
By Vodkapuddle

Published on Jan 5, 2002


Hey guys! OK, I know its been a while since I've written anything, but hey, I'm a busy guy. I hope everybody had a great Christmas and New Year- I'm guessing I did as I don't remember much of it! Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed the story so far- I'd love to hear any comments about the parts you like, the parts you don't and where you would like to see the story going. E-mail me at vodkapuddle@iamwasted.com

'Expectations' part 4


"I cannot believe you would do this to yourself. Have you any idea what you are doing. You saw Judy die. You know what she did to herself, and now you're doing the same thing."

Lee could not tear his eyes away from the syringes that he saw laying on his own bed. He couldn't understand how they got there. Lee didn't do drugs. He had watched his good friend Judy die from drug abuse last year. She was a heroine addict. She was also the last person you would expect to be a drug addict. On the outside she seemed like the most grounded, most sensible girl and she was well loved by everyone who knew her. Lee and Jason had found her shooting-up once in her bedroom which was part of their halls. Everyone supported Judy as she tried to break the habit. She eventually left university and went to a clinic. After only a few days there, she was found dead. She had taken her own life. This affected everyone that knew her. The whole group had made a pact that no matter how tempted they were or how desperate things seemed they would always talk to someone else before taking the plunge into a habit like drugs.

"Jason, you know I would never.........I couldn't.......not after Judy....." Lee pleaded.

"So how are you going to explain this, Lee?" There were tears in Jason's large eyes.

"I don't know how these things got here. I have no idea. Someone must have......"

"Someone must have what, Lee? Someone must have planted them on your bed, right? Who would do that to you?" Jason was angry beyond belief.

"Jas, I don't know. I don't DO drugs, you know that. You know me!" Lee was beginning to cry uncontrollably.

"Lee, I'm not sure I do know you anymore."

With that, Jason left Lee in a trembling state. Lee dropped to the floor holding his knees up to his chest. He didn't understand what was happening. Who would do this to him. He knew he didn't go near drugs. Somebody MUST have planted them, there was no other explanation. But who? Who hated him that much? Lee couldn't think of anyone. Lee couldn't even think of a person that he even slightly disliked or a person that disliked him.

Lee stopped crying. He was thinking. Thinking who would have done this to him. Thinking about how he could prove his innocence to Jason. He couldn't lose Jason. They had finally opened-up their feelings to each other and now this had happened. What could he have done to annoy someone so much? What had he done recently that may have drawn them to this? Who had been in a mood with him recently?


But Zack was always in a mood with Lee. Not just Lee but everyone. Zack would never do something so malicious as this.


Perhaps Joshua had decided to ruin things for he and Jason because he didn't get what he wanted from him. He was still with Emily on his American exchange program. Maybe it was him.

Lee was interrupted from his thoughts when there was a loud knock at the door and Anna crashed in straight towards him.

"You Bastard!" She screamed. Anna began to slap Lee with all of her might.

"I can't believe you would do this to us! You've upset Jason so much. He thought he could trust you, he thought he knew you. How could you do this to him. Why did you do it, Lee? Why?"

"I didn't, Anna. I have no idea what is going on. Somebody hates me, Anna. Somebody has framed me. I don't know why. Maybe it's something to do with Joshua. Maybe somebody doesn't like the fact that Jason and I are together." Lee answered.

Anna stared coldly at Lee for what seemed to be hours. He had seen that expression on her face once before when he asked her to go to lunch with him after a heavy dance session.

"You never deserved Jason. He's too good for scum like you." Anna seethed.

"Anna, you're supposed to be my best friend, why are you turning on me? You know I would never do drugs." Lee pleaded.

"Lee, I suggest you get out of this university. I am not your friend. I don't want to know you anymore. I speak for everybody in the halls, too, you know."

"Anna, please...." Lee cried, but it was too late. Anna had stomped out of his room again and slammed his door. It shook in its frame.

Anna allowed herself to smirk a little a she entered her own room. She had done it. Jason was no longer talking to Lee and neither was anyone else. She was sure that Lee would leave the university. She knew that Lee cared a lot about what others thought about him and he knew that he would not be able to redeem himself. He had done the lowest of the low. No-one would forgive him, especially after what happened with poor Judy. The road was now clear for Anna to make her move on Jason. Maybe she would go and comfort him and let him know she was there for him. He would turn to her for a shoulder to cry on. She would make him see that he needed her.

Anna decided that there was no time like the present and she made her way to Jason's room.

"Can I come in?" She called in a sweet voice as she poked her head around Jason's door.

"Not now, Anna. I want to be alone." Jason answered. He had obviously been crying.

"Ah, come one, Jason, you need a friend to talk to right now and here I am."

Anna gave herself permission to enter Jason's room. She sat down beside him on his bed and gave him a hug. Jason began to cry even harder.

"Come on, baby. Let it all out," Anna cooed in a sickly tone,"talk to me, Jas."

"Anna, why did he do this. I don't believe it. I know Lee, he would never......"

"But he has, Jason, he has." Anna interrupted forcefully.

"But, Lee can't be a drug addict. Lee knows the risks, he saw what it did to Judy."

"Yes, Jason, but he obviously didn't learn much from the experience." Anna replied in a slightly sarcastic tone.

"No, Anna, you're wrong. Lee says he doesn't know anything about those syringes and I believe him. Somebody has tried to frame him- I know it!"

"You're a fool to believe him, Jason. The sooner you see that the better. You don't want him to bring you down to his level," Anna couldn't believe what she was hearing from Jason. She thought that this would surely be the end of Jason and Lee's little romance,"Take it from me, Jason; Lee is scum."

"Lee is NOT scum, Anna. Leave me alone!" Jason shouted.

Anna paused for a second in disbelief and then turned and began to leave Jason on his own when Jason saw something hanging from the hem of Anna's sweater.

"Stop, right there, Anna. What the hell is that?!" Jason stood. In two large strides he was in front of her blocking her way out.

"Get out of my face, Jason. What the hell are you talking about?"

"What the fuck is this?" Jason snarled as he reached out to Anna's sweater and pulled out a syringe that had been clinging to the material. Anna's face said it all.

"Jason.......I don't know how that got there.....maybe when I was in Lee's room....."

"Shut-up, Anna. I cannot believe you've done this. Why? What has he ever done to you? I can't believe you've stooped so low. You are supposed to be our friend. I can't even tell you what I'm feeling right now." Jason seethed. Anna had become a deep shade of red and her eyes had started dancing wildly in their sockets.

"Jason, don't you realise, you could have ME! What's Lee got that I haven't. We could be great together." Anna had grabbed onto Jason shoulders and was gibbering madly. Jason placed his hand on Anna's forehead and she sighed loudly. Anna then fell to the floor as Jason pushed his hand against her lightly.

Jason couldn't believe it, Anna had completely lost it. She always seemed so cool and calm. He couldn't believe that it seemed as if he, Jason, was the reason behind her wanting to hurt Lee. She never showed any interest in him before. Why now? That were no words to describe how confused and utterly blank Jason felt. All he knew was that he had to see Lee.

Jason left Anna in a crumpled heap on her floor whimpering to herself. She wasn't hurt physically but Jason could see she had lost it emotionally. He would deal with Anna later. Jason left Anna's pink-walled room swiftly and made his way across the kitchen, past Zack, Emily and Lauren's surprised faces towards Lee's room. Jason guessed that Zack, Emily and Lauren had probably been listening at the door. He didn't really mind- everybody would know eventually. Jason raised his large hand in a fist and paused for just a second before knocking on Lee's door. He had no idea what he was going to say. How could he apologise? He had accused Lee of being a drug addict and then abandoned him. There was no answer from Lee's room. Jason tried the door and it opened. He found Lee with his pack to the door. He had a filled suitcase in front of him and it looked as though Lee had started clearing his desk.

"Lee?" Jason tried.

No reply.

"Lee, I'm sorry."

Still no reply.

"Lee, I know what's happened. I know it wasn't you."

Jason reached out and placed his hand on Lee's shoulder. Lee shrugged it away and turned sharply.

"How could you, Jason? How could you accuse me like that?" Lee screamed no caring who heard him.

"You deserted me. I don't know who has decided to try and ruin me, but...."

"Lee, it was Anna." Jason interrupted without any emotion. Lee became blank. For a moment he couldn't see anything. He felt hot, cold, full of thought then completely oblivious.

"Anna?" Lee questioned when he found his voice. "Anna wouldn't. Why? She has nothing against me, she's one of my best friends, or she was until she found out about this stupid drugs scene."

"Lee, believe when I tell you this; it was Anna who framed you. She has some kind of problem about you and I. What did she say when she spoke to you about this?" Jason asked calmly.

"She was shouting. She said I should never show my face around here again. She said you deserved better than me. She kept on saying how much I had hurt you......." Lee suddenly realised what Jason meant. Anna seemed genuinely upset with Lee but she wasn't a performing arts student for nothing.

"Right, I am going to have some words with Anna. Get out of my way." Lee said sternly.

"Lee, I have already spoken to her, she's a mess. I think she's really lost it. Leave her for now. I'm sure Emily or someone is with her now. Just stay her for a moment. Come here." Jason opened his strong arms beckoning Lee to come to him.

Lee knew that it was no use trying to fight Jason. He could see how sorry he was and he wasn't about to lose the one thing that he loved the most in the world. Lee took of his mask of anger and he shoulders dropped as he began to let small tears trickle down his warm cheeks. Jason came closer to Lee and smothered him with his embrace.

"Lee, I am so sorry. It's just I was so upset when I saw those things after what happened to Judy. I wasn't thinking rationally. I love you so much, pup." Jason soothed as he stroked Lee's hair.

Lee looked up into Jason's big green eyes and his face cracked into a small smile. How could Lee not forgive a person so beautiful. Not only was Jason beautiful on the outside but he was also beautiful within.

"I love you too, Jas, I love you too."

Lee pulled Jason's face closer to his own and allowed his lips to part slightly. They shared a deep, long, warm kiss with each other. Lee believed that they would become even closer after this drama.

They had not been together for long but both Lee and Jason had already experienced so much together. There was the initial high emotion of their get together after being best friends. They thought they knew each other so well, they were sure there was nothing that the other didn't know about themselves but they discovered a new level.

Jason was still very unsure in himself and was still completely confused about why he had sexual feeling for Lee when he had never felt them for another male. Even though he was still confused, he was very sure of what he was doing as he pushed Lee down onto his bed never losing the contact they had with their lips. Jason's kisses became more urgent and Lee followed suit. Jason's hands began to explore Lee's body as if he had just been given a new toy at Christmas. He was beginning to appreciate the beauty of a fine male body. Jason was becoming more and more heated and this was given away in the crotch area of his tight Levis. Lee's groping hands noticed this as he began to lower Jason's levis past ankles and onto the floor. Lee was greeted by a naked penis.

"My God, big guy, ever heard of underwear?"

"I'm sorry, were you complaining?" Jason panted.

With that, Jason began to tear away each item of Lee's clothing until he was left in his Calvin Klein's. Jason stopped for a moment and gave Lee a little signature grin. Lee winked at Jason in reply. Jason slowly lowered his gave back to Lee's groin and noticed that Lee was pitching a trouser tent.

"We're gonna have to do something about this, pup." Jason said sexily.

"Jason, you know you don't have to do this, I can wait until you're ready."

"Who says I'm not ready now, pup. You scared of little ol' me?!" Jason joked.

"Pah! Yeah right!" Lee scoffed.

Suddenly Jason dived his lips onto Lee's chest area and began to bite, nibble, kiss and lick every part he could get his mouth on. Lee couldn't stop laughing the sensations were so intense. His feet were scrunched-up into tight little balls. Jason began to trail his tongue down the centre of Lee's well-developed chest until he arrived at the waistband of his underwear. Jason paused for a moment. Lee was sure that Jason had changed his mind and decided he wasn't ready to do this when he felt Jason's hot mouth assault his cock through the material of his Calvin's. Lee let out a moan. He could've cum right there and then. He had wanted this for so long and it was finally happening. Jason hooked his fingers underneath the waistband and began to slowly expose Lee. He did this in a sexy, deliberate way; it was driving Lee wild. Jason pushed Lee's legs up so he could remove his underwear and placed them back down so they made a triangular shape in the air. He then lowered his head and began to slowly lick around the head of Lee's pulsating cock. Lee let out another moan. Using that as encouragement, Jason allowed Lee into his mouth and began to bob up and down on his cock like a professional.

"My God, Jas, how many times have you done this?" Lee asked whilst shuddering.

Jason held up his hand in the shape of a zero whilst continuing the action on Lee. Lee was beginning to feel things that he had never felt before. Lee had always liked sex but he would never say he loved it that much. He was now beginning to change his mind. This was amazing.

After a few minutes of Jason sucking Lee's dick he came up for air.

"You know, I don't mind if you cum in my mouth." Jason said, almost as a statement.

"OK." Lee answered simply. In fairness, it was just about all Lee COULD say.

Jason carried-on sucking Lee's pole but much faster than before with a lot more urgency. He began to use his tongue a lot more around the head of Lee's cock- he had remembered what Lee had done to him before and was trying to repeat it.

Lee began to feel the tell-tale signs of his impending orgasm and was almost ready to explore when Jason gagged slightly and stopped sucking. Jason began to stroke Lee's pole with his right hand. Lee realised that he wasn't about to swallow his cum. He let Jason finish him off with his hand. Even though Jason had stopped with his blow job, it was still probably one of the best orgasms Lee had ever had.

"I'm sorry, pup, I'm just not ready to do that yet." Jason whispered as he lay himself on top of a panting Lee.

"Don't be sorry, Jason, that was amazing." Lee replied. He was not disappointed in the slightest.

"I love you, Lee"

"I love you too, Jason."

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, guys. That was part 4. I'm going to be doing a lot more parts to this story in a quicker time from now on- I'm not so busy with work and stuff. I'd really love to hear your comments- my e-mail address is at the top of the page. If you want to be added to my list of part notifications then mail me and I'll add you- it's as simply as that! Peace.

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