Exhibitionist Adventures

By Aidan Greyson

Published on Nov 29, 2012


Disclaimer: The following story contains sex between males! Don't read if it's illegal where you live or if you do not like this kind of material. Otherwise, continue. –Aidan

Note: The following story is real, though some details have been tweaked for obvious reasons. I've always been quite the exhibitionist, and so is my boyfriend. We've both had tons of fun and he's agreed and given permission for me to write about some of our adventures. Enjoy! -A.

Exhibitionist Adventures 1: Movie Theatre

I remember the first date I ever went with my present boyfriend, Matthew. We had gone to high school together and we were both out to friends and family. After graduation, we started seeing each other. He was pretty hot; curly brown hair and green eyes, about two inches taller than my five foot seven inches, a great tan and dimples (I'm a goner for dimples); though if you ask me what I like about him the most, I'd have to say his hands--and his cock (lol)--his hands are so huge and his fingers long and thin. I love them; there's just something so graceful about them. We've had our breaks over the last four years, but we've always worked out the kinks. I'm getting off topic (lol). For our first official date, Matt wanted to take me out to dinner and a movie. I was okay with it, but I had a lot of food allergies. He was thinking something along the lines of a nice restaurant. Instead, to play it safe, we ate McDonald's. I really can't remember the movie we decided on, but it was a comedy, that was for sure. I've always been an exhibitionist, as I discovered during my high school years, so I was naturally fantasizing about giving Matt head in the theatre. After all, we were sitting towards the back and there were hardly any people at all. I was popping wood, and in my snug fitting jeans, it was both quite obvious (even in the semi-darkness) and pretty uncomfortable, to the verge of slight pain. We were holding hands, and I had my head on his shoulder, snuggled up to him, which, of course, didn't help my erection go down at all. I was thinking of just going to the bathroom and rubbing one off quickly when Matt turned to me, "You wanna make out?" I smiled like the proverbial cat that ate the canary. "Sure!" We got straight to it, starting gently and slowly at first, hardly using any tongue. Matt was a very good kisser, and I was pretty decent myself. Something about making out in public, though in the dark, got me even harder than I previously was. I was suppressing my moans, wanting so badly to moan like crazy and grope Matt, but I thought, nah, Matt won't go for it. He pulled my hair, tilting my head back to expose my throat, and bit his way down while I bit my bottom lip, trying to keep quiet. I was breathing hard, enjoying the feeling of Matt's tongue in my ear when he pressed his hand to my crotch. It's an understatement to say that I let out a muffled moan and jumped an inch. Really, I was surprised nobody heard me. "Oh, god, Matt, please, touch me," I was too far gone to remember where I was by that point. He began to unbutton my shirt, kissing, biting, and licking my chest, my nipples, and my stomach. He pushed my back into the seat, wrestling with my belt to unbuckle it. I nearly came when I figured out what he was going to do. He came back up for a quick kiss, biting my lips gently. I groaned, cock throbbing when the cooler air hit it. He grinned, the bastard, knowing that I was in pain. I shoved his head down, gripping the back of his neck. He took hold of me at the base, licking the head then plunging down my whole seven and some change inches. It took me by surprise--again--and I had to grip the armrest, unless I wanted to hurt Matt. He bobbed his head up and down, cupping my balls with his other hand, rolling them around in his hand gently. I thrust up, head back and eyes tightly shut. I rubbed his head and stroked his hair while he continued to blow me. I knew I wasn't going to last another minute. "Matt, I'm gonna cum, oh, fuck, please, swallow," I gave one final thrust and came, balls pulling up. He moaned, swallowing greedily, and I gasped and spluttered, trying not to moan. I wasn't too quiet, though, as I would soon find out. I was still shaking, and I could feel cum still dribbling out, Matt's tongue catching it. I laid back, feeling like a sack of potatoes. Matt sat up, grinning, leaning over and kissed me hard. I could taste myself on his mouth and tongue--it was hot. He broke off, eyebrow raised in question. I grinned weakly, "You nearly killed me, Matt. Give me a minute." I was still breathing quite fast and heavy. I zipped up, careful of my now-too-sensitive head. Matt was rubbing his cock through his pants. I looked around, not seeing anyone paying attention to us. I quickly got on my knees, lifting up his shirt to play with his nipples. I have a thing for nipples, and I soon discovered that Matt loves his nipples to be played with. I was only more than glad to oblige. "Hurry, you're gonna make me come before you even take my cock out!" I chuckled, unzipping his jeans. He was wearing boxer briefs, though what color, I don't know. I buried my nose in his crotch, inhaling in that musky scent; it made my cock hard again. I have a thing for the smell of crotch. I bit his cock gently through his underwear, causing Matt to whimper. I pulled down the boxer briefs down, eager to get a taste of his cock. It was nice sized, about one quarter bigger than mine, though I wasn't so sure. I was sure that I had him beat in width. I licked up and down his cock, gathering his pre-cum in my tongue, licking the piss hole. I scooped his balls out of their confines, licking them and sucking gently on them. Matt moaned, the hand on my head gripping my hair, though not too tight, hips thrusting up, cock begging for attention. I finally took pity on him and took him in my mouth, sucking up and down, and tongue on the underside of his dick. It wasn't long before he came, cum gushing out, pooling on my tongue. He tasted good, somewhat more sweet than salty. I kept on sucking until he shook one last time, cum dribbling out. He had to pull me off, his cock head too sensitive. I grinned, getting up and sitting in my seat. I turned to him and kissed him, opening his mouth with my tongue. I pulled back, smiling as he zipped himself up. "That was good," he said, leaning back to enjoy the rest of the movie. I had to agree. There was a certain thrill about kissing and blowing someone in a movie theatre. I decided I liked it a lot. I looked around, and the blood left my face. To the far left of me, on Matt's side, and two rows up was a man. He looked to be in his twenties; he was smiling, looking right at me. He raised his left hand in greeting. I then noticed his right arms moving up and down...The guy was jerking off! I couldn't believe it, and grinned widely. I raised my arm, returning the greeting. "Who are you waiving to?" Matt asked, turning around. The guy waved again. Matt turned to me with wide eyes, "Is he...jerking off?" I nodded, "Apparently, he liked the show." "The show...? Oh! You mean he saw us?" I grinned, "Yes." Matt smiled, snuggling up to me, "That's kind of weird but...cool, I guess." At the end of the movie, we got up, stretching. We exited, throwing the sodas and empty popcorn bucket on the way out. "I enjoyed the show, boys. Thanks, made the movie worth the while." Turned out the guy worked in the theatre cleaning up the things left behind; his name was Louis. We blushed, muttering nonsense, waving goodbye as we hurried out. "Thanks for taking me out, Matt. I really liked it," I grabbed his hand, pulling him to me. He put his arm around me, "Nah, thank you for agreeing to come with me." I grinned mischievously, "Oh, we came, alright." Matt laughed, squeezing me, kissing me on the cheek.

Comments and questions can be sent to mrgreyplease@yahoo.com, but please put Exhibitionist Adventures as the `subject.' That way, I'll know it's not spam.

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Note: I don't e-mail pictures of myself or of Matt in this case. However, feel free to send me any, not without a warning, though.(;

Next: Chapter 2

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