Exploring Adam

By Damon Ellison Ellison

Published on Jun 26, 2012


Hi all--thanks everyone for the amazing feedback and emails. I love hearing from you all! Keep them coming, at damon9888@hotmail.com.

I've started an email list to let people know when I've written a new installment, so if you want to keep abreast of things, let me know. One small requirement: you have to let me know (1) what your favourite moment has been, and (2) what effect it has had on you. Or, (3) send me a beautifully explicit description of your, ah, physical response to these stories!

Our shower was a lovely, languorous thing, in which we soaped each other's bodies as we made out. It reminded me, vividly, of the times we'd showered together that weekend before ... and there was some satisfaction, for me, in that my shower now reflected my success--the en suite bathroom I had was handsome and large, and the shower itself bore no resemblance to the grotty bathtub of my grad school years. No, now I had a jacuzzi bathtub and a separate, sizable shower space with frosted glass. I was slightly ashamed to feel as smug as I did while I kissed Adam and his soap-slick hands ran up and down my cock.

When we had cleaned ourselves and toweled each other off, we slid back under my sheets and played with each other's cocks while we kissed. To my surprise, I was the one to tone down our ardor.

"It's 11:40," I whispered, after glancing at the clock. "Trevor will be back soon."

"And that doesn't turn you on?" Adam's lips found my earlobe and his hand found my cock, squeezing the shaft gently while his thumb smeared my precum over the head.

I moaned. "Holy shit, yes. But ... shouldn't we ..."

"Be lying chaste under the sheets when he comes in?" he finished for me. He bit my ear, and I made an inarticulate noise between a cry and a growl. "Fuck, no. I know Trevor. We need to be in flagrante when he comes in."


I grabbed Adam's shoulders and forced him onto his back. I gave him a deep, passionate kiss that made him moan, and then started trailing kisses down his neck and chest. I paused to tease his nipples, and he started to thresh ardently beneath me. As much as I wanted to taste his freshly soaped cock, I forced myself to take my time, kissing and licking and sucking my way down his flat belly. When I finally reached his cock, it was deliciously hard and swollen, leaking precum, screaming for my mouth. But I kissed and licked my way down the inside of his thighs while he whimpered and begged, finally coming back up to tease his balls with the tip of my tongue. I pushed his legs back and ran my tongue over his anus, fresh and clean from the shower. With my right hand I teased his hard cock, running my fingertips up and down the shaft.

"Oh, for the love of god," he whimpered. "Suck me. Suck me!"

"What time is it?" I asked.

A noise that might have signified disgust, might have meant desire, rumbled through him. He twisted around to look at the clock by my bedside.

"11:55," he gasped finally.

"How punctual is your boyfriend?"

Adam stilled for a moment. "Not very."

I sighed theatrically. "That's a shame," I said sadly. "Because I'm not touching your cock until he arrives."

With that, I went back to sliding my tongue over his balls and he whimpered and moaned.

Never in my life have I teased anyone, man or woman, as I did Adam for the next forty-five minutes. I had no particular reason to wait for Trevor ... I had just capriciously decided that my old lover must suffer excruciating pleasure. I lapped his balls until they dripped; I kissed and licked this inside of his thighs, and then I bit them; I pushed his legs back and drove my tongue into his asshole and teased that tight rosebud until he was delirious with desire. All the while I ran my hands up and down his thighs and up his belly and chest, teasing his nipples to hardness, every so often pulling back to drink in the sight of his gorgeous cock, so hard and swollen, leaking precum like a faucet.

It was almost a letdown when I heard the front door open. Almost.

Part of me wanted, instinctively, to get off Adam and hide. But another part of me--the part, apparently, that made my cock twitch--urged me on to greater, and louder, worship of Adam's nether regions. I heard Trevor's footsteps, heard him doff his jacket in the living room and pause on the threshold of the bedroom. He said nothing; Adam said nothing, merely continued to moan in ecstasy. After a moment, Trevor stepped into the room, and out of the corner of my eye I saw him crouch beside the bed to speak to Adam.

"I gotta say," he murmured, "this is pretty fucking hot. What do you want me to do?"

"Fuck him," I heard Adam whimper. "He so needs to be fucked."

Trevor chuckled throatily. "Oh, baby, believe me ... the first thing I saw walking through that door was his ass, and I am totally going to fuck him. But am I right in thinking he's teasing you mercilessly?"

Adam whimpered as I ran the tip of my tongue up the crevasse between his scrotum and his thigh. Trevor chuckled again.

"Oh, this one knows how to do it, all right. I think I'll help him out."

Trevor stood, and I head him slowly shucking his clothes, letting them fall to the ground. He knelt again beside the bed and kissed Adam deeply, and then he slid up beside me between his legs.

"Room for me here?" he asked, and placed his hand on the back of my head. Twining his hand into my hair, he pulled my face toward him and kissed me.

His face was raspier than Adam's, but his lips and tongue more knowing. I tasted vodka ...obviously he had gone from the restaurant to a bar, but the taste wasn't unpleasant, and he wasn't acting drunk.

"Can we share?" he asked breathily when he broke the kiss, and all I could do was nod. We each pushed one of Adam's legs back, and slid our tongues up either side of his cock. After being teased for so long, Adam moaned loudly, and his cock throbbed under my tongue. Trevor's mouth and mine met at the head of his cock, where we both greedily lapped at the precum that had oozed out over my lengthy teasing. Trevor surprised me with another kiss, his tongue clashing with mine over the head of Adam's cock. We vied with our wet, open mouths over that swollen knob of flesh, taking turns swallowing it, each of us swallowing it deeper until we were taking turns sucking the length of Adam into our mouths, pausing every few times to kiss and taste his juices on each other's lips.

Trevor's hand made its way to my cock as we sucked Adam. He moaned appreciatively as his hand circled my hard shaft. Gasping as he came off Adam's cock, he said, "OK, obviously you need to fuck me too. I'm not leaving here without this cock in my ass."

At this stage, I was in what I can only describe as a delirium of desire. I was back sucking Adam's cock, but here also was this gorgeous man sharing it with me, stroking me as we brought my former lover closer to cumming. My own hand reached out blindly, and I found Trevor hard and leaking. For a moment I was consumed with the desire to dive down and suck him, but I knew Adam's rhythms too well, even after all this time--his cock was starting to swell, getting larger by the head, and I knew he was close.

Trevor knew it too. He reached his hand up again to the back of my head to pull me in as Adam started to gasp and tremble. I should have been irritated--no one needed to encourage me to milk Adam's cock--but somehow, I was even more turned on. Trevor and I pressed our lips to either side of the head of Adam's cock as he came in one, two, three hot spurts. Our tongues met again as we greedily lapped him up, and then we kissed deeply, sharing the salty taste of Adam's seed.

We continued to make out as Adam gasped, "Jesus. Fucking. Christ." He moaned as we licked and sucked up all the cum that had spattered on his legs and belly, and each others' faces.

Pausing, Trevor grinned at me in the dim light. "He is tasty, isn't he?"

The asshole who had irritated me over dinner was gone; in his place was an incredibly handsome, roguish man who made my cock twitch. Without thinking, I said,

"What was that you said before about fucking me?"

His eyes went sultry, and he chuckled again. "Patience, baby. Patience." His hand found my cock again and squeezed gently, his thumb smearing my precum up around the head. I shuddered involuntarily. "We'll get there. But first, I think my boyfriend and I want to suck you."

There was a growl of assent from Adam, and suddenly I hand two pairs of hands rolling me onto my back. Adam whispered in my ear, making me shiver, "I've wanted to do this for so long."

Thanks for reading, everyone! New chapter coming soon, I promise. :-) Meanwhile, let me know what you think at damon9888@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 13: Exploring Adam II 5

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