Exchange Student Returns Home

By Dean Montague

Published on Sep 20, 2024


Chapter 5

This is still the second day that Brandon has returned from France. His brother Luke had an accident and now this is when Brandon can prove to him that he cares and loves him. To keep this site free, donate at

Chapter 5, Day 2

They arrive at the hospital and it is really busy. Luke does get a room and the triage staff assess his injuries. It's not life threatening so he'll have to wait 30-45 minutes.

"Why does this have to take so long?" Luke whined.

Brandon kindly responds, "I know you must be really uncomfortable and I hope that you'll be seen before you meds wear off. You just have to be patient. There are a lot of people here today that are in really bad shape. I heard the nurses say that there was a bad accident and lots of injuries. Some might not even make it. The fact that you are not seen immediately tells me that you are not hurt too bad. Just try to be patient, okay? Mom and dad will be here soon, and I won't leave your side until then."

Frustrated, Luke says, "Yeah, but....I have to pee!"

"Ohh!" Says Brandon. "I'll see what I can do. Hold on."

Brandon opens the curtain and sees Sam, an orderly that helped with Luke earlier. "Hey Sam? My brother really has to go pee. Can you help?"

Sam shakes his head. "I'm sorry. We are so busy that I can't right now."

Brandon questions him, "Then what can I do?"

Sam quickly hands him a plastic urinal and says, "You'll have to help him!" Then he scurries off.

Brandon comes back to Luke's side with the urinal. "They are really busy, so we are on our own." He shows him the urinal.

Luke protests. "Uh uh. No way!" He is shaking his head.

Brandon is again speaking kindly to Luke. "I know you are uncomfortable with this but you really have to go. Would you rather wait for Mom to show up?"

"No!!" Luke blushes a little.

"It's okay, Luke. We are brothers. We used to bathe together. Remember?"

Not to be convinced, Luke says, "Yeah, but I have different stuff now!!"

"I know what you mean, Luke. Remember that I told you what happened to me in France? My host mother stripped me naked and washed me with her bare hands? -- And I chubbed up right in front of her? This is nothing. Remember how modest I was when I became a teen? I changed in the bathroom instead of in front of you. So, yes, I get it. But now, you know what? I don't care. The only reason I don't walk around the house nude, is out of respect for Mom and Chrissy. You can't hold it much longer and I don't want you to wet the bed. That would be worse. Come on. You'll be done before you know it."

Luke relents. "Okay, but don't make fun of me or laugh."

Brandon's POV

"I won't. I promise."

I pull back the sheet and Luke just has gym shorts and underwear on, so this will be easy. If he had jeans on, that would've been tough. So a quick yank and his pants are down. I notice that puberty has been good to him. I'm sure he looks that same as everyone else his age except in France everyone still has their foreskin, except for the Jews and most visiting Americans. I put the urinal between his legs and I lightly life his penis into the hole. There is a little flinch on his part at that time, but no big deal. As soon as I do, a torrent of urine jets out. To keep his mind off of all this I started asking him questions.

"Luke, I heard you speak a little Spanish yesterday. Did you take Spanish in school last year?"

"Ahh. Sorry about that. But yeah, I took Spanish and got an A."

"I was thinking that since I learned to speak fluent French this last year and you studied Spanish, maybe we could teach each other. You know that there are a lot of similarities between them."

"There are?" questioned Luke.

"Oh yeah. Like the word love. Spanish, it's amor. You know that right? In French it's amour. Big in Spanish is grande. French it's grand. Sad in Spanish is triste and in French it's trieste. Spelt almost the same but pronounced differently."

"Ahhh, Brandon?" Says Luke. "I'm done."

"Huh? Oh I almost forgot all about it."

I grab a tissue and lift his penis out of the urinal and wipe the end. It would be weird to shake it. I put the urinal down and pull his shorts back up. While I'm doing this I go back to talking to him.

"A lot of the numbers are also similar also. Some are really weird too. You know that after ten in English it's eleven, twelve and so forth? We only do that after 10 in English. In French, after twenty nine we say, `twenty ten' for thirty. Thirty one is twenty eleven and twenty twelve for thirty two. It's so crazy."

I'm finished with him. I just pulled the blanket back up as far as I can. Got done just in time. Mom just walked in.

"Oh! My poor baby. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Do you need anything?"

Luke is very happy to see her. There is something about a mom and her son when he's sick or hurt.

"I'm doing OK. Brandon has taken real good care of me. I just wish that the doctor would hurry up. I think the pain medication is wearing off."

She turns to me and puts her hand on my cheek. "Thank you, Sweetie for being here for your brother." She kisses my cheek and I kiss both of hers. "Go on out and be with your sister so your dad can come in, okay?"

"Sure thing Mom." I say, then I stand next to Luke. I take his free hand in both of my hands and our eyes meet.

"Get better, OK?" He nods OK. I lean down and kiss his forehead. "I love you."

He smiles and says back to me, "I love you too." We just look at each other for a few seconds.

"Okay, then." I turn to walk out and stop. "Luke. If you need me, I'm just outside."

I walk out to the waiting room and I see Dad talking to a doctor. Chrissy sees me and jumps up on me so fast that I almost fall over. "Brandy!" She calls me that sometimes. She gives me a big hug and kiss and asks about Luke.

"Is Lukie gonna be okay?" She asks me.

"Lukie is going to be okay. He'll probably get a cast--I don't know." Then Dad comes over.

"I just talked to Dr. Heiner and he said that he has read his chart and is getting ready to see him. He'll assess his injuries and order up x-rays and see what the prognosis is. Here is ten dollars. Get yourself and Chrissy a snack and pop, and I let you know more when I do."

"Sure thing, Dad." I say, then I take Chrissy's hand and we look for a vending machine or a snack bar of some sort.


Kevin goes in to see his son. The doctor is already there checking him out. The normal stuff like checking his pupils and vitals. He looks over his chart and makes notations. He then asks questions.

"So Luke. How did this happen?"

Luke says, "I was goofing around with my friend and my phone was tossed in the air and when I tried to catch it, I tripped over my friend's leg. I had to stretch to barely grab it, but I didn't have time to catch myself or break my fall. I landed full force on my side on the hard dirt and I heard a crack and felt a massive pain in my arm."

The doctor is doing the exam on areas that don't seam to be hurt to rule them out. He checks Luke's head first to make sure there isn't any bruising or pain. He checks every inch of his head. When he palpates his neck, Luke starts giggling.

"That tickles!"

The doctors says, "He seams to be fine up here."

He moves to Luke's feet and legs. When he gets to his thighs, he lifts his shorts just a couple of inches so he can do a quick check. Luke was surprised that being touched there wasn't ticklish. The doc then lowered his shorts, just shy of his privates so he could check his lower abdomen. Luke turned a shade or rather two shades of pink for he had about an inch of his pubes on display. He tried not to look at his mother for she had never seen his 'short and curlies' before.

"OK." says the doctor. "He seams to be perfectly healthy everywhere else. Now Luke, I'm going to examine your ribs on your right side. I will be careful, but I have to be thorough."

The doctor starts at the bottom and the higher he goes, Luke starts to wince. Then an ow, then an ouch, then, "Oh SHIT!!!"

When Luke comes down from the sharp pain, he says, "Oh sorry, Mom."

Marie, his mom, says, "That's okay under the circumstances." With a small smile, she continues. "You can write your sentences with your left hand."

She winks at her husband, Kevin. Luke's eyes are wide in disbelief. Then Marie and Kevin bust out laughing and the doctor joins in too. Luke squints his eyes at his mom, "That was mean!"

"I know, Honey. I just couldn't resist." Luke laughs a little too but has to hold his side.

Back to business. The doctor is convinced that Luke has a cracked rib. He also explains that he doesn't want to move the arm until it is x-rayed. He calls Sam in to take Luke to X-Ray. Kevin and Marie join their other children in the waiting room. As they enter the waiting room, they notice that Chrissy is sitting on Brandon's lap and talking about probably girl stuff and Brandon looks like he is interested in what she is saying.

Marie, stops and whispers to her husband, "Can you believe this is the same boy that left last year to France? See how sweet he is being to his sister?"

"I know," says Kevin. "He was so kind and gentle with Luke earlier. He has changed so much for the better. We should call his `French family' and ask them if there is something in the water. But seriously, we have wonderful kids who love each other. What more could we ask for?"

Kevin kisses Marie on her head and says to her, "You're a great Mom".

Marie says, "Thank you."

Kevin was hoping a little bit more. Marie sees that he wants to say something, but doesn't.

"Was there something else?" She acted innocently. She knew he was thinking that she was going to say that he was a good father, but she had to toy with him.

He knows that she knows that he knows that she is teasing him, so he doesn't let her know that he knows that she knows what he knows that she knows. So he has to come up with something.

He says, "Yes, there is something else. You're also good at cleaning the toilet too."

Kevin tries to hold in his laugh but ends up spiting out as he laughs and they are both laughing now.

When Marie can finally talk she gives him a kiss on the cheek and tells him that he is a wonderful father..... "Now husband? That's a different story." She says.

The two kids see their parents and Brandon whispers in Chrissy's ear. The next thing you know, Chrissy runs past her mom and yells, "Daddy" and jumps into his arms. Now Marie has her mouth open and her hand on her hips. Kevin is enjoying this.

Brandon says,"It's okay, Mom. I still love you." Then he gives her a peck on the cheek.

She gives him the eye. "Don't think I didn't know what you did. I saw you whisper to Chrissy." Then she smacks him on the arm. Kevin high fives his son.

Chrissy leans over to her mom. "I love you, too, Mommy".

As they settle down, Brandon asks, "So how is our little man doing?"

Kevin answers. "Luke is getting x-rays done now. The doctor gave him a full once over and is sure that he has a cracked rib. The arm looks pretty serious but he won't know more until the x-rays come back. Luke says that his back hurts some. The doctor doesn't think it's too serious but wants to make sure. The x-rays will tell. We're just waiting for him to return. We should also expect that he'll need to spend the night for observation."

Brandon says, "We should let Grayson know. I know he is really worried."

"Right." Kevin says, "I told Paul that I'd let them know when we knew more."

Brandon jerks his head. "What? Mr. Palmer's first name is Paul? Paul Palmer? That is so weird!"

"You wouldn't have thought it was so weird if I had named you, Daven Davenport! You can thank your mother. She wouldn't let me."

"Oh my gosh, Dad! You are not serious!!!... Are you!?"

Kevin doesn't answer. "Let's go see if Luke is back from X-Ray."

"Dad! You didn't answer me. Mom! Tell me he is kidding!"

Then his dad says, "I wonder if Luke will get to choose what color cast he gets. When I broke my arm, the only color back then was white."

The doctor then meets them, and Chrissy and Marie join them. "Mr. and Mrs. Davenport. Luke has a serious break of his humerus. I think we can help him without surgery. There also is a small fracture or crack in the ulna closer to his wrist. He'll be in a cast from below the arm pit to the palm of his hand. We have to immobilize the wrist and elbow. He'll be in this cast for 4 weeks and then we'll reevaluate him and we'll see how long he needs to be in the second cast. Second, he does have a cracked rib on his right side about half way down; #6. There isn't a lot we can do with a cracked rib, it just takes rest and time. It should be in good shape in a couple weeks. To fully heal, probably a couple months. His back is fine, though he does have a bruise. That is probably the reason for the discomfort. Follow me. We are prepping him for the cast."

"Can we all come, doctor?" Kevin asks.

"Sure. Even your daughter can come. She can see what will happen if she isn't careful. Um...sorry. I didn't mean to imply that Luke wasn't careful, but accidents happen. Right this way."

"Dad!" Brandon complains to his dad. "You haven't called the Palmer's. You said you'd call the moment you found out anything."

"You're right. Okay, I'll make a quick call and I'll be right in. Go be with your brother."

When the three enter, they notice that Luke is being prepped for the cast. He also has tears staining his cheeks.

Brandon's POV

Mom tells us that he is probably scared and we need to put on a cheerful face. "If he sees us sad or in shock when we see him, he might think it is worse than it is."

Mom goes in first saying, "Oh there's my strong, brave son." Chrissy isn't doing so well with this and sits down in a chair trying not to say anything.

"Hey buddy. You're looking a lot better. I hear you're gonna heal up just fine." I say.

"I'm so glad you guys are here. I was worried that maybe you left me and wouldn't come back `til whenever." Says Luke.

"No way, little man!" I say. "I said that I wouldn't leave you alone, unless I got in the way of your treatment. We got kicked out while you were getting x-rays. We were just allowed to come back in."

Mom speaks up after kissing him on the forehead. "We talked with the doctor before we came in so we could make a plan."

"What did he say?" Asks Luke.

"So the good news is that they don't have to do surgery on your arm. You're getting a pretty good sized cast though. You have a bruise on your back which will heal first. Your spine is OK. You have a cracked rib and it will heal up on its own. You just have to be careful with it. So no pull ups for you Mister."

Just then Dad walks in and talks to Luke. "I just got off the phone with the Palmer's. Paul said that Grayson was really upset and said that it was all his fault and he was super sorry. He and Paul were relieved that you aren't too seriously hurt."

The doctor had told Dad to talk to Luke and keep his mind off of what they were doing. He had to set the bone and wanted Luke distracted. The doctor was already there feeling his arm.

Luke shakes his head. "It wasn't Grayson's fault. Well kinda, but it was an accident. You see, he wanted to know the time, so I told him to call POP-CORN. He asked to use my phone, so I handed it to him. He then handed it back and said. Put the pass-code in first, you butt munch.' I said, You calling me a butt munch?' I wasn't going to let him get away with that, so I tickled him in his most vulnerable spot. His ribs. The next thing we know my phone is up in the air and I'm trying to grab it. I trip..."

CRACK! "Ouch!! What the heck was that?" Luke cried out.

The doctor said, "Sorry about that, but I had to set the bone so that it'll heal correctly. Go on and finish your story."

"Ah...Oh yeah." Luke continues. "I jump for my phone because I know that it will be toast if I can't catch it. I trip over Grayson's leg and I twist in the air and just barely catch the phone. I didn't have time to try to break my fall and I hit hard. So you see, it really wasn't his fault. It was just an accident."

Luke turns to me, "Brandon? If you talk to him before I do, tell Grayson that this wasn't his fault and I don't blame him. I do appreciate his concern for me. He really is a wonderful friend; my best friend."

"I will." I say, "I was able to have a conversation with him while the medics were taking care of you. He is very caring, smart and wise beyond his years. I thought I was talking to an old person like Dad."

"Hey!" Dad protested.

"I mean, he was so intelligent, wise and mature, I thought I was talking to you, Dad?"

"Nice save, Brandon!" Luke says loud enough for me to hear.

Chrissy has been sitting on Mom's lap. She gets up to see the progress on Luke's cast. "Lukie? Are you still going to be able to play with me?'

Luke says, "Chrissy, I always find time to play with you. Our play time will be different, but I'm sure will find something fun to do."

Dr. Heiner now gives us instructions for Luke's care. "Luke, listen up for this is about you. You're going to stay the night for observation. If everything goes well, you can be released at 11am. You are going to be on a lot of medication at first so I want you to stay in bed the first day home. You instructions on medication will be in writing. Your right arm will be in a sling. You need to keep it there for at least a couple days. We'll see after that. The second day, I want you to stand up at least three times. Your family can help you stand up and help you balance. Don't be surprised if you feel faint. Stay standing for two minutes if you can, then lie back down. On the third day, most of the pain meds should be out of your system and you can walk around the house as you feel able. But, I want a family member by you. We don't want you to re-injure yourself. All these instructions will be written out. Any questions?"

Luke looks a bit worried. "So, I have to stay here alone tonight?"

I speak up. "Dad, if it's alright with the doctor, can I stay here tonight with Luke?"

Luke looks hopeful. "Please Dad. Can he?" Luke looks back and forth to the doctor and his dad.

The doctor says, "It's fine with me. I don't think it'll be a problem. If Brandon is going to be helping Luke at home, it might be a good idea if he knows how we do things around here. He will be in a private room."

Luke speaks up again. "Please Dad?" Then he realized what he had done. "Sorry Dad, I can wait for your answer. You don't have to tell me now."

The doctor looks perplexed. "What just happened?"

Kevin smiles. "Oh that! Our rules at home is that they can ask me anything they want but they need to give me at least a couple of minutes to decide. If it takes more than five minutes, then they can ask again, because I probably got distracted."

"What happens if they ask you again before five minutes is up?" Asks the doctor.

Kevin smiles again. "Then they must want an answer. It's usually `No!' Once I have made my decision, it sticks. If they say please or ask again after I've answered, their pleas are ignored because I have already decided. They don't ever need to push the line because the line never moves."

"That's very interesting," the doc says. "Can you come over to my house and talk to my teenagers?" Then he laughs.

Dad turns to me. "Yes, Brandon. I think it would be wonderful if you would stay here tonight with your brother."

Luke and I both say in unison, "Thank you, Dad. You're the best".

Dad continues, "But I want you to go to the cafeteria right now and get yourself some dinner. Here's a twenty. I don't want you starving tonight or have to leave your brother alone. He needs you. We'll stay here until you return, okay?"

"Sure thing Dad." I kiss his cheeks and take him into a big hug for about 10 seconds. "I love you, Dad." I say and give him another, yet quick hug. I leave and I can hear the doc tell my dad, "You really need to come to my house."

I go have dinner, chicken fried steak, an it was really good. I thought hospital food was gross. Anyway when I got back, Sam told me that Luke was already taken to his room. It's room 203. "Come, I'll take you there."

I enter the room and Luke is in the bed with an IV and some monitors. He has a hospital gown on so he doesn't have to be shirtless now. The meds must be working because he looks a bit tired. My family said their goodbyes and they are on their way.

"It's just you and me now." I say.

"Thank goodness!" He says. "I really need to pee!!"

"Say no more, little brother. I got this....unless you want me to get Nurse Chrachit?" I tease.

"Oh no! You'll do fine."

I grab a urinal and lift up his gown. "You're naked under here."

"I know." He says. "They took my shorts and underwear when they put me in this bed. At least they gave me the gown first. That would have been embarrassing with Mom and Chrissy here."

"You Americans are so hung up on nudity." I say. "But this will make it easier not having to lower your drawers."

I place his three incher in the urinal and say, "Turn on the hose." He must've really had to go. It came out like a geyser. He filled it half full. I take it out when he's done and give him a quick wipe like before.

"You feel better now?" I chuckle.

"You have no idea. So much better!" He says. "And Brandon? Thanks for not making fun of my dick or pubes or anything. You really made me feel comfortable and I appreciate it."

"Of course, Luke." I say. "Body shaming is so hurtful, and mean. In France, if you are caught doing it in school, you could get expelled. Your whole family could be banned from the beach. People just don't do it. I think that is one of the reasons so many people of all sizes and ages feel comfortable at the nude beaches. Even body teasing between friends isn't acceptable."

He smiles at me and now his dinner arrives. Wouldn't you know it? He got chicken fried steak. "Oh man! You're gonna love this, it's so good."

He looks at me and then I look at his food. I realize that it needs to be chopped up. He can only use one hand. "I got this, little bro." I chop everything up into bite sized pieces. Jokingly I ask if he wants me to feed it to him. He says, "OK. Sure." I was surprised but said, "OK then, Open up!"

I then proceeded to feed him. He was enjoying this. I would make little plane noises and the fork with food buzzed around before going into his mouth.

The nurse had just walked in and was smiling. "Am I interrupting something?"

Luke blushed and I said, "Nope. I'm just feeding my `baby' brother." Luke's blush deepens.

I wasn't expecting the nurse to be a babe. About 25 years old and pretty. Wow!

She takes the spoon and scoops up some mashed potatoes and she starts making choo choo sounds. "Here comes the train. Choo, choo!" She feeds Luke. We both laugh.

I extend my hand. "I'm Brandon, by the way."

She takes my hand and says, "Glad to meet you, Brandon Bytheway. I'm Nurse Cindy, by the way."

"Wow!!" I say. "We both have the same last name. What are the odds?"

"Hello!?" Luke bellows. "Patient here!!"

She tells me, "Well, I guess I better tend to my im-patient."

She takes his vitals and says that everything looks good. "Is there anything else you need, Luke?"

"There is one thing, nurse. I have a cracked rib and with this cast, it hurts my rib. It's pretty uncomfortable."

Cindy says, "I think I can prop up your arm with a pillow. That should help. I'll be right back."

She leaves and I finish feeding Luke. When she comes back, Luke is done with dinner and she takes the plates and props his arm with a pillow. She makes sure he is comfortable and tells us to call if anything is needed. I thanked her.

Luke looks serious. "Brandon, I want to talk to you about what happened this morning."

I put my hand up. "If you are talking about this morning where you left in a hurry, it's okay. I had a talk with Grayson today and he told me how hard it was for you to get passed some painful memories. He said that you have forgiven me, but it's hard to process all the memories at once. I get it. I'm having a hard time forgiving myself."

"Yes, Brandon, this is true. Grayson is the best friend anyone could ever want and he is my best friend. But you need to hear this from me. When I heard you talk to Mom yesterday about how sorry you were for the way you had treated me and that you loved me and would do anything to make it up to me. It melted my heart. All hatred or bad feelings for you that continued to build up over years was gone. I was freed from that burden. Yet it made me vulnerable to be hurt again."

I'm sitting on Luke's left side, his good side, and at this point he reaches for my hand and holds it.

"Brandon? I truly forgave you at that moment. When we hugged, all I felt for and from you was love. It was an emotionally draining day. This morning when Jennifer's name was mentioned, all these painful memories came rushing back. I didn't know how to handle it. I was surprised myself, because I had forgiven you."

A tear drops from Luke's cheek. I sit a little closer to him and tenderly firm up the hold on our hands. I add my other hand to our hands.

"I just had to leave and get out of the house and figure things out in my mind. I told Mom and Dad that I was going to Grayson's because I didn't want the dialogue. So I went to Grayson's and sat under his oak tree in the front yard. He eventually saw me and I told him I needed to be alone. Of course he knew better and stayed. He helped me work it through and helped me deal with anxiety. He's a true friend. I was going to come home and talk to you and this happened. Even though I left in a huff this morning, when you came when I was hurt, you were so kind to me and made me feel safe. You are here now. It really means a lot to me. I know now that I don't need to be afraid about you upsetting me like that again. Those memories are a part of me and I will not fully forget them, but I think that forgiving and forgetting isn't that you forget, It just doesn't have the power to hurt you anymore."

He looks at me square in the eye. "All this and this accident is a lot to happen in two days. If I have learned anything, it is that you are worthy of forgiveness and I want you to forgive yourself. You deserve to be happy. I want you to be happy and not dwell on the past. OK?"

Wow!!! This kid has matured a lot. I bet that Grayson has rubbed off on him.

"Thank you, Luke. It may take some time but I believe I can do it now. I can't believe that I wasted so.....sorry! Can't dwell on the past. I am so glad that we have this time together and I am very happy. I just want to tell the whole world that I love my brother."

I lean over the best I can in the position that Luke is in and give him the best loving hug I can give. We both tell each other that we love each other, and not knowing, nurse Cindy had come in the room.

"I have never seen anything so precious while working here. Love between siblings is the best." She says.

I kiss Luke's head and sit back down. Then in unison, Luke and I say, "I have the best brother in the world."

Cindy puts down the pillows and blanket in her hands on the table and says, "I think you are both right."

She props up Luke's arm and she continues,"Oh, I brought an extra pillow and blanket since you'll be staying here tonight." She says to me. Then she asks if we need more water or anything.

Luke says patting my arm, "I have everything I need right here."

"You guys are so cute!!" She says and then leaves.

I notice that Luke can barely keep his eyes open. "Go ahead and sleep. I'll be right here, okay?"

He nods and closes his eyes. I turn the other chair so I can put my feet on it. I have a makeshift bed next to Luke and I grab the pillow and put it behind me.

I get out my phone and check my email and messages. Dad has sent me a message with Grayson's contact information so I can talk to him directly. My dad thinks of everything. I send Grayson a message.

"This is Brandon. Luke is asleep now and doing well. I'm staying by his side tonight at the hospital. We had a talk about this morning and we are good. Thank you for talking to me, it really helped. You are and have been a true friend to Luke. Luke and I don't want you to feel any guilt about him falling. Accidents happen. He'd love it if you come by tomorrow after he goes home. I'll keep you updated. Brandon."

I have messages and emails from friends here, friends from school in France and Andres. I keep my responses short because it's been another long day and I haven't fully adjusted to this time zone. I'm not sure when I dozed off. But I am awaken by Luke.

"Brandon? I don't feel so good."

I can feel from his hand that he is hotter than normal.

Right then nurse Cindy comes in to take his vitals. I say, "Nurse! I'm glad you're here. Luke isn't feeling well and I think he has a temperature." I move out of the way so that she has easier access to Luke.

"He does have a slight fever, yet his blood pressure is a little low. Luke? Is it hard to breathe? Are you short of breath."

Luke nods. Cindy looks over her chart and sees that he had been given Amoxicillin. She lowers the sheet and she speaks to Luke.

"I think I know what it is. Before I have the doctor come in I need to check out your chest and abdomen."

Without waiting for a response she moves his gown to one side. She points to the redness of splotches of skin and rashes on his lower abdomen to me. She covers him back up and says that she'll be right back.

A moment later she comes back in with a young doctor. She tells him that she thinks that Luke is having a reaction to the antibiotic he was given earlier as a precaution. She says that he has a slight fever, yet flushed. Blood pressure seams low and has redness and rashes on his chest and abdomen. He also stated that he is short of breath.

The doctor introduces him self to Luke. "Hello there, young man. My name is Dr. Styles and I am an intern here. I need to further examine you to ascertain your condition. Would you like your brother to remain here or wait outside?"

Luke looks at me and I can see that he is a little scared. I would be too. "Please Brandon, stay here. Don't go!"

The doctor says, "That will be fine. Nurse Evans, please untie the back of the gown and pull his arm through the sleeve."

She does that as the doctor is taking the sheet off of Luke. He then pulls the gown almost off him to one side where his broken arm is. Even though he is already a little flush, being exposed to a woman has him blushing.

He continues, "Nurse? Check his vitals again and then prep him for a breathing treatment."

The doctor checks his eyes, then feels his neck. He then says to no one in particular, "He has a rash in the left arm pit, redness across his chest.... Another small rash on the left side below his ribs and redness under his navel. Luke, please spread you legs wider."

Luke looks at me for support. "It'll be okay, Luke. Just let the doctor do his job."

Luke isn't used to having himself exposed, especially in front of a nurse. He looks down to his groin and it is starting to pulsate.

The doctor notices the rash on Luke's upper thigh and lifts Luke's balls to see the area underneath. "A little redness here too, the doctor says. The nurse takes a closer look.

Luke is rising rapidly and the doctor doesn't seem to care. Out of embarrassment, Luke covers his face with his pillow. The doctor gives his hairless balls an inspection and says that he needs to make sure his testicles aren't swollen and looks over Luke's now ridged member. Doctor Styles doesn't need to retract his foreskin because being erect, it's sticking out. He still inspects the head then pulls his foreskin up over the top and back down. Luke wasn't circumcised like I was. Maybe he should visit France. Then he pulls the sheet up to Luke's waist and instructs the nurse to begin the breathing treatment. He then gives Luke a shot but through the IV already in his arm.

Nurse Cindy pulls the pillow off of Luke's face and puts this hose thing in his mouth and tells him to just breath normal. He tries to calm down his breathing, but is still red in the face.

"Yup, Nurse Evans was correct." The doctor was looking at Luke. "You're having a reaction to Amoxicillin." He instructs the nurse, "You need to put that in his chart." The Doctor turns his attention back to Luke. "I want you to drink lots of fluids. Is there something you really like to drink Luke?"

I see that Luke still has that tube in his mouth, so I answer for him. "I think he really likes lemonade. Right Luke?" He nods yes.

"Lemonade it is." says the doctor looking at the nurse. "Also make sure his pitcher is full of Iced water. He needs to drink four 8oz. glasses of fluid over the next two hours."

In a softer tone he speaks to Luke. "Luke, you are going to be just fine. You're already looking better (he smirks) and you are a very healthy teenage boy." I know what he is talking about.

He gets up and tells the nurse, "Unless he gets a chill, just leave only the sheet on him. He needs some good air flow. Also, check his rashes every 30 minutes and if they're not going away, alert me. I'll be back in two hours to check his progress."

After they leave, I pull my chair up to the side of the bed like before. The nurse brings in several lemonades and a full pitcher of cold water and leaves. I give him a lemonade and say, "Drink up buddy!"

He takes a sip, then says, "I'm sure glad you were here with me. I don't know how I would have survived without you. I think I now know how you felt when you barfed all over yourself and your French mom bathed you. I'm sorry I laughed my head off at you."

I smile. "Don't be. It's hilarious! It wasn't then, but now it is. This might make a great story for you someday too."

"Brandon..... I really have to pee again."

I hand him the urinal and say, "Go ahead. You have one good arm, use it."

He has a concerned look on his face and says, "I don't think I can."

I pull down the sheet and see his problem. He is still erect and the angle is all wrong for a successful pee. So I take the urinal and place it on his side instead of between his legs. I take his dick and lean it to the side so that he can pee straight into it. I have to hold it there until he is done. It's pretty weird holding my brother's boner for like 45 seconds but I don't let it show. I'm sure it must be hard (ha ha, hard) for him to have me do this. He tries not to show it.

He thanks me and I make sure he finishes the lemonade. "Are you feeling any better?" I say.

"Do you mean after taking a piss or my rash?" He laughs.

"Your rash, silly".

"Yeah, I'm feeling much better. I'm really sleepy now. I'm going to try to sleep."

The nurse comes in every 30 minutes and pulls the sheet down to his knees to check on Luke's progress and he must be more comfortable with his nudity because he stays flaccid. She also makes sure he has been drinking plenty of fluids and asked if she needs to help him pee. I told her that I had that covered. The last time she came it, he didn't even wake up. The doctor came in at the two hour mark, with Nurse Cindy and looked him over everywhere like before, including his balls, and said that he was doing fine and would be discharged in the morning.

Next: Chapter 6

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