipples). Licking and sucking them elicited exquisite moans from him. More than once over those few days, Adam and I took turns, one of us working his nipples, and the other sucking his cock.

And his cock ... holy mother. It wasn't particularly big--he was smaller than both Adam and I--but it was mesmerizing. I don't know how to explain it other than that it looked cut, by which I mean it was like the cock version of a shortish man with an exquisite body. You know the type--small, slight, but without an ounce of fat and muscles so well defined they looked like they can etch glass. Well, that was what his cock was like--perfectly defined, with a slight upturn near the head, and under my tongue it felt as though the skin was stretched totally taut over an iron rod. When he came, which he did frequently over the course of those few days, his cum was hot and sweet, with just a slight tang of salt and no bitterness at all. He'd be moaning and writhing, and then suddenly go rigid, and you could feel his cock pulse, like a cartoon hose where the bulge of water travels its length to explode out the nozzle. Unlike men like me, who get very sensitive after cumming and can't be touched for a few moments afterward, he loved to keep going--to have you suck him afterward for a while, or to keep fucking slowly and lazily. Sometimes he would soften and reluctantly pull out with a sigh; sometimes he stayed hard, and the next thing you knew, he was into round two.

He was also very obviously experienced. You, my readers, know that aside from Adam that first time, I have never really explored all the possibilities of gay sex. That first time, that magical weekend, both Adam and I were basically virgins, experiencing each other in terror and ecstasy. As Adam had told me, Trevor's first experience was at the tender age of thirteen. He told me more about it later, saying "It was my best friend's older brother. He was seventeen, and gorgeous. Was on all the teams at his high school. He figured out I was gay ... or maybe he didn't, maybe he was just an abuser, I don't know. Anyway, he cornered me in their house once. My friend wasn't there when I went over, but he invited me in. I was ecstatic, as I was half in love with the guy. He took me up to his bedroom on some pretext or another, and showed me his collection of porn mags. Next thing I knew, he was asking if I wanted to see his dick."

He paused for a moment and smiled bitterly. "Did I want to see his dick? Fuck, yeah! So he dropped his shorts, and there it was in all its glory. I know now it wasn't as impressive as it seemed then, but for me, at the moment, it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I ended up sucking him off. I practically came in my pants that first time, but assumed he would reciprocate. Of course he didn't ... he called me a fag and a cocksucker and all but kicked me out of the house. A week went by, and then one day he called me ... invited me over, and we played the whole scenario out again. And of course, he didn't suck me, or jerk me off, or anything. He wouldn't even let me jerk myself off as I sucked him.

"This went on for the better part of a year. After a few months, he decided he wanted to fuck me. At first it hurt like hell, but then after awhile ... God help me, I came to hate him, but I also kind of loved him, you know? He was an asshole, but he was the only way for me to get what I wanted. I finally told him to fuck off when he started talking about lending me out to his buddies. At first, I thought he was going to beat the shit out of me, but he just shrugged and sneered. Whatever you want, cocksucker,' he said. You'll be back.' But I never did."

In retaliation, his friend's brother told everyone Trevor was gay. For a time, his life was a misery, but eventually he took possession of himself, owning his homosexuality, and throwing the brother's insults back in his face. "One day he was taunting me with a bunch of his friends," he said with a smirk, "calling me fag and cocksucker yet again, and I just looked at his friends and said, Ask him how he knows that.' His girlfriend was right there, and I asked her, Does he make that little squeak when he cums for you?' I could tell by the look on her face that he did, and that was that. She broke up with him, and he lost a whole bunch of his friends. From that moment on, he was a pariah--his name was mud with the homophobes, and the gay-friendly types at our school loathed him to start with."

Listening to Trevor tell his story as the three of us lounged, barely dressed, at my kitchen table drinking wine, I felt somewhat ashamed at my own ambivalence. I was--am--firmly bisexual, but I could see why that rubs some gay people the wrong way. When you've had to fight through the kind of misery Trevor faced (and it wasn't the worst I'd heard, not by a long shot), it's easy to see how the "bi" label might look like wimpy equivocation.

Fortunately, Trevor was not one to care about such things. You are what you are, he said dismissively when I ventured a tepid apologia for my fence-sitting.

When he was sixteen, he was rewarded for his courage by an affair with, as he put it, "An Adonis in his mid-twenties." His older lover took it upon himself to educate him in the erotic arts, teaching him how to be both a generous lover and to be apologetic about seeking his own pleasure. The Adonis was, Trevor said, very matter-of-fact about sex, its mechanics, and about being careful--both in terms of being safe, and in terms of not finding oneself enslaved to assholes like the execrable older brother. He brought other men into their lovemaking, taught him how to fuck and be fucked, how to torture someone with pleasure and the ecstasy of being se tortured yourself.

All of which is by way of saying that Trevor was far more experienced than me; far more experienced than Adam too, but my erstwhile lover at least had had a series of real relationships with men before meeting Trevor, whereas I had a handful of near-anonymous encounters with similarly bi-curious men. When I jokingly voiced my anxiety about my inexperience, Trevor grinned. "Don't worry, gorgeous," he said. "You're a natural."

But all that was to come in the days that followed that first night. If I had been worried that the threesome was going to be awkward or weird, my concerns were quickly put to rest. Trevor joined me in sucking Adam's cock as if it was the most natural thing in the world; but what amazed me was how much it felt like he and I were making out, having our own private moment as we kissed each other around the swollen head of Adam's cock. Our hands found each other's cocks, and after Adam came we greedily kissed, licking and sucking his cum from each other's faces.

Then they forced me onto my back, and the next thing I knew, Trevor was nuzzling my neck while Adam kissed me deeply. They slowly moved down my chest, and for a few moments I had the delirious pleasure of having both my nipples teased and sucked. I might have cum right there ... had I not already loosed my seed twice that night. They kissed their way down my torso, and by the time they reached my cock, it was tight and hard and leaking madly. I looked down to see them kissing with my cock between their mouths; the feeling was indescribable, but it was watching them, seeing these two beautiful men lavishing attention on my cock, that nearly put me over the edge.

One or both must have sensed how close I suddenly was, for they paused and looked up at me. Adam's lips were parted and glistening, his eyes half-lidded with lust; Trevor stroked my slicked shaft with a grin.

"How about that fuck now?" he asked.

"Yes. Fuck yes."

His eyebrow arched. "You want me to fuck you, or do you want to fuck me?"

"Fuck me."

"As you wish." His grin broadened, and he clambered up over me and kissed me hard. He grabbed the bottle of lube from the bedside, but before he could apply it to himself, I snatched it away and squeezed some into my palms. I reached down and slid my hands over his hard shaft, and that was the first moment I realized what a gorgeous cock he had. As I ran my hands over him, up and down, his eyes closed to slits and his breathing got faster.

"Holy shit," he whispered. "Christ, that feels good."

I leaned forward and whispered into his ear, "This is a pretty amazing cock. I can see why Adam likes you."

He chuckled, and pushed me back down on the bed. He positioned himself between my legs, and I felt his hot, swollen cockhead slide up the cleft of my ass to rest against my hole. I moaned. Very, very slowly, he pressed forward and his cock popped past my sphincter. He exhaled with a hiss of pleasure as he slid his cock home.

"Ohh, yesss ... you are nice and tight. This is a very, very, very sweet ass."

"Fuck me," I moaned.

"Say it again."

"Fuck. Me. Hard. Fuck me with that amazing cock."

And he started to pump his hips, slowly at first, twisting slightly as he slid into me.

Adam lay stretched out beside me, idly playing with my nipple, grinning contentedly as I moaned and whimpered. Leaning into my ear, he whispered,

"He's good, isn't he?"

"Holy shit. Yes. Yessssss."

And he was. Trevor knew what he was doing ... every thrust sent a new wave of pleasure deliriously through me until I was all but incoherent. Like Adam, he liked to talk.

"Like that?" he murmured silkily.

"Fuck yes. Fuck me."

"Say it again."

"Fuck me."

"You like my cock?"

"Yes. Yesssss. Holy shit."

"What do you like about it?"

"It's so. Fucking. Hard. Ooohhhhhh ... God in heaven. Yesss. So good."

He reached down and slid his hand over my cock. "So is yours. So hard, so sweet. Nice and big. Can't wait to feel it in my ass."


Adam, who had been playing with my nipples, now leaned down and starting teasing them with his tongue. The sensation of having my nipples licked while getting fucked was unreal, and I dissolved into mindless ecstasy. I no longer knew where I ended and the others began. My whole world was focused on Adam's mouth and Trevor's cock.

The rhythm of his fucking changed slightly as he leaned forward and angled down. His cock started hitting my prostate, and I cried out. I felt my cock twitch, and I said, "Holyshitholyshit I'm cumming."

Surprised, Trevor looked down in time to see my cock swell and jet cum up over my chest. His expression changed from heavy-lidded pleasure to wide-eyed shock. His mouth made an O, and he threw his head back, gasping, "Holy shit. Me too." Thrusting himself deep inside me, I felt him go rigid and felt his cock spasm deep in my ass. He let out a guttural cry, and then collapsed on top of me. Neither of us could speak.

"That," said Adam with something like awe in his voice, "was just about the hottest thing I've ever seen. When do I get fucked?"

Thanks for reading, everyone! New chapter coming soon, I promise. :-) Meanwhile, let me know what you think at damon9888@hotmail.com

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