Exchange Student Returns Home

By Dean Montague

Published on Sep 28, 2024


Still Day 6 of Brandon's return. This chapter is a little short, but it finishes out the day.

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Chapter 11

Brandon's POV

"So, what happened out there with Chrissy?" Dad asks. "She ran in here crying earlier and your mother has her taking a nap now."

I ask Grayson and Luke to go on to the room and I'll explain everything to Dad. We sit down.

"Dad, Luke and I love Chrissy very much and we like to include her in activities but she has no impulse control. You know that. She'll say what ever she is thinking and sometimes it gets her in trouble. For example, a few days ago when Luke only had a hospital gown on and as we took him back to the bedroom after he used the bathroom, Chrissy says, `I see Luke's white hiney.' She didn't need to say that, and had it happened before when Luke was shy about his body, he would've been mad or at least embarrassed. Then she asked if Luke had the top of his dick chopped off. She needs to control her mouth a little better."

Dad has been listening attentively. He asks, "So what did she say this time to have you or Luke mad at her. You two have been such loving, patient and kind big brothers to her. So what did she say?"

"Let's back up a second. Us three kids have gotten used to being nude around each other, but Grayson isn't so comfortable. I don't want him to do anything he was uncomfortable doing. We decided we would go swimming and he didn't have a suit. Luke's suit was too small and he didn't want to wear one of my speedos. Plus, it would've been too big and you don't want to wear a speedo that is too big. So he decided he would just wear his underwear. Then Chrissy joined us and everything was fine. Luke couldn't jump in and out of the pool but he could get wet. So he got up on the air mattress and was just floating around. I whispered to Grayson that we should cannon ball him and get him real wet. We jumped in and Luke was startled and we bantered back and forth. Grayson and I were going to ambush him and we were stalking Luke outside of the pool. Luke was trying to get away so we had to keep moving around to get a good shot. That's when it happened.

"Okay," Dad said. "I'm listening." He brings his hand up to his chin.

"Chrissy was looking strangely toward Grayson. So I looked at Grayson and noticed that his white underwear was leaving nothing to the imagination. I knew that if she said anything to Grayson, it wouldn't go well. Luke also noticed what was going on and he was trying to get her attention. I was able to get her attention and I made the shhh sign with my finger to my lips. I know she saw me, but she opened her mouth anyway. She told Grayson that she could see his butt, penis and his hairs too. I almost died. Grayson tried to cover himself and she really embarrassed him. She had gone too far and I didn't want her there with us. It took Luke and I a long time to get him calmed down. She needs some rules and consequences, I mean, I would like if you and Mom make it clear that if she doesn't control her mouth, she can't be with us when we have friends over. I love her to death, but I'm not very happy with her today."

Dad nods his head. "Yeah, I was afraid of this. I know you and Luke wouldn't do anything to hurt her, so I knew it had to be bad. You're Mother and I will have words with her, and I hope she understands. If she doesn't learn now, she's going to have a hard life and few friends."

He squeezes my shoulder. "Go have fun with the boys, and thanks for talking with me."

He didn't have to tell me twice. I go in and they are playing a race game on Mario Kart 65. It looks like Luke is going to win except Grayson throws a banana at him and he spins out of control and Grayson wins. "Ha Ha!" Grayson says. "I got you good!"

Luke counters, "Take the win, because it'll be your last."

I laugh and they see I am there. Luke asks, "I was wondering when you were going to join us. Is everything okay with dad?"

"All is good. Now let's play a battle game. I'm hungry for some balloons." I sit down immediately to play, not taking the time to put anything on. I just have the towel on. Luke has some boxers on and Grayson has on shorts.

We start playing and within a minute, Luke and Grayson have teamed up on me and I now only have one balloon left. I get the spinning protective turtle shells and reverse and get them both. "Yes! That's what you guys get for coming after me. The gloves are now off." I get Grayson again and he tells Luke that he is on his own. Luke says, "Fine!" and he throws a banana at Grayson and he spins out of control.

"Hey!" Grayson says.

Luke says, "That's for last game. Ha ha." Now Grayson is a bomb and tells Luke that he is coming after him. I laugh and then Grayson comes around the corner and gets me. "I win!!" A triumphant Luke yells.

"We're even now." Grayson says to Luke and they high five with their left hands. I was played.

Some time while we were playing, my towel came off and I was on display. Not that anyone cared including me. We play a few more battles and I lose every one of them. I suggest we play a racing game. I'm Peach and I win every time. I forgot how fun Nintendo 64 was. I think that 64 was the best system Nintendo ever made. "Hey guys, you want to play Golden Eye?" We got that out and are going around trying to find the other. I find Luke and we start shooting at each other, then Grayson shoots both of us dead. We didn't see him until it was too late. So then Luke and I gang up on Grayson and we get him good.

We finish up and turn off the Nintendo. Luke looks over at me and says, "Brandon? Why do you have a boner?" I look down and I do. I see Grayson look down at me and stares.

"I have no idea. I guess it just has a mind of its own." Anyway, I get up and put on a pair of shorts.

Dad then comes in. "Hey guys. So, who won?"

Grayson says, "Luke! He kicked our butts!" Then Luke stands up and tries to do his happy dance. Dad high fives him with his good arm.

Then Dad tells us what he came in for. Speaking to me and Luke he says, "Your mother and I have noticed that you guys have grown close and like to snuggle sometimes, but your beds are kinda small. You may not know this, but two twin beds is the same width as a king sized bed. We just got a new memory foam mattress topper for our king sized bed, and we could move your beds together and we could put our old topper over the top of you mattresses and it'll be just like a king sized bed. What do y'all think?"

"Really? That would be so cool. Ah, if that's alright with you Luke?" I say.

"Alright with me? Heck yeah! Let's do it now, since Grayson is here and I can supervise." Luke says. Grayson and I look at Luke, then back to each other and shrug our shoulders.

"Okay Sir Lucas. We are awaiting your instructions." I then bow before him. I encourage Grayson to bow too. Then I look at Dad to get him to bow, but he doesn't. He says, "I'll go get the mattress topper and some sheets."

Sir Lucas gives us permission to rise. "Okay, you two. Each of you pull the bedding off of the two beds and put the sheets in a separate pile for washing." We do that and wait for further instructions. Mom and Dad come in with the mattered topper.

"Grayson? Unplug the lamp and the alarm clock on the night stand between the beds and move them here off to the side. Then Brandon, you can move the other night stand out of the way and make it snappy!"

We both bow again several times. "Yes sir. Right away sir. We shall obey." While we are doing this I see a perplexed look on Mom's face and she looks questioning at Dad.

Dad says to her, "Sir Lucas is in charge." She just rolls her eyes.

"That's acceptable you two. Now slide Brandon's bed next to mine and put the night stand back." We do as instructed and then Luke gives us further orders.

"Oh for Pete's sake, plug in the lamp! Do I have to tell you everything? - Now lay the mattress topper on top of the two mattresses and make sure it is even. I won't stand for incompetence! Now move it!" Um, okay. He's getting a little bossy now.

Mom speaks up. "Luke? I know you boys are just playing and having fun and stuff, but I can tell that you are taking this a little too far." That's Mom's way of telling him that it's no longer funny and he needs to stop. He gets a little flustered and lowers his head and plays with his fingers.

"You're right Mom. Sorry guys, I just got caught up in the roll. I didn't really mean to be rude."

I look at Grayson and I smile. "That's okay Sir Luke. Now off with his head!!" I yell, and Grayson and I both tackle him carefully onto the bed. We are all three laughing.

"Oh you boys!" Mom says and leaves the room with Dad.

Grayson comments. "Man! This bed really is comfy. This is nice".

I then observe, "We all three fit well on this bed too." I say to Grayson, "If you ever want to sleep over sometime, we have plenty of room." I think it would be cozy to snuggle up to these two clowns at night. Luke says, "Yeah, that would be so cool. We could even watch movies or play video games in bed." Then all three of us say in unison, "What about tonight?" We all laugh. Like minds think alike.

"Let's get sheets on the bed and put this room back together before we ask Mom and Dad. You know they'll ask if it's done."

They nod and we get the sheets on and the blankets are for twin beds so we just put one on each side. I move the lamp stand back to my side and put the lamp and alarm clock back on it. We make sure that everything in nice and tidy, then we put regular clothes on.

Mom comes into the room and she says, "Wow! This room looks great. Good job guys. Oh, I came in here to ask if Grayson was staying for dinner."

We all smile and I say, "Yes. We would love it if Grayson here could dine with us." I say with a British accent. "Would he also have permission to abide with us this very night?"

Mom answers with a British accent of he own. "Oh but of course. It would be jolly good to have his company tonight as long as it is acceptable with his pop."

"Oh thank you, Mum." I say. "We shall acquire approval from his dad at once."

"Very well then." She says. "Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes. After you clean up for dinner, if you and Grayson could set the table, that would be splendid. After he rings his father, of course." She goes back to the kitchen.

Mr. Paulson gave Grayson permission to sleep over and to have dinner with us. We all got cleaned up and as we were about to leave, a very contrite Chrissy enters out room. Her chin is a little down and she looks a little sad. Not the normal bouncy Chrissy.

"Oh good, all of you are here." She says. "I just want to say that I'm sorry for the way I have been acting this week. Mom says that I speak without thinking, and I think she is right. I know I have said things to all of you this week that have probably embarrassed you or just not very nice. I hope you guys can forgive me?"

I look at the other guys and they are nodding. So I say to her, "I think I can speak for all of us that we accept your apology. You'll find that people will like you better when you don't point out their flaws or differences. We do a lot of kidding here in this family. It's good family fun, but if it makes someone feel bad about themselves or have a bad self image, then kidding turns into being a bully. You also need to take hints. When we were in the pool, I put my fingers to my lips and gave you the "Shhh" sign. You saw me and you didn't shhh. So, we will probably let you play with us, but remember that you have to play nice. OK?"

She gives me a big hug. "I'll take that as a yes." She nods. "Okay then. We don't need to bring this up again unless we have to." I give her a kiss on the top of her head. "I still love you bunches."

She gets a big smile on her face and reaches up and gives me a kiss on the cheek and says, "I love you bunches more!" Then she starts skipping out of the room.

Dinner was good as usual. Mom cooked some roast something with mashed potatoes, stuffing, pasta, corn and a salad. After dinner, Grayson and I wash the dishes by hand so that it'll be done. We don't have to fill and empty the dishwasher. I wash, Grayson dries and Luke puts them away one plate at a time. We are done in no time and join the family in the living room. Luke takes his normal seat cuddled up to Dad on the couch. Grayson sits next to him and me on the end. We all fit, but are close together and we don't mind a bit. Mom and Chrissy are on the love seat like normal. Jeopardy is over and Dad has won again.

"I have an idea." I say. "How about if we watch a movie as a family. I saw on Hulu that they are playing this movie with John Candy and that Dan Aykroyd guy. It's about a family of Aunts, Uncles and cousins that go camping called, `The Great Outdoors'. It's supposed to be super funny."

"It is!" Grayson says, "Dad and I watched it a few years ago and we laughed through the whole thing. Oh -- ah, Luke? How are your ribs. I don't want you to watch a movie that is going to hurt. We could always watch `Forest Gump' or something."

"No, no, no." Luke says. "I think I am fine now. It doesn't hurt anymore to laugh like it did."

Dad says, "Very well. Let's watch it." Mom agrees.

So for the next hour and a half, we are all laughing our heads off. Somewhere in the middle, Mom gets up and makes us all a bowl of Chocolate Chip ice cream, my favorite. There was this one part that had a bear in it and it was a little intense. I could tell everyone was glued to the TV. So, I grabbed Grayson on the leg and let out a murderous scream. He jumps and screams and Luke screams. It was like Dominoes. Dad spilled some of the melted ice cream on his shirt and I along with Mom and Chrissy, were all laughing at them. I love doing that.

I think that ice cream gave Grayson a little chill. He was rubbing his arms a bit. So I put my arm around his shoulders and bring him in to me. He immediately snuggled up to me. "Is that better?" I say to him.

"So much better!" He said. "I was getting cold. Thank you!" We stayed that way for the rest of the movie. I'm surprised that I had never seen that movie before. It was just hilarious! We even watched the credits and they were funny too.

The movie ended and Dad said that he had an early day tomorrow and was going to take a shower and go to bed. I guess he got a little sticky. Mom took Chrissy to get her ready for bed and us boys go to our room. We were laughing about different scenes from the movie. My favorite part was when the bear got his fur blown off of his butt. Ha Ha. Those twin girls were creepy though. I asked Luke which side of the bed would be most comfortable for him. He said that he thought the left side would work best for him, but he wanted to leave that open if it was a mistake. I said, "That's fine with me. So for now the right side will be for me."

"That means that I get the middle!" Grayson says as he is shucking his clothes, leaving him only in his underwear. He jumps and lands in the middle of the bed. "Wow! This is really nice."

Luke and I do the same just leaving our underwear on. I help Luke get into a comfortable position in the bed with his broken arm. I walk away, then I bend down and give Luke a little hug. I kiss his forehead and tell him that I love him. He gives me his magical smile that melts my heart and I can't help but to smile. That smile tells me that he loves me too. He doesn't need to say it, I feel it. I kiss both cheeks and look into his eyes and we kiss each other on the lips. Nothing sexual at all, just love. I finally stand up, then I turn on the lamp and turn off the ceiling fan light, leaving the fan on medium. The window is also open allowing a gentle breeze in the room. I get into the other side of the bed and there really is lots of room. We were just all talking a little, and it wasn't long before Grayson noticed that Luke had already fallen asleep.

"Luke?" Grayson says, then he turns to me. "I think that Luke is asleep."

I look over and I think he is right. "We really did have a long day. He must be worn out. We should let him sleep in as long as he needs to in the morning. Let's try not to wake him when we get up."

Grayson's POV

Brandon just tucked Luke in and shared a moment with him. Brandon was so gentle, kind and loving to Luke. I once again witnessed true brotherly love. It was so pure, so warm. I couldn't help but to smile watching them. I never realized what I was missing by being an only child. Brandon crawled into bed, and I just wanted him to share that love to me too.

I turn on my side to talk to Brandon. "Brandon? I have gotten to know you pretty well this past week. When I think of what Luke described you as when you were away, and what you have told me about the way you used to be... I don't see it. I don't see one hint of the `old' you. It's so very hard to imagine that person ever existed. The way you treat Luke is so, so..." I try to think of an adjective that can properly describe what I am trying to say. "um, kind, awesome, wonderful, nice, um... compassionate, loving.... words don't do you justice. I just see good in you. You, ah well, I am's and and you have treated me so nice and everything. I don't know if I'm making any sense."

Brandon is just smiling at me, waiting for me to finish. I'm kinda of embarrassed that I can't talk right. How do you describe something that is new to you? It might be different if I had a brother or sister. They have both told me that I am a brother to them, but let's face it, I'll never truly be a brother. They are the closest thing I have to a brother and I am elated at that, but people move on and things change. They will always have that bond and I never will.

Brandon opens his arm and says, "Come here." He guides me to his shoulder and rolls me into him and holds me there. Instinctively, I rest my arm across his bare chest and grab his other arm. "Thank you, Grayson, that's very kind of you. I would have the same hard time trying to describe you. Those are all qualities that I see in you too. You are a great kid and I care for you very much."

He reaches over and turns off the lamp and says, "Let's get some sleep, I'm really tired." Maybe it'll make more sense in the morning.

"Brandon? Do you think I can stay right here next to you for a while? I feel really safe in your arms and I don't want it to end yet."

"Of course you can." Brandon says and he pulls me a little tighter and kisses the side of my head. "You can stay here for as long as you want, and I hope you want to for a while too."

"Thank you, Brandon. Goodnight... and...I love you." He doesn't say anything but he gives me a quick squeeze and kisses my head again.

"Goodnight, Grayson." Then he whispers, "I love you too."

I try not to fall into a deep sleep because I love being in Brandon's arms and feel his bare chest against mine. I want to remember this feeling for a long time. I feel so secure, safe and warm. When I was a child, my parents would let me snuggle up to them in bed anytime I needed to. They would take turns holding me. When I was about 8, they said that I was getting too old to sleep with them. What was the big deal? I would have liked to have snuggled up with my dad in his bed when Mom died. I think he was embarrassed because many times I could hear him crying at night. I think it could have helped both of us. Don't get me wrong, Dad is a wonderful parent. He isn't afraid to tell me that he loves me and gives me hugs. I have his support in what ever I do. I think that if I had an older brother, it would have been a lot easier. Or if I had a younger brother, then I could comfort and hold him. So to have Brandon hold me like a caring and loving big brother, is almost too good. It's like nothing can harm me.

I wake up and it is still dark, so I know it isn't morning yet. Sometime in my sleep, I must have moved because Brandon is no longer holding me, yet I am snuggled up to Luke. We are both the same age, so it would be more like twins than him being my younger brother. I'm not sure if he just woke up or not but he scooted closer to me and kinda rolled into me without hitting me with his cast. Brandon and Luke have had their problems, but the brother bond is so very strong. I don't think I will ever have that with them. I mean, we can be "like" brothers and it will almost be as if. Luke puts his head on top of mine and I fall asleep again.

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