Exhibitionist Adventures

By Aidan Greyson

Published on Dec 11, 2012


Disclaimer: The following story contains sex between males! Don't read if it's illegal where you live or if you do not like this kind of material. Otherwise, continue. –Aidan

Note: This is a true story. It happened my sophomore year in high school. Enjoy!

Exhibitionist Adventures 2: Swimming Pool Showers

I wasn't always with Matt, as I've mentioned in the previous installment. During my high school years, I was very sexually active. I started jerking off around the age of twelve, but didn't start having wet cums until nearly turning thirteen. My second exhibitionist act was during my sophomore year with a friend of mine who is also bisexual. I say `also' because I'm bisexual. However, I lean more towards being gay, but I enjoy fucking a girl once in awhile. This was also when I lost my virginity. Noah and I were good buddies. In fact, we were sort of suck buddies—we gave each other head. My sophomore year I was still a bit scrawny, but it's thanks to Noah that I've got a nice body now. Noah was taller than me and had the beginning of a swimmers' build. He said he wanted a swimming buddy, and his brother wasn't interested.

"Well, what makes you think I want to swim?" I teased, already knowing that I'd do anything for him—he's been my friend since sixth grade.

"For one, you're always complaining that you don't have a nice body. Second, you know you like swimming. Third, you know you'll do it for me, even if you didn't know how to swim." He grinned triumphly.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, well, I guess, I mean, it's not like I have anything better to do on the weekends, right?" He poked me on the ribs, eliciting a small giggle. We went our separate ways, agreeing to meet for lunch after advisory. Advisory was an extra' period, sort of a study hall type of thing, but everyone knew all the teachers just kept on lecturing or gave more work to do. It was rare when a teacher actually gave us the period to ourselves. Tuesdays, I had chemistry and double English before lunch, P.E. and World History afterwards. I had Noah for the rest of the day after lunch. English was uneventful, just reading To Kill A Mockingbird. I joked around with another friend, Jaden. We both agreed that if you said the title fast enough, it sounded like tequila mockingbird'. It was a crack up. The teacher scolded us, but was fighting not to crack a smile. Ms. Davis was cool.

For lunch, it was the usual surprise food: hamburgers, salads, and lasagna. The lasagna wasn't that bad, so I opted for it; so did Noah. "Okay, so, ask your mom if you can stay Friday night, so we can wake up early to get to the pool. My mom said it was okay if it was okay with yours." We laughed, milk nearly gushing out of my nose, which caused us to laugh even harder. We both knew we wouldn't be able to wake up early if we spent half the night sucking each other off. That night at dinner, I asked my mom if I could go swimming with Noah.

"Why the new interest in swimming, honey?" I grabbed a piece of garlic bread, scooping up some fish and pasta—I love pasta, as you'll come to see.

"Oh, Noah wants a swimming buddy, and I figured, why not? Besides, I like swimming." My mom smiled, pouring more wine in her glass.

"Why don't you join football instead?" My dad was the kind of dad that wanted his only son to follow his footsteps.

I shook my head, "I don't like the game much." My mom jabbed my dad.

"Okay," he said. "So is his mom going to pick you up early Saturday morning?" I took a sip of Coke.

"Actually, I was gonna ask if I could sleep over Friday, that way, we wouldn't have to get up earlier." She nodded, "Okay, I don't see why not; gives your father and I some time alone." My father looked up at that, a look of anticipation on his face.

"Friday won't come soon enough then," he said, leaning over to kiss my mom. I covered my ears, "Gross, ma! I don't want to hear what you plan for Friday. Yuck!" I scrunched my nose up, sticking my tongue out at her. She laughed, kicking me lightly on the shin.

I called Noah right after dinner, telling him the good news. "Alright! You know what this means," he whooped. I laughed, "You down on your knees? I like how you think, Noah! Okay, well, see you tomorrow."

We hung up. Contrary to what dad said, the rest of the week went by pretty fast. Friday arrived and I took with me an overnight bag to school, stuffing it in my locker for the day.

At the end of the day, Noah's mom picked us up and took us home. "Okay, boys, I have to get some shopping done but David brought some DVDs, snacks are where they've always been and you can help yourselves to some sandwiches if you boys feel hungry before dinner," she said as we pulled up to the driveway. She dropped us off, promising to come back soon.

"Take your time, mom," Noah said, opening his door. As soon as we crossed the threshold, he turned to me. "Wanna have some fun?" I pushed him to the wall, "You bet!" I could already see the bulge in his pants, and it excited me even more. I pulled down his pants without a warning, loving that he decided not to wear any underwear for today, his cock smacking into his stomach with a meaty sound. The tip was red and already had some pre cum. I leaned in to clean it, then licking down, down until I reached his balls, and then slowly took each into my mouth, careful to not exert too much pressure with my teeth. I could feel Noah tense beneath me, the muscles in his thighs flexing under my hands when I licked just below his balls. We'd never actually thought about eating ass, but I was curious. Noah wasn't sure he'd like someone to lick the orifice in which poop came out of. "It'd just make me feel uncomfortable, Aidan." And I understood, but I wanted so badly to eat his ass...instead I satisfied myself with just licking under his balls, his hips bucking. It made me feel so powerful.

"Aidan...you're killing me here, bud. Suck my cock, please!" His voice was desperate, fingers digging into his palms. I decided to take pity on him and took him in my mouth suddenly. "Ahh! Gah, please...so hot!" Noah was gone, everything clenched tight so as to last just a bit longer. I enjoyed making Noah edge...a lot. Maybe too much, but I enjoyed making him cum so much and so hard. His breathing was loud and hard, like he'd been running a marathon. He had one hand's fingers digging into my shoulder, and the other hand's into my hair, pulling me closer to him as he thrusted into my mouth. Noah was kind of big already, probably six inches, but it grew into seven eventually. He was big enough that the tip of him reached into my throat, making me gag. I didn't mind, wanting to take all if his length into my mouth; it about made Noah fall.

"I'm not gonna last...Aidan...Ple—oh shit, here...it...comes!" He came, his cum sliding down my throat. I admit this part felt a bit weird at first, but I got used to it. I pulled back so the rest would pool on my tongue. I kept on sucking until he shuddered one last time. He slid down the wall, sitting on his ass.

"You're improving, alright," he was still breathless. Some five minutes later, he pushed me down to the floor, straddling my waist. He leaned down, licking the edge of my ear; we had discovered that this turned me on a lot. Noah liked to tease me this way, taking forever to get to my cock, taking forever to even getting close to it! He licked down my neck, biting gently so he wouldn't leave a mark or anything that would give us away. He sucked on my nipples briefly, making his way down my stomach, slowly opening my jeans. It seemed like forever when he finally released my cock, pre cum splattering a bit. He took me in his mouth, sucking up and down, not wasting any time. He rolled my balls in his hand, tugging and squeezing.

"Gah, Noah...I'm nearly there," I was thrusting, back arched a little, legs spread out wide. I was at the edge, just about to cum...Noah let my cock go, sliding down to lick my balls. "Oh! Noah! Please, I need to cum!" I was panting, muscles all over my body tensed and tight. He licked below my balls, going a bit lower than he usually would go...but he came back up. I nearly came, thinking how hot it would be if he ate me out. He went back to sucking my cock, his hands gripping my butt, pulling me closer to him.

Noah could deep throat like a pro, taking all of my nearly six inches. He touched his lips to my body once, twice, and by the third time, I came hard. I moaned loud, fingers digging into the carpet, then going to his head to keep him on me. I kept shuddering, having little muscle spasms, and moaning. It was a while before I could move anything at all.

Noah kneeled, smiling, "You okay?"

I sat up, leaning back on my hands. "I'm more than okay. But I'm not sure I'll be able to make it to your room upstairs." Noah laughed, "Well, I ain't carrying your sorry ass up the stairs, so you can forget it." I smacked him lightly on the arm, "You jerk."

His mom came home fifteen minutes after that, and got started on dinner while Noah and I worked on some homework we had. All too soon, we were going to sleep. Of course, after giving each other head a second time.

We woke up around eight, getting ready quickly to be able to make it by nine. We had our speedos on, though mine were a bit tighter than was comfortable; I was growing, I guess. Noah introduced me to his `swimming instructor', though I knew he was the lifeguard. His name was Oliver. Oliver was nineteen, with broad shoulders and a slim waist, a slight tan, black hair and brown eyes.

I thought he was really hot. I just hoped I wouldn't get a boner. We were the only ones at this time. Good thing, I thought. I knew how to swim—or at least, I thought so. But according to Oliver—who was a swimming instructor—I wasn't swimming the correct way, whatever that meant. As long as I could float and make my way to the opposite end of the pool, I considered that swimming. I was pretty sore by the end of the lesson, ready for a hot shower. The phone started ringing.

"You guys go ahead, I'll catch up right now," Oliver made his way into the main office, picking the phone up. "Oh, hey, ma. Nah, I got time," we heard as we went into the showers. He was gonna be awhile. We slipped out of our speedos, walking to the shower-heads. This pool only had one switch, already having the water just right for you; it was awesome. I was soaping myself up, looking at Noah out of the corner of my eye. I was starting to get hard, and so was he. He smirked, looking down at my hardening shaft. He glanced up at me before glancing sideways at the door. He got this mischievous grin, which kind of scared me.

Every time Noah smiled like this, it was because he got a crazy idea, and wanted me to join in. I always did. "Want to fuck?" I dropped the bar of soap, not sure if I had heard correctly. "But...Oliver...he might...see us," even to me, this sounded like a lame excuse, especially after freshman year. Noah knew about that, about how I liked the adrenaline rush over the possibility of getting caught. His grin widened, knowing I wouldn't resist. I already fingered myself when I jerked off—with three fingers. He knew this, too. I nodded, bending down to pick up the soap. I rubbed the soap, getting a good lather started before I reached behind me to start rubbing my hole.

"No, let me do that," Noah stepped closer to me, hands soapy. I turned around, putting my forearms against the wall, arching my back to stick my butt out. I expected Noah to get to it quickly, but he surprised me when he touched his lips to the back of my neck, sucking gently as he made his way to the side and under my ear—I loved it. I started breathing hard when he cupped my cheeks.

"I've never really noticed what a great ass you have. Sort of like a bubble butt, but it's firm, too. Really fuckable, now that I think about it," Noah said, spreading my cheeks and rubbing his thumb around my hole. I stayed still, enjoying his touch. He kept circling his middle finger; it kept me guessing when he'd start pressing in. I relaxed, looking down at my hard cock, the shower off (it was timed to last only fifteen minutes). I leaned my head back, when Noah suddenly pushed his finger inside me. It didn't hurt, but it did take me by surprise, I tightened up.

"God, you're tight. Imagine the way it'd feel around my dick," he was pumping his finger in and out, and placed his head on my shoulder, his face in the crook of my neck. On the fourth pump, he brushed my prostate; I moaned. I could feel him smile against me. Soon, he had three fingers in me. I was ready to blow, but I kept resisting, wanting to cum with him inside of me.

"I think you can go on in, Noah," I was eager for him to fuck me. I was eager to lose my virginity, once and for all. He pulled out his fingers, gripping my hips with one hand and his dick with the other, guiding himself to my hole. He placed the head against my hole, sort of caressing me with it. He slowly popped it in, stopping, then pushing some more in. It hurt some, though not like I had expected; what do you know, those three fingers did work.

"You're tight and hot. I like this. Why didn't we try it sooner?" All I could do was keep biting my lip to keep from moaning too loud and grunted an `I don't know and I don't give a fuck, just keep fucking me' grunt. He was all the way in, his pubes pressed to my butt.

"Come on, fuck me already," I was starting to get impatient. I wasn't really thinking about Oliver, but I just wanted him to pound my ass. He started with an easy, slow rhythm. Every time he thrust in, the head of his cock would brush over my prostate. I pressed my forehead to my arms, still trying not to moan.

It was a losing battle; as Noah sped up his thrusting, nudging my love nub constantly, all I could do was arch my back even more and moan—loud. Noah moaning at my ear turned me on even more. Our moans echoing in the large shower room, bouncing off the tiled wall...it did more than turn me on; I was on cloud nine.

I could feel myself about to come, not giving a flying fuck if anybody heard me or not. I looked over my shoulder, trying to get a good look at Noah's face. But as I glanced towards the door, what I saw made me not want to come anymore. There stood Oliver, cock in hand and jerking off. At first, I was nearly shitting myself—not a good idea, at the moment. But once I realized what he was doing, I relaxed. My dick had started softening, but the look on his face got me even more horned up. I was gonna come soon, and so was he. I kept my eyes on Oliver, wanting to see him shoot. I focused on his cock; it was thick, about seven inches, maybe more, I wasn't too sure.

"I'm gonna come, Aidan," Noah gave one last thrust, his cum hot like molten lava inside me. I groaned, teetering on the edge. Oliver pumped his cock one more time and blew his load all over—his chest, the floor, even the bench nearest to him. Seeing him come like that pushed me over the edge. I had never climaxed as violently as I did then. I was shuddering so bad, it looked felt like I was having a seizure.

Noah had to hold me up, though he wasn't that strong, either. We slid carefully to the floor, facing the door and Oliver. Noah froze behind me. Oliver was sitting on the bench covered with his cum.

He grinned, "Well, that was a good show. I'll give you the next swimming lesson for free." I laughed—I just couldn't help it. Noah was laughing, too, but you could tell it was his uncertain and nervous laugh.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked, truly curious. He smirked, "'Come on, fuck me already'. Sound familiar?" I blushed, he laughed, and Noah chuckled. Noah and I eventually got up, turning on the showerhead to finish showering. Oliver joined us, though we didn't do anything—that time. Yes, we did fool around when we went in the next couple of times, but that, boys and girls, is another complete different story.

Comments and questions can be sent to mrgreyplease@yahoo.com, but please put Exhibitionist Adventures as the `subject.' That way, I'll know it's not spam.

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Note: I know I'm evil! Ha, ha. It's just that I want this series (?) to be just about my exhibitionist adventures, hence the title. I'll think about adding it on once I'm done. Also, I don't send out pictures. If you want to, that's another story, but please warn me!–A.

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