Exchange Student Returns Home

By Dean Montague

Published on Sep 26, 2024


Chapter 9

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Luke's POV

While Brandon is gone, Grayson gets the adapter out and we quickly learn how to use it. I tell Grayson that I just want to play for a few moments until Brandon comes back, so I can get a feel with the controller.

Brandon comes back in after about five minutes and he sees that I'm playing. "Are you playing without me?" He is pretending to pout.

"No way!" I tell him. "I'm just getting a feel for the controller. It's a little weird, but I'm learning. You guys will need the advantage, because once I have gotten used to this, you'll be dog meat."

We banter back and forth for a little while. I take a few bites of my sandwich and drink it down with some yummy A&W. "You guys ready?"

I was right. They were kicking my butt at first, but the longer I played, the better I got. After about two hours, I'm the one kicking butt.

"Luke?" Dad says as he enters my room. I pause the game. Dad says that it is rude to keep playing a game when someone, especially him, is talking to you. He continues, "I've got something for you." He is holding a box.

"Wow!" I exclaim. "Another present and it's not even my birthday."

He hands me the box and I can see the picture that has a guy with a cast on his arm and this plastic thing around it. It says, "Water tight". Dad says that I can wear it in the tub or shower and my arm will stay dry.

"Thank you so much Dad. This is awesome. Check it out Brandon." I hand him the box. I think for a second. "Hey Dad. Do you think I could maybe wear it in the pool?" I am praying that he'll say yes.

"Let me see that box Brandon." He asks. He is looking all over and says, "I'm not sure".

Brandon says, "Let's find out." He goes over to the computer and makes an inquiry. Grayson is looking over his shoulder to see too. After checking a few sites, he says, "They say that it can go underwater and won't leak if you aren't actually swimming or playing around. Too much movement can cause some water to leak in. You just have to be careful."

Dad says, "Let's give it a try tonight when you take your shower and see how it does. How does that sound to you, Luke?"

"That sounds wonderful, Dad. Thank you so much." I give him a hug. Then I remember something. "I'm sorry for earlier today, Dad. I was rude and disrespectful. I don't know what came over me. I had my mind made up and nothing was going to change it. I am very sorry. All I can do is claim temporary insanity."

Dad says, "You have gone through so much lately that I think we can give you a pass. What matters now is where you go from here. I have faith in my two boys." He looks at both of us, smiles and walks out of the room.

"Oh crap!" Grayson says. "I need to get home. Dad and I are going out to a movie and then dinner. We like to do something once a week if we can. I'll see you guys tomorrow okay?"

Brandon says, "Thanks for coming over, Grayson. I really appreciate it."

"Yes!" I say, "Thank you!"

Grayson leaves and it is just me and Brandon. Brandon says, "Today has been exhausting and I think I am just going to take a long nap."

He is right. I just need my brain to quiet down. My mind has been all over the place and I just need to rest too. Brandon is already laying down on his bed. I'm sitting on my bed and I am looking at my brother. He is on his side and I think there is enough room if I just slip in next to him.

"Umm, Brandon? Do you think that I could..."

Brandon must've known what I was going to ask, because just as I said that, he opened his arms and said, "Come here, you." He is on his right side and I grab my pillow and lay down on Brandon's outstretched arm. I put the pillow on top of me with my cast on top of that. He pulls me close to him and my head is resting on his shoulder and the crook of his neck. He kisses my forehead and whispers that he loves me, and closes his eyes. That's all I remember until Mom is telling us to wake up for dinner.

"Wake up my sweet boys. Dinner is ready and I made angel hair pasta with Alfredo sauce that you both like."

I was so comfortable. Oh well, I am really hungry. This time I give Brandon a kiss on the cheek and then get up. He is still wiping the sleep out of his eyes. He must've really been tired because the moment Mom left, he laid back down on his pillow.

"Come on, Brandon, it's dinner time. If you don't get up, I'll have to eat all the angel hair Alfredo. More for me." I walk out the door like I'm in a hurry.

"Okay, okay. I'm getting up. Don't you guys dare start without me." Brandon warned.

Dinner was really good and Mom made homemade French bread too, and asked Brandon how it compared to the bread in France. He told her that she had them beat. I'm going to have to ask him if he really meant it or if he just wanted Mom to feel good. Maybe a little of both.

After dinner, we watch TV as a family. We watch Wheel of Fortune and then Jeopardy. I'm cuddled up next to Dad like I usually am and Chrissy is cuddled up next to Mom. Brandon is in his own chair. We have our own contest to see who can guess the puzzles first on Wheel. Mom always wins on Wheel even if one of us guesses the puzzle once in a while. Jeopardy is usually won by Dad, but tonight Brandon gave him a run for his money. He would have beat Dad except he lost the final answer. He was so close and faked having a fit when Dad won.

"Nooo!!!" Brandon cried. "I had you, Pops. I was so close." He then falls on the floor.

Dad gloats, "Lose by and inch or lose by a mile, it doesn't matter to me. I still won. I am victorious!"

After Dad is done gloating, he says to me, "Okay sport. Let's get you in the shower. I want to see how that cast cover works out." I don't really want to take a shower, I'm comfortable on the couch, but if it works, I can probably go in the pool tomorrow. I do really want to be able to swim so I hurry up and go to the bathroom. By the time Dad gets there with the box, I am naked except I'm having a little trouble with my shirt.

Dad walks in and says, "Man. You're not wasting any time are you?" He helps me with the shirt and then he tries to get the cover on my arm. It's finally ready and I have to pee real bad. Being naked, you don't need both hands to pee. Dad lifts the lid and seat, and I pee into the toilet. Starting off, my pee goes out in an uncoordinated stream like it usually does, before it goes in a controlled stream into the toilet. I get pee all over the seat like I usually do. Dad is shaking his head.

"Who taught you how to pee? Dad asked. "You are making a mess!"

"No one. Not you or Brandon or anybody else showed me how! Am I doing it wrong?"

In a softer voice, Dad says, "Sorry Luke. You still have your foreskin and when you pee, (he grabs my dick and pulls back the skin) you have to pull it back like this. That way, you pee where you aim and it doesn't go everywhere. Also, you get less pee under your foreskin. I did tell you that you had to keep it clean and showed you how to do that when you were a kid."

He then takes his finger and sticks it in my foreskin and moves it around the head. "Ha ha! That tickles." I say. He then brings his finger up to my nose, and tells me to smell. I about gag. He then tells me that bacteria grows under my skin if it's not kept clean. It can also cause an infection. "So make sure you pull your skin back when you pee and you won't make a mess and have a cleaner penis. Oh, and another thing, it's really important that when you masturbate, you clean yourself real good." Before I can protest he says, "And don't tell me that you don't. I have seen your dirty socks and they can stand up in the corner all by themselves."

Now I am embarrassed. I'm sure my face is dark red. Beating my meat is a conversation that I thought I would never have with my dad. He must have seen my embarrassment. He continued, "It's no big deal Luke, all boys do it. Some brag about it and others do it privately. Brandon does it and I even do it sometimes. I'm not trying to embarrass you, and if I did, I'm sorry."

"I, ahh.... I mean, yeah I am a bit embarrassed by it but no more embarrassed then most of what has happened this last week. Um, so what you are basically saying is that you, Mom, Brandon, and Mr. Palmer know I do this?"

"Well, kinda, yes." He says. "But it's not like they think about it or if they look at you funny you don't need to think it's on their forethought. It's like everybody poops. Your Algebra teacher Mrs. Wakefield poops, the minister poops, even the King of England poops. Nobody thinks about it but you know they all do it."

"So if I wanted to talk to you about jacking off, you'd be okay with that?" With all this talk about jacking off, I look down and I am staring down the hole on my penis. I decide to ignore it since that is normal too. I'll only say something if he does first.

"Of course. You're my son and you should be comfortable coming to me about anything. I'm not saying that it wouldn't be strange.... But you also have an older brother that could probably be more helpful."

"Ah, Dad? I'm a little cold just standing here naked. Do you think I can shower now?"

"Oh, Oh! Yes of course." He says and helps me in the shower. I want to see how much of this I can do by myself. I grab the shower wand and rinse myself off and wet down my hair. Dad pours some shampoo in my good hand and I wash my hair. It wasn't too bad and I rinse it. I ask Dad to help because I can't hold the wand and get the shampoo out. He holds the wand.

Next, I grab the bar of soap and proceed to lather up my chest and groin. I can't do my left side or my back, so Dad lathers me up there. I clean my crack and then I sit down on the shower chair. I am able to do both of my legs then. This whole time I am hard as a nail. I could jack off right here in front of Dad, but that would be too weird. Anyway, I'm done and Dad gives me a rinse off all over. Then that turkey, turns off the hot water and sprays my groin with cold water.

I not happy about that and scream a little too loud and I say, "What did you do that for!"

"Next life lesson. Look!" He says pointing to my dick. "Your erection has gone down. If you are horny or need to relieve yourself and can't, a cold shower will usually do the trick."

"Oh." I say. "Okay, but I don't think I need anymore life lessons today."

He helps me get out of the tub/shower and is drying me off all over. I just let him. "Dad? There is one question that I have been wondering about. Why is Brandon circumcised and I'm not?"

He says, "I was wondering when you'd get around to asking that question. Here in America, almost all the boys get circumcised. If your father was circumcised, then you were. If you dad wasn't, then you might or might not. The doctors have always said the it should be done to avoid infections, STDs, and just good hygiene. After Brandon was born, I read up on it and some kids would resent their parents for having their foreskin removed. I was thinking that maybe it should be your decision whether you have it done or not. After all, it is your dick. So, not matter how old you are, if you want it done I will pay for it. In the mean time, at your age, you need to be responsible and keep it clean."

He pulls back my skin and exposes the head. He dries it good with the towel before letting it go. "Where ever there is moisture, bacteria can grow. It should be dry as possible."

He takes the cast cover thing off of my arm and it was a success. My cast stayed dry. I ask, "Does this mean I can swim tomorrow?"

He looks at the instructions, then tells me, "The instructions say that you shouldn't submerse it in the water. But I think you can still be it the pool if you are careful."

Mom pokes her head in the doorway and says, "I made a pie and I have ice cream."

"Alright!" I say. I don't even care that she sees me naked. I think Dad is done drying me off, or at least dry enough. I head out the door to the kitchen. I remember Mom saying that if we're nude, we have to sit in our own seat. "Mom? Is this my seat?" I ask pointing to the chair I usually sit in. She sees that I'm still naked and rolls her eyes then tells me yes.

Brandon comes in wearing some boxers. At least he has something other than those French briefs. Chrissy comes in last she's not wearing a top. I don't blame her, it's a pretty warm evening and Dad said that the AC wasn't working well. Really, girls don't need to wear tops until they grow boobs. There is zero difference between them and boys. Chubby boys have bigger boobs than most girls do their same age. Anyway, Mom sets out the strawberry-rhubarb pie she made and Brandon gets out the vanilla ice cream. No better combination.

Brandon speaks up. "Luke? How did your shower go with the cast cover. Did it keep the water out?"

"Yeah, it worked great. Dad said that we could try it in the pool tomorrow if we wanted to go swimming."

"All right!" Brandon says, "You bet we want to go swimming. I know Grayson would want to come over. If that's alright with Mom and Dad, of course."

"Please, Mom?" I say. Mom pretends to think it over and takes her time. It felt like 2 minutes, but I'm sure it was more like 20 seconds. She then lets me out of my torture and says, "I think that would be a wonderful idea." I get up to give her a hug. "Thank you, thank you, Mom!" I do the best I can with my left arm. I am standing right next to Chrissy and when I stand back up, I notice that Chrissy is staring at my dick. Then she cocks her head and scrunches up her nose. She doesn't stop staring at it, so I say to her, "What!?"

She finally stops staring at my dick and says, "Luke? What happened to the top of your penis? Did it get chopped off?"

What the hell is she talking about? Everybody is in shock. I shake my head, "What are you talking about? No!!"

She says, "Brandon has a head on his penis that looks like a mushroom. You don't have one. Did it get chopped off or were you born without one?" Brandon starts laughing hysterically. Then Dad and Mom can't hold back and start laughing.

Brandon stands up and stands by me to talk to Chrissy. "No, no silly." Brandon then pulls his boxers down so she can see his dick and says, "Look Chrissy!" He then grabs my dick and pulls back my foreskin revealing my cock head. "It's right here." He lets go and my foreskin covers my head again. He pulls back up his boxers.

Dad says, "Chrissy, all boys are born with skin that covers the top of their penises. Jews, Muslims, Philippians and most American boys get the skin on top removed soon after birth. We decided to let Luke decide when he grew up whether he kept it or gets it removed.

"Yeah!" Brandon says, "In France, I was the one that was out of place. At first, people would ask me if I was Jewish. It took a while to figure what they were talking about. Personally, I'm glad I don't have it. I think it just gets in the way."

"Okay," Mom says. "Enough talk about penises. Chrissy, it's bath time for you, young lady." Chrissy says okay and runs to the bathroom with Mom close behind. We finish eating and Brandon cleans up as I return to the bedroom. I lay on my bed and I grab the remote to see what is on TV. I guess I must've fallen asleep, because when I woke up, the room was all dark. I looked on the clock and it said 11:42pm. I rolled over and went back to sleep.

I did wake up around 6am and it was starting to get light out. I noticed that I had a sheet covering me. I bet Brandon put it on me so that when it got colder during the night, I wouldn't get cold. I had to pee real bad, so I took care of business and then came back in. I noticed that Brandon had kicked off his sheet and it was still a little cold, so I covered his naked butt and went back to sleep.

Next: Chapter 10

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