Excerpts from an Open Marriage

By James B.

Published on Aug 8, 2023


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Disclaimer: Any likeness to real life or other fictional characters in media or events are purely coincidental. If this story isn't your cup of tea, don't read it.

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Summary: There's tension within the Karev family after Simon's outburst. Miles gets into a new business deal and his connection to Jack deepens as Derek's connection to Simon ends.

Chapter Themes: M/M, Age difference, open marriage, public sex, voyeurism, dubious consent (trigger warning, mentioned: skinheads)

Chapter Main Characters:

Miles Karev- 48 y/o. Married to Derek. Proposed an open marriage after their son, Sam, moved out for college. Sam's pops.

Derek Karev- 32 y/o. Married to Miles. Decided to go to college after moving to a new city. Simon's lover.Sam's dad.

Jack - 40(?) something y/o man that flirts with Miles.

Chapter Supporting Characters:

Simon - 18 y/o. Derek's new and current BF. Goes to the same college as Derek.

Sam Karev- 18 y/o, adopted son of Miles and Derek (adopted when he was just 4 y/o). Currently a college student.

Thad (late 20s to mid 30s y/o) - Miles' rival PI. Has a punk/skinhead aesthetic.

I apologize for any spelling/grammatical mistakes in this chapter. I don't have a beta reader and I only have enough time to proofread this piece. I hope you all enjoy this, regardless.

Chapter 3 - Messy Deals Gallore

To say that everyone's appetite had been killed after that encounter would have been an understatement. But I didn't want to leave the situation as it stood, and neither did Derek. Our son deserved more than the drama that had just occurred in front of him. So with stern insistence, we relocated to a nearby diner.

It was clear that Sam was unhappy about the whole situation. More than that, he seemed very unhappy with his dad. Multiple times Derek had tried to start a conversation with Sam as we made our way to the diner, but Sam seemed to be actively ignoring him. By the time we had finished ordering, it was clear that Sam was mad at his father. I sighed heavily as the waitress walked away with our orders and I turned to our son.

"Sam," I started softly. "You can't blame your dad."

"Oh, I don't know, pops... from the looks of it, I can damn well blame him for everything," Sam spat out. Derek looked devastated at Sam's words.

"Hey, don't talk to your dad like that," I snapped as quietly as I could, conscious about making another scene. Sam looked taken aback by my reaction.

"Why are you defending him?" He asked, the confusion was clear in his face. "That was humiliating. You should be angrier than me!"

"I don't care what you think that was. I appreciate that you think you're standing up for me, but you don't know all of the information," I explained quietly.

"I think you told me plenty back there," Sam mumbled. "Kinda easy to fill in the blanks by myself."

"Sam, I'm sorry," Derek said quietly, leaning towards his son. "That should never have happened. We wanted things to happen differently. Please understand that I do love your father. That hasn't changed."

"You have a pretty fucked up way of showing it," Sam spat out.

"Sam, it's not like this kind of relationship is new to you. Your aunts and uncles had those relationships. You've seen them being happy with those kinds of relationships," I point out.

"Oh, don't kid yourself. That looked completely different from Auntie E & B's relationship. I don't ever remember a guy half Uncle B's age throwing a tantrum in public like that," He pointed out.

"Your dad's half my age," I retorted and was about to say something else before Derek flagged me down, and put one of his hands over mine to calm me down.

"Okay, let's all just stop and take a breath for a minute. I think it's important that we start over again," Derek offered. "That wasn't the easiest revelation to swallow. I get that we dropped the ball here. You're an adult, so we should have communicated all of this to you a whole lot earlier. It should never have come to this. But I want you to understand something. Your pops and I do not take our relationship lightly. We both love each other very much. We trust each other very much. Now, I want you to take every memory you have of us, every instance where you saw us troubleshoot problems, and ask yourself if there was ever any instance where we had hurt each other on purpose. Think of every memory you have of us and ask yourself what kind of people we are. Now, do you really think we would ever approach something like having an open marriage without thinking things through? Do you honestly believe I would be so cavalier about your pop's feelings, our life together, or even you? Do you honestly think that he would be so indifferent about infidelity?"

Sam was quiet as he listened to my husband's words, completely avoiding his father's gaze. That might have just been the longest speech Derek had ever made and the most he had ever been so articulate about his feelings. I wondered if Sam had noticed that. One of things I had hoped that would result from this experience was Derek learning to express himself better. I couldn't help but be a bit proud of how it seemed to be the case now.

"Like your dad said, I think it's best we start things over. We're sorry buddy. We'll tell you everything from the start," I replied softly and reached over to grasp my son's arm firmly.

Lunch with Sam that day lasted for hours. But by the end of it, I was optimistic that he might have gone back to thinking of us positively. For the most part, the most difficult thing for him to grasp was likely the idea that opening up our marriage was a mutual decision. I didn't want our son to resent one of his dads and lose respect for one or both of us. I thought it a good sign that he gave both of us a hug before we parted ways. A huge part of me wanted to keep talking to him, but I knew that I couldn't hold him hostage until he understood. I knew he needed time to process a revelation that likely upended his existing perception of his parents. Derek and I shared a look, and I knew without it being said that we both agreed that Sam needed time to process things. We had said our piece, albeit a bit later and far more awkwardly than we had planned.

"I'm sorry," Derek said as we walked back home. He tightened his hold on my hand, and I felt the weight of the day in his grip.

"Don't you start," I said, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. "I can't keep repeating myself about how this is what I want. It's not just that I'm good with it, and not only is it what I want for you, but I like this, sexually. For the last time, this is my choice too."

"Okay, okay, I get it," Derek replied, throwing his hands up in surrender. "Doesn't change the fact that it was an embarrassing fiasco and you didn't deserve something like that to happen. In public, of all things. I want to do better by you. I can do better."

"Yeah, I wouldn't discourage that," I replied with a smile as I leaned in for a kiss. He captured my face with his strong hands and kissed me deeply.

By the time we got home, the frustration of the afternoon should have become a distant memory. But the reprieve was brief, as we were met with Simon waiting on our front stoop. His eyes were red, and he had a sheepish look on his face as he faced us. I felt Derek's hand tightened in mine and I braced myself for whatever was going to happen.

"I'm sorry," were the first words that left Simon's mouth, to my abject surprise. "That was way out of line."

"Yes, it was," Derek snapped gruffly, standing stiffly and glowering at the smaller man before him.

Simon winced at his words, "I deserve that. I was a bitch."

Simon then turned his attention to me, still looking sheepish. He sniffed once, an obvious result, no doubt, from a bout of weeping.

"I'm really sorry, Miles," he said seriously. Frankly I was not only convinced of Simon's sincerity, but rather impressed by his initiative. "I really fucked up. I was jealous, when I had no right to be. I knew what kind of relationship we had, even if I wanted something else. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. Especially not so publicly, like that. I'm told I can get a little... dramatic. For what it's worth, I'm sorry."

I couldn't help but smile kindly at the kid. This whole thing was new and complicated to Derek and myself, and we had much more time to talk about this with each other. Not to mention decades of experience being adults compared to him. But Simon didn't have that luxury of experience, nor the benefit of maturity that results from it. He was our son's age. I couldn't help but pity him in this situation. I couldn't help but feel we failed as the more experienced adults in this situation.

I turned towards Derek who had a softer look on his face now that Simon had apologized. I squeezed his hand one more time and he turned to me inquisitively. I could read his eyes perfectly clearly. I knew what he was asking even without having to say it.

I nodded my head towards Simon, quickly glancing at the obviously deflated kid in front of us. "Why don't I leave you guys to talk for a bit. I need to stop by the office anyway."

Derek smiled softly and nodded his head, "right, thanks."

He gave me a quick kiss before I turned to Simon and nodded my head before walking away. Looking back briefly, I saw Derek ushering Simon inside our house. I wasn't quite sure what they were going to do, but I was confident Derek was going to try to do his best for the kid. I was comfortable leaving them be. As much as my curiosity wanted to be there to watch the whole thing, I knew they needed their privacy. But the reality was this assurance stemmed from a much less noble reality. Shortly after their private trysts had started in the house, I had installed a few smartly hidden cameras for my viewing pleasure. Derek's videos that he had taken with Simon, and shown to me, had sparked a voyeuristic desire within me.

I felt a bit of guilt not having confessed these additions to our home to Derek, but I had every intention to tell him at the right time. That time just wasn't now. Meanwhile, I had convinced myself that he would be perfectly fine in the future after the revelation. I had a feeling that he would enjoy it.

As Derek and Simon had their talk at our home, I made my way to my office downtown. It wasn't that far from our place, making the commute to my workspace fantastically easy. Although, it wasn't the largest space. It was a small office with an even smaller reception area rented in one of the older buildings in the middle of the downtown core. There was enough room for me and an assistant that I had hired to come in a few days a week. Most of the time, I worked by myself. The building itself was shared by multiple other businesses, from a dentist to an accountant. There was even one office at the far end of the third floor, where my office was, that was clearly rented by an escort agency. So the only security in the building was really only the doors that lead to one's own office. Thus, I wasn't surprised to find a tall man with acid washed blue jeans and a black bomber jacket leaning against the wall just outside my door.

"Thaddaus," I said evenly with a nod, studying the man's tall figure. He looked intimidating in his black bomber jacket and tall stature. I did my best to not let my intimidation show.

The man before me had his beard trimmed incredibly short, yet dark enough to highlight the shape of his angular face. It connected smoothly to his incredibly short hair, almost buzzed down to the skin at his sides. At the top of his head, was a long, narrow strip of hair fashioned into a sheer undercut. It was swept back with a considerable amount of product. He had a thick brow with thick eyebrows, the left of which had a tiny sliver shaved through it into a clear line. I had never met anyone so meticulously groomed yet so trashy at the same time.

"Okay, see, I'm here all friendly like and the first thing you do is try to piss me off. Why is that?"

"This is you being friendly?" I asked incredulously. "It's your name bud, take it up with your parents."

"But you know how that pisses me off. And that tone ain't friendly like, yeah?" He replied. "And I am being incredibly friendly. Your face ain't bashed in. See? Friendly. I'm waiting out here for you to come in, instead of breaking in. Friendly! I even said hi to a few of your neighbours, all gentleman-like, even to those whores down the hall. Very friendly. "

"Mhm, thanks for the heads up. I have to make sure to apologize next time I see them," I said evenly as I unlocked the door to my office. "What're you doing here, Thaddaus?"

"Again with that fucking name! Buddy, if you keep that up, I can't promise you won't be kissing the fucking floor." Thad spat out, "you know, I've sent guys to the hospital for doing less."

"Fine, fine. Sorry. What are you doing here, Thad?" I said with a bit more flair in pronouncing his name than what was warranted.

"Well, Miles, we got work between us, you and I," He said, following me straight to my office and plopping himself down on one of the chairs across my desk. He put up his large, black, leather boots on my desk, leaning back against the seat usually reserved for customers. He took out a cigarette and lit it with a quick, seamless, flick of the lighter that seemed to have magically materialized in his left hand. He takes a deep puff of smoke before looking at me square in the eye. "I know you're on that old lady Drummond case."

"Dunno what you're talking about," I said nonchalantly, waving the smoke from my face with a grimace before sitting down on my chair.

But of course I knew who the old lady Drummond was, and he was right. I was working on her case. Old lady Drummond suspected that her late ex-husband's new wife was trying to cut her out of the will. That and she was certain the woman was working with her sons, both of whom carried far more money and influence in their own right than I would be comfortable crossing. Frankly, I had been hesitant to continue the case the more I found out about the reach and influence the opposing party involved had.

"The hell you don't," Thad replied with another breath of smoke. "That old broad got us doing the same job. Now I know it's too big for me, so it's definitely too big for you. But between the two of us, we can split the work and the fee with less time and effort than needs taking if we're out on our own. Not to mention splitting the risk."

"You know she got Schueller and Meyer on it too, right?" I point out, dropping the facade of ignorance I initially took.

"Those queers wouldn't know their own colons even if they fisted it," he spat out.

"You do know I'm gay, right?" I asked, my eyebrow raised at his words.

"Who fucking wouldn't?" I laughed. "I ain't got no problems with the gays. Love the gays, queers, nancies and knob gobblers of the world. It's those faggots that piss me off."

"You got one hell of a mouth on you, eh?" I said with a shake of my head. "I don't know whether you're homophobic or just confused."

"It's pretty fucking clear. I ain't got no problem with the gays," he pressed, pointing his lit cigarette at me for emphasis. "I love fucking men, and fucking love men.. I love having them worship me and do whatever the fuck I want. Now those are the good queers who know their place and are just holes for you to use, you know what I mean? Meyer and Scheuller? They're fucking double crossing, skinny ass, useless faggots who'll soon as stab you in the back after shaking your hand. The kind of sneaky, weak bitches who'll sooner send their own motha down the river if it'll get them a good payday. Those two wouldn't know how to use their peckers if it came with instructions. Useless as a cunt on a porcupine."

"That's a bit rich coming from a skinhead, isn't it?" I replied, amused by some of his choice insults. I agreed with a lot of them, myself, but I was civilized enough not to voice those thoughts out loud.

But Thad seemed to have perfectly understood what I had meant, "nah, we'd stab you in the front. You know exactly where you're at with us. I ain't no fucking liar, I tell you what."

I studied him for a moment, letting his words sink in as he calmly smoked in front of me. Thin wisps of cigarette smoke rose up and dissipated in the air. I leaned back in my chair and thought seriously about his offer. He was right in many respects, but my bias against his type of people was weighing heavily in my mind.

"Did you trail me for Jack Fowler?" I asked seriously.

"No," he replied evenly and quickly, letting out a long breath of smoke into the air. "I know that was Meyer. I don't give a fuck who you dip your dick into, Karev."

I studied his stoic face for a lie, and I suspected he had only told a partial truth. The challenge would be to pull more of the truth of any of his lies. But, did I really care enough to find out if Jack had hired him? Frankly, I suspected that if I asked Jack directly himself, he would tell me.

"Alright, say we do work together. There needs to be terms," I point out, pushing the other topic aside for now.

"Yeah, yeah," he replied, interrupting me as he reaches into his jacket and pulls out a thick wad of paper. "Here's my normal contract for when I work with someone. Look it over tonight and get back to me tomorrow."

My look of surprise must've been clear on my face, mainly about the fact that he had a contract prepared.

"You know I own a fucking business right?" He pointed out as if he had easily read my mind, and I just shrugged in response.

When I did read the contract later that night, I was surprised to actually find it fair and straightforward. I may not have been a lawyer, but it was surprisingly direct and simple enough for anyone without a law background to understand. The work, the expenses, and the profits would be split evenly, right down the middle. And he was right that I'd need help if we were going to beat Schueller and Meyer on this job.

"I'll look into this more tonight, and I'll get back to you tomorrow," I replied. "Are you free to meet up here at the same time, or...?"

"It needs to be tomorrow morning. I got places to be." He replied. "Eight O'Clock at the latest."

"That early?" I frowned. I was always more of a late night, late rising sort of guy. Having my own business really helped with this preference. "Yeah, sure. Do you mind picking it up at my place?"

"Yeah, cool, bud," he replied, reaching for the piece of paper with my address as soon as I wrote it. "Don't drag me down."

That was the last thing he said before he left. I watched his retreating figure walk out of my office and spent another hour or so reading the contract he had handed to me over and over again, paranoid of something I was missing. As far as I could tell, there weren't any hidden clauses or surprise conditions about this agreement. It was a straightforward, run of the mill collaboration contract that split everything right down the middle.

By the time I had made it home that same evening, Simon had already left. Derek was just in his shorts, working on something on his laptop. I took a moment to admire my husband's younger, and far more muscular, body. I couldn't help but admire my husband's wonderful pecs. He put his laptop aside and stood up to greet me, pulling me into a deep, sensual kiss.

"How'd it go?" I asked, thinking about Simon.

"We talked, and then fucked, and then talked some more and broke up," he summarized as he pulled off my coat.

"Mhm, you don't think the fucking might've confused him a bit there, love?" I asked as I started to kiss my way across his cheek and into the crook of his neck. I inhaled the scent of him, relishing in the familiar musk of my husband.

"Yeah, we were both pretty clear with what we wanted. At least, I like to think so. It might've been more of a goodbye fuck, I guess? Or maybe not, depending on how we feel. Regardless, we both thought it best to take a break for a while. It got pretty clear on both sides that one's more invested emotionally than the other. Not to mention, turns out, me having an actual kid wasn't a turn on for him."

"Huh, I thought he was into that?" I asked, surprised, as we waddled our way towards the bedroom.

"Right? I guess the thought of a daddy was sexier than the reality of an actual father. Not to mention, it was pretty awkward for him too, meeting Sam that way. In the end, he needed a break as much as I did. Guess my dick just wasn't good enough to stick around, considering the baggage attached to it."

He began to pull off my clothes, unbuttoning my shirt and slowly peeling it off my body. He caressed my skin tenderly, as I did the same to him while my hands traveled downwards to his shorts. I hooked the sides of his shorts with my thumbs until I pulled them down enough that they easily fell to the ground. His dick popped up happily, hard and eager as we made our way to the bed.

"But you two still fucked?" I asked as I watched him move onto the bed on his back, looking up at me with intense eyes.

"Yeah, I had to have that tight ass one more time." He replied, looking at me intently as I started to caress his hard member in my hand. "Mouth too. He always loved sucking my cock."

"Well, I guess I'll have to clean his stench off of you," I chuckled as I made my way down to his crotch, all the while placing tender kisses on his skin.

"Can I fuck you?" he suddenly asked, his voice deep and husky.

I shook my head and looked up at him sheepishly, "sorry love, not tonight. But I swear I'll give you the best head of your life."

Grabbing hold of his thick member in my hands, I moved down and took his large balls into my mouth, sucking and nursing on the massive sacks. Briefly I wondered if he had showered after fucking Simon. The thought of my husband's unwashed dick after fucking his lover actually turned me on. I tightened my grip on his cock as I filled my mouth with his nuts, savouring the salty taste and the musky scent that flooded my senses. By the time I finally moved onto his leaking cock, I already had him writhing on the bed.

I bobbed my head up and down in long, smooth, motions. All the while sucking in his tool consistently and I used my tongue to massage his cock. My hands moved up blindly, seeking his nipples. I tweaked and played with his little nubs as I maintained my pace on his cock. He began writhing in pleasure on the bed, his hips occasionally darting up to fuck into my mouth. I had lost my gag reflex long ago, and I merely relished in the feel of his width fucking itself deeper into my mouth. Whenever I had the chance, I made sure to breathe through my nose.

His cock was now slick with my spit, and I made sure to curl my lips as much as I could over my teeth as he fucked his member into me. The wet sounds of his tool fucking my face reverberated in the bedroom, as I swallowed as much of the saliva and precum filling my mouth whenever possible. With one hand I grabbed hold of his balls and pulled down, sending him over the edge as he thrusted one more time to release his seed into me. His cock head was so far down my throat that I couldn't taste anything at all. He came straight down my throat, and I had no choice but to swallow. It wasn't long before he fell back against the bed happy, tired, and content. After a soft kiss on his lips and a quick cuddle, he fell into a contented sleep.

Later on, I gingerly pulled myself out of his arms and made my way to the bathroom. There, for the first time, I pulled out my phone and a pair of headphones. I locked the door and sat on the toilet before unlocking my phone and logging onto an app I had installed not that long ago. It didn't take long for me to find the app I was looking for. There, on my screen was a video recorded by the cameras I had installed in the living room. I picked the best angle from the living room table centerpiece I had installed. It showed Simon's smooth, thin back as he rode atop my husband on the sofa. I turned up the volume and unzipped my jeans. I moved my free hand down to my hardening cock as I watched Simon ride my husband. I was enthralled by the site of my husband's thick member pumping in and out of Simon's hole, getting a faint peek of the condom that was threateningly close to Simon's rim. I listened to their sweet whisperings, thankfull that the camera's mic were sensitive enough to pick it up... well worth the price it cost me.

"Fuck, I'll miss this," Derek said sweetly as he laid soft kisses against Simon's shoulder as he fucked up into the twink.

"Just fuck me. Fuck me hard for the last time," I heard Simon whisper as he began to aggressively rise and fall against my husband's lap.

I listened to their lustful moans and wet kisses, and I found myself cumming into the toilet before the two men on the screen even completed their fuck.

By the next morning, I had signed the contract and went into a temporary partnership with Thad. It was the same morning that Derek met the man who would much later play a large role in our new way of life. I had signed all of the necessary paperwork to formalize my temporary partnership with Thaddeus. Derek didn't have classes until later that afternoon and was reading on the kitchen counter wearing only a ratty old Battlestar Galactica t-shirt I had gotten him for christmas, and a pair of plaid boxers.

What woke me was a phone call from Sam. He had decided to give me a call that morning before his class had started. Groggily, and a little bit annoyed, I answered the phone - my brain still unable to escape my sleepy haze. It took a full minute before I even realized I was talking to my son.

"Sorry bud, I still haven't had my morning coffee, can you repeat that?" I asked.

I heard my son laughing in the background, "you know this is actually pretty comforting?"

"What is?" I asked, confused.

"Nothing, nevermind" I heard my son chuckle over the phone. "Sounds like you're really okay, then?"

I sat up from the bed at that question, and couldn't help but smile when I came to the realization as to why Sam had called. "Of course. I really am fine with it. Like I said, it's what we both want."

"Okay, so I shouldn't worry that you're secretly, desperately, crying out for help?" He asked. "I know at this point, I must sound like a broken record. But I mean, are you sure about this pops? Look, I can't even begin to assume what it's like being married as long as you guys. And I know your situations are more unique than many other people's... but are you sure? Are you okay?"

I smiled warmly at my son's words, "thanks for checking in, bud. Alright, so you're an adult now so I'm not gonna sugar coat it. It makes me jealous sometimes, but in a good way, you know? Your father's having a great time, and I love seeing him having a good time. I'm not as young as I used to be, and can't really keep up with your dad's needs like I used to. But, I get to have fun in other ways, you know? It's kinda weird, but even if your dad and I have had less sex than when we first met, I think we've had better sex when we do have it. And I've certainly jacked off more."

"Oh come on!" Sam started to object halfway into my spiel, but I had ignored his objections and had trudged on. He was clearly surprised by my sudden and straightforward confession. "Pops, TMI!"

"You asked bud. I mean, the truth is, we're at different points in our lives. I'm not as fit as I used to be. I'm not terrible, mind you. But compared to your dad? He's really still almost as young as when I first met him. Physically, and honestly, emotionally, you know? So it's hard to keep up with what is basically a supernatural sexual appetite. I'm glad my husband can get off, even if it's not with me. I'm secure in our relationship. He's the love of my life, and he's convinced me that I am his, so I know he's not going anywhere," I explained. "Besides, he's not the only one getting some on the side, if you get my drift."

"Oh, jeez. It's way too early for this. I absolutely regret calling you now. Really too much information, pops," I heard Sam mutter over the phone. "You didn't need to be this dramatic."

"Yeah, cause I'm the dramatic one in this relationship," I scoffed.

I heard my son laugh out loud on the other side of the phone, making the smile on my face grow wider.

"You know, I may be 18, but that doesn't mean I'm mature enough not to have a complex if my parents ever divorced," he said, clearly jokingly.

"Yeah, I'm sure that's not true. It kinda felt like you skipped being a teenager and jumped all the way to being an adult when you turned ten. You've always been way too mature. You were actually a really creepy kid," I joked. Well... half-joked.

My son laughed loudly on the other end, and we continued our banter for a few more minutes before it evolved into quick updates about our lives, clearly moving past the initial reason for his call. I listened intently to my son as he filled me in on his studies. He excitedly told me about his favourite classes and ideas on paper topics he could write, as well as mock some of the professors he didn't like. Over the next fifteen minutes or so, I was wide awake, feeling light hearted and optimistic about the day. My son had given me a cheering up I didn't even know I needed. By the time we had arranged for another lunch and said our goodbyes, I was ready and eager to take on whatever the day would bring.

It wasn't until I came downstairs that I remembered my plans with Thad. As I made my way down the stairs, I overheard two men laughing and energetically talking. By the time I made it to the kitchen, I saw Thad in a ratty, old tank top of a band I had never heard of, with deep cuts on the side that showed glimpses off his muscular obliques. He likely wore the same acid washed jeans as yesterday, and was eating at our kitchen counter. Derek was across from him, talking energetically.

"Wait, so how does that... oh, good morning love!" My husband greeted me enthusiastically.

Meanwhile, Thad merely speared another piece of sausage in his fork and brought it into his mouth. He nodded towards my direction without saying a word as he continued to empty his plate. I always suspected that he was fit, but his current appearance certainly showcased more of his impressive body.

Thad was certainly a sight to behold. He was so unlike the guys Derek had brought home so far. Where they had almost mostly been twinks, he was purely a jock - albeit, with a very specific look. Every part of his body was astoundingly well muscled, and he oozed the pure, unadulterated concept of traditional masculinity from head to toe.

His biceps bulged out of his arms, jutting out of wide, muscular shoulders. From what I could see from where I stood, and peeking out of the incredibly wide slit of his tank top, his chest was well defined and muscular with large nipples highlighted by the thick nipple rings pierced through them, amidst a healthy dusting of groomed chest hair. His left arm was covered in long sleeve of many colourful and intricate tattoos, highlighting his well muscled forearms and biceps. His muscular left shoulder was highlighted with a tattoo of a pauldron that I couldn't quite place. Due to his low cut tank top, it was easy to see his incredibly defined obliques, something I could only dream of when I was in my twenties and had given up. I would not be surprised if he actually had six pack abs. He had thick brown hair on his armpits, and from what I could briefly see from the side and at the top of his neck, he had a healthy dusting of hair on his muscular chest that traveled down and covered his abs. They were thick, but not obnoxiously so, and they certainly lightly covered his muscular form.

He had shaved since yesterday. His now smooth face highlighted his angular cheekbones and jowls even more, but not unpleasantly so. In fact, he was very handsome with a sharp, square but crooked jaw, high cheekbones, a crooked and angular nose that had clearly been broken repeatedly in the past. His hair was still swept back in an undercut, clear shaven at the sides. A few strands of hair fell to the side facing me, something I found oddly attractive.

He looked at me with a smirk and nodded his head towards me by jutting his chin out.

"I went upstairs to call you down when Thad showed up, but I heard you talking to Sam. So I thought I'd entertain him until you were ready," Derek said with a wide smile.

"Yeah, your husband's very entertaining," Thad said with a smirk and a wink at Derek, before shoving the rest of the sausage in his mouth.

"Right, let's get this over with," I mumbled as I moved to the kitchen and grabbed his contract and a pen from the desk I had stored it in. I quickly signed the papers, including a copy for me, and handed it to him. He signed both copies in turn, returning mine by sliding it across the counter.

"I'm surprised you didn't counter," he said before returning to the plate of food before him.

"No point," I replied honestly. "It was a very fair contract."

"Glad you think so," he said with a nod as he finished his plate. He moved up and stepped towards my husband, extending his hand. Derek took his hand with an amused smile. "Nice to meet you, officially, Derek. I'd be happy to answer more of your questions next time."

"No, it was nice to meet you too," my husband replied with a wide smile and watched as Thad quickly left our house through the rear kitchen doors.

As soon as he had left, I turned towards Derek curiously, "you had questions? What'd I miss?"

"Not much, just asking whatever to pass the time until you came downstairs. Mostly about his life. We didn't get into it too much by the time you came downstairs." He explained as he cleaned the kitchen counter of dirty plates.

"First impressions?" I asked Derek, studying his face intently as casually as I could.

"Of Thad? He's pretty fucking intimidating, holy shit," he said with a laugh as he threw the dirty dishes into the sink before moving to make a plate for me. "I think that's the first time I've ever had a real live skinhead in my house."

"Mhm," I said with a nod and thanked him as he placed the meal before me.

"I feel kinda dirty," he said jokingly before giving me a quick peck on the lips. "It would have helped if someone had warned me that a skinhead was coming to my house in the morning."

I winced at his words as I realized what I had forgotten to do, "shit. I'm sorry, I totally forgot to tell you about it last night. I kinda got distracted."

"We kinda got distracted," he laughed as he poked me on the chest playfully. "But it's okay, tell me now."

I spent the next hour that morning speaking to my husband about Thad. I gathered a few things from this conversation. One was that Derek did genuinely find Thad intimidating. So much so, had he been told last night about the contract, he said he would have advised me from taking it. Another was that in the small window the two did talk that morning, Thad and he had a chat about his tattoos. Derek had discussed getting a tattoo in the past during the short time we were dating. By the time we had gotten married and gotten Sam, it was never brought up again.

"You think you want to get a tattoo now?" I asked, genuinely curious. "I didn't think you were serious about that."

"Oh, I dunno," he shrugged. "It was something I always thought about. I always thought it would be pretty cool. But I didn't think I was that kind of guy."

"And what kind of guy is that?" I asked curiously.

"Oh come on, don't make me say it," he chided me. "Most of the guys in my town who had tattoos were the rough and tumble sort of guys who worked in the mill. Or the truckers who occasionally passed by. I thought it was kinda cool in its own way, you know?"

"We should get you a tattoo," I suddenly said, smiling mischievously. "How about Jamie Bamber's face on your chest?"

He laughed loudly at my suggestion and threw a dirty dish towel at my face.

The next week went by in a blur. The old lady Drummond case ended up consuming a lot of my time, including very late nights at a stake out. Meanwhile Derek had gotten very busy with school and a flowering social life. When we did find time to connect and talk, we shared as much of our lives that we had missed with each other as we could. One thing I did notice was a clear lack of sex on his part. At least he hadn't told me any about his recent conquests, nor did I find him bringing anyone home.

Work for the past week had been so draining, that I unfortunately hadn't found the time to pleasure my husband. I was usually home late or leaving too early to be able to do anything. But based on his updates, he really hadn't done anything with anyone else. After covertly checking the cameras I had installed much later on, something I still had hidden from him, I found that he indeed had not brought anyone home. Unless he had begun hiding his conquests from me, or he really hadn't had sex with anyone at all lately. I made a note to myself to find the time to talk to him about it. It was quite unlike him to abstain from any sexual contact for so long... unless he had secretly been jacking off where I couldn't catch him.

I, on the other hand, did have quite a memorable sexual contact.

I had found myself messaging Jack frequently of late. He was a busy man, but he seemed to enjoy messaging as much as I did. We got to know each other more through these messages. We discussed anything and everything from politics, literature, to overlapping experiences we had growing up in the eighties and nineties. Of course, more than once, our conversations devolved into sexting.

One night, when it was my turn to stake out one of my marks, I had shared with Jack what I would be doing that night. He had asked to come along. Against my better judgment, and desire to adhere to the protocols I had set for myself, I had agreed. At least for a little bit.

It was just before midnight when I found myself alone with him in my car, parked not far from the house I was staking out. We were next to a burnt out lamp post, the shadows hiding us in the dark. I had a good enough view from this angle, especially with my tools, but I was confident that we wouldn't be seen by anyone from that building. At least, not easily.

"You do this every night?" He asked, peering in the darkness towards the same direction I was looking to.

"Thad and I switch off days and mornings every so often. But it works out that I do more nights while he does more days. It's fine by me, since I'm more of a night owl anyways."

"This is your life? You enjoy it?" He asked, incredulously.

"Oh, yeah. I mean, I'm sure it's nothing compared to market capitalization' and arbitrage', but yeah, I like it," I smirked. I felt proud googling a bit about of his line of work.

"Yeah, that is interesting, believe it or not. They made a movie about my job, you know," he pointed out.

"Yeah, and there's a literal movie genre with mine," I retorted.

"Don't all you dicks talk fast and witty like in the movies," he asked teasingly. "You're a deadly dame ain't ya? Tell me, how many husbands have you had?"

"Mine or other womens?" I replied with a high pitched voice, a caricature of black and white PI movies of the past. I knew exactly what he was referencing.

"Yours," he replied, playing along, raising his voice just as high as mine, and talking just as fast.

"Five," I replied.

"Five?" He asked.

"Yes, just the five. Husbands should be like Kleenex: soft, strong, and disposable," I said with my best femme fatale impression.

Jack playfully glowered at me, "you lure men to their deaths like a spider with flies."

I responded as seriously as I could muster, despite laughter threatening to break out, "flies are where men are most vulnerable."

"That's right!" He exclaimed before bursting into laughter. My own laughter soon followed.

Then the next thing I knew, he had pulled me close and took my lips into his. His thick, wet, hot tongue entered my own and I greeted it in turn with my tongue, enthusiastically. Distantly, I knew that I should be working instead of working my tongue into one Jack Fowler. But I couldn't resist. I melted into his kiss, and I let him freely pull me deeper into his embrace. It was only the clutch between us that pulled me out of the moment by prodding my kidney, leaving me gasping for breath as we both pulled away.

His eyes bore into mine, incredibly intense and serious.

"Right, I really need it tonight," he whispered huskily as he lay his forehead against mine. I felt his hot breath on my lips as my heart threatened to burst out of my chest.

"Need what?" I asked, confused.

"I really need a fuck," he said huskily, before pulling me into another deep kiss.

"Not the best place for me to take your pretty sizable cock," I point out. He had pulled it out of his dress pants at some point, and it was pointing at me threateningly, leaking a copious amount of pre-cum.

He shook his head, "not what I mean. I was serious about needing to open you up for me. But, I can take you."

I was surprised by his words. I didn't think he was the kind of guy that bottomed. Clearly, I was wrong.

"Sorry, I just figured you were a top," I confessed as he continued to kiss my cheek and my neck, his hand moving down to unbuckle my belt and release my straining cock into the air.

"I want to experience everything with you. I want every piece of you," he explained as he fished my hard cock out with his hands and began to jack me off, resulting in my pre-cum slowly coating his large hand.

I couldn't help but notice how small my cock looked in his large, hairy, hands.

"You really want me to fuck you here? There's kind of not a lot of space between us," I point out. Neither of us were small, short guys who could move around in this space. But to my surprise, once again, he motions his head outside.

"Against the car," he said before moving to open the door on his side.

"Are you serious right now?" I asked with some shock and confusion.

"Tell me you don't want to fuck me. Tell me that you don't need to fuck me," he asked as he gave my hard cock another squeeze. My cock pulsed in his grip, causing me to leak out even more pre-cum.

Moving his hand away from my cock, I saw him reach for something in his pockets before handing it to me. Looking down at what he had placed into my hand, I saw a condom that was just perfect for my size and a small bottle of lube.

"Come on, no one can see," he pointed out, looking around at the dark. Indeed, our street was fairly quiet, and only a handful of the condos and apartments were still light up. But none of them were on the ground floor. Not to mention, our car was hidden in the dark due to the dead lamp.

Before I had a chance to respond, Jack had moved out of the car. I took a few seconds to think about things, glancing at the condom in my hand. But it was my fiercely twitching cock that made the decision for me. Without even bothering to tuck it back into my pants, I got out of the car and moved to the other side. Jack watched me approach in the dimly lit street, before he placed his hands atop the roof of my car and jutted his ass out towards my direction.

I glanced around me apprehensively, and upon finding no one, turned my attention back to the man before me. I pulled his pants down until they dropped to his ankles and I dropped to my knees. I quickly buried my face into his ass and sniffed and licked at my prize. I relished the taste of his sweat on his ass hairs, and the musk that emanated from his skin. I ran my tongue around the rim of his asshole, slicking it up with my spit. I shoved my tongue as far up as I could into his anal cavity, forcing my face deeper into his thick, hairy asscheeks. I could hear him trying to suppress a groan above me as I fucked him with my tongue.

"Fuck, I love how you taste," I said in between breathes.

"Damnit, Miles," he panted softly under his breath, but loud enough for me to hear. "I need you to fuck me."

"Since you asked so nicely," I whispered sweetly into his ear after I stood up.

It didn't take long for me to open and roll the condom onto my cock. I coated a few fingers with the lube, and began to stretch him out with a finger. But I saw him shake his head enthusiastically.

"Just fuck me," he whispered into his hand as he jutted his ass out further towards me.

I coated as much lube as I could on my dick and his ass, and did as he asked. There was very little resistance as my cock breached his entrance. I heard him exhale a soft moan as my dick slowly pierced into his warmth. It was like fucking into a soft, wet, warm blanket. His ass pulled me in invitingly as it pulsed around my incredibly hard member.

"Fuck, keep going," he pleaded.

I could feel my left ankle twitching at the effort, but I ignored it. Instead I leaned forward, pushing my whole body deeper into him. I wound both of my arms around his chest and lay my head against his back as I slowly pulled out just enough not to pop out, before thrusting back in. Both of my legs trembled at the sensation, but his soft coos and coaxing pushed me on.

"Fuck, you feel so good, baby," he whispered into the night air, his forehead resting against his arm atop the car roof. "Keep going baby, fill me up."

His other hand moved down, locking my arm against his body, as he reached for his own cock as I kept thrusting in. He began to jack himself off arrythmically with my erratic thrusting. I pumped into him, relishing in how deep it felt I was in him. His thick asscheeks were wonderfully jacking me off whenever I pumped in and out. Although it seemed I was fucking him loose, it still felt wonderful. Like I had a warm, wet glove around my dick jacking me off. We were coating each other in our sweat in the chill of the night as I fucked him faster and harder. It was getting more difficult to lower the volumes of our grunts and moans, but it didn't take much more before I felt the pressure building up in my guts. With a last sputtering thrust, I came, filling up the condom with my spunk inside of him. I could feel him pumping his cock rapidly with the arm he had pinned against his body, and after a few quick strokes, I heard him groan and gasp for air as he spilled his seed against the door of my car.

We stayed in that position for a few minutes as my hardon quickly died down and I slipped gently out of his ass. I peppered his sweat damp back with soft kisses in the dark, relishing in the moment. I felt him pull my arms tighter around his large frame as I heard him chuckle delightedly in the night.

Jack had stayed with me for another hour that night. He held my hand in the dark as we talked about nothing and everything. I probably paid less attention to my work than I should have. But there was more regret in watching him leave me for the night.

Derek was still asleep by the time I got home early that morning. I took a quick shower, washing the night off my body. I felt drained in the most wonderful way and quickly fell asleep next to my unconscious husband. It would be until much later that I remembered to tell him about that evening, about that first time I had fucked Jack. It honestly slipped my mind at first. Then for much longer than it should have gone for, I had thought I had already told him. But I never did.

Then later on, the next time we could talk, the first thing I ended up bringing up was his lack of sex instead. I could never have guessed how this conversation would help further develop my role as a cuckold in our relationship.


Author's note: Thank you for reading! Apologies for the delay and for any inconsistencies in teh story line. Don't hesitate to send me a line to either point `em out or encourage me. It's something that'll push me to keep going and do better. I will try to not take so long for the next chapter.

Shout out to NiftyLit who really helped me get this chapter out and kept me interested enough in this story to continue to submit it for publishing on Nifty.

Next: Chapter 4

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