Exchange Student Returns Home

By Dean Montague

Published on Sep 19, 2024


Chapter 4

This is Day two of Brandon coming home from France being an exchange student. It starts from the prospective of his younger brother, Luke.

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Day 2 Luke POV

In the morning, I am woken up by a bouncing Chrissy. "Wake up Lukey Wookie!!"

"I'll get up later. I'm tired." I say groggily and I roll over. I should know by now, she doesn't give up that easily. The next thing I know, I'm being tickled.

"Hey! That's not fair." I say trying to fight off the tickle monster. I am so ticklish that I have to deploy my super weapon. "Okay, okay. I'll get up. If you don't stop tickling me, I'm gonna pee my pants."

I really did have to go to the bathroom and was in danger of losing it. She stops and I run to the bathroom holding my groin. I also had a case of the morning wood going on so I needed to cover myself anyway. Any guy will tell you that it's nearly impossible to pee in this situation unless you want to spray your face. I place one hand on the wall behind the toilet and lean over the toilet trying to bend it down enough to pee. It is futile. Why don't they put urinals in homes. You could have both. Then the girls wouldn't complain that the seat was left up. Really we do them a favor. If we didn't lift the seat, pee would get all over the seat. Who wants to sit in someone else's pee? A urinal would give us the right angle to relieve ourselves. When I grow up, I'm going to have a urinal in the house. It also saves water.

Crap! This is no use. I'm gonna pee on the wall. I really have to go and can't wait for Luke Junior to calm down. Some guys point straight out and still have to lean, but they can do it. Me? Why do I have to point due North. So aggravating! Sometimes I hate puberty. So I do the only thing I can, and I hop in the shower. Just gym shorts and underwear to pull off in a hurry and I turn on the water and just let it go. What was I thinking? I forgot to aim and now I was hitting my chin with a golden shower. Gross! At least I'm in the shower.

The things girls don't have to go through. They just have to sit down and let it go. They can go up to the chalk board and do a math problem without wondering if it's going to be awkward. That's why I wear long shirts in school. That doesn't work in PE. because the shirts are school issued and it barely comes down to cover my belly. Since PE. is now co-ed, and girls are there bouncing all over the place, it's not uncommon for a tent to pop up once in a while. I talked to Dad about this and he said to just wear an athletic supporter. It helps keep everything in place. Yes, I can talk to my dad about these things. He has never made me uncomfortable talking about anything. I even showed him when I got my first pube. Anyway, I told Dad that no one wears a `jock' and you would probably get made fun of it you stripped naked to put it on. Besides that, it gets breezy in the back.

"When I was your age..." When dad starts with that, I roll my eyes, but I know he will give me advice. Plus, it proves to me that Dad knows what I'm going through. He was a boy once like me. Crazy huh. Dad told me that when he was in Junior High, they all were required to wear a jock and they had to shower naked in front of all their friends. You didn't even get a towel until your shower was over. You couldn't cover up on the way to the shower. It was uncomfortable for a couple of days, then it was no big deal he said. I asked if anyone ever boned up in the shower. That would be really embarrassing. He said that it was almost impossible to never bone up. We all did it one time or another. At that age, it would happen for no reason. He also said that it wasn't co-ed, just guys. Most guys didn't wear shirts in PE. and if you boned up during big deal! You're just with guys that are going through the same things you were going through." The things you think about in the shower.

I dry off and go to my room in just a towel. I usually just bring clothes in with me to change into after my shower, but I was in a little rush this morning. Now I have to worry about taking the wet towel back to the bathroom. I put on some shorts and underwear, but not in that order, and take the towel back to the bathroom. I meet Dad in the hallway.

"Did Chrissy get you up early today?" He asked.

"She sure did. I wanted to sleep in today, too."

"Yeah. I heard the `tickle monster' living up to her name." He puts an arm around my shoulder.

"Um, if you still want to catch a few zees, maybe you could go into my room and stay with Brandon. I don't want him to have another bad dream and no one there to wake him. He needs his sleep and I need to go out for about a half hour."

"Sure thing Dad. No problem." I say and Dad kisses me on top of my head.

"I love you too, Dad." We both smile. We have our own language.

I go into my parents bedroom and Brandon is sleeping soundly. He looks so peaceful. I haven't wanted to even look at him for such a long time. Then with him being gone for a year, he just looks different than I remember. He has grown more into a man looking guy. He has some facial scruff and a bigger nose. He used to be so much bigger to me, but now we are closer to the same height. I think I'll be taller than him, but he is a lot bigger.

I lay down on the side of the bed that he isn't on and I face the ceiling. He must've felt someone get in bed because he immediately rolled over and his arm went across my chest. I remembered the sensation from when I was much younger, and I would be scared of the lightning, or cold or even have a bad dream. Brandon would pull back the covers inviting me to snuggle up to him. He would hold me and I would feel so safe. The lightning didn't even scare me if my big brother was holding me. I hadn't thought of this in years.

I fall asleep for a while and when I wake up I'm again looking at my protector and it makes me smile. He must've sensed my movement for he woke up. He was surprised to see me. I told him what Dad had asked and that he had snuggled up to me when he was asleep.

I then say, "It reminded me of when we were young and if I was scared or something you'd let me sleep with you. I knew that lightning or the Boogie Man couldn't bother me if I had my big brother holding me. It made me feel good. Then you rolled over when you woke up."

He looked a little disappointed and says, "Well I was asleep and I didn't get to enjoy it. So come here."

He opens his arms and I let him take me in. I have my head on his arm and he pulls me closer to where I'm laying my head on his shoulder and my hand is on his bare chest. I notice that he has about 5 or 6 hairs growing out of the middle of his chest. I start to play with them. He says to be careful. They are numbered. I laugh.

Dad comes into the room and sees that we are awake and tells us that breakfast is ready. Brandon tells him that we'll be there in a while. We weren't ready to get up yet, just enjoying the moment. He can see that we are snuggled up to each other and he smiles and tells us to take our time. The food may get cold, but it isn't going anywhere.

After about 5 minutes Brandon asks me what my plans are for the day. I tell him that I'm going to hang with my best friend, Grayson. He has never met Grayson. He moved into the area about 9 months ago.

I ask him what he plans to do for his first whole day back in town. He tells me that he'll try to hook up with some old friends or maybe call Jennifer and see how she is doing. The room goes silent. You could cut the tension with a knife. It was because of what happened that day with her that my heart broke. All the emotions came flooding back. I sit up on the side of the bed trying to figure out what just happened. I thought we had put this behind us but the hurt was too real and too intense. I needed to process this. I had to get out of there. I exited the room while Brandon is calling my name. I tell him, "Not Now!!" I have to be alone.

I grab my sandals and t-shirt out of my room and I take off out of the house. I see my parents and tell them that I'm going over to Grayson's. I didn't ask, I just told them. I just needed out of the house. Since I told told them that I was going over to Grayson's, I guess I better go that way.

I just want to be with my thoughts and not talk to anyone right now. I stop at the entrance to their driveway and sit under an old oak tree. This is close to the spot where I first met Grayson. I was walking down the street to get some gum at the 7-11 and I notice that the neighborhood bully, Donald Cook was shaking down a kid I didn't recognize. That Donald Cook is such a jerk. He messed with me once and I cleaned his clock. Never shake down a blue belt in Judo, unless you have lots of friends or are a brown belt. Donald Cook didn't even have a belt. I warned him not to mess with me and he just laughed. He tried to grab me and the next thing he knew, he was on his back seeing bright stars in the middle of the day. So when I saw him mess with this new kid, it pissed me off. I thought he had learned his lesson.

I run up to them as I am yelling, "Donald, you pathetic jerk! Leave him alone!! Maybe you'd like another Judo lesson."

Oh man. He was shooting daggers at me with his eyes. Then he spits out, "I ain't afraid of you sissy boy!" He throws a punch at me. What a moron! I grab his hand, twist it around and punch him in the kidney. It was over that quick and he staggers off. After he is a safe distance, he turns and gives me the finger.

He'll never learn. "Maybe you'd like me to break that off and feed it to you, dip wad."

The other boy was in awe. "That was so cool! Thank you so much and I am in your debt. My name is Grayson." We have been best buds ever since.

I am brought back to reality with a familiar voice. "What are you doing out here by yourself under this tree? Did you get lost on your way to my front door?"

"Hey Graystone." That's what I call him sometimes, especially when he is trying to be funny and isn't. "I didn't get lost. I just need to get out of the house and be alone with my thoughts."

He looks quizzically at me. "So you decided to do it under my tree?"

I say, "Well, I left my house in a hurry and I had to tell my parents something, so I told them I was going over to your house. This way if they check up on me, I would be telling the truth."

"Okay." Grayson says then sits down beside me. "So, what's going on? I can tell you're upset about something."

"Yes," I say. "And I wanted to be alone".

"Oh, okay. I tell me what's bothering you. You know I'm not going to let up and you need to talk. So let's just cut the chase and spill it."

I know it is no use to argue with him and he is always right. It is really nice to talk to someone that isn't a member of the family and who I know won't judge me. So I relent.

I look at him. "You know my older brother came home yesterday, right?

"Oh yeah. You told me that he had been in Europe, France it think, as a foreign exchange student. For the longest time, I didn't even know that you had a brother. You never talked about him. It wasn't until I saw his picture in your house and asked who it was, that I found out. You said that it was your brother and didn't want to talk about him. I thought he had died or something. Another time, I heard your mom talk about him and I told her that I was sorry for her loss. She told me, `Oh, he's not dead silly. He's living in France this year.' I was embarrassed and relieved at the same time. Later you did tell my a little about Brandon and that he was in France and hoped he stayed there. It was obvious that you two did not get along. Then this last week you were quieter than normal. When I asked, you said that he was coming home soon."

He stops and I don't say anything. "So, he came home yesterday and he is being a butt-munch again?" He asks waiting for me to talk. He is just staring at me and he will until I say something........

.............He is still staring at me. I shake my head, close my eyes and sigh. "Okay....but It's a long story and I know you too well, so I might as well tell you. Get comfortable."

"Brandon and I have been brothers my whole life." Well duh. Grayson didn't make a duh comment so I know he is listening and isn't going to interrupt me and just let me talk.

I continue. "When we were young, we were really close, the way brothers should be. He is about 3 years older than me and I liked having an older brother who wasn't scared of anything. He would protect me from monsters, lightning or bullies. Anytime I needed him at night, he'd let me sleep with him. He'd hold me tight and nothing could scare me. If anyone would pick on me, they got the wrath of Brandon. We did everything together. He was more than my brother, he was my best friend. We swam, played games, went on bike rides; he even taught me how to ride...."

I stop and look at Grayson and he is still paying attention, so I continue.

"When I was about 10 and he was 13, things started to change. When I was scared at night and would want to sleep with him, he'd tell me that I was too old now and I needed to grow up. I just thought he was trying to help me get over my fears. Well, I did. Eventually. Instead of going on bike rides, he said that he was going with some friends and it was too far for me to go and we would go another time. Those times became rather rare. His friends would come over to play basketball and I wanted to play too. But he said that they were a lot bigger and rough and I might get hurt. I was invited to go watch TV. I would've been okay with just watching them.

I asked my dad about this and he told me that Brandon was a teenager now and it's normal for teens not to want to stay home or do things with family members. He told me not to take it personal, it's just a right of passage. I didn't like it, but I tried to understand."

Grayson nodded his head, so I knew he was still with me. I play with a stick in the dirt and then pick up where I left off.

"Grayson, I didn't want to lose my best friend. I loved my brother more than anything in the World. I tried to give him space and we did do stuff together sometimes unless one of his friends would call and he would have to leave. Why did he have to be a teen? He grew even taller than me, his voice changed and he wouldn't get dressed in front of me even though we used to take baths together. My mom told me that I'd understand in a few years and I should get other friends to do stuff with. She said that she had to deal with the changes too. He didn't like it when she'd hug him in front of others, stopped telling her that he loved her, and wanted to be dropped off a block away from school so that his friends wouldn't see his `Mommy' drop him off."

"She looked like she was going to cry. I gave her a big hug and I told her that I'd always tell her that I loved her and would never be embarrassed to have her drop me off. I promised that day that she could always give me a hug or a kiss in front of my friends. Dad too. I've kept my promise too."

Grayson now did speak. "So that's why you were not embarrassed when your dad dropped you off at school. You'd give him a hug and even said, `I love you' to him. Jeremy tried to make fun of you and you made fun of him. Then he started to hug his dad and stuff in front of us, and then we all did it. Now I always tell my dad that I love him and let him hug me in public.

He then puts a hand on my shoulder. "Luke, I want to thank you for being an example to me. Dad and I are not only father and son, but friends. I don't just love him. I really like him too."

"Thank you, Grayson. That means a lot to me and even makes me feel better." I say.

I started playing with a stick in the dirt in front of me again. After a moment I continued with my story.

"When my mom and dad told me that Brandon's behavior wasn't out of the ordinary, I couldn't accept it. I thought that if I tried hard enough or took interest in the things that he now enjoyed, then maybe we could be close again. Maybe if I made friends with his friends, then I could hang out with them. That was a big mistake. I thought it was going great, but it turned out to be the worst day of my life."

I have tears in both of my eyes. I shake my head, close my eyes, bring my knees up to almost my chin, and cover my eyes with my hands. It's like I keep reliving the same nightmare.

I feel Grayson's hand on my shoulder again. Then his arm goes around me and he pulls me into a sideways hug and holds me for several minutes until I get back my control. How did I ever deserve a friend like him. He let's up but keeps his arm around me and I can now continue.

"So Brandon has the hots for this nice girl, Jennifer. If I can get her to like me, then I could spend time with both of them. I thought it was a good plan. We went bowling and are having a good time. Jennifer thought I was cute and gave me high fives when I did good and encouraged me if I didn't. Brandon didn't talk much, but he didn't much those days."

"When Brandon went to the bathroom, she asked me if he was a good brother. My plan was working great. I told her that he was great and told her of the things we used to do. I didn't tell her that we don't do them anymore. I was talking him up, and she was impressed. If she thought he was a good brother and I loved him, then she'd really like him and I'd see more of her. If I saw more of her then I could see more of Brandon and have fun like we used to. Plus, if I talked him up and she liked him, he would be grateful to me and give me a hug like old times."

I look at Grayson. He is looking intently at me. He doesn't mind the tears in my eyes. "My plan backfired."

Now tears are streaming down my cheeks. I don't want to continue. My best friend tells me that I can trust him and that he is there for me.

"He yelled at me, Grayson. He had never done that to me before. Then he cussed at me and said that I was a stupid piece of shit. Told me to stay out of his life, and to never talk to him again. But the worst part was,.... The worst part was when he,....when he told me that he wished I was never born. We were no longer brothers."

Through my tears I can tell that Grayson has his mouth open and is furious with Brandon.

"What the hell!" He said. "What an effing low life. What a Jerk! Man....!!"

Softly I said, "That was the worst day of my life. He broke my heart into a million pieces and I wanted to die....He hurt me to my very core."

Grayson asks, "Did he ever apologize; say he was sorry?"

"Yes. But not for a long time."

"How long?" Grayson asks.

"Yesterday." I said.

"What?" Grayson looks confused. "It wasn't until yesterday? What happened in between?"

"Well, after that I hated my brother. Or at least that is how I felt. I no longer referred to him as my brother either. He was Mom or Dad's son. Chrissy's other brother or just Brandon. That is if `Turd hole piece of crap' wasn't being used." Grayson laughs.

I continue. "I got into Judo, mainly to take out my frustrations and give my life focus. I made new friends and I lived my life and he lived his. If he gave me crap, I gave it right back just as hard. We lived under the same roof, but we were roommates. Then he got accepted to be a foreign exchange student his senior year. I was thrilled not to have to go to the same high school as him. I wouldn't have to see or deal with him for a year. Then he will have had his 18th birthday and maybe he'd go to college or just move out. As far as I was concerned, he was gone for good. I even re-did my room the way I wanted my room. The only thing I said to him when he left was, `good ridence'".

"Oh. I see now." Grayson says. "That's why I have never met him and you never talked about him."

"Yeah. He was persona nongrata. I called him my `Brother that shall not be named'. I didn't meet you for another couple of months after that. My other friends told me that I seamed to be in a much better mood."

"Okay" said Grayson. "I understand that you loved your brother. You didn't just love him but he was very special to you. He was your friend and confidant. You loved him even when he wasn't being very nice to you and all you did was try harder. Then he was mean, cruel and hurt you where it hurt the most. That was your heart. This really hurts me too. You are my best friend and closest thing I have ever had to having a brother. I... well I'm just going to say it. I love you, man. You helped me when I needed it. Your example helped my relationship with my father. You never put me down and I know that I will always have a listening ear. You are everything I would want in a brother. I used to feel sad that I didn't have a brother, but I'm not sad anymore, because I do have a brother... in you."

"Thank you, Grayson. I really appreciate it. I feel the same way about you too. You helped fill in the gap left by Brandon. You're like a brother to me too."

Grayson asks, "So you said that Brandon told you that he was sorry yesterday. How did that go?"

I need to get to the reason why I'm here today. "Brandon changed a lot in France. He had French brothers and they were really close for like forever. They accepted him as their brother. He finally realized what it meant to have a brother and even though he felt justified in his actions at the time, he saw the error of his ways. I heard him talking about this to Mom last night. He was so sorry for hurting me. He wanted something he knew he wasn't worthy to ask, and that was forgiveness. For the first time, I really saw him cry. More than just cry, he was in anguish. He was so remorseful. He said that he loved me very much and would do whatever it took to make it up to me. I was so touched and now I might get back what I had wanted most and that was my brother. So much time and hurt has passed and did I really want it now? Did I want to set up myself to be hurt again?"

"So backing up a few hours, I was apprehensive as to what he'd be like when he came home. When he saw me, he wasn't mean, he complemented me on my basketball shot and how I had grown. Then he gave me a quick hug. At dinner, he talked like a changed person and even talked to me about food in France. After an embarrassing puking incident, he later told me of his experience eating in France and had me laughing my head off. He was acting like I was a brother or friend for the first time in years. It felt really nice, but I wasn't about to let down my defenses. So when I heard him talk to Mom, I knew he was sincere and was so very sorry for how he treated me and how much time was wasted."

Grayson, smiles. "Well, that's great! Right? Ah...What did you do?"

"I forgave him right then and there. He hugged me and I hugged him back. We had a nice talk and I felt loved. I got my brother back." I say.

Grayson rubs his chin and asks, "So, if everything was okay now.....Why are you here?"

I feel Grayson's concern. I place my hand on his shoulder. "It wasn't as easy as I thought. This morning we were both lying on our parents bed, and he was being sweet. We snuggled like we did when we were kids. He put his arm around me and I laid my head under his chin. He pulled me closer and I hugged him across his chest. My Dad had told us that breakfast was ready, but we didn't want to lose the moment, so we didn't move. All I felt was love."

I remove my hand from Grayson's shoulder and start playing in the dirt again. Grayson is letting me take my time.

"I asked Brandon what he was going to do today, his first day back. He told me that he wanted to meet up with old friends and maybe see if Jennifer was still around. `Jennifer'. When he mentioned her name the room got real quite and tense. All those hurt feelings came rushing back and I just had to get out of there. I didn't know what to do, but I couldn't be around Brandon right then. I needed to figure things out. I rushed out the door and I had to tell my parents something, so I said I was coming here. I can't lie to them, so that's why I'm here."

The twig that I am using to dig in the dirt snaps in two so I stop. Then Grayson speaks.

"Man! I'm so sorry that you have been going through this. Is there anything I can do to help? Do you want me to leave you to your thoughts?"

"Nah." I say. "I feel better just talking with you and I feel you just want to be here for me. You are my best friend and I........thank you."

He says, "Your welcome. So where do you go from here?"

I say, "I just... I didn't realize... Um, it was surprising how easy it was to forgive him. But, it is so hard to forget. I wasn't prepared for that. Grayson, I want this. I missed my brother so much and now I can have him back. A newer improved him. I love him so much and I don't want to ever lose him again. What should I do?"

Again I look at my best bud. "This is where you can give me any advice."

"You know Luke. I don't have a brother but I think you too were estranged so long and hurt so bad, that it can't be solved in one day. Yesterday morning you hated him. This morning you loved him. I think you are in sensory overload. You need to give yourself time to adjust to these new feelings. Step back for a second and relax. Clear your mind and go to your happy place. Come with me."

He gets up and extends his hand to help me up. We go to his back yard where he has a nice big hammock tied to two trees.

"Hop in and get comfortable and then close your eyes."

I do and I get comfortable and close my eyes and wait for further instructions.

"Are you comfortable? Good! Now just hear your surroundings. Other than my voice, do you hear any birds or feel a gentile breeze? Can you feel the Sun on your face? Feel the movement of the hammock under you and let your mind be free from thought. Imagine your tension flow down your hands and feet and leave your body. If you fall asleep, that is okay too. I'm going to get into the other hammock and do the same."

I'm feeling better already. When my mind starts to wander and I start thinking about home and Brandon, I shift gears and listen to my surroundings. There is a slight breeze and my hammock moves a little along with it. The leaves are fluttering and sunshine dances on my body. I hear the sound of my own breathing and I inhale deeply and then exhale.

I hear my name being said softly. Then I feel and hand on my shoulder. "Luke?" I hear a little louder. I slowly wake up and see Grayson looking down at me. I stretch and yawn.

He speaks. "Luke? How do you feel?"

"I feel....really good. Relaxed. How long... what time is it."Grayson looks at his watch. Yes, he still wears a watch. "At the tone, the time will be one forty six and 20 seconds. Beep". He laughs. "My dad told me that when he was young, he'd go to the phone and dial POP CORN for the time.

"Popcorn? What does that mean?" I ask.

"767-2676 or pop-corn. It was easy to remember that way." He said. "At the tone, the time will now be, one forty six and 50 seconds. Beep"

I laugh. "Hey, do you think it still works?

Grayson lifts his shoulders. "I don't know. I've never tried it. Gimme your phone."

I give Grayson my phone. "Ahhhh! Put in the pass-code in first, you butt munch."

"What?" I say sounding offended and point to my chest. "You calling me a butt munch? You calling ME a butt munch!!" I didn't wait for an answer. "I'll show you a butt munch!"

I start tickling his ribs. This is his vulnerable spot. It renders him paralyzed. He is laughing and I am torturing him with my fingers. My fatal flaw was that I didn't take back my phone back first. It was flung in the air and I regret my decision to get my friend back at that time. I jump to catch my phone and I trip over Grayson's leg and I have to really stretch and I barely catch the phone and I fall on my side.


"What was that!?" Grayson asks concerned.

"Ow! Ow!" I say as I drop the phone out of my hand. "That was my arm. Ow!! I think I broke it."

"Oh my gosh, Luke. Ahhhh, Dad!!!!" Grayson yells as loud as he can to get his dad to come out of the house. It's that kind of a yell that parents know there is trouble or danger.

Grayson is really scared and knows that his father will know what to do. "Luke! I am so sorry. "Are you...are...are you okay? Dad!!!" Grayson's dad comes running out of the house, "Grayson! Are you okay?!"

Grayson is panicking and cries out, "Dad! It's Luke! He's hurt! Please help!"

Mr. Palmer, Grayson's dad asks me if I am bleeding anywhere. I say, "I don't think so, but my arm really really hurts and I think it's broken."

Mr. Palmer gets down on the ground to get a better look at my situation. "You'll be fine, Luke. Is there anywhere else that you know of that hurts."

I'm in a lot of pain, but Mr. Palmer's voice is comforting. I make a self assessment and I try to talk through the pain. "My side hu..hurts a lot too. N...Not like my arm though. Owee."

Grayson is freaking out. "Dad. What can I do?" He quickly turns to me, "Please be okay, Luke."


Mr. Palmer very calmly says to his son. "Call Luke's parents and tell them that Luke has been injured and is okay, but we need to get him to the hospital." He hands him his phone. "Can you do that for me Son?"

"Okay, Dad."

He nervously dials the number. "Hello, Mr. Davenport? This is Grayson Palmer, from down the street. Luke has been hurt and my dad says that he is okay but he needs to go to the hospital. Can you come quick? ..Yes, that's me...Good you remember the place. Okay, I'll see you soon."

He then takes the phone back from his son and calls 911 and tells them that a 15 year old boy has been injured and needs the paramedics. He gives them the address.

Mr. Palmer now tells his son, "Go bring me a blanket from off the back of the couch and bring it to me. Then go up to the road and wait for Luke's dad, Okay?"

Grayson gets the blanket and runs to the front of the property and sees Mr. Davenport and another teenager. "This way, Mr. Davenport. He's back here."

Kevin, Luke's dad, asks Grayson what happened as they are rushing to the back. "He fell and I think he broke his arm. He's really hurting."

The other teenager is Brandon, and he runs past them and gets to Luke before them. Mr. Palmer has the blanket around Luke so he won't go into shock. Brandon lands on the ground on the other side of Mr. Palmer. With care in his speech and love in his eyes, Brandon lightly touches the top of Luke's head.

"Luke! Are you okay?"

Luke looks into his loving eyes and feels comfort. "I am now that you are here, arm really hurts." Tears flow down Luke's cheeks.

Luke's dad kneels down by his son. Mr. Palmer then says, "I'm glad you came so quick, Kevin. I have called 911 and the paramedics are on the way. I haven't moved him and I am treating for shock. I don't think he is badly hurt, but he is in a lot of pain."

"Thank you, Paul." Kevin says. He looks at his son and holds his good hand and tells him that help is on the way and it's going to be okay.

He then instructs his older son, "Brandon? You and Grayson wait for the paramedics by the road and show them where we are, okay?"

"Sure thing, Dad."

He then leans down to his younger brother and whispers, "Hang in there buddy. I'll be right back." He leans down and kisses Luke on the forehead for several seconds. "I love you."

Luke smiles, and for moment forgets about the pain. Brandon and Grayson leave as instructed.

On the way to the road, Brandon extends his hand to Grayson. "You must be Grayson. I'm Brandon." They shake hands.

Grayson says, "That was really nice back there the way you were with Luke. I can tell that you really care for your brother."

Brandon nods his head. "I do. I really do." He hesitates. "You're his best friend, right?"

"I really hope so." Grayson continues, "I know for sure that he is my best-est friend ever. He saved my from a bully the first time we met."

"Was it Donald Cook?" Grayson nods. Brandon then says, "I hate that guy. He is such a jerk!!"

Immediately Brandon remembers something about himself. He lowers his head, "I have been a bigger jerk to Luke. You probably know that being his best friend." Brandon raises his eyes to Grayson's as if he was asking a question.

"Yeah, we talked for a long time about what happened. He was really hurt by you, Brandon. Really hurt. But he told me that he forgave you and is so happy to have you back as a brother. He loves you!"

"I love him too, Grayson. I'll never be able to make up for the way I treated him, but I thought he forgave me and if he told you that he did, then why did he run out on me this morning?"

There are sirens so the paramedics are getting close.

"Listen, Brandon. Forgiving was the easy part. Forgetting in another story. He was so devastated that it is going to take awhile for him to gain trust in you again. He said that when Jennifer's name was brought up, a flood gate of emotions and memories came through and he couldn't handle it. He basically had a panic attack. I know what that is like too. I used to get them all the time. I was able to help him relax, get back control of his thoughts and relieve tension. He was going to go home and talk to you about why he left so suddenly. Then this happened."

The fire truck arrived and not far behind was the ambulance. Grayson then instructs Brandon to take the firemen back to where Luke is, and he would wait for the paramedics.

Brandon wanted to be by his brother's side, but realized he would be just in the way of his care. Soon Grayson arrives with the paramedics and they all are working on Luke that even Kevin and Paul step aside. Grayson then stands by Brandon and puts a hand on his shoulder and continues the conversation where they left off.

"He felt bad that he just took off this morning but he couldn't handle it all. It's only been a day that you came back home. You have probably been thinking what you were going to do for months. Luke got this all in one day. Be patient. It's just going to take time."

"Time." Brandon remembers what was said by his dad. "You're right. It's just going to take time for all wounds to heal. So what do I do in the mean time?

Grayson faces Brandon and puts both hands on his shoulders. "You do what you just did. You were here for him. He was hurt and scared and when he saw you, I noticed he was relieved. You were gentle and kind to him. He felt your love. I felt your love towards him. I know that you are genuine and sincere in wanting to make things right. I just met you and I can tell. Just love him. Gain his trust. Be a brother to him. Be his friend. You don't have to think about it. If you are sincere, it'll just happen. Just give it time."

Brandon hugs Grayson. It was the natural thing to do. Grayson didn't seam to be fazed at all by his sudden display of affection. Paul nudged Kevin and pointed at their boys.

After about 20 seconds, the two boys separate and Brandon asks Grayson, "So...How old Are you?

Grayson smiles. "How old do you think I am?"

Brandon scratches his head and says, "Looking at you, you are probably the same age as Luke which is 15. Talking with you, with your knowledge and wisdom, I'd have to say that you are the same age as my father which is 42. So, which is it?"

Grayson doesn't answer. He does notice that they are finishing up with Luke.

"I think they are ready to transport Luke. Go be with him."

Brandon's POV

Luke is on the gurney and Dad is giving information to the paramedics. I slip next to my brother and brush the hair out of the way. He smiles and I kiss him on the forehead where I just cleared a space. His right arm is in this air filled splint thing and his shirt has been cut off. I can see that his side is bruising up a little. I'm in big brother mode and I want to protect him, but the most I can do is to try to comfort him and let the medical people do their thing.

Kevin steps over to where his two sons are. Brandon asks. "Dad. What did they tell you? How is Luke? Is he going to be okay?

The concern Brandon has for his brother is refreshing. He is touched. "Brandon. He has a fractured arm but we won't know how bad until they do x-rays. It also looks like he might have a broken or cracked rib. He also has back pain, so he needs to go to the emergency room and get care. We need to go home, get your mother and sister and go to the hospital."

"Dad? Can I ride with Luke to the hospital? I don't want him to be alone, and...and I want to be there for him now."

Kevin thinks for a second, turns to the paramedic, "Do you think it would be alright if my adult son rides with his brother in the ambulance?"

The paramedic says, "As long as he is at least 18, then yes."

Kevin turns and puts a hand on Brandon's shoulder. "It's okay Son. They have all the paperwork they need for now and we'll meet you at the hospital."

"Thanks, Dad." They both hug and then Kevin goes to Luke, who is now covered in a white blanket.

"Luke. Brandon is going to go with you to the hospital. I am going to pick your mother and sister and we will meet you down there. Okay?"

Luke nods and Kevin kisses Luke on his head and tells Brandon that he'll see him soon, and If something happens, please call. Brandon says "Okay, I will."

Kevin thanks Paul for all his help and taking care of his son. "Paul, I'll call and give you an update as soon as we know more. Grayson? You are a great friend to Luke and I'll let you see him as soon as I can. I gotta go."

Kevin goes home to get his family and the paramedics have Luke in the ambulance and Brandon hops in and gives the medics room to work. They have some pads with wires on his bare chest hooked up to a monitor. He has a blood pressure cup on his good arm and another thing on a finger that shows his pulse and oxygen levels. They have given Luke a shot for the pain and he is feeling better, just a bit loopy.

The medic tells the driver that the patient is all secured and ready to transport. Brandon now sits next to his brother on his good side. He is careful not to be in the way. He holds Luke's good hand as well as he can with that finger thing on him. He maintains physical contact with his little brother the whole time, whether he is caressing his arm or has a hand on his head petting him like a kitten. Luke feels peaceful with his brother near.

Next: Chapter 5

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