Expedition to Mesopotamia

Published on Mar 18, 2016


Expedition to Mesopotamia 18 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

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A few days later Omar and both the men named Ali met with me in the baths. This time they were with all the elders and their right-hand men. Their right-hand men were the younger men who were to replace the elders when they died. Power struggles were dangerous to the clan's stability. The clan had an orderly plan of succession. These men were all physically large, muscular and powerful.

They had seen the photograph of me wearing a kilt, and the picture of my brother with the King. George V was an old man, but he was kingly and imposing. Hitler and Mussolini had no regal bearing. Normally, strangers were suspect, but Scottish warriors had greatly impressed them, and the stories of the defeat of the Mahdi by the bagpipe welding men were almost legendary.

Ali and Amir took a leadership role. They entered the baths with 20 or so of the younger men. apparently they wanted to bond with me. I had provided the information about the German plot, they wanted to know me personally.

I soon discovered the clan had a tradition similar to the blood-brother rites of the American Indians. These rites were popular aspects of American Cowboy movies. I had no idea if there were actual blood-brothers or if it was a fantasy of a Hollywood screen writer.

My experience in Mesopotamia had included sexual fertility rites. I had distinguished myself in these and found them enjoyable. Indeed, I enjoyed them greatly, and I had no problem with a sexual marathon. This was fortunate, since the bonding ceremony with the men of the clan was similar. All of the men were involved. Since the strongest bonds were family, I was necessary to fill me with their sperm and thus I shared the clan sperm and became a clan member. It was messy, but not as messy as blood would have been.

I was a little afraid I had lost my tolerance for serving multiple partners, but that wasn't a problem at all. I added a little twist of my own to the ritual. I am a member of the Clan MacDougal, traditional Highland warriors. I told them that if they tasted the sex juices I oozed from my cock, they would gain my clan's military bravery. This made sense to them.

Amir and Ali were the first. The rest of the men then took turns. This was not ceremonial in its nature; it was all sex. I later found out that the ritual was quite rare and that many of the men had never participated before. It was very exciting for the younger men. They had an opportunity to display their sexual prowess and their erect organs for all to admire.

Amir and Ali were good fuckers and quickly deposited their semen in me. Amir then fed me his cock and licked my member as he held my legs open for the next man. Each man followed his lead. After the fourth or fifth man, my ass was both wide open and sperm filled. My sphincter relaxed and simply caressed the tools of the later men. That was erotic and pleasurable for us all. I don't think the men had used sperm as a lubricant before, and none had used the seed of their close friends. Few men very lasted long before they ejaculated. Cock sucking was rare, but they all did it. I tasted their post orgasmic, cum-coated cocks and savored their cock drool. I had enough precum to keep them all happy.

The atmosphere relaxed after they completed fucking me. Once the basic gangbang was over it became a free for all. I saw that Ali allowed several men in his ass. I think they were old friends renewing that friendship.

The sex in Mesopotamia was related to ancient fertility rites, this was more of a family initiation. In the clan, women were kept strictly segregated. Marriage was complicated with dowries and social status being the primary features. Many men were not yet wealthy enough to marry. These initiations provided a way to let off steam and reduce the sexual frustration. It was not romantic. That being said, I knew that while all the men enjoyed the initiations, some enjoyed it much more.

The men who just enjoyed it tended to go home to bed. Those who greatly enjoyed lingered. Some connected with other friends. When I say connected, I mean sexually connected.

Two elders and a half dozen of the younger men came to me. I had distinguished myself by not only taking each man and his sperm; I had enjoyed it. This had been the first time some had been in the top role. It meant the elders accepted them as men; they were no longer boys. I was a high status visitor and they were pleased.

Their interests were purely non-platonic; they wanted more sex. In theory, I should have been exhausted. Each of them had a orgasm in me, I had been the recipient of 20 or more men's sperm. I was not tired; I was feeling both exhilarated and ready for more sex.

The gangbang had been orderly and rather sedate. Sedate except for the period right before each man's orgasm. The men who stayed were more casual and genuinely into man sex. I was still on my back when a younger man came over to me, spread my legs and began to rim my ass. I assumed he was hoping to taste the sperm of his friends.

Eventually I switched positions and screwed some of them. They hoped that taking my cock would transfer some of my Scottish aggressiveness to them. Many had served older men before. I was gentle and polite. I didn't shoot off often, but they were happy. No one seemed to think that was odd or exceptional.

I also discovered that the Arabs had a good understanding of the German in our group. They didn't speak German, but they seemed to instinctively dislike the Nazi followers. The Nazis thought the Arabs were and inferior race, and unworthy of consideration.

The Arabs liked Otto, Walter and Schultz as well as Arturo, the Italian. There was a tendency for sex with Europeans to be one sided. These men were even handed, and more significantly they were accepting of Arab cocks in their asses. They didn't object to Arab sperm in their asses either. I was a full member of the clan by the end of the ceremony.

The next day the military part of the German expedition set off for Abyssinia. Their sense of geography was strange. They had no knowledge of the rough terrain and had a sense that nothing was impossible for the master race. Schultz stayed with us to provide security.

Our expedition was now greatly reduced to being only archaeologists. We received a telegram saying that Arturo's mother died and he returned to Italy to deal with family troubles. Otto and I had a conversation. Given the instability in Europe and the potential that Egypt would be involved, it seemed safer to seal up the library and leave a full investigation of the site until after things settled down. It had been safe for a thousand years and the Arabs would protect it as they had for centuries.

My brother manufactured a family emergency to get me back to Scotland. He also found a guest professorship for Otto at St Andrews. Walter would be his assistant there.

My return to Scotland was uneventful. My mother was busy settling German refugees and she seemed ten years younger. She had German connections as well as English connections. There were persons in high places who had friend who needed to leave and others in England who were willing to help if it was not publicized. I don't think anyone fully realized the danger German Jews were in. Anti-Nazis politicians were also in danger. At this point the murders were still individual; the mass kills had not begun.

Some English aristocratic circles were pro-German and flirting with being pro-Nazi. Most of the Scottish aristocrats were unimpressed. I did note, that when war came, all but a few supported King and Country.

My mother was an old, socially liberal German with no sympathy for the Nazis or the Communists. She did help the families of Communist leaders, as well as Jewish persons. Our house was awash in German servants, cooks and gardeners. They were in addition to our Scotts retainers. Since refugees had to have a job, she made up jobs. She also staffed four of five hospitals and clinics with German doctors, and schools with professors. I think being in rural Scotland was difficult for some of them, but it was their salvation. Luckily my mother had excellent relationships with our tenants and was genuinely kind. They did not object to her charities. The level of health care increased in the area.

King Edward was acting strangely and it seemed that the word of his actions would soon be public. George V was old fashioned, but he and Queen Mary were rocks of stability. Some thought Edward was a breath of fresh air, but there were whispers that all was not well. When word of his relationship with Mrs. Simpson got out, the situation deteriorated. Insiders said he neglected his duties. While American Newspapers said the problem was with her being American, being twice divorced and in an adulterous relationship was a much bigger problem.

The public had no idea about his flirting with fascism. He was informal in some ways, but he wasn't democratic. He admired men of power. I don't think George V ever considered that. What I knew of Edward VIII was not good.

I had nothing to do, but my brother Angus had other plans. I was to go on a European lecture tour. My lectures were to be on "New Approaches to Cuneiform Translations." To say it was a touch on the obscure, academic side understates the reality. The purpose was to meet our agents and puzzle our adversaries. I was slightly suspect and would be more so when the Nazi's discovered their North African Expedition had vanished. I was to spread misinformation on that too.

My first stop was in Amsterdam. The Dutch were deeply worried and concerned with Nazi activity. I was there when Edward VIII abdicated. Of course, that was a sensation. I felt relieved that George VI was on the throne with his sensible Scottish wife. Apparently Edward expected an outcry to bring him back. I suspected George VI's pretty little daughters were more than enough to counteract Mrs. Simpson.

I had my first lecture in Amsterdam. Hans De Troop, the Dutch aviator I encountered in Egypt came to the lecture. He was mostly recovered from his injuries. He introduced me to Wilhelm Danker, a friend. Danker was a shy, unimpressive, academic-type archaeologist, who was doing translations of cuneiform tablets.

He was interested in my work and we had dinner. He knew of my sexual tastes from de Troop. I didn't think they were that obvious, but de Troop was a spy. Wilhelm was also a code breaker for Dutch intelligence. As such, he was the first to know what was going on in Germany. He told me the Germans hoped that Edward would be restored to rule as a Nazi puppet.

"The Nazis do not understand old, well established democracies," Wilhelm explained. "They have a racial view that all Northern Europeans will flock to their cause because of racial solidarity. They think England, the Netherlands and the Scandinavian counties will join their crusade."

"How are they planning to make them join?" I asked.

"They aren't necessarily opposed to military action, but that would be foolish in my mind. Neutral neighbors are more desirable than conquered states," he explained. "There is one problem. They think they would be welcomed as friends and allies if the invade. Can you imagine that happening in England or Scotland?"

"Not at all. British Fascists are regarded as fools or worse," I said. After dinner I went to his house. Wilhelm had his study and library there. He lived with a man named Rolf, who was a stevedore. Rolf was about twice the size of Wilhelm in weight. We all had a drink and I made a few discrete glances at Rolf's crotch. He was kind enough to rearrange his ample equipment to give me a better view. He returned the glance as did Wilhelm. The three of us adjourned to the bedroom.

Rolf was all top; Wilhelm was mostly a bottom. It didn't take long for me to be in the middle. Wilhelm also liked to watch his lover get excited with a new man. At one point I was sitting on Rolf' s cock and Wilhelm's tool joined his lover's cock in my ass. I was a tight fit, but my recent experience with multiple Arab cocks had stretched my ass. The two men enjoyed it greatly. Rolf was fucking me as his partner's cock rubbed his cock in my tight anal confines. Wilhelm rarely topped and that was a treat too.

Rolf fell asleep with his cock in my ass. He had several erections during the night. I think he was still asleep, perhaps having a dream during these interludes. When he woke the next morning he gave me very detailed instructions on how to fuck Wilhelm and get the most pleasure from him.

Rolf was not well educated, but he had an odd quirk. He remembered numbers and could remember repetitive series. If the numbers 4825 occurred, he automatically remembered them and could find the same numbers in sheet of numbers. For a code breaker, this was a most useful skill. That is how he met Wilhelm. There were more elaborate codes that Rolf could crack, but the German Embassy in the Netherlands did not have the most modern equipment. The Nazi's thought the Dutch were on the same side.

I went to Paris next and repeated the lecture. The French were afraid of war and were convinced their massive fortifications would protect them from the Germans. Much to me surprise Schultz was there. He was the body guard for the German Cultural attaché. The French correctly assumed the entire German embassy staff were spies; Schultz was to protect the staff.

We met after the lecture. Schultz had been providing sexual release for German diplomats for years. Not only did he have many friends, but were he to expose them as homosexuals their careers and perhaps their lives would be over. The taste for man sex was not unique for the diplomats; it was in the Gestapo too.

Shultz was affable, flexible and accommodating. Some of the diplomats and Gestapo agents had special sexual preferences. Shultz was able to accommodate them. They were unaware of his family, and had no interest in them. The assumed his marriage was a cover for his true sexual feelings. Many of them shared the same urges. None of them knew his grandchildren were in Scotland.

Schultz had traveled widely and had a better understanding of the world than did many Nazi bigwigs. He saw the future war as another disaster for Germany. He didn't think England would restore Edward VIII to the throne and he was sure the United States would join the war against Germany. Schultz invited me to dinner with him and the attaché, Max. Max was a member of the former royal family of Bavaria.

Dinner was at Max's apartment near the Louvre. He entertained regularly and it was best if that was away from the embassy. We had an enlightening conversation over an excellent dinner. Max believed that the former royal families of Germany would rise up and over through Hitler if the nation went to war. Max thought the old aristocracy could control Hitler and the German population would respond to a new Kaiser. That seemed to be pure fairytale fantasy to me.

Max was a courteous and sophisticated man, and he was popular at the embassy. One of his friends, Ernst, a young, low level military aide came by after dinner and had a drink. Ernst was handsome and muscular. Schutz had told me that Max was sexually skilled, but lived in dread of discovery. Max was driven sexually and would have been promiscuous except for that fear. It did not take me long to realize that Max, Ernst and Schultz were intimately acquainted. Schultz gave me a knowing look; I was on the sexual menu for the night.

I am an improbable Mata Hari, but I was willing to give it a try. For Ernst, my knowledge of cuneiform and ancient mid-eastern languages excluded me from suspicion as a spy. I doubted he had access to anything sensitive. I had no idea how we would transition to sex, but Schultz handled that problem.

"William shares some recreational interests with us," he said. "He and I have enjoyed each other's company several times. I was wondering if he might join us for some relaxation and stress relief?"

"He might be shocked at our . . . openness," Max said. "We are big men."

"I don't think that will be a problem. it has never been a problem in the past. William is an accommodating man," Schultz replied as he began to unbutton his military tunic. Max led the way to his bedroom.

Schultz was well equipped, but both Max and Ernst were almost over endowed. I knew that I had no problem taking horse cocks. Schultz later told me that it wasn't just that I could take the oversized organs; I could enjoy it too.

Max and Ernst were perfectly courteous and gentlemanly, sex-crazed men, I assumed they had limited sexual connections, other than Schultz. They needed an outlet for their sexual energy, and I provided an inlet. They weren't as interested in the climax as they were in the extended sexual stimulation that proceeded the orgasm. They could teeter on the edge of a climax for a long time. If they came too close to the edge, they withdrew and the other man took over the fucking duties. I could easily accommodate a sexual marathon.

Their ability to switch was good for me. The two men had very different organs and techniques. Max was nine inches with a bullet shaped head. He liked deep strokes and often pulled out for a second or two between deep thrusts and then plunging in as deep as he could go. Ernst had a shorter, thicker organ with a big head and a tapering a bit like a balloon. The thickest part of his cock was at my prostate when he was in deep. He liked to jiggle his cock in little movements rubbing my prostate each time.

Neither man bottomed, but sharing my ass was intensely pleasurable for them. I was lecturing in Geneva next. Max told me he had a cousin there in a banking house that I might enjoy meeting. He thought we might share some common interests.

Two days later, I was in Geneva giving my talk to a small group of scholars. After the talk I met Franz, Max's cousin. I soon realized that Max had given my sexual skills a rave review. Franz invited me to is home the next day at his home to meet some friends.

Franz was an interesting man. He was a vocal German royalist and not welcome in Germany. He was anti-Hohenzollern and wanted to restore the multiple principalities and kingdoms that predated the Prussian dominated Empire. He lived in a small, but attractive country estate outside the city.

His friends included men of a similar ilk, sons and cousins of the Elector of this or the Prince of that. There were one or two Hapsburgs and a Romanoff or two. They were not a group of hard bitten realists, but they were genuinely anti-Nazi and concerned about the welfare of Germany. They recognized the problem, but their remedy was fantasy.

Franz introduced me to his friends. Siegfried was an impressive man. He had been Pilot in the war and had lost his leg and been captured by the British. He had been treated well and was pro-British in his sympathies. Count Wolfgang was an older man, a retired general. He knew my Grandfather. He hugged me enthusiastically and rubbed his erect cock against me. Col Blimp was a favorite character in British humor; the count reminded me of that type. The third man, Albert, was obviously much involved in the Physical Culture movement of the 1920s. He was muscular and fit. Hendrik was an art collector, most interests in recovering Hapsburg collections. Sigmund was his companion.

I met in the main hall of the house. In spite of the small apparent size of the house, it included a covered swimming pool. We then went to the pool where Albert and Wolfgang immediately stripped and jumped into the water. "You must forgive my friends," Wolfgang said. "Max told me you weren't offended by nudity. He also said that you are open mind about masculine intimacy. I hope you aren't offended?" I told him I was not offended in the least. "Would you like to join us in the pool?" he asked. I nodded.

A servant took our clothes, and soon we were all frolicking in the pool. Hendrik swam over to me. "We are very liberal in respect to our sexual tastes. Franz has phobia about spilled sperm. If you find yourself nearing an orgasm, feel free to let me know. I have an interest in sperm and no phobia about it at all," Hendrik said.

"Do you prefer it in the mouth or ass?" I asked.

"Either place is fine," he replied.

"What if it drips from your ass?"

"Don't worry about that. Wolfgang will lick it up before it hits the floor," Hendrik replied as he leaned closer to me. "He doesn't swallow and he feeds it to me later. I hope I haven't shocked you?"

"It seems both sensible and neat," I replied.

Next: Chapter 19

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