
By Me McMe

Published on Mar 18, 2005


The first thing I did when I got home following my last encounter at the toilet block was to see if I could remove the metal band and lock that had been placed around my genitals. Unfortunately it was very strong and there was not enough room to use any strong tools. Not that I would have risked letting anything sharp or powered get that close to my genitals.

I resigned myself to the fact that I would have to wear this thing. I also realized that there was no way I could have sex with anyone, male or female, while wearing it. How could I explain it?

For the rest of that week I became more and more sexually desperate with no way to relieve my sexual tension. I was dying for a fuck and knew that the only people I could have sex with were the boys in the toilet. I knew that there would probably be some pain involved, if they continued to punish me, but at least I would get a chance to have an orgasm and blow my load during the sex I would have with them. I couldn't wait.

Finally the day arrived and as soon as I finished work I almost ran to the toilets in the park.

As I rushed in, almost breathless, I noticed that there were four boys present on this occasion. To me, the extra boy just meant an extra fuck, so I was quite happy to see him there.

"Stop!" one of the boys commanded.

I stood very still waiting for his next command.

"What do you think you are doing?" he demanded. I was confused. Surely he knew why I was here.

"You've just broken our number one rule" he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You are wearing pants in our presence, that is not acceptable!" he said sternly.

"Sorry" I said as I quickly removed my pants.

The boys stared at my waist and looked very displeased.

"What the hell are they?" the first boy asked in disgust.

He was pointing at my underpants. I couldn't see what was wrong with them.

"You are NEVER to wear underpants!" the boy shouted. "How dare you!"

"I'm very sorry" I said as I quickly removed the offending clothing, revealing my most intimate parts to the boys once more.

"It's too late" the boy said. "You must be punished for this. Turn around."

I turned away from the boys. I braced myself for what was to come. It wasn't long before I heard the swish of the cane and the crack as it contacted my flesh and sent a wave of pain through my buttocks. My hands instantly went back to cover my burning flesh.

"Move your hands or the punishment will be worse" the boy with the cane commanded.

Slowly I moved my hands away to expose my ass for more punishment. The cane made several more contacts with my ass and I was brought to tears trying to hold back the pain.

All I could think of was the great sex that would soon follow. The powerful climax that I would reach, finally releasing all the built up sexual tension.

As if they could read my mind, one of the boys said "You've been enjoying all this more than we have. You have corrupted us for your own pleasure, now you even enjoy getting punished. We've seen you cum and that just isn't right."

"What do you mean?" I asked. Getting worried.

"It isn't right that you should enjoy corrupting us, and cum because of it. And it certainly isn't right that you should cum when being punished. What sort of punishment is that?" the boy said.

"We'll have to do something about that" another boy said as he approached me from behind. "Here, put this on."

He made me put get into what looked like a pair of underpants. When they were pulled up I realized that they were not normal underpants. They had a strap around the waist and straps around the top of each thigh. There was a piece of material covering the groin.

The sole purpose of this piece of clothing was to restrict my penis, to prevent it from becoming erect. Meanwhile the entire ass, including my anus, was left exposed and accessible.

"No, please" I begged. "Please don't do this" I pleaded.

I was very distressed firstly at realizing that my long awaited climax would no longer be achievable and secondly that my penis was now being dominated by these boys.

"And remember" said the boy with the cane. "This is only material and won't offer any protection."

As if to illustrate what he meant, the boy gave me a short, sharp whack with the cane, right across my restricted penis. I felt the full intensity of the pain through the material and buckled to my knees, cupping my useless manhood with my hands.

Whilst on my knees, one of the boys grabbed me by my hair and pushed my head down so my ass was once again thrust up ready to receive whatever desires the boys had. I could only hope for the best.

Quickly, the first boy lubed my asshole and mounted me, bareback as usual. Sex! Finally. The pain and suffering were over and the sex was about to begin.

The rhythmic pounding of the boy's thrusts instantly began arousing me. I noticed however that my penis was not able to fully enjoy this, being held tightly beneath the material. As I became more and more aroused I still could not feel the usual hardening, throbbing and heating of my penis.

The first boy claimed his rights to my anal pleasures with a huge injection of cum. As the second boy quickly mounted me I realized that the only way I was going to enjoy this sex was anally. I focused the pleasure centre of my brain on my ass.

I began to feel the shaft of the penis as it ran its length into and out of me. I could feel the flesh of the shaft rubbing the folds of my anus, in a gentle caress. My awareness of the pleasures I was receiving from being fucked was becoming intense and I started to tighten and relax my anus in time with the thrusts, milking the boy for every bit of sexual pleasure I could get from him.

The boy groaned intensely as he shot his load into me. Obviously his pleasure had been heightened too as he had never reacted so strongly when climaxing on previous occasions.

"Man, you're a natural bitch!" he said, with obvious pleasure.

I knew the comment should have offended me, but I felt pleased that I could perform so well using just my ass and that I could enjoy it so much myself.

The next boy eagerly entered me and as I focused my sexual awareness on my ass I could feel his swollen knob entering me and with each thrust it stimulated my prostate which was sending strong signals to my penis desperately trying to get it erect. But it could do no good against the tight material holding my penis down.

After the boy had emptied his balls into me and the last boy had done likewise I was expecting either some more punishment or an end to the day's proceedings. It was not to be.

One of the boys walked up to me and reached up between my legs from behind. I became quite excited and quite fearful at the same time. I heard a click and felt some pressure against my testicles. Looking back I saw that a thin chain had been attached to the band around my genitals.

The boy holding the chain tugged the chain firmly and brought it up from behind, along my ass crack and up towards my head. He began to walk. Obediently, like a small puppy I followed him on all fours. Partly to save any pain to my genitals, and partly as I felt he was in total control of me.

For some strange reason, as he walked me my eyes were fixed on his semi-erect penis, bobbing as he walked.

He walked me like a submissive dog over to another part of the toilet, where he then attached the chain to a small grate in the floor. I was now unable to move in any direction and could rise no higher than on my knees. As I was pondering my new predicament the boy produced a dark piece of cloth. He fastened it around my eyes.

I was now blindfolded and chained. My body was no longer my own to command.

I was totally at the mercy of these boys and whatever their desires had in store for me. I could have reached up and tried to remove the blindfold but I was terrified about the punishment that might bring.

I listened to try and find out what the boys were doing. I heard some soft talking going on at the other end of the toilet. Footsteps. Getting closer. What was going to happen?

I felt someone kneel behind me and their hands firmly grasp my buttocks. They began to knead my buttocks, as I had so often done with girls' breasts.

These were not the hands I was used to. They felt strange. Rougher and bigger than the boys' hands.

I then felt the sudden, sharp pain of a penis being thrust into me. The person fucking me must have been sex starved as they pounded me ferociously.

They grabbed my feet and lifted them to press against my buttocks. That position made me feel somewhat feminine.

"Who is that?" I asked. Nobody answered.

Suddenly I felt a hand grasp my hair and pull my face up.

"How about a little pig on a spit? You don't mind?" I heard a boy ask.

"No, go ahead. I am only paying for the ass and the blindfold. I don't mind sharing the rest" said the person enjoying my ass.

They were prostituting me! Selling my ass! This was never supposed to happen.

I was about to voice my protests when my mouth was suddenly filled with cock. I had never sucked cock before and the taste, smell and sheer size of it in my mouth made me start to gag. I had to fight to overcome the need to gag so that I could breathe as the two penises skewered me at both ends.

I found it was easier to cope with the cock in my mouth if I kept my tongue very moist and loosened my throat, allowing the cock to penetrate further down with less resistance.

After bouncing back and forth between the two cocks for some time the boy finally exploded, filling my mouth with his hot, sticky juice. I could do nothing but swallow. I swallowed what felt like several mouthfuls before I could breathe again. As I was gulping down the boys seed I felt the person behind me climax and inject his seed into me as well. I was being filled at both ends.

I had a stranger's cum inside my ass, and I was never likely to know who it had come from. I wasn't going to be allowed to pick and choose whose cum my body would absorb.

"Wow, you sure this is a man?" said the voice behind me, his hands roaming over my ass cheeks.

"Yes, but he fucks like a hot bitch doesn't he?" came one of the boy's voices in reply.

"Sure does. He is more bitch than man!" the voice responded.

They were talking about me like I wasn't there. I felt too ashamed to voice any protest.

"With a bit of fixing up, you've got a gold mine there boys!" the voice said.

I didn't know what he meant but I was overcome with a feeling of unease about that comment.

"What fixing exactly?" asked one of the boys.

I heard them talking softly to each other but could not make out much of what was being said. The only words I could vaguely make out were "...next week...".

I heard someone leave the toilet and then the boys came over to me.

Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack!

Before I could react I felt the cane strike across my ass extremely painfully five times.

As I openly sobbed with pain, a boy said "That's for eavesdropping on our conversation."

I felt hands moving everywhere as the blindfold was removed, the chain unclipped and the penis restraint removed. The band was still around my genitals. I was still their property.

"Make sure you are here next week!" a boy commanded.

I looked up at him, submissively, with some tears still in my eyes. "Yes, whatever you say."

"Just you remember that!" the boy said as they all turned and left.

I stood up, for the first time in ages. I gathered my clothing. I didn't feel like I deserved to be dressed. To hide the shame that had just been submitting itself to fucking, caning, sucking. So I looked around to see if anyone was present. I then quickly ran to my car, totally naked, got inside and drove home.

I was still feeling quite horny. But I was also feeling very sore, very sticky and very humiliated.

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