Expedition to Mesopotamia

Published on Apr 4, 2016


Expedition to Mesopotamia 19 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

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Each of the men had a servant who stayed nearby, except for Count Wolfgang who had two. He had Ludwig, an older man who had been with him years, and Guntram, a younger man. the servants swam with us and I soon realized most were lovers or sexual toys for the noblemen. A lover would have been a shocking and possibly embarrassing companion. A man servant was perfectly acceptable and, indeed, normal.

Franz swam over to me. "We are all old friends here and well accustomed to each other needs and desires," he explained. "We don't get together often, so this is a chance for us to get reacquainted. Some men may be rather aggressive and forward. Feel free to use any of the servants. Quite frankly, most are over sexed and a more than willing to serve."

Count Wolfgang came over with Ludwig. They were in good physical condition for men of their age. Both men were well tanned. That was unusual for English men, but Germans were partial to sun bathing and nudism. That was clearly the case here. Wolfgang was shaved smooth, Ludwig was a blacksmith type, brawny and hairy.

"At one time I knew your cousin Fredrik well. He was killed at the Somme. His father was a good man too. We met a few times," he said, as he fondled my genitals under the water. From the way he talked I understood the relationships with my Uncle and cousin were not platonic. I stroked his erect cock.

"I assume that Franz told you that we are not what you Englanders call "shrinking violets." Max told Franz you were open to the possibilities? I hope my openness doesn't offend you?"

"I must confess, it doesn't offend me in the least," I replied. "I also must confess that I enjoy new intimate connections with men. I am an archaeologist, and I travel a great deal. I have yet to tire of meeting new men."

Wolfgang nodded at Ludwig. He lifted me up and then sat me down on the Count's cock.

"You are warm and tight, just like your Cousin," he said. "It seems like it is twenty years ago; it is quite wonderful." I looked around pool. One man was sucking Siegfried as he sat on the edge of the pool. Henrik and Franz were intimately connected. Franz waved at Wolfgang to come over. He quickly pulled out of my ass and swam over. Franz was a higher ranking man and Wolfgang instinctively obeyed the summons.

"Would you object to having a commoner's cock up your ass?" Ludwig asked. "Not at all," I replied. "Do you shoot off quickly?"

"Only if you want it," Ludwig replied. "I shoot a big load. Some men think it is too messy."

"I could use some man lube in my ass," I said. Seconds later Ludwig's thick tube was deep in me. He wasn't a graceful man, but it felt great. He pumped a few times and pushed even deeper, then I felt him begin to squirt. He ejaculated once deep in my ass and withdrew, ejaculating as he did. It was strange since he was both exceedingly methodical and moaning in ecstasy.

"Come to me at night, we can have some real sex then," he whispered. We broke apart and he rejoined Wolfgang. Hendrik and Sigmund came over to me. Hendrik was a cultured and intelligent man. Sigmund had been a childhood friend. Hendrik was average in every way. Sigmund was the son of a farmer on one of the family estates and was a blond, Viking type. As a servant Sigmund had been with Hendrik through all of the lectures at the University. After talking with them for a few minutes, I realized that Sigmund was intelligent and perceptive. Hendrik was what we called a bright, young thing in England.

Hendrik was both sexually driven and generous. I assumed that made him popular. He knew how to please. He had been with many high ranking army officers, until Hitler rose to power. Hendrik's father had been charismatic leader in the movement to restore the Hapsburgs. He had died in mysterious circumstances when Hitler annexed Austria, and Hendrik had fled to Switzerland. The Swiss were neutral, but were very sensitive about any crimes committed in Switzerland. If the Nazi's attempted any murders, there would be hell to pay. It was said that many Nazi officials had their stolen money in Swiss banks.

I had a good conversation with Hendrik and Sigmund about art and antiquities. If you were not knowledgable about art, you might be deceived into thinking Hendrik participated in the conversation. Sigmund knew art, Hendrik knew the banter. However, Hendrik also came closer to me and soon made genital contact.

He then sat on the edge of the pool and let me suck his long thin cock. It curved down rather than up and it was easy to take the entire organ and still breathe. He found that exceedingly exciting. As we sucked another man entered the room, Ivan. He was a huge, muscular bear of a man covered in reddish-brown hair from head to toe. He had been a White Russian general. He jumped in the water with a massive splash.

He swam over to us and sat on the edge of the pool next to Hendrik. I switched playmates. Ivan's cock was definitely not easy to get into my mouth or throat. Ludwig joined us and Ivan began talking about, stolen Romanov artworks. Stalin was selling it off and Ivan was hoping to get some back. Ivan was knowledgeable about old master painting.

When he found out I was a Scot, he talked enthusiasticly about the new King George VI and especially about the new princesses, Elizabeth and Margret Rose. He was almost tearful about them. I realized he was thinking about the Czar's murdered family. Ivan was anti-communist and anti-Nazi. Hitler was not good man, in his view.

After a pleasant afternoon, I returned to my hotel room. The next morning someone knocked on my door. Much to my surprise it was Angus, my brother. He wanted my assessment of Franz and his friends.

I told him they were well meaning, but not realistic, if my view of Nazi Germany was correct. Angus said he basically agreed with that, but there were some in the foreign office who had hopes they might be influential. He told me that Ivan had connections in the Soviet Union, and might hear some things. Ludwig's bother was an important figure in the German Communist party. He was in a concentration camp now. His brother's family was trying to get out, but needed a sponsor. Angus suspected something was up with Hitler and Stalin.

"They hate each other's guts, but they seem to be in a competition to see who can kill more of his citizens than the other," Angus said. "Neither is trustworthy in any respect. The situation is confused and fluid."

"You have encountered a number of the questionable people in the German establishment. Did any strike you as leader of men?" he asked.

"Not at all, I think they are hoping for a turn of events that would be beneficial. Their plan is to wait for good luck," I said. We talked a little longer and he left. I noticed he used the service elevator.

I had the day off so I went sightseeing. As I left the hotel, I just happened to run into Ludwig. He asked if I would like a cup of coffee. I nodded and we went to a nearby Café. I was crowded and we went to a private dining room. This room had a stairway to an apartment above. There, Wolfgang was waiting for me with Schultz. I could have anticipated Wolfgang, but Schultz was a surprise. Wolfgang had a friend who needed to get out or Germany. Ludwig was trying to help his brother's children escape.

Schultz was the sort of man who knew how to do things and handle problems. Wolfgang's friend was Albert Massenburg. His family had owned a major department store before it was confiscated. He had been Wolfgang's childhood friend and a sexual playmate. Ludwig's problem was simple charity. Ludwig's bother and his wife were in concentration camps; the children were with friends. Ludwig felt the only safe place for them was England or America.

"While my mother acted due to her charitable nature, I knew this would allow us to add Wolfgang and Ludwig to the list of British agents. Both were anti-Nazi, and had connections in German society. I assumed we had connections to the German aristocracy, but I doubted our relations with left-wing politics. Ludwig might be a find. I said I would send my mother a note immediately.

There was a knock on the door. Wolfgang peed through the cracked door and then opened it. It was Ivan. "Am I late?" he asked.

"Not at all," Wolfgang replied. With the business part of the meeting completed, Wolfgang and Schultz began taking off his clothes. The apartment was a well-known place for sexual encounters for both women and men. it was partial to all male gatherings. Our visit there was unexceptional. It was important to leave evidence of sexual activity. We were all willing to create that evidence.

Wolfgang coupled with Schultz immediately. Their connection was not only sexual; they were lovers. When Wolfgang's cock slipped into Shultz's ass, I had a suspicion that the cock was at home.

"I didn't get a chance to meet our Scottish friend intimately," Ivan said. "I would love to have that opportunity now." Ivan and Ludwig shared me. They were both large, sexually excited men, but they were also affectionate. They weren't just interested in sex, they wanted sex with me.

Ivan thought I was a good looking young man. I was also an intellectual, and he admired learned men. That wasn't the case in the Russian army. He was more excited when his discovered that his oversized genitals fit in my tight hole. His cock was designed to rip a man in half. I enjoyed his massive man tool. That added to his pleasure.

Ludwig and I hit it off when I sucked him and ate his sperm. He was a servant and had eaten quarts of the aristocratic sperm of his employer and his friends. No one had tasted his commoner's man brew. I had sampled tribal chieftain's seed as well as laborers' cream. I wasn't sure there was a difference.

I had also discovered that in my often precarious situation, having multiple friends in different stations of life was good. Making an escape may be due to a friendly camel driver rather than being due to the man who owned the herd of camels. When I was being realistic about myself, I conceded that my interest is sex was due to my sex urges that drove me to accommodate multiple partners.

After I took Ludwig's load, he rested while Ivan explored my ass. He was careful making the initial penetration, but as he discovered my limits, of lack thereof, he became bolder and more adventuresome. Eventually Ludwig fucked Ivan. I was surprised when Ivan enjoyed it. Sex can break the barriers of class and rank.

I went to Rome next. Rome was a hot bed of archaeological activity. Mussolini wanted to restore the Roman Empire and was willing to restore relics of the original empire. Cuneiform inscriptions were not part of that effort, but there were many archaeologist willing to learn about it. When I reached my hotel, the desk clerk gave me a letter from Arturo, the archaeologist from Egypt.

Arturo apologized for not attending my lecture. His mother's death had sent his father into a deep depression. His presence there was the only thing that seemed to reduce the melancholia. He couldn't leave. Arturo also said he had given my name to two colleagues, Victor and Humberto. They could serve as guides and get me into some of the ongoing excavations that were not available to the public. He said I would find them well informed and congenial. I sent him a note thanking him for his letter and expressing my sympathy.

My lecture was the next morning and was well received. After the lecture Victor and Humberto came over to me. Victor spoke English well; Humberto had a more elementary understanding of English. My translator was Ernesto, a much younger man who spoke English perfectly. He know them. Normally translators were government spies. Since my talk was of an obscure nature, Ernesto was an academic, not a spy. Cuneiform is hard to politicize.

Victor and Humberto were either lovers, or doing an imitation of lovers. They were friendly to me and to Ernesto. The took me on a tour of Roman excavations and reconstructions. During the visits, the older men had a private conversation with Ernesto. I think they explained my sexual tastes. Arturo knew my tastes well and had recommended them as my guides. Ernesto seemed relaxed and more friendly after that conversation.

After the tour, Victor asked if I would like to spend a week at his Villa where we could explore the countryside. I said I would like that. He had a car and we drove about 40 miles north of Rome. The villa was a large farmhouse, not a grand construction. Victor had renovated it and it had all the modern conveniences. The guest room was in the former servants' wing and had its own sitting room and bath. This was quite extravagant compared to the Spartan quarters in an English country house. Ernesto stayed with me, sleeping on a bed in the sitting room.

The gardens were beautiful and Victor had dammed a small stream to make a pond-swimming pool and to irrigate the lush gardens as well as the fields. It was an active farm with a vineyard. At this point Victor and Humberto were openly affectionate to each other and to their all male staff. It was very warm and dress was casual.

While men sharing my sexual inclination are often servants, it seemed that all of Victor's field hands and laborers had similar interests. I mentioned this affectionate nature to Victor. He smiled. "The Villa is a refuge for men who have what we might call unconventional tastes. It is secluded and far away from roads and with few visitors," he explained. "Some of the field hands can be very direct in their sexual expression. I must confess I find this to be very stimulating to watch."

"I am not particularly interested in watching. I am not averse to joining in the activity," I said.

Victor smiled again. "I must warn you that it is not much like your English Tea Parties," he continued. "The men, field hands and even the house staff are friendly, but no respecters of rank or position. Some can be exceptionally direct. They are polite, but once they are excited they forget conventional politeness. It is crude and sometimes messy."

"You find that exciting?" I asked. Victor nodded. "I have no objection to the mess. It represents sexual fulfillment and success," I added. "It is part of being a man. I also doubt that social status makes much difference. I have worked with low and high status men. When it comes to basic sexual instincts, all are the same."

That night there was birthday party at the pond for the farm manager, Octavio. He was an older man who ran the day-to-day operations of the villa. Octavio was tall, burly and commanding. He was the sort of man you would instinctively obey. He had obviously good relations with the men, Victor and Humberto.

Italian cooking is good, and while the food was rustic, it was good and imaginative. Wine flowed freely and the event was informal. Of course it was a typically hot summer evening. The men unbuttoned shirts and when Victor took off his shirt, many men did the same. Some went a step further and went naked into the pool.

The sun set and the party continued. Octavio had been one of the swimmers. He got out of the water and walked toward Ernesto and me. "He is a big man," I said to Ernesto.

"You like them big?" he asked. I nodded. Ernesto waved at Octavio and he came over to us. Ernesto spoke to him and Octavio looked at me and smiled.

"He said he has never been with an English Milord before. He is big and afraid he might rip you in two." Ernesto translated. "He did say his balls were heavy with seed and he needed to lighten them." I told him that I would take the risk. I wouldn't mind the extra weight. Ernesto smiled and told that to Octavio.

Octavio smiled and came to me. I had been with big men before and like the blacksmiths in Mesopotamia and it had been good. Octavio was better.

Octavio like the idea of screwing an English nobleman, and it made no difference that I was a minor nobleman. We went to an out of the way place in the garden and he wanted me in the doggy position. He placed his tool at my ass a pushed, gently at first, but he was more force full when I didn't wince. He used olive oil as a lubricant and he soon discovered I could take it and enjoy it. at that point he became a madman.

Ernesto was still translating, and seemed to enjoy the show. Octavio took a break to refill his balls after his first orgasms and had Ernesto take his place so my ass wouldn't close up too much. That was relaxing after the intensity of Octavio's thrusting. Ernesto told me I was very nice, and that he was afraid might not be able to avoid an orgasm. I told him some man-lube in my ass would be fine.

Technically he was already ejaculating when it told him that, but that was fine with me. Octavio had disappeared, but he came back with an older man, his uncle. The Uncle took Ernesto's place. The Uncle had shot off too, so I was well lubricated.

Octavio was more relaxed and affectionate by the time he returned to my ass. I was on my back by then so I could see him. Sex was forceful, but almost gentle. He was talking. Ernesto translated. Octavio said he had a hard time finding men who could both take his cock and enjoy it. He was proud of his endowment, but it was merely a decorative accessory most of the time. He asked if he could spend the night with him. I said yes, but I asked Ernesto if that would bother Victor. He said no. Victor liked to keep Octavio happy and was unable to accommodate Victor's cock himself. Humberto was jealous of men who were bigger than he was.

A night with Octavio meant a night with Ernesto, the Uncle and two nephews. They shared me, and I discovered I could sleep with a cock in my ass. I had some good dreams that night. One of the nephews was young, and almost as big as Octavio, but still growing. When I woke up, my cock was at Octavio's mouth. His cock was an inch from my lips and the nephew was massaging my prostate with his oversized cock. I began so suck Octavio as the nephew worked up to an orgasm. I tasted the remain of previous orgasms on his cock. It quickly inflated to full size. Octavio and the nephew shot off together, I took both loads, on in the ass and the other in my mouth. Octavio had shot off at least twice before, but more than filled my mouth with his hot semen. I may be my imagination but his sperm seemed to be flavored with Italian herbs. I fantasized the same herbal sperm was in my ass.

The nephew left his cock in my ass. I clenched my ass cheeks to squeeze the remaining cum for his tool. That excited him and a few minutes later the shot off again.

It was early in the morning and we talked, with Ernesto translating. Octavio was a communist and he had been excited about fucking an upper class man. He wouldn't fuck the men he worked with because that would be exploiting them. He discovered I was a good man and apologized for taking liberties. I told him that a good man is a good man. Politics didn't effect that. I almost said that a big cock is a big cock, but that might have offended him.

The Uncle was not the father of the two "nephews." They were boys who had been rejected by their families and Octavio had taken them in. I was the first man who the younger boy had fucked and seeded. Everyone at the villa was anti-fascist. It was so secluded they were safe from the authorities. Victor and Humberto were Royalists who supported the House of Savoy and King Victor Emmanuel, not Mussolini. They thought the dictator's policies would lead to disaster.

At the time I had no idea how close Mussolini was to Hitler. There was a chance he would sit out the war like Franco in Spain. If the Italian Dictator was closer to Hitler than I hoped, knowing anti-fascists would be useful.

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