Expedition to Mesopotamia

Published on Oct 25, 2010


Expedition to Mesopotamia, 1934 7

By Bald Hairy Man

Email, bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com. This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, or for persons who are offended by alternate life styles. This is 100% fantasy, so no effort at safe sex is suggested.

Uncle Abdul's band of masons were a cheerful, hearty and lusty group, almost entirely without sophistication and culture. Abdul himself associated with persons of more elevated rank, the rest were little more than peasants. They didn't associate with those who knew about creation festivals. For the masons, this was a simple opportunity to drain their balls and have some fun.

I recognized them as the men from the town who joined with us when we attacked the bandit camp. One of them, Hamdi, a crude, burly and hairy man came up to me with a box. "I took these from the bandits," he said. I opened the box and found the severed genitals of town's former oppressors. "I was afraid they might get into paradise by accident, so I wanted to make sure they wouldn't get to the virgins," he explained.

"Very sensible," I replied.

"Would you like them?" he asked. "They are yours if you wish."

I reached out and fondled his balls. "I like them in working order," I said. "You keep them as a tribute to your bravery. The only thing I want is the seed of a brave man as it spurts from your cock." He went back to the men and told them what I said. I made friends that morning.

As I expected, Abdul's cock was as large as his Blacksmith nephew, but not quite as pleasurable. He was pleasant and well meaning. He was a man rammer not a lover. Uncle Abdul treated the masons as his personal harem. It was pleasurable, but one sided. He was apparently a good and generous employer, so his men accepted this as a personal quirk. The sex with the other masons was good. They were happy energetic men who were unskilled but willing.

Hamdi was an unexpected treasure. Uneducated and crude, he was inexperienced with sex other than getting fucked by Uncle Abdul from time to time.

I had explained to the other masons that the more pleasurable the orgasm, the better the seed. I wasn't sure Hamdi had much of a cock. His bush hid most of it. His cock was deep inside the foreskin. I fondled his large balls when he presented me with the severed genitals. Some lubricating juices drooled from the puckered tip of his foreskin, so I knew he was excited. Hamdi had never screwed a man and was first in line after Abdul.

Abdul had a massive orgasm and unloaded a bucketful of sperm in my ass. This was a good lubricant. Hamdi was erect and he eased his knob into my puckered hole. Hamdi seemed timid until I relaxed and some of Abdul's semen drooled from my ass. Hamdi pushed and his cock was in. I soon discovered Hamdi needed a warm asshole to achieve a full erection. Hamdi was in no rush and wanted the sensation to last.

I sucked several of the men as Hamdi fucked me. They were new to oral sex too and were most appreciative. Abdul told me his men had saved up, and at was true. They fed me breakfast. After I swallowed the other men's loads, I realized Hamdi's gentle fucking had turned form being pleasant to spectacular.

The Imam, Hassam, was there watching. I began to shoot and Hassam rushed forward to take my load. He took every drop except for the first spurt. The sex got wilder after that. The Imam was an important man; the mason thought he have given the sexual contact official approval.

They were willing to experiment and that was fun too. At one point, I sat on Abdul's cock and they lifted me up by my arms and legs and rotated me in the huge rod. I was good for me, but Abdul loved it.

During a lull, Hamdi asked me what I did and I explained I translated cuneiform writing. The masons didn't know what that was. I said I was writing made of wedges. That struck a chord. The possessor of the box of severed genitals knew of the writing. "There is a wall of wedge writing north of the camp," he said. I asked to see it.

That afternoon he and Ali took me to the wall. It was stunning. The wall was about six feet tall and perhaps eight feet long. It described the lineage of a local king, Nassarbanipal, back to Enki, the god of semen and the god that made the earth fertile. The local king was a minor figure, but had married with the other royal families of the area. The inscriptions gave the relationships between the royal family and kingdoms in a comprehensive way. It was in stone, not on clay tablets and was in remarkable condition. This could transform the history of the area.

Some of the lineage was mythical, since it included Gilgamesh, the mythical hero, and the wild man Enkidu, who became his dear friend. Oddly, Nassarbanipal traced his ancestry to Enkidu, the wild man. There were several bas-relief images of the king. Nassarbanipal sported the magnificent curly beard and hair of the Neo- Babylonian period, but it also indicated a wavy pattern on the King's chest.

While men of the mid east often have hairy chests, the men of this area were particularly hairy. I wondered if Nassarbanipal traced his hairy body back to Enkidu. It was possible the Sheik, Ali and Abdul the Smith were descendants of the hairy Nassarbanipal and thus of ancient wild man. In the epic of Gilgamesh it is clear Gilgamesh loved Enkidu, and was despondent at his death. It seemed it was possible the festivals of the area related to the ancient worship of the semen God Enki. It made sense.

I asked Suleiman to send a message to Otto about the discovery. This was vastly more important than the site we had been excavating. There was a possibility Nasserbanipal had other inscriptions. He was trying to impress visitors with his distinguished ancestry. I wondered if other inscriptions displayed his education and sophistication. That was an exciting possibility.

While I discovered this major find, courtesy of a chance meeting with an illiterate stonemason, others had plans for me. Ali returned. The attack on the bandits was a total success. We had rid the area of a long-term problem. Another border town was considering giving allegiance to the Sheik for protection. They hoped to share in the newfound strength of the Sheik.

As far as I know, there was no modern communication such as the phone, or even the telegraph between these towns. Somehow, they heard I played a role. Ali was to meet with the headman of the new town and make an agreement. A meeting with men in the hamam was a part of the planned alliance.

I was miffed and insulted he would do such a thing without even consulting me. Ali arrived with twelve of his biggest and strongest men, gifts for Suleiman and Hassam and medals for the men who joined us in the fight. He also brought a modern marvel, a hand cranked radio that could connect directly with the Sheik. Should any bandit appear, they could get help from Ali. This was an out-of-the-way place, more medieval than modern. A band of twenty or thirty men was more than enough to discourage banditry. Ali commanded the Sheik's guard.

He also brought modern medicines and equipment and the sheik's personal doctor to give the Imam instruction. This was much appreciated.

I was planning to have a firm and stern conversation with Ali, but didn't get the opportunity until we were in the Hamam. I hadn't understood that the Sheik, Ali, and indeed Suleiman and Hassam understood my tastes and were well aware of my weaknesses. I was particularly attracted to large, strong and well-endowed men. Ali appeared with two of his most impressive men, Suleiman brought Abdul the Smith and Hassam came with Hamdi.

My plans for a stern conversation evaporated. Ali and his men got along very well indeed with the locals; all got along with me. Ali's men, while they looked fierce, were pleasant and almost jolly. It became a pleasant and enjoyable evening with friends, enhanced with periodic orgasms. It wasn't entirely focused on me. Ali's head guard was attracted to Abdul and opened his ass for him. The guard later mounted and seeded me, and then Ali used his guard's seed as lubricant for me. I sensed my ass wasn't the attraction; it was his guard's seed. There was more of an emotional connection between Ali and his men than I had expected. This was very unlike the religious events.

The delegation for the neighboring town arrived at noon the next day. Their headman was Amir. I gathered this town was larger, but poorer than Suleiman's town. They were dressed as well as they could manage. The bandit problem affected them greatly. Apparently, bandits used them to resupply goods, stealing what they needed. They terrorized the town to keep them docile. I suspected the visitors were a group of defeated men who suddenly saw a way out. If Ali wiped out one band of bandits, he could perhaps wipe out more.

Ali was effusive and expansive in his greetings. He treated them with respect and honor. He said he enjoyed killing bandits and was willing to set up a garrison to protect the town if that were needed. He would need them to pledge allegiance to the Sheik. The delegation was overjoyed.

We had a banquet. Ali brought the food from the Sheik and the delegation loved that. Some ate as hungry men. After the banquet, we went to the hamam to seal the deal. The situation here was uncomfortable. It took me a little while to figure out what was going on.

They knew I had a warm spot for well-endowed men. They collected the best men who could satisfy my desires. Some of these men were of the most humble status. They were frightened. In England, you hear of aristocrats who are afraid of working class men. This was the opposite situation. Here we had peasants who were to fuck a foreign aristocrat to garner favor with the gods or spirits.

Amir was a handsome man, as was his cousin, Rashid. They were well-scaled men with attractive endowments. Three, almost identical men stood off to the side; they were camel drivers. I asked if they were triplets. Amir said no. The men were a set of twins and a cousin. They were thin and scrawny. I wouldn't say they were ugly, but some might.

They had hairy chests and a trail to their bushes. If each man weighed 140 or 150 pounds, 20 or thirty pounds must have been in their cocks and balls. The contrast between their scrawny bodies and huge genitals was striking. It was more of a Ripley's believe-it-or-not contrast, than attractive. I hate to think of myself as a slave to my desires. At first, I wasn't interested in the trio except as a curiosity.

Against my better instincts, this curiosity grew and I wanted to experience them. Ali and the Sheik were using my sexual shortcoming for their own ends, but I felt as if I were using these sad men for my personal pleasure. That was wrong. Alas, the sexual drive had overcome the morality of the mind.

Amir was busy with Suleiman and Ali. I went to the trio. "You men have been blessed," I said. "A single man with your cock would be considered marvel. Three men so beautifully endowed are beyond imagining. Which of you men are the twins?"

"We are," one man said as they stepped forward. "We are only camel drivers." I reached out and held their cocks. They were hefty and immediately began to get firm. That did nothing to reduce their appeal for me. Their genitals were dark compared to the rest of their bodies. As I played with them, they quickly reached full erection. The head began to part the skin and emerged into view. Like everything else about the twins' genitals, the knob was large, the size of a ripe plum. The head was a beautiful shade of lavender, almost lilac.

I dropped to my knees and kissed the organ. The sperm slit was wide and parted, so I licked it with my tongue. One man's cock twitched and spurted a single glob of sperm. I used my tongue to spread the cream over his knob, then took the entire glans into my mouth and cleaned it up. The other man moaned. I think he could see the coming attractions. The third man, the cousin, came forward and joined us.

I doubt they knew what was expected of them, and they relaxed when they realized it was going to be pleasurable. Amir and Rashid joined us. Amir was older than I thought, but was more attractive close up than from a distance. I soon recognized he was more than a friend with Rashid. Amir was a top and was the first to get in my ass. The Camel drivers relaxed even more when Amir shot off in my hole.

Rashid took his place. Rashid was younger than I thought and better endowed too. He wasn't shy or new to man sex. As he slid his cock into my ass, the twins fed me their cocks. By now, they were excited and precum flowed from their cocks. Rashid didn't last long and the cousin took his place. I suddenly was afraid their organs were too big.

One of the twins began to spurt. My tongue had been between their knobs and I turned to capture his hot man seed, swallowing his head. As the seed flooded my mouth, the cousin filled my ass in a single thrust. It wasn't violent; it was firm. My rectum was full. Fortunately, Amir and Rashid had seeded me and the monster organ slid deep easily.

He just left it in, and was still as I finished the last drops of the twins' orgasm. He began the thrust. The trios weren't subtle men. They wanted to shoot off, but unexpectedly they weren't in a rush either. I assumed there was no need to rush during a long night in the desert. The second twin rolled me over into the doggy position and then pressed the small of my back until my chute was in the perfect position. He had done this before.

They weren't disrespectful or rude, but they had a clear idea of the bottom's role. The unending pressure in my ass was exhausting. I got tired. After an orgasm their cocks relaxed, but they didn't lose their erections or their interest. I almost fell asleep. When I snapped out of it, I was entirely relaxed. Suleiman, Ali and Ali the smith joined in. I was open and at ease.

I sucked Suliman and Ali as the Smith fucked me. He bellowed as he climaxed, and the other two men gave up their loads. The trio, Amir and Rachid joined in rapid-fire climaxes. I was awash in sperm, swimming in man seed. Ali held my legs open and sperm drooled from my ass. Amir licked it up. It was a total success.

A day later, I returned to the archaeological camp and Otto. While all was well on the archeological front, things got more difficult for me as a spy. Donnat was unpleasant, but he was stupid and so unknowledgeable it was easy to circumvent him. Guttman was technically in charge, but Otto was now in charge; that was good until they sent a replacement for Donnat. The replacement, Horst Grubberfeld was a brighter man.

I was surprised at the speed by which Donnat was replaced. I thought we had poor communications with Berlin, that wasn't the case. Officially, Horst was a cultural attaché at the Embassy in Persia. It was easy enough to recognize him as a military man. He stood ramrod straight and all but clicked his heels.

Horst had a close-cropped beard and thus looked less foreign to the Arabs and was familiar with local customs. He couldn't speak Arabic, but he had a translator with him. I was no longer a party to all conversations with Arabs. Maximilian, the translator was scary. He was badly wounded in the War and I was quite sure the psychological wounds were worse than his physical wounds. He walked with a limp and had no left arm. He had a badly scarred face. He positively hated English men and despised me at first sight.

Otto welcomed me with open arms. My discovery of Nasserbanipal's inscribed wall was a major coup. While I was away Otto found the remains of a minor palace of the Assyrian period. He found a small collection of tablets. He was quite sure these were literary or public documents. Most tablets were of financial records, and were less intrinsically interesting. Of still greater interest was a small inscribed stone. The stone was twelve by eighteen inches, and depicted the creator god.

In one image, the creator god was shown facing forward, with his legs spread, asshole open and cock hard. The artist depicted two men flanking him in profile; they were erect and spraying the god with sperm.

In a second image was the god on his back. The two attendants held his legs open as a man fucked him. There was a line of aroused men in line waiting their turn. The genitals of the men were large and lovingly rendered as were the faces. There was a chance they were portraits of individuals.

In the final image, the god was upside down with the King fucking him. The king was nude, the rich hairstyle and jewelry was clearly regal. Twenty-four disembodied erect penises showered the couple with sperm.

"Can you interpret these drawings?" Otto asked. He had a twinkle in his eye.

"I experienced those drawings," I replied. "My trip into the desert was eventful."

"It wasn't all gunplay and chases?"

"That turned out to be one of the least important parts of the trip. It was wild."

"You are a most responsive man," Otto said.

"Are you just being polite?" I asked.

"No, I mean that quite sincerely," he replied. "I am quite convinced we have encountered an ancient throwback. The creator god predates by a thousand or more years Christian and Islamic beliefs. Some traditions are so tenacious they remain. It may well have gone underground and been practiced only by a few of the true believers, but they survived. You are the priest of that ancient tradition. "

"That seems to be a bit of a stretch to me," I replied.

"I assume it takes a special man to be the receiver and conduit for the god. That man must be receptive and enthusiastic throughout the orgiastic ritual," Otto said. "You are the perfect man." he looked at me. "In many ways you are the perfect man for me."

"I am afraid I am a bit used now. My virgin days are gone!"

"That is what excites me," Otto replied. "I am a reserved man. I have walked the narrow path all my life. When I saw you taking cock after cock and covered in sperm, I finally understood fertility cults. You welcomed each cock into your ass. I saw your ass lips kissing each drooling Arab knob and then swallow the organ. Your mouth caressed each cock and then greedily sucked the seed spurting from their man tools. You inspired men to orgasm after orgasm."

"If I were a religious man I could very well believe you are the reincarnation of the creator god, or at very least the descendant of an ancient priest," Otto added.

Next: Chapter 8

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