Exploring Adam

By Damon Ellison Ellison

Published on May 2, 2012


Hi everyone--wow, the last installment of this was back in September! Thanks everyone for your great comments, and apologies to those who wondered whether I would be continuing the story. Sorry for leaving you hanging, so to speak. ;-) But I'm back, and hopefully I'll be posting a few more chapters with some regularity. As always, I love getting your comments and feedback--and I especially love hearing the effect this story has on you and how, ah, you deal with that. :-D Email me at damon9888@hotmail.com.

I called Adam back the following evening, genuinely pleased that I would be seeing him and a little nervous to meet his boyfriend. He'd told me about Trevor in his emails--a talented actor working mostly in theatre, but who had gotten a few television roles here and there, as well as the principal role in an ad that had gotten a lot of air time. His television bits I had never seen, but I knew the ad well. He was a handsome, fine-featured man with a brilliant smile, and the first time it came on the TV after Adam had told me about it, I watched it with something between pride and jealousy. Adam's sexual career after coming out had been predictably brisk, and he told me all about it. I was more aroused than jealous to hear about his encounters--which he often described in lurid detail, knowing as he did how that would affect me--but it was a little different to see his current man in full color on my television set.

We chatted for nearly an hour when I called him back. I should have him about my encounter in Seattle, as we had always been open about our sex lives, but I refrained. I felt a little guilty about that ... but the experience was still too fresh, I told myself, and it had served to remind me a little too vividly about Adam. Later, I promised myself.

Anyway, he and Trevor would be coming through town in two weeks, staying for a few days, and I told him I was happy to put them both up. I could hear the gratitude in his voice: neither of them had much money, so free lodgings were a boon to them. I would be at work when their flight got in, so I told them I'd arrange for my key to be left with the condo supervisor, and I'd meet them at a restaurant when I finished work.

Two weeks. After I got off the phone I changed into sweats and poured myself a drink. I sat on my couch with the living room lights off, wondering how wise it was to put up Adam and his boyfriend ... it would be, after all, the first time I had seen him since our time together five years before. And as my lovely night with William in Seattle demonstrated, I still had the capacity for more than the occasional casual blowjob in me. I resigned myself to a few frustrating days, even as my cock started to stiffen at the memory of Adam's. I wondered if they would have sex in my guest room. Of course they would, I thought to myself ... they were young, horny, gorgeous men. They would probably have sex as soon as they got into my condo. I closed my eyes, calling Trevor's wide-lipped smile to mind from the ad, and imagined him on his knees in my kitchen, sucking Adam's beautiful cock. I pushed down my sweat pants, letting my hard cock spring out. I stroked myself as I thought of those two fucking in the room next to mine. Slowly, the images in my head shifted, and I remembered that last morning with Adam when I pushed him down onto my couch as we were ready to head out to the bus station. I fished his half-hard cock out of his jeans and teased it with my tongue, bobbing my head down in short, quick movements over his cockhead, trying to commit to memory the feel of that swollen bulb of flesh in my mouth.

Five years later I remembered it like yesterday. I moaned as I stroked myself, running my tongue over my lips and conjuring the feel and taste of his cock as I slid my mouth down over it. He knit his fingers into my hair as I sucked him, murmuring incoherently and then gasping as I brought him off. His cum filled my mouth, and the memory of it took me over the edge. I felt my own cock swell and spurt, getting suddenly slick as my cum ran down my hands.

I sat there, gasping. Sweet mother of god, I thought to myself ... this is going to be an ordeal. And I wondered how many times I would be jerking myself off alone in bed as I listened to Adam and Trevor fuck in the room next to me.

The day they arrived, I lingered at the office, nervous. I'd been edge all day--enough that a few people remarked on it. Finally, not able to put it off any longer, I put on my coat and caught a cab to the restaurant. I saw Adam right away. He was mid-laugh; Trevor sat with his back to the door, leaning forward, obviously having said whatever had made Adam laugh in a low and conspiratorial voice. When Adam saw me and waved, he straightened and turned around.

The look on Trevor's face was hard to fathom: curious and appraising, but also guarded and possibly slightly hostile. I sighed inwardly ... if he was going to be staying at my place for the next few days, I really hoped he didn't prove to be an asshole.

But one way or another, he was even more goodlooking than he was on TV.

Adam, however, was where my attention went: he was just as gorgeous as I remembered--even more so, really, as he'd filled out a bit and put on some muscle. His shoulders were broader than they had been, and he'd cut his dark hair short. But his face was the same, as was his smile.

He rose when I reached the table and embraced me unselfconsciously. "You look amazing," he said.

"So do you."

Trevor did not stand, but shook my hand from his seat, looking me frankly up and down. "You're taller than I expected," he said, as if grudgingly.

"Thanks, I think," I replied, and sat.

We ordered drinks, and I told them to have whatever they wanted--it was all on me. Adam grinned, but Trevor scowled slightly. "I can pay," he said, a little petulantly.

Adam gave him an admonishing look, and I said, as neutrally as I could, "I don't doubt it. I just mean, I'm your host, and I'm happy to meet you."

Rather than thanking me, or saying "Likewise," or something similarly polite, he instead picked up the menu and said, "Well, from the looks of your condo, you're not hurting or anything. So what's good here?"

I exchanged a look with Adam, flushed with embarrassment. I smiled, and shrugged. Oh, well ... I'd dealt with assholes before. I couldn't see what Adam saw in this idiot, but then love is blind. And if seeing my one great same-sex love meant putting up with Trevor's petulance and rudeness ... well, I could deal with that.

Dinner proceeded pretty much as you'd expect from the above ... I tried to engage Trevor in conversation, asking him about his acting and what else he'd done, but he was sulky and monosyllabic. He only seemed inclined to talk when I was speaking with Adam--then he would interject and make crude jokes, and just generally disrupt the flow of our conversation. I kept biting my tongue for Adam's sake--each time Trevor said something caustic, he looked stricken. I desperately wanted to tell Trevor off, but decided to wait ... this was just dinner, after all, and I promised myself I'd be pleasant for at least that long.

Finally, after the waiter had cleared our dinner plates, Trevor stood and said, "Bathroom break." He leaned over and whispered something in Adam's ear, and stalked off.

Adam and I sat in embarrassed silence for a moment.

"Well," I said finally, "he seems nice."

Adam burst out laughing, his first genuine laugh since I'd walked in. "I am so fucking sorry," he said. "He's being an ass, I know."

I shrugged. "I'm saying nothing."

"Don't." Adam scowled. "I warned him about this. He's an incredibly sweet guy, he really is ... one of the most generous people I know, and genuinely sensitive. He just ..." Adam paused, and sighed. "He gets this way when he feels inadequate."

"Inadequate?" That startled me. "Inadequate how?"

Adam smiled sadly at me. "You really don't see it, do you?"

"See what?"

"He's terrified of you. He wants us to share everything. He refuses to let us have secrets ... so we told each other all about our pasts. Everything. So he's had an earful about you--about what a crush I had on you when I was a kid, and how amazing those few days I spent with you were. He's jealous ... about a lot of stuff, really. See, in some ways he was lucky. He first had sex when he was thirteen."


"Yup. To hear him tell it, he knew he was gay when he was still in the womb. His first was a friend of his who liked getting sucked off and liked fucking him, but hated himself for it ... so he'd occasionally use Trevor to get off, and then ignore him for weeks at a time. So his first experiences weren't ... well ..."

"They weren't anything like yours," I supplied.

"Not at all," Adam smiled, and my heart fluttered. "See, he's jealous that my first time was so amazing, and so fulfilling. And he's jealous that is happened with someone like you. Someone as caring and passionate and gorgeous as you." He sighed. "He knows how much I care about you, and how important those few days were--and are--to me. And he loves me. And it drives him a little crazy to know that there's this amazing, glowing memory I have, to know that ... well ..." He dropped his voice, "To know that when I've had bad sex, I've thought about you to get me through it and get myself off."

"Really?" I felt myself flushing with pleasure. My cock was suddenly so hard it was all I could do not to reach down and give myself a surreptitious squeeze. "Wait--you told him that?"

Adam grinned wickedly. "He wanted complete honesty, so I gave it to him. But now of course he can't get it out of his head that I sometimes fantasize about you when he and I have sex."

"Do you?" I couldn't help but ask.

He lowered his eyes coquettishly. "Sometimes," he admitted. "But that's to be expected ... we've been together eight months, sometimes we get into a rut."

"But mostly ...?"

"Mostly it's amazing. He's a pretty fantastic lover--he loves to talk dirty, and is insatiable. He's actually a lot like you." Suddenly I felt his hand in my lap under the tablecloth, and he gave my hard cock a squeeze. "Mmm. That's what I remember." He inhaled raggedly, and whispered, "In truth, yours is still the best cock I've ever had. But don't tell Trevor that."

"Adam," I said, my voice strangled, "Trevor ... he'll--"

"He's not coming back," Adam said casually, not moving his hand.

"He's not ... wait, what?"

"He wanted us to have some alone time," he said. "Time to ... reacquaint ourselves. He's gone off to a bar. We have until midnight."

"Seriously?" Good god, I nearly came right there; as it was, I could feel the wet spot on my underwear where my cock was leaking, and I said a silent thanks that I was wearing dark pants. "But ... I thought he was jealous."

"He is." Adam gave me a squeeze. "But he's also ... pragmatic, shall we say? And he devised a plan ... if of course, you're up for it."

"A plan?" I felt lost.

"Yup. You see, he can't get over the fact that you were my first, and you were amazing, and you changed my life. It's something he can never be part of. Unless ..."


"Unless we all have sex together."

I was frankly dumbstruck. I had not seen that coming. "Together?"

"It makes a certain amount of sense, if you think of it," said Adam, and I felt his thumb start to massage my shaft through my pants. "It will, as he put it, unite my present and past. In addition to which, we all get to have amazing sex. If, of course, you're up for it."

"I ..." Was I up for it? Christ! I was nearly cumming in my pants at the thought of it, never mind Adam's skillful stroking beneath the table. But ... "But he hates me."

"No he doesn't. He was just being Trevor. Just before he left, he whispered in my ear that you were better looking than I had said, and he was looking forward to it all." Adam smiled again. "But my one condition was that I got some time to have you to myself beforehand."

"Until midnight?"

"Until midnight."

I called for the check.

We started making out in the elevator. My hand went right to his crotch, finding him hard, and I pressed the heel of my hand against his shaft, massaging it as best I could through his jeans. We disengaged with difficulty as the elevator opened on my floor, and hurried as best we could with our cocks straining at our pants to my door.

Once inside, my hands went back to his crotch, and I fumbled with his belt. He kissed me hard, his hands on my face, and walked me backward into my living room as my fingers worked his buckle. I wasn't even aware we were moving until I felt the couch at the back of my legs, and he pushed me down.

"Nice place," he said appreciatively.

"Shut up." My hands went back to his belt, but he slapped them away and knelt between my legs. "Me first." He undid my belt and unbuttoned my dress pants, his lips parted and wet. "God, I missed this," he murmured. "I love how hard you get." He opened my pants and ran a finger down the front of my underwear where my cock strained at it. He chuckled throatily as he touched the large damp spot. "You always did leak a lot."

He slowly pulled the elastic waistband down until just my head was exposed, and with an inarticulate growl he licked the slit, the tip of his tongue coming away with a thin thread of precum linking it to my cock. He looked up at me through eyes heavy-lidded with lust and licked his lips. "I dream of sucking you, lover."

"Suck me now."

"I'm going to. You must be close, yes?"


He grinned wickedly. "Good. I'm impatient for your cum."

He might have been impatient, but he took his time, sliding his tongue down the shaft of my cock as he pulled my underwear down. He slid it back up and rolled it around just below the head. I felt my eyes roll back in my head as I moaned in ecstasy.

"You ever think of me, lover?"

"All the time," I whispered. "I sit on this couch and stroke myself and think of your hot mouth on my cock."

"What else?" His tongue returned to my shaft, tapping and swirling at the sensitive skin.

"Oohhhhh ... FUCK. Yes, like that. Yes ... I think of your cock, of sucking you. I think of how hot your cum was in my mouth. I think of your cock in my ass, of how you used to fuck me."

"You want me to fuck you?"

"Fuck yes. Fuck me."

"OK. But only if you cum for me." His tongue went back to its ministrations.

"I will. I want to cum in your mouth. I want--Oh, fuck!"

My orgasm caught me by surprise, ripping through me as Adam continued to nuzzle my cock. I caught him in the face as my cock spasmed, two, three jets. He moaned and dove down on my cock, slurping up the dribbles that followed. I grabbed his face and pulled him up to me, licking myself off his face and kissing him hungrily.

"What time is it?" he whispered finally.

I glanced at the clock over his shoulder. "Nine o'clock."

"Good." He kissed me. "Now, we should go into your bedroom, which I've already noticed has a king sized bed. And I am going to fuck you. And before Trevor gets here," he kissed me again, "I want you to fuck me."

Next part coming soon! Let me know your thoughts at damon9888@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 11: Exploring Adam II 3

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