Exploring Adam

By Damon Ellison Ellison

Published on Aug 21, 2011


When my old friend Doug called and asked if I'd be willing to let his little brother Adam stay with me for a few days, my first thought was how boring it would be for the kid. "He's seventeen," I protested. "I don't know how to entertain a seventeen-year-old."

"Don't worry about it," Dough reassured me. "He's a good kid--nothing like your average teenager, and he's mature for his age. Besides, he'll only be seventeen for another month."

"That helps?"

"Maybe not, but he's always worshipped you."

"Sure, when he was nine years old." Doug was a friend of mine from high school, and we had done our undergrad degrees together. I spent a lot of my time at his house, and Adam was always around. He'd been like a puppy dog, sometimes irritating, but a good kid nevertheless. I'd been fond of him. But I hadn't seen him in years, and knew too well how good-natured kids could turn into nightmare teenagers.

"Don't worry," Doug said again. "He wants to check out the university, but doesn't have the money for a hotel. When I suggested he stay with you, he got totally excited."

"Thanks for asking first," I said sourly, but knew that I would give in. Even if I dreaded spending several days with Adam, it was a favor for Doug, and I'd have felt like a dick for turning him down. So I said yes, and Doug said, "Great. Can I tell him you'll meet him at the bus station."

"Sure. He still look the same? He hasn't gone goth or emo, has he?"

Doug laughed. "No, no. He's kind of a nerdy jock. Swim team and math club. Still looks the same, but a lot taller."

Well, that sounded better, I thought. Nerds I could deal with. I was, after all, doing grad school, which most teenagers would find baffling. So Doug told me the day and time he'd be arriving, and I wrote it on my calendar.

Seeing as how you probably have an idea of where this story is going, perhaps I should give you some personal background. At the time of this story, I was twenty-eight, in the midst of a doctorate at a university in a small university town. I was pretty good-looking and fit at the time (I'm still good-looking, just not as fit), and essentially hetero. I had, in fact, earned something of an undeserved reputation as a womanizer. But I had been bi-curious for a number of years. It started with reading gay erotica, then checking out gay porn, and then finding my way into bi-curious chat rooms. I wasn't really interested in the full range of the gay experience ... I was just fascinated with the prospect of sucking cock. Every so often when I jerked off I'd do something like stick a candle in my ass. While I liked it, I never really thought seriously about fucking or getting fucked ... I just wanted to suck someone off.

I finally got the courage to hook up with a guy I met in a chat room--he seemed safe, as he was married, and also only seemed interested in trading blowjobs. No kissing, he said clearly, and nothing beyond sucking. Fine by me. He came over to my place one afternoon, and we dropped our pants for each other. I quite liked the experience, enough to try it again with someone else I met in a chat room. That time was not as good ... he had a much smaller cock, and kind of got pissy with me when I wouldn't swallow. Then I hooked up with the first guy again, and managed to savor the experience somewhat more.

It left me with a taste for it, but then I got together with a woman for an ambivalent six-month relationship, and when I was single again I couldn't find my suck buddy in the rooms any more. Oh, well. I suppose a lot of you reading think I was pretty timid for not just picking someone up at a gay bar, but the whole thing was still quite new to me, and as I said, I was really only interested in sucking.

Anyway, the whole experience was a year behind me when Adam came to stay with me that May. I recognized him as soon as he stepped off the bus. He was still very much the kid I'd known, but he was tall and slim now, with an unruly thatch of black hair and a narrow, very handsome face. He was quite good-looking now, and I caught a number of the co-eds in the station looking at him appreciatively. He'll do well at university, I found myself thinking.

He was pleased and excited to see me, and mercifully didn't display any of the sullen or disaffected teenage angst I loathed. He was extremely grateful that I was letting him stay with me, and in fact wouldn't stop thanking me from the moment I met him to when we finally arrived at my apartment in my old, beat-up Civic. I finally had to tell him to stop, that I was happy to have him, and that we would have a lot of fun while he was here.

"And I'll get out of your hair whenever you like, so you don't always have me around," I promised.

Oddly, that seemed to upset him a little. "But ... you do want to hang out, right?"

"Of course. I just mean, let me know if you want to go off on your own."

That seemed to relax him. "OK, cool. But I was really hoping I could spend some time with you."

"No problem," I said, and I meant it by then--he was a nice kid, and I was in a bit of a lull school-wise, so I was looking forward to showing him around campus.

My apartment was a small one-bedroom on the third floor of a house. Once we were inside, he seemed to get a little nervous and jittery. I showed him the futon couch, telling him that's where he would sleep, and offered him a drink. "You drink beer, I'm guessing?" He nodded, and I handed him a bottle. I bustled around the living room a bit while he sort of followed me around, and I kept up a chatter about the university. I turned, and was startled to find him standing right behind me, uncomfortably close. His eyes had a look in them that was a little scared, a little forlorn. "Adam?" I asked, concerned, and suddenly he leaned forward and kissed me.

It completely took me by surprise, so much so that I didn't pull away. The kiss was urgent but chaste--his lips met mine, hard, but he did not open his mouth. He pulled away just as suddenly, stepping back, his hands coming up to his mouth as if in horror at what he had done.

"Oh, god," he said in a choked voice. "I'm so sorry. I didn't ... I mean, I always wanted, but I didn't think ..." I saw tears starting to threaten in his eyes, and I put my hands comfortingly on his shoulders. "Hey, hey," I said in a soothing voice. My own mind was in a whirl, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. "It's OK. You ... you say that's something you ... always wanted?"

"Yes," he said miserably. "I've always had a huge crush on you. It's really how I knew ... how I knew I was gay." He smiled through his tears. "Sorry. I can go now. I just thought, well, I'd hate myself if I didn't at least try."

"Wait." I could suddenly feel my hands trembling. I leaned forward and kissed him, pulling him by his shoulders toward me. He was clean-shaven but I could feel the gentle rasp of his stubble. In the few times I had hooked up with men, it was always just about sucking ... I never kissed them. It was different from kissing a woman, and exciting. His shoulders were strong and corded with an athlete's muscle. He responded by wrapping his arms around me and kissing me back, his mouth opening and his tongue, hungry and insistent, sliding into mine. He pressed his hips against me and I could feel his cock, hard in his pants, rubbing against mine. When he finally broke the kiss, he leaned back, his eyes dancing. "Wow," he said. "I never thought I'd get to do that."

"I never knew I wanted to," I replied breathlessly.

"So ..." he was suddenly shy again, looking at his feet. "So, you like guys?"

"I don't know," I said honestly. "I've experimented. I discovered a while ago that I got turned on by gay porn, and then I started checking out chat rooms."

"Have you ... been with a guy?"

"Sort of," I replied. "Twice I've hooked up with other bi-curious guys I met in chat."

"What did you do?"

"Traded blowjobs," I said, my voice getting a little ragged as I saw him getting excited.

"Tell me about it," he said, leaning in and kissing me again. When we broke the kiss he pulled me close and I leaned my head on his shoulder, speaking into the nape of his neck.

"The first one ... He came in, here, and we shook hands." I laughed a little at the memory, at the absurd formality of it. "Then he pulled down his shorts and sat down on the couch."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that."

"Was he hard?"

"No, which surprised me ... because I'd been hard since setting up the meeting."

He shifted his hips against me. "You're hard now."

"Yeah," I said thickly, and swallowed. "Anyway, he just sat down, and so I knelt between his legs. I started by licking his soft cock, tickling it with my tongue, finally taking the whole thing in my mouth. Slowly, he started to get hard. I was surprised at how big he got. I alternated between sucking and licking and stroking, and finally when he was at full hardness I tried to deepthroat him ... and only gagged, but he seemed to like that."

"Did he cum in your mouth?"

"No. Neither of us wanted that. But I remember, when he got close, his cock got even larger in my mouth ... almost too big."

I paused and said nothing for a few seconds, feeling Adam's body pressing against me. "Did you like it?" he asked finally in a hushed voice.

"Yes," I replied.

"Do you want to suck me?" he asked.

I paused again, not in hesitation but because I didn't trust my voice. Finally, I said thickly, "Yes."

He released me and, with a smile, stepped backward from me to the couch. "This was where you did it that time?"


He pulled his tee shirt over his head, revealing his smooth, lithely muscled torso. He unbuckled his belt and pulled his jeans off, revealing tight black boxer briefs and the bulge of his hard cock inside them. When he put his hands on his waistband, I said, "No. Let me." I stepped forward and fell to my knees, running a hand over the hardness straining against the fabric, my palm coming away wet where it brushed a spot of precum leaking through. Slowly, my breath coming in short gasps and my hands trembling, I grasped the waistband of his underwear and pulled them down. The elastic caught briefly on the head of his cock, and it snapped back to slap his belly, swaying enticingly in front of my face. It was almost seven inches long and curved slightly up and to the left. He was circumcised. The head was large, flaring out a quarter inch from the shaft. I hadn't seen anything so beautiful in a long, long time.

Looking up at him, I placed my hands on his hips, and ran the tip of my tongue up the length of his shaft, teasing that soft patch of skin just beneath the head with a few flicks. His eyes rolled back in his head and he moaned. He took a staggering step back and collapsed on the couch, splaying his legs open. I crawled forward and licked his shaft again, pausing at the top and then sliding my mouth down over him as far as I could. I could feel his cock twitch and throb in my mouth as I held it there for a moment before continuing to slide him in and out of my mouth. He started to squirm in his seat, placing his hands on the back of my head and muttering, "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Yes. Holy fuck."

I slid my mouth off him, to take a breath, but continued stroking him with my hand. Between my spit and his copious precum, he was well lubed, and I could slide my hand up over the head and back without friction. I was about to suck him again, running my thumb over his glans and leaning forward when he suddenly tensed and said, "Oh shit oh shit sorry sorry" and his cock exploded, cum spraying out in three big spurts and catching me in the face.

He looked down at me, mortified, but I laughed. "I'm sorry," he said miserably, "I should have warned you better."

"No worries," I said. "I remember what it was like to be seventeen." To make him more comfortable, I wiped a glob of his juice from my cheek and slowly, deliberately sucked it off my finger.

It was the first time I had ever tasted cum other than my own, and I was surprised at how much I liked it. It was salty and slightly fishy, but it tasted of lust and desire. "Give me some of that," said Adam throatily, leaning forward and licking some of himself off my cheek. He pushed me backward on the floor, licking and sucking his cum off my face, then kissing me urgently. As he did, he scrabbled at my shirt, lifting it over my head, and then at my belt. In his haste, he fumbled, unable to get it open. Finally I reached down and undid it myself, while he crouched over my pelvis, muttering, "Hurry. Hurry. I want it. Now." When my belt was off and my jeans open, he literally dove down, yanking my jeans an underwear away and swallowing my cock like a starving man.

I was so turned on by this point, and Adam sucked me with such abandon, that it was hard to hold out any longer than he had. He made it harder--in both senses of the term--by moaning with such obvious pleasure as he sucked me. When he lacked in technique (not that I'm one to talk), he made up for in enthusiasm. His mouth was hot and wet and utterly insistent, and it wasn't long before I was gasping, "Fuck. I'm cumming." He chuckled around my cock when I said that, and moaned even more deeply as I shot into his mouth. He milked my cock with his mouth until he had taken every drop, and then stretched himself out on top of me, kissing me. I could taste our mingled cum on his tongue.

"Was that as good as that other guy?" he whispered.

"Oh, god," I moaned. "So much better. I didn't know it could be that good."

"Me neither," he said. And then shyly added, "You're my first."

That surprised me. "Seriously?"

"Yeah. I've jerked off with friends before, but never sucked anyone." He hesitated for a minute. "You're not going to get weird now, are you?"

I answer, I reached down and grabbed his cock, which was already hard again. "Mmm," I said. "Here's the advantage of being seventeen." I kissed him, amazed at how electric it felt to have his tongue in my mouth. "You know, I always regretted not doing more with that guy. You don't want to go up to campus any time soon, do you?"


Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, please let me know at damon9888@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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