
By Me McMe

Published on Mar 10, 2005


A couple of days after my previous experience in the toilet with the boys using my ass to learn about sex, I was at the mall doing a bit of shopping. I was sitting down having a cup of coffee when I noticed a very cute girl sitting nearby. She had a very short skirt and a lovely pair of legs. I was getting aroused watching her and this pleased me as it was reaffirming my sexuality.

As the girl got up to leave I noticed how shapely her ass was. I wondered what it would be like to see, to touch. Then I started wondering if my ass had appeared that attractive to the guys in the toilet. I wondered if they had liked the smooth fleshy curves of my buttocks. My interest in the girl instantly dropped and I decided to go into the toilet to see if my ass was indeed that cute.

As I entered the toilet I checked to see if anyone else was around. It was empty so I dropped my pants and used the only mirror to see if I could look at my own ass. Whilst I was modeling my own ass for myself I didn?t notice the old man entering the toilet. He must have been standing there watching me for a few minutes and I noticed that his eyes were fixed on my ass.

?Sorry? I said and bent down to pull up my pants.

?Don?t be sorry. If I had an ass like that I wouldn?t be sorry!? he replied, with his eyes not moving from my ass.

?Thanks? I said.

?No, thank you!? he said. ?Thanks for letting me see something so beautiful.?

I blushed like a school girl and was deeply honoured that he would say such a thing. As a reward for him I deliberately stood back up and turned so he could get a full view of my ass.

He walked over to me and cupped his hands on my butt cheeks.

?Mmmmmm, they feel as good as they look? he said and I closed my eyes and felt his hands roam all over my fleshy buttocks.

?Take me? I heard myself whisper.

?I?d love to, but I can?t. I have a? problem?.? he said.

I felt somewhat disappointed until he knelt down and parted my cheeks. He pressed his lips firmly against my anus and slipped his tongue inside as he gave me a long, passionate kiss there. He then got up and left. I was extremely excited and as horny as anything.

Oh God, you really are a sex toy. I thought to myself about my ass.

For the next few days I was constantly horny. Every time I showered my hands roamed my ass. As I was drying and dressing myself, my hands were constantly on my ass. I would play with my ass when I was in bed, until I went to sleep. The urge was getting unbearable. Then came the day I had been waiting for. I was heading back to the toilet to see if the boys were interested in pleasuring themselves with me. (Or was I more interested in pleasuring myself with them?)

After work I strolled over to the toilet block in the park. After a glance around I headed inside. Three of the boys were there, waiting.

?Is this all?? I asked.

?We?ll be more than enough for you? one of them laughed.

I certainly hope so.

?OK, give us our toy? one of the boys demanded.

I liked his demanding tone and instantly I removed my clothes. The boys looked on as I stood there before them in all my naked glory. They asked me to turn around and they checked me out all over.

?OK, I am fucking horny? said one of the boys. ?Up against the wall.?

I pressed myself face first against the wall. Using his feet he kicked my legs further apart.

?Are we trying something different today?? I asked innocently.

?Oh yeah, definitely different? said the boy. He proceeded to remove his pants and as he stepped up behind me I could feel his very hard cock press against the crack of my ass. It was wet, as he?d obviously lubed it. The head of his cock slid down my ass crack until it found my hungry anus. With a painful but pleasurable thrust his cock was inside me.

As he began to pound me and I could hear my butt cheeks slap against his hips I realized he was not wearing a condom.

?What about the condom?? I said protestingly.

?After all the cum your ass swallowed last time, I don?t think you need to worry about a condom. Besides we prefer to feel flesh on flesh.? he replied.

These boys certainly had learnt a lot from my last lesson with them. This boy was acting like a professional.

He pressed his hips hard against my buttocks as he climaxed inside me. I felt disappointed as it must have been more pleasurable for him than for me. I promised myself to enjoy the next fuck.

It wasn?t long before the next boy stepped up behind me and inserted his meat into me. That meat, I needed that meat.

He pumped me hard and fast until his seed became one with me. That was more pleasurable then the last. I guess I just had to loosen up and enjoy the ride.

The next boy squeezed his huge swollen glans into me and I sighed in delight. He began thrusting into me so hard and fast that my chest was being slammed against the wall. His last thrust was deep and hard and I swear I could actually feel his knob opening and closing in spasms as it shot it?s load into me.

As he withdrew I could hear the cum dripping from my ass and splatting on the concrete floor. That sound was very arousing. These boys were filled with loads of hot young cum and they wanted to give it just to me? I felt special.


My attention was suddenly drawn to my ass where I felt my butt cheeks quiver and burn after a strong hard slap had been given to them.

?Ouch! That hurt!? I said as I cupped my butt with my hands and turned towards the boys.

?I bet this will too!? said one of the boys as his hand swiped across my erect shaft.

I heard the slapping sound and felt the pain come from my unprotected, exposed, erect penis. I fell to my knees, cupping my penis with my hands.

?What was that for?? I asked, with a slight hint of anger mixed with pain.

?We just want you to be a good sex toy? said a boy.

?I?m not your sex toy, I was only letting you use my ass? I objected.

?Well, we love the ass, but we really want to have some fun? came the reply.

?Sure, but with someone else? I said.

Suddenly I felt a foot come up between my legs from behind. It pressed hard against my balls and then it lifted my ass. As I was on my knees and had my hands covering my sore penis I fell face first onto the floor. My ass was kept up by the foot and my balls were hurting from the pressure. This all happened too quick for me to react.

?You enjoy satisfying us. You really enjoyed yourself last week? said the owner of the foot.

?I was only helping you out? I replied.

?By letting us fill your ass with cum? chuckled the boy.

I couldn?t think of a suitable reply and I feared that if I retaliated too much or tried to get up the pressure on my balls would increase.

?Admit it, you?re just a slut with a hungry ass? taunted another boy.

A soft tap to my nuts by the foot convinced me to reply ?Yes, I am.?

I considered going along with them until they let me up then I would run for it.

As if they could read my mind, one of the boys picked up my pants and underpants. He drew out a pocket knife and slashed my underpants to shreds. He then put my pants into a plastic bag. I knew I couldn?t run off now, not with everything I had exposed to full public view.

?Your slutty ass has corrupted us. We are all straight guys and now we just love fucking your ass? they said.

?I?m sorry, I didn?t want for this to happen? I almost sobbed.

?We know. You can?t be blamed for having such a beautiful ass. It?s a perfect sex toy and we can?t resist it? one of them said.

?So it is your ass that must take the blame? another boy said.

I didn?t know what they meant, and I was relieved when the foot was removed from between my legs. I breathed a sigh of relief.


I whinced as I felt the hard sharp pain burn across my buttocks. I looked back and saw one of the boys holding a long piece of cane. Another boy stood beside me and placed his foot between my shoulder blades and forced me down into the submissive position. It appeared as though I was offering my ass to the boy to do with as he wished.

The cane came down on my ass again. Whack! The pain was intense. The sound of the cane whooshing through the air and the cracking sound as it smacked against my soft fleshy buttocks was sickening.

?You filthy whore of an ass? Whack! ?You have enslaved us by your irresistible beauty? Whack! ?You must be punished for being an evil sex toy? Whack!

Another boy knelt down in front of me. He lifted my face and stuffed my shredded underpants into my mouth. ?Here, bite on this, it will help the pain? he said in a genuinely concerned way. As disgusting as it was I hungrily took the underpants into my mouth and it did ease my suffering as I bit into the material with each strike of the cane.

?We are very sorry about this? the boy said. ?We don?t want to hurt you, it is just your ass that we are punishing? he said.

After several more strikes of the cane the boy stopped. I felt so relieved and started sobbing. ?Thank you, thank you? I repeated.

?Just remember? the boy said ?your ass owes us big time.?

?I know? I said, not knowing why. ?I am sorry for what my ass has done to you, and if I can make it up to you I will? I offered.

?Your ass had better make it up to us. In the meantime I think your ass belongs to us. Until the debt is repaid? the boy with the cane suggested.

I couldn?t quite fathom what the boy was on about, but I did realize that these boys weren?t going to give up their desire for and control over my ass any time soon. I was excited to think that someone desired my ass so much, but these boys wanted to own it, make it their own personal sex toy and to hell with me.

But what could I do about it? I was responsible for their corruption and I had to pay my debt to them for that.

Whilst I was thinking these thoughts one of the boys knelt down behind me and grabbed my genitals. He pulled them back between my legs. I didn?t know what he was going to do with them and I expected the worst. As I braced myself for some severe pain I felt the boy place some sort of ring around the base of my shaft, behind my balls. I heard a clicking sound and then he released my genitals. The feeling of my penis springing back forward as well as the touch of the hand as it released my genitals caused my already painfully hard cock to spasm in it?s most pleasurable release of cum.

After I had squirted the last drop of cum I looked down at my genitals. I noticed that a small steel band had been placed around my shaft and locked into place with a small padlock. As it was behind my balls I had no way of removing it.

This was obviously their way of marking me as their own. I could not have sex with anyone else, especially a girl, with that thing on. It looked as though the only sex I would get for the time being would be with these boys. They had certainly claimed their property and I resigned myself to the fact that I had better do my best to pay off my debt to them if I was to ever lead a normal life again.

I was still on all fours when I realized that the boys had dressed and were about to leave. One boy threw my pants onto my back as he walked past. I was glad for that. I wasn?t glad for what happened next.

?See you next week? said one of the boys from behind me and kicked me in the ass. His foot also accidentally caught my balls and I fell to the ground, curled up, whimpering like a dog. Between my legs was a mass of pain and cum.

After the boys had left I stood up and started to dress. I realized how much resentment I had towards my ass for causing me so much trouble. I smacked my own ass hard a few times, cursing it. I decided that my ass didn?t deserve to be cleaned so I put my pants on and left my ass smeared with cum.

As I drove home that afternoon I wondered what was in store for me the next week.

Next: Chapter 3: Beyond an Experiment

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