Exploring Adam

By Damon Ellison Ellison

Published on May 16, 2012


Hi all--thanks everyone for the amazing feedback and emails. I love hearing from you all,

and I especially love hearing the effect this story has on you and how, ah, you deal with that. :-D I feel I should add a disclaimer to this chapter, which is that I have left out the condom usage. When Adam and I were first together, he was clean and I'd never been with a man, so we through caution to the wind. This go around, we were more careful. But for the sake of the story I've left out the parts where use protection. Always practice safe sex!

And now, without further ado, enjoy the continuing saga of Adam and me ...

I kissed him back and whispered, "Aren't you worried we'll be spent and asleep when he gets here?"

He chuckled, stroking my cock. It had started to soften, but his touch and his throaty chortle in my ear made it stiffen anew.

"Not really," he replied.

I moaned into his mouth as he kissed me hard, and then pushed him toward my room. I kicked off my pants and his hands went to my tie and the top buttons of my shirt. "No," I growled, slapping his hands away. I tugged my tie off and tore my shirt open, and said, "Get the fuck in there and strip. If you're going to fuck me, I want a show."

He made a noise somewhere between a moan and a growl and turned and walked into my bedroom. He stopped at the foot of my bed and turned around with a flourish, his hands unbuckling his belt and sliding it out of its loops. He unbuttoned his pants and slowly slid down his zipper, but then grasped the hem of his sweater. In a single, fluid motion his swept his sweater and the shirt underneath over his head and let his thumbs come to rest in his sagging pants.

My breath caught. I remembered Adam as lithe, with a swimmer's body. He was still slim, but had added muscle to his shoulders and chest. I saw him register my admiration, and he grinned wickedly. He peeled his pants down, turning around so that as he bent over his ass strained against his underwear. He waggled it like a stripper, and what his teasing touch had started with my cock, his display finished--by the time her turned around to face me, my cock was totally hard again and leaking.

His own shaft was straining against the thin material of his boxer briefs, and I could see the damp spot where his precum leaked through. He ran his palm up and down the outline of his cock, moaning as he did, and asked, "You want this?"

"You know I do."

"Say it."

"I want your cock."


"In my mouth. In my ass. I want to suck you and have you fuck me."

"You want to see it?"

"Fuck. Yes. Show it to me."

With a coy little movement, he peeled down the waistband of his underwear so just the head was showing. I moaned and licked my lips, and he beckoned to me.

"Come here and kneel. Taste it."

I dropped to my knees in front of him and put my hands on either side of his hips. The head of his cock was deep red, swollen, and leaking. A single drop of precum stood out, and I leaned forward and licked it off. The moan Adam gave was worth all the cocks I'd sucked in the last five years, and I didn't need to look up to know his eyes had rolled back in his head. I swirled my tongue in a circle on his shaft just below the head, and, grasping the waistband of his underwear, pulled it slowly down. I followed it with my tongue, sliding it down the underside of his shaft, tasting his sweet and salty sweat, feeling the smoothness of his skin and the engorged bulge of the veins. I paused when I got to his scrotum, and then yanked his underwear down the rest of the way. I tickled his balls with the tip of my tongue, sucking one into my mouth and then then other.

Somewhere in all of this he sat down on the bed with a cry of ecstasy. I slid my tongue up his shaft and took the head in my mouth, holding it there for a moment, my tongue squirming against it as I tasted him and closed my hand around his shaft. I then swallowed him whole, feeling his hot cock pass into my throat, and I buried my nose in his pubes. He gave a shuddering gasp, and said something strangled I couldn't understand. I felt his hand go to the back of my head, pressing me down. I obliged him, holding his cock there in my throat as my tongue swept back and forth. Finally, when I needed to breathe, I came up, gasped wetly, and plunged my mouth down on him again. He whimpered.

I sucked him until his cock was slick with my saliva and his precum, and then started stroking him while I teased the head with the tip of my tongue. It always turned me on--how quickly he went from being the dominant one to lying back in helpless ecstasy, slave to everything I did to his cock.

I could feel him getting close, and I stopped, pulling my mouth off him and crawling up onto him. He moaned in protest, but I whispered in his ear, "Oh, no ... you're not cumming yet. I want to feel you cum in my ass like you promised."

At that, he tried to rise, but I pushed him back down. "Lie back," I ordered him, and retrieved my bottle of lube from the nightstand. Slicking up my hands, I slid them over his already-slippery shaft languorously, and he moaned again. Rubbing some of the lube over my asshole, I straddled him and pressed the head of his cock against me.

"You want this?" I asked.

"Yes. Fuck yes."

"Then fuck me." And I pushed down, feeling his swollen cockhead pop through my hole.

I hissed in pain at first--I hadn't been fucked since the first time I'd been with Adam, and had tightened up in the intervening years. I slid down over him, and whatever discomfort I felt at first was ecstasy to him--I saw his eyes roll back, and a shudder ran through his body. I grunted, hurting, but he stopped me, putting his hands on my hips, whispering, "Wait."

My tightness and his closeness worked together--he needed to come back from the brink and I needed to get used to his cock in my ass again. I shifted slightly, and leaned forward, kissing him gently. He responded hungrily, his tongue parting my lips, his hand going to the back of my head. As we kissed, he slid slowly, excruciatingly slowly, into me until he was up to the hilt, and we both shuddered. We broke the kiss, panting, and he stared into my eyes, his lips parted and wet.

"Fuck me," I said.

He moved his hips slowly, and the electricity I remember from before came back. As he slid out I cried out in pleasure, kissing him again.

"I'm close," he murmured in my ear, "I'm fucking close. Holy shit. Holy shit, you feel so good."

"Yeah?" I gasped, "How do I feel?"

"Hot. Tight. Wet."

"Fuck me."

"Ooooh. Yesssss. Say it again."

"Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me hard."

"Does that feel good?"

"Fuck yes. Holy shit, I've missed your cock."

"Ohhh, yesss."

"Fuck me."

"I'm close."

"Cum, baby. Cum for me. Cum in my ass."

"Ooooooooooooooohhhhh, fuuuuuuuuuuck ..."

I felt his orgasm tear through him, felt his cock suddenly swell and explode in me. His legs had gone rigid, all the muscles standing out clearly; his head was thrown back in ecstasy, his jaw clenched, his hands pulling my hips in close so his cock was buried in me up to the hilt. My own cock was rock hard again, pressed against his belly as I leaned down and nuzzled his neck.

We lay like that for several minutes as he gasped.

"Holy shit," he said finally. "That was ... incredible." His hands started playing up and down my back, and he reached down to find my cock hard and leaking. "And just the beginning, I can see."

I growled as he squeezed my shaft, and gasped as I felt his cock pulse in my ass. Reluctantly, I slid his softening cock out of me with an audible pop. I grabbed a handful of tissues from the bedstand, but he took them from me and gently wiped me with one hand while he slowly stroked my cock with the other. Even so soon after cumming the first time, he had me ready ... my cock strained and throbbed against his hand, desperate for release after I had been fucked so exquisitely.

Adam rolled me over on my back and slid his mouth down over my cock again, and for a moment I was afraid I was going to cum right there. I let him suck me for a few minutes; when I pulled him off my cock, he moaned reluctantly, but I pulled him up to me and whispered, "Your turn."

"Yes. Now."

"Now what?"

"I want your cock."

I ran my fingertips down his half-hard shaft and he shivered. I slid them down further, finding his tight little hole, and I teased him by stroking him gently. "Here?" I asked.

"Yes. Yessss ..."

I retrieved the lube from the nightstand and proceeded to rub the cool liquid over his quivering sphincter, sliding a finger inside him while my lips and tongue found his nipples. As I licked and sucked at his chest, I slid my finger inside him up to the second knuckle.

"Does that feel good?" I breathed in his ear.

"Fuck yes. Ohh, god, yes."

"Would you prefer something bigger?"

He squirmed underneath me, gasping, his reply lost in the involuntary sounds of pleasure rising through him.

"What's that?" I asked. "I didn't hear you."

"Yes," he moaned. "Fuck me. FUCK. ME."

"Roll over," I said, and he obeyed, rolling onto his belly and raising his ass invitingly off the bed. I was lubing my cock as he did, and the sight of him lifting his ass so eagerly nearly made me cum in my hand. But I took a deep breath and got onto my knees, sliding my slick shaft up the cleft of his ass, taking a moment to just enjoy the sensation. He moaned.

"Fuck me," he begged.

I grasped my cock and slid it down so that the head rested on his hole. Before I could press my hips forward, he pushed backward with a little cry of pleasure, taking me by surprise, and suddenly my cock was deep inside him.

"Ohhh, yessssssssssssssss ..." he moaned, and I cried out.

When I'd mastered myself, I leaned forward and whispered, "Slowly, baby ... you've got me right there, I am so fucking close ..."

"I don't care," he replied, sliding forward and then back again. "I want you to cum. I want to feel it. I want to feel you cum inside me."

His second stroke nearly took me over the edge. All of my being was focused on the pleasure he was giving me, on the slippery and hot and tight sensation of his ass clamped around my cock. He squeezed, and said, "Fuck me," and suddenly I didn't care either. I started to fuck him, slowly at first, but then gaining speed, while he gasped and moaned beneath me. I ran my fingertips down his spine as I fucked him, like I had done so many times in the past, and he shivered pleasurably even as I slammed into him harder and harder.

"Oh ..." I gasped suddenly. "Fuck."

He sensed how close I was, and he growled, "Cum, baby ... cum in me. I want to feel you cum."

With a little cry I thrust forward a final time, my hand finding his shoulder and pulling him down on me. Deep inside him I felt my cock swell and pulse and I came in two, three, four ecstatic bursts. He cried out too, and then crooned throatily as he milked my cock with his ass, squeezing hard as the last drops of my cum exploded inside him.

"Holy shit," I gasped. "I missed that."

"Me too."

I collapsed against him, and rolled off. He whimpered as my cock slid out. As I lay on my back, breathless, he propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at me, his fingertips tracing idle patterns on my chest. After a moment of not speaking, he gently took one of my hands and placed it on his cock.

He was hard again. "Fucking hell," I said with a laugh. "Some things don't change."

He laughed too. "Nope. You still give me a permanent boner." He looked at the clock beside the bed. "Which is good ... we have time for a shower before Trevor gets here." He grinned and kissed me deeply.

"I've missed you," he said.

I kissed him back. "Me too. I suppose we have a lot of lost time to make up for."

"Yes, yes we do. Now, about that shower?"

Thanks for reading, everyone! New chapter coming soon, I promise. :-) Meanwhile, let me know what you think at damon9888@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 12: Exploring Adam II 4

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