Excerpts from an Open Marriage

By James B.

Published on Jun 13, 2024


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Disclaimer: Any likeness to real life or other fictional characters in media or events are purely coincidental. If this story isn't your cup of tea, don't read it.

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Summary: Miles and Derek take their relationship to the next level, delving into threesomes and specific aspects of cuckolding.

Chapter Themes: M/M/M, open marriage, voyeurism, erotic recordings, dubious consent (trigger warning, mentioned: skinheads).

Chapter Main Characters:

Miles Karev- 48 y/o. Married to Derek. Proposed an open marriage after their son, Sam, moved out for college. Sam's pops.

Derek Karev- 32 y/o. Married to Miles. Decided to go to college after moving to a new city. Simon's lover.Sam's dad.

Chapter Supporting Characters

Jack - 40(?) something y/o man that flirts with Miles.

Chapter 4

It was late afternoon when I finally woke up. It didn't take long for the memories of the night before to come flooding back, and I faced them with a smile. With an extra spring in my step, I got up off the bed and got dressed. There was some relief knowing that I didn't have another stakeout shift coming up for a while. I was looking forward to syncing up with my husband's schedule for the next little while instead. Knowing he had later classes today, I made a plan to welcome him back home with a warm meal. Frankly, we were overdue for some catching up.

I took some time to check work and personal emails, and after some quick calls to my secretary and Sam, I finally had time for myself. As Derek would be home in about an hour, I decided to spend my free time prepping his favourite meal. Frankly though, it wasn't a very difficult meal. I actually had time to browse through the news before starting on dinner. Derek was a fairly simple man, and one of his favourite meals was bratwurst on a bun and buttered, roasted corn with my special seasoning on it as a side. Like clockwork, I finished setting the food on our plates by the time he walked through the door.

"Wow, what's the special occasion?" he asked with a wide smile, giving me a happy, quick kiss on the lips.

"Well, gotta feed my man. Can't be one of those neglectful husbands now, can I?" I replied with a wink before ushering him to his seat.

"Gotta say, really happy that we can actually have dinner together. It sucked coming home to find you gone for the evening," he said before taking a massive bite of his sausage.

"Good news is, we can do this for the next few days. Thad and I are switching off for a while. So I actually get to have normal hours again!" I explained. "I gotta admit, he's been really pulling his weight on this case. I'm actually impressed."

"What do you mean?" He mumbled through a mouthful of corn.

"Well, I figured he'd be as chaotic with his work ethic as he looks. But he's been pretty meticulous, as far as I can tell. I've read his reports and they're pretty detailed. Sometimes even more than mine," I confessed.

"Oh yeah, the fact that he's a serious guy surprised me too at first," he began to explain. "I didn't really figure him to be a chaotic guy, like you. More like... someone who doesn't give a fuck, you know? Full skinhead stereotype - anti-establishment, very opinionated, maybe a massive meathead..."

"Prone to violence," I finished for him. "Wait, you guys have been talking?"

"Of course. Usually when he drops off reports for you after you've left for your shifts. I'll admit he doesn't really look like someone who'd be going to a mindfulness or inner peace retreat, or something," he replied as he quickly finished his food. "But that's the stereotype, right? Like, did you know that skinheads actually came about in the 60s, from a subculture in England that loved ska and reggae music? Classic anti-establishment, working class kids who were kinda like punk hippies."

"You don't say," I replied curiously as I watched my husband ramble on, surprised by his eagerness to talk about my colleague and his lifestyle.

"Oh yeah, Thad's a pretty cool guy. Opinionated, definitely. Can't agree with everything he says, but I gotta admire his attitude," he said.

"What kind of attitude is that? I-don't-give-a-fuck' or asshole'?" I replied dryly.

"See that's what I thought first too, but he clearly gives a fuck. But he cares about very specific things, and deeply at that. I admire his ability to know what he wants and his default willingness to go after it, social mores and consequences be damned!" He said with a nod.

"`Social mores and consequences'? Sounds chaotic," I point out. "Some would argue, potentially criminal."

"Oh come on, that's a leap, and you know it," he replied, reprimanding me with a stare. "You know that's not what I mean. He's a pretty social guy, at least from the way he presents himself and the things he's told me. I meant, I admire the fact that he doesn't overthink things sometimes. Like, he knows that if he enjoys something and it won't kill anyone or whatever, and there's nothing intrinsically bad about it, then he'll do it. Do you know what I mean?"

I was silent for a moment, giving his words some serious thought. It was rare for him to be so passionate about something, let alone to try and communicate it in words. I could see that his classes at the community college certainly were helping. It was obvious that he was thinking this through more than he had before, and he certainly seemed to be riled up about something.

"You're saying, mhm," I began, looking at him seriously and taking care of my words before I responded. "Does this have something to do with why you haven't really fucked anyone lately?"

"What?" He asked, surprised by my question.

"I mean, unless you have and just haven't told me about it. But you're usually pretty good with sharing your experiences," I point out. "So have you?"

"I mean, no," he confessed bashfully, blushing some to my surprise.

"I think... that the whole deal with how things ended with Simon probably affected you in some way. That wasn't fun. We were embarrassed in public and, more importantly, in front of Sam. I think you probably feel guilty about that," I explained slowly, and carefully. "I did talk to Sam, and he says you guys hadn't really talked since then. Is that true?"

"No," he sighed heavily. "Not for the lack of trying. We've texted? But he's been pretty non-verbal. Single word replies and stuff. So I figured I'd give him some space. I mean, at least he's not ignoring me?"

"Yeah," I agreed. "I talked to him about it. I think he was worried for me, thinking that you were cheating on me. But I explained to him, in more detail than he was comfortable with, that this was a willing, consensual thing between two loving husbands."

"Did he buy it?" he asked.

"I dunno. I think he still needs a bit more time to process it. Or at least to get used to the idea. At this point, I think if he sees us still together and happy, he'll start to get the picture. I mean he saw Billy and Erica's relationship first hand. Saw that they were happy, despite the other `uncles' he met throughout the years. So it's not a foreign idea to him. He just needs to get used to this since we've been monogamous for a long time."

"Yeah, I guess" he replied while staring intently at the table.

"But back to you," I said, veering the topic back to him. "Are you talking about what you did with Simon? Not specifically Simon, himself. But I mean, the fun times you had together. You had a good time having sex with someone else, someone who wasn't your husband. You enjoyed that, right?"

"I mean, yeah," he nodded.

"And, again, I'll say that I enjoyed it too. But things got too deep with Simon way too fast, at least for the kid. I think we ended up with an emotional relationship instead of our idea of opening up our relationship sexually."

"Yeah, I'm s-" he began, but I stopped him.

"Seriously, stop it with that, love," I replied. "I learned something about myself with that, and we gotta talk about it. I know, more talking. If it's too much for tonight, we can have this conversation another time. But I swear, it's nothing bad."

"No, no, it's fine. Go on," he nodded, urging me on.

"I learned that I liked it," I confessed after a deep breath. "Not just the sex, but the other stuff, you know? I don't know what to call it other than the `emotional stuff', even if it doesn't really make sense?"

"Okay, keep going," he replied intently, staring at my eyes as if to prove he was listening to my words intently and was taking me seriously. I couldn't help but smile at the effort he was making to show I was being heard.

"Okay, like those photos and videos you sent of your time with Simon? Fuck, did those turn me on. But it wasn't only cause of the sex stuff. I realized that I was also turned on by your connection with him, you know? It turned me on knowing you were spending time with him, instead of me. Didn't matter what it was, even if it was just something mundane like studying or eating. I actually thought it was kinda exciting."

"Exciting? How does that work?" He asked, looking genuinely confused.

"Okay, so I found out that there's actually a word for this shortly afterwards. You know, I read through forums and chats about people like us? Guys who are in open relationships, or whatever. It's called compersion."

"Cumpersion," he began, the corners of his lip twitching to a smile. I had to appreciate my husband's juvenile sense of humour sometimes.

But I just rolled my eyes and continued, "compersion is this thing where someone can get off on seeing someone else being happy."

"Isn't that just empathy, or is that sympathy?" He asked, confused.

"Well, it's more like the opposite of jealousy. Instead of getting pissed off when you see your partner getting together with someone, sexually or emotionally, you instead are turned on by it. So for me, I learned that I liked seeing you happy living a college life that you never had with a sex partner you enjoyed spending time with. There were times, I admit, that I was frustrated that I couldn't be there with you while you had it. Like I couldn't go to the parties you guys went to, or hang out with the people you hung out with. But outside of that frustration, I got off on it. I saw how much you really got into it, how it made you happy and that really turned me on."

"You got turned on by seeing me happy, seriously?" he asked, surprised.

"Well, duh? It's a great thing to see my husband happy," I pointed out the obvious.

"That's not what I mean," he sighed exaggeratedly. "I mean, you were happy that I hung out with Simon and his friends outside of just sex with him? Like seeing me do that other stuff I've only ever done with you with someone else instead? That was a turn on?"

"Yeah, it seriously was," I replied seriously, trying to be as clear as I could to my husband. "You know that I've been struggling with getting a hard on... that's unmedicated. But recently, since we started this whole thing, it's been different. I mean, I jacked off to the photos and videos you sent me of you two fucking. I loved listening to how dirty you guys got. But I also really liked just watching you guys kiss, or cuddle. It actually got me hard seeing you guys hold hands sometimes, or talking so casually to each other, cuddled on the couch when you thought I wasn't looking. This may sound weird, but I even got rock hard at the incredibly remote possibility that you were liking him more than me. There actually were a few times when I decided to drop in on you at the campus for a surprise, and I saw you and Simon hanging out with his friends. Fuck, I really did like seeing you with his arms around his shoulders, and his arms around your waist while you were talking so casually with other people. The thought you guys had an emotional connection really turned me on."

"Wait? You actually liked that?" he asked, seemingly confused by my words. "I fucking felt guilty about it."

"I figured," I said quietly, reaching over to hold his hand on the table.

"I'd catch myself sometimes, you know? Like, I'd be thinking of something funny, and the first thing I do is text Simon instead of you. Or I'd reach out to hold his hand, so casual-like, instead of reaching out for yours. And I'd feel so fucking bad about it. I tried to send as many pictures and videos as I could to you, and Simon did too. He enjoyed that part, but I think, in hindsight, he was probably being bitchy about it. But I thought that's the only thing you wanted. So I felt bad whenever I caught myself doing other stuff... you know? Like, I dunno. I felt so fucking shitty sometimes cause I thought I love you and I was doing this other stuff..."

"Okay, yeah, I'm saying that you shouldn't have felt shitty about it," I began, trying to interrupt his train of thought before it derailed. "Like this was something totally new, right? We talked a lot about the other stuff, but I didn't think this was something that I'd like too. So, your feelings are totally valid. I'm sorry you felt like crap. We could have talked about it more or better, I guess. But I'm saying it was a process for me too, you know? We're articulating it now. I saw you were happy, and I got off on watching you be happy. I'm sorry you felt guilty instead."

"I, shit, yeah," was his only reply, devolving into his usually non-articulate, non-verbose self. "I just... fuck."

"It's okay love. I'm saying it was not only okay, it was actually pretty great. But I can see maybe, it was too soon for that for you." I replied, trying my best to explain myself.

"So like, what, you want me to emotionally do stuff with other guys?" he asked, clearly confused about the whole thing.

"Sure, if that's what you want and need. So, we're going back to my initial point. I get what you were trying to say before. I think that you liked doing the other stuff with Simon, not just the sex. You liked how you felt, but you felt guilty feeling it. This entire time, we've been monogamous. As far as I know, you've only been with me. Even if you knew there were other kinds of relationships out there, you've only ever had just this one. Ours. So, you felt guilty. And I'm telling you it's okay to feel that and I'm also telling you, you don't have to feel guilty about it. I know it's not something you can turn on and off, but listen to my words. I liked it."

"You liked it?" he asked, incredulously.

"A lot, yeah," I replied honestly, gripping his hand harder. "If you're okay telling me the truth, have you been with anyone since you were last with Simon?"

"No," he readily replied. "I've kinda just jacked off. A lot. Like a lot."

"Nothing wrong with that, baby," I said with a nod. "But are you just jacking off cause you're afraid of hooking up with someone else and catching feelings?"

"Actually, kinda, yeah?" he confirmed with a wince.

"Then, I have a suggestion," I replied with a nod.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Why don't we do stuff together for a bit?" I offered.

Over the next few hours, we talked about my suggestion. As he didn't have any classes until the afternoon the next day, we took our time. We turned off our brains by watching a few sitcoms, then did our separate things for a little bit. He went off to play some video games on his desktop computer, while I read a book. Then later on that same evening, we got together in bed and took our first steps forward in the next phase of our relationship. A joint Sniffies account.

Our profile was quite straightforward. We were a married couple who played together - even if one might be more active than the other. Our discussions leading up to this had resulted in reassurance to the both of us that this was something we both wanted. Derek actually accepted my suggestion easier this time around. His sex with Simon was great, that was never the issue. Right now, he was having trouble with the emotional aspects of it. I knew he needed time to wrap his mind around what we had discussed this evening. It wouldn't take just one, long, discussion to unravel his hang ups around unconventional relationships. What I thought he needed were more fuck-and-go type of hookups. No strings and no fuss.

We were upfront about ourselves and our relationship. We were clear that we were husbands and that we were open. We were also upfront about what we looked liked, what we liked, and what we were looking for. We posted pictures of us together and separately, and of us with our clothes off.

The plan was to have more sexual experiences with my husband, together with him and other men. At least, until he was more comfortable to venture out again on his own. Well... rather, until he was reassured that I didn't mind it when he went off and did his own thing. As long as I could be told about it after. But this was an opportunity for us to explore this part of our new relationship, and I really was excited for it. As per our profile, it should be expected for us to play together, but also for one of us to just participate while the other sits back and watches. This latter part was just for me in the event that I wouldn't be able to match my husband's and the other man's performance. Afterall, it's already pretty clear to both of us that I did, in fact, enjoy watching.

As we were located in the core of the city, there were plenty of guys around us to choose from. Our profile hadn't even been up for five minutes when we started receiving messages. It was easy to ignore the spam and ones that had no pictures and no information on their profiles. We made it pretty clear in our profile that we wouldn't entertain ghosts. I kept this thought to myself, but I was sure that the vast majority of our messages were due to Derek's obviously attractive physique. I suspected the remaining messages were enthusiastic due to our willingness to host.

"How about this guy?" Derek asked one night as he perused the profile of a hispanic man with a sharp goatee. He looked quite fit, if not as fit as Derek. But he certainly was handsome, like a more tanned Enrique Iglesias.

"Yeah, looks good. Glad he's a bottom, cause neither of us douched," I pointed out and agreed with his choice. Within fifteen minutes, we were ushering LatinJock69 into our guest bedroom.

He was a beautiful man, and his online photos did not do him justice. Although he didn't have abs, I thought he had wonderful pecs and arms. I enjoyed kissing his shoulders, making my way across his sturdy back, caressing his thick thighs, as he suckled on Derek's neck.

The stranger and I shared Derek's cock, taking one side each as we licked and sucked on my husband's shaft. If he took Derek's member in his mouth, I moved to suck on my husband's balls. Then when he moved to suck my cock, I also moved to suck Derek's dick. It was clear that he enjoyed both of us greatly.

I got behind him and ate his hairy ass while Derek used his mouth like a fleshlight. It didn't take long to open the man up, his hole clearly used to taking dick. It also didn't take very long for me to cum as I fucked him from behind, the sight of Derek fucking this man's mouth was just too erotic. To my surprise, Derek came into the guy's mouth, and held him there, emptying his nut straight into the mans' gullet. But when the guy moved to jack himself off, Derek pushed his hand away and started to kiss him.

I moved aside at that point, quickly moving to the bathroom to trash the condom and wash up a little bit. By the time I got back, Derek already had the man on his back, the dude's legs around his shoulders as he pounded into him hard.

Despite my post nut clarity, and my still soft cock, I found the site of my husband's muscled back fucking into the stranger to be incredibly erotic. I sat on the ottoman at the edge of the bed, and just watched them. Derek's fucking never failed to mesmerize me. His thick thighs were a sight to behold as they pumped into the man's bubbly ass. His pecs twitched with every thrust, his arms straining as he held himself up and the dude against him. It wasn't a surprise when the dude came as he jacked himself off while Derek pounded into him. As the man came, Derek pulled out, pulled off the condom, and with a few strokes, contributed to the coating of semen on the man's sweat soaked body.

What I didn't expect was for Derek to scoop up their combined cum and feed it to the man. If I could have gotten my dick hard again, the site of that would have made me cum. I watch silently as the two of them kissed on the bed, holding each other tightly, enjoying the smell of our combined musk filling the room. Derek, with his insatiable libido, managed to manifest another erection while they made it. I quickly moved to give him another condom and the lube.

He winked at me with a sweet smile and a quick "thanks, love" before turning his attention back to the beautiful, sweaty body beneath him.

They fucked two more times after that, while all I could do was watch. I managed to get hard enough again one more time, but opted to just jack off on the side while I watched Derek mount his partner from behind. I came way before either of them even finished. By the time they did and they joined me in the kitchen, I had made both of them some coffee to enjoy before our first Sniffies stranger left.

This became our pattern for the next few weeks. I even managed to join Derek on another Sniffies hookup before Thad and I switched shifts again. Derek, the stranger, and myself would fuck together. I'd cum first, and then I'd spend the rest of the night watching them go at it, or just leave the room for them to enjoy.

During the times that I couldn't be there, Derek still arranged for hook ups. As we shared an account, I could check in on his Sniffies activities and we'd talk about it either on text or on a quick call. It took a few weeks before Derek was confident enough with our pattern before he became comfortable enough to stop constantly checking in with me before arranging a hookup.

I had even begun to enjoy reading the conversations Derek had with men in Sniffies. There were times, while on a stake out, that I ended up jacking off to a chat thread between Derek and a random guy. And if I was lucky, the other guy was comfortable enough to be filmed and for the video to be sent to me.

But as my work got more intense, the less time I had to check up on Derek's Sniffies exploits. I hate to admit it, but if Thad hadn't been helping me with this specific account, I would have been overwhelmed.

Little did I know that at the same time that this was happening, Derek and Thad had grown closer as well. It wouldn't be much later before I realized the full extent of their friendship, and budding relationship, during this time.

While I was across town just starting my late shift, Thad would be dropping by our place at home to drop off his report. As a result, it actually became a relatively regular thing between them to have breakfast or dinner together and talk. I wouldn't piece things until later on that Thad also had a hand in influencing Derek's hookups.

The first influence was likely Derek's sudden request to get on PrEP and occasionally bareback. I wasn't entirely surprised by this discussion, and in a way, I had even expected it. Some of Derek's chats on Sniffies started involving breeding talk. We had a pretty long discussion about it, and I wasn't entirely opposed with the idea in the first place. In fact, it turned me on. At first, it was agreed that we would both take PrEP, and that the barebacking would happen only to repeat hookups (mostly Derek's). But that later rule quickly fell on the wayside, and I didn't complain. The videos that Derek kept sending to me was a massive turn on. He even managed to film a few creampie shots that I made sure to save on my phone, that were so fucking hot.

"Wow, your husband really is insatiable," Jack said one night as he watched a close up video of Derek's cock pumping cum into a hookup's red, pulsing, rectum. "You guys have really taken things to the next level, eh?"

"Yeah. I have to say, it's a big fucking turn on how much ass my husband is getting," I explained before taking my phone back from Jack. "I gotta say, I think I'm settling into this whole open relationship thing with aplomb."

Jack smiled at my words before pulling me into a soft kiss, "well it's not like you're getting the short straw. Personally, I think my straw is pretty hefty."

I laughed at his terrible pun before kissing him again.

"So is that what I am?" he asked suddenly, in the dim light of my car.

"What?" I asked, confused by his sudden question.

"Well, like what those guys are to your husband. Is that what I am to you?" he asked seriously.

This wasn't a talk I was prepared to have. I immediately admitted as much, "I'm not really ready to talk about what this is with you."

"You're not?" he asked with a raised brow.

"Definitely not. I'm enjoying what we have. We both seem to have pretty busy lives and I've enjoyed the few times we've actually connected like this. I mean, we haven't actually gone on a date. And you still haven't fucked me," I explained. "Can we hold off on defining whatever this is until later down the line? Like after we've actually seen each other in broad daylight, for one?"

Jack nodded at my words, seemingly in agreement at my statement. "You're right. Absolutely right. It's just, I have a very busy schedule..."

"And I'm not holding that against you. So do I. There's really a lot of this we should talk about outside of our clear sexual attraction to each other. Like you initially stalking me," I point out.

"Oh come on, you were totally impressed by that," he pointed out. "Besides, it was mostly superficial, I swear, and mostly you. I mean, I don't actually know what your family looks like, or anymore about them beyond their names and what you've shared directly."

"Yeah, well. I think my sense of logic is probably skewed compared to a `normal' person's, you know? I mean, I find it perfectly normal to follow and spy on people. So I really need to work extra hard to recognize if something would be fucked up to a normal person." I explained.

"Me too!" he replied with a wide smile. "We have so much in common!"

I laughed at his response.

"How about this? Let's go on an actual date next week? In broad daylight. As long as your husband is okay with it. And if you are too. I'd like to take you out."

"Wow, uh..." was all I could manage, surprised at his sudden request.

"Just think about it tonight. Maybe talk to your husband about it. And if you're both comfortable, I'd like to wine and dine you and then take you home. Then I'd be able to get you ready the right way and fuck you into oblivion," he explained seriously before pulling me into a deep kiss.

Distantly, I wondered if I was letting my work suffer by meeting with Jack like this during a stakeout. But that thought quickly vanished at the sensation of his thick, wet tongue entering my mouth.

Across town, that night, Derek would cross a threshold with Thad that would redefine our relationship moving forward.

And on campus, Sam would explore a little more about himself that would prompt his sincere reconciliation with Derek.


Author's note: Thank you for reading! Apologies for the delay and for any inconsistencies in the story line, I don't have a beta reader nor an editor. Don't hesitate to send me a line to either point `em out or encourage me. It's something that'll push me to keep going and do better. As this story progresses, it'll become increasingly difficult to keep things accurate within the story. Sorry about that, I'll try to fix em as you or I catch them.

In the upcoming chapters, I'll jump narrative points of view more often. Hopefully it'll help with fleshing out the characters more. I'm warning now that this story will get kinkier as it goes along.

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