Excerpts from an Open Marriage

By James B.

Published on Jun 8, 2022


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Disclaimer: Any likeness to real life or other fictional characters in media or events are purely coincidental. If this story isn't your cup of tea, don't read it.

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Summary: A couple decides to open up their marriage after their son moves out for college.

Chapter Themes: M/M, Age difference, open marriage, cuckolding, voyeurism, exhibitionism

Chapter Main Characters:

Miles - 48 y/o. Married to Derek. Proposes an open marriage after their son, Sam, moved out for college

Derek - 32 y/o. Married to Miles. Decided to go to college after moving to a new city

Simon - 18 y/o. Derek's new and current BF. Goes to the same college as Derek.


Sam - 18 y/o, adopted son of Miles and Derek (adopted when he was just 4 y/o).

Ch 1 - An Indecent Proposal

College, even if it was a Community College, certainly did bring plenty of new opportunities for my husband. In fact, Derek was the first one to hook up with someone. They met in one of his classes. I wasn't very surprised - I hadn't really tried on my end. But he felt incredibly guilty about it and was sulking the whole day until he finally fessed up to what he did. I comforted him and reiterated that it was not a betrayal; 1.) I had given him permission and 2.) I was genuinely not upset by it. I appreciated that he had told me, but it was clear that we needed to work on our ability to communicate and on his guilt after acting out on his desires. In fact, I was quite worried that perhaps I really did push him into a situation that he didn't want to do. But he just shook his head and sighed heavily after I asked.

"I'm not a child, Miles. I'm not an idiot either. Look, I know I still have trouble verbalizing... things... even after all this time. But I understood our conversation. I know where we both stand on this whole thing. I understand you said you were fine with it. I still feel guilty about it even though I know that I had permission to do it. It doesn't matter that I wanted to do it, and I really did. That's why I did it. I wanted to. I'm not going to do something I don't want to do... you know?"

"Well, so much for having trouble verbalizing," I teased after his verbose explanation. "Don't give me that look, I'm kidding! Thank you for telling me and explaining it. Because I really am worried that maybe I'm pushing you into doing something you don't want to do. But I heard you and understand that if you really didn't want to do it, then you won't. You're right, you're an adult and not an idiot. I'm sorry if that was inferred. But I am worried about the fact that you felt bad about it. Did you like it, the sex I mean? Like, outside of the guilt from doing it."

"Yeah," he confessed after a long beat of silence.

"Then I'm happy it happened," I replied with a smile. I snaked my arm around his waist and pulled his body against mine to kiss him on his 3 o'clock shadowed cheek. "And, when you're ready. I'd really like to hear all about it - if you're willing to share. Also I repeat, I've already given you permission. It's not something you'll always need to ask me about. I'll say this again as many times as I have to - you're free to act on your sexual urges with or without my knowledge of it. Okay? Although I'd prefer it if you did tell me all about it - sooner rather than later..."

He took a deep breath before nodding his head, "okay. Not now though - I'm still having trouble shaking off the guilt, even if you excused me of any of it. I just... need time. And again, I'm sorry."

I just rolled my eyes and smiled at him before leaning in for a soft kiss - which he eagerly returned. Neither of us could ignore that I was hard. I wondered if he suspected it was because of the idea of him being with another guy. If he did - he didn't let on. Even while we shortly jacked each other off in bed.

But I'm jumping ahead.

It was a sunny day when I first approached my husband with an indecent proposal.

"How would you like to open up our marriage?"

It was a question that had been wracking my brain for years - more than a decade even. Despite countless conversations with Derek about the matter, he was still dubious; brushing off every attempt to start this conversation over the years as a joke on my part. It wasn't. His reaction was understandable, of course. It wasn't exactly the norm to approach your husband of over a decade about opening up the relationship; let alone have them actively encourage the other to sleep with other men. But as I've come to see from years of experience with our other gay friends, monogamy wasn't entirely the norm in our social circle. We had been the exception for so long - and for the past few years I've come to question why.

Our group of friends had been diverse back home, most of which were in various examples non-traditional relationships. There were ones who were in a dedicated and monogamous Triad. Then another friend who apparently liked to watch her life male partner with other women, who in turn liked watching her with other women and men. Then there was another gay couple who was famously open, yet they considered each other their dedicated husbands. They played separately and together, yet had a seemingly healthy relationship for about a decade, at least from our perspective.

In fact, the only people in our group with historically monogamous relationships were Derek and myself. Not necessarily by choice, but certainly by circumstance.

As for me, the reasons why I decided to push for this kind of unconventional relationship were simple. Many would likely disagree with my conclusion, but the opinions that mattered the most to me when it came to my personal and love life were Derek's and my own.

The serious conversations about this were long and spanned months. To his credit, he finally took my suggestion seriously and discussed it with me with an open mind. He raised his own concerns and made sure we discussed mine. So when we finally agreed to open things up, we were both confident and comfortable with the fact that we both agreed to do it fully informed with our limits discussed

Frankly, I'd realized I had a cuckolding kink. Further, as I got older, I realized that I needed help with Derek's libido. I suppose it's not fair to place all of the blame solely on his libido... but it certainly does carry a hefty share of the blame. We now found ourselves in relative peace and quiet. Our only son had moved out to go to college, and we had moved to a city closer to his college to be near him. But as a result, Derek had fewer situations that helped relieve his... energy. He didn't have his small business that he grew from the ground up in our old town. We no longer had our group of friends that took up our time. We no longer had our son that basically took most of our attention.

After our son, Sam, finally moved out, we followed him to a new city so we would be nearby, but far away enough so we couldn't stifle his independence. This massive change in our lives brought with it the best time to try and entertain this new fetish of mine as a reality. We had more than enough money to purchase a corner townhouse at the heart of the city's gay district. This was a conscious decision on our part, mostly pushed by me, as I was excited by the possibilities of living in a larger city with a larger gay neighbourhood. I was excited at how it would certainly provide both of us more opportunities to spread our wings sexually.

Arguably, my sexual partners had been limited my entire life. Afterall, I had spent the vast majority of my adolescence pining after a boy who never really felt the same way. Then when I met, lusted after and got Derek, it was surreal. Sexually, it was amazing for a horned up guy like me. He looked like all those high school jocks I lusted after when I was in high school. But it was also overwhelming. Derek's sexual appetite dwarfed my own. We fucked like bunnies when we first met - and frankly we had more in common outside of sex than I expected considering our age difference. It was a whirlwind romance that ended up in a whirlwind wedding when he was just 18. Then just as fast as we got married, we also ended up adopting a child. Fourteen years and a graduating kid later, we were at what felt like the beginning of the latter half of my life and just the prime of his.

By the time Sam turned eighteen himself, he was only an inch shorter than Derek, falling just under six feet. Their builds were almost similar, except Sam had less body hair, a narrower frame, and had similar facial features as me. He had my nose, mouth, and eyes while it could be argued that he had Derek's expressively thick eyebrows and square jawline. We had adopted Sam when he was just 4 years old shortly after we got married. So in reality, all of the apparent likeness was merely coincidental but, nevertheless, I loved the fact that they existed. Despite our rather progressive circle of friends, the three of us comparatively lived a relatively conventional life for the past fourteen years.

I would never say that I was unattractive. I really did think of myself as quite handsome; and so did Derek. I bore a striking resemblance to my dad, really. Actually, I was far more muscular and physically fit now than when I was a teenager. It came naturally from all these years of hard, physically taxing activity for my practice. I was slightly taller than Derek by about an inch and a half, and I had a wide, angular face. I had thin lips that were accentuated by a trimmed mustache. I was hairier than Derek, with a healthy dusting of hair on my arms, legs, chest and even my back. I still had a relatively muscular upper body from the constant physical demands of my line of work. I certainly did fill out a suit far better now than I ever did when I was younger. I had more muscular and broader shoulders, with a well built chest that held clothes up fairly well. Unfortunately I did have a gut that I was self conscious of, even if Derek had repeatedly said he was very fond of it.

My line of work did take a toll on other aspects of my appearance. My bones and muscles would ache quite a bit more than they had when I was a teenager. The sciatica made things worse and had a tendency of acting up during the worst moments. I may look better than I did, but I felt worse more often than I used to. But for all intents and purposes - I looked the part of a hot, bear of a dad. But considering how long I've known Derek, I knew he wasn't really into dads with my kind of dad bod - at least not guys my age.

Derek, in comparison, still looked like sex on a stick. He looked almost the same if not for a few wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and the body hair he had grown out since we married. He had a sharp jawline with a heavy brow. He had warm brown eyes and light brown hair that he liked to wear medium long and wavy. He had a crooked smile that twitched to the left, which also crinkled his eyes. He had large hands that were surprisingly smooth but with a firm grip. His previous profession provided him more time to spend at the gym, and it showed in his muscular frame. He had solid, well muscled shoulders and one of the highest asses I've had the pleasure to eat. Frankly, I really did look like a dad wherein Derek looked almost like my oldest son who hit puberty really early. In fact, he didn't seem that far off in appearance (age-wise) from our son.

But the reality was that there were even moments when the disparity between our ages smacked us in the face. Strangers would assume that he was my younger brother, or sometimes even my son. Derek took this in stride, and brushed it off as being irrelevant for his love and devotion to me. I, on the other hand, took these observations to heart. I always knew that if I chose to be with a man younger than me, that the day would come where issues like these would come up. But still, we chose to be together. It really was a choice. More than once I have had the opportunity to walk a different life with a more age appropriate partner. I freely chose not to do so, every time cognizant of the looming consequences of my decision.

To his credit, Derek insisted that our age difference wasn't a big deal. He did all the right things, whispering sweet and loving things in my ear to placate my growing anxiety. But the words felt lighter than the weight of the realities of my glaring physical limitations. I could no longer be the lover that I knew Derek needed. I suspected that things would only get worse over time.

Another point was that Derek had other more kinky proclivities that he had not entertained while he had been my partner. We had tried multiple times, of course, but it wasn't easy hiding a lack of interest in the kink if your partner was the worst liar in the West Coast and I was literally trained to suss out the truth of things. Although I was more than happy to play with him and entertain his kinks, Derek was astonishingly stubborn about letting me practice those kinks with him since he `knew that I didn't enjoy them very much'.

Due to this, we would usually end up in a cyclical argument about each other's kinks. Derek insisted that when we do play together, we should only play with kinks that we both enjoyed. It was difficult to turn him away from this mentality. After decades together, it was glaring to me that we've fallen in the pattern of the same old things. This wasn't necessarily bad, but I would argue that it wasn't necessarily good.

In the end, to my surprise, Derek agreed with me; but for very different reasons. He insisted that he cares for me as deeply as I cared for him, but he finally admitted that he did wonder about getting married so young - but not in the way I thought. Apparently he felt like he had robbed me of some precious sexual experiences by our marriage. He felt like he had tied down a man who was in the prime of his life to marry and settle down with a young, inexperienced, boy like him. He had, stupidly, felt guilty about having made and executed plans worth a lifetime with a guy who, he believed, was in his prime of living it. According to him, he hadn't wanted to shackle me to his life and his issues.

For Derek, he didn't care about the fact that he couldn't exercise his kinks, nor did he really care about the fact that I didn't share a lot of his kinks. For him, he wanted me to expand my sexual horizons now that our son had moved out for college. At the end of the day, it had seemed that both of us had ended up agreeing for the other to branch out sexually outside of our marriage while still staying committed to each other. Although how he expected me to expand my sexual horizons, I couldn't guess.

That's not to say that I didn't have my reservations about opening up our marriage. I worried about the possibility that my conclusion to open our marriage was predicated on faulty assumptions. I was afraid that one day I would regret suggesting this lifestyle. I was afraid that I would be proven wrong.

"I'm pretty confident you'll always have your libido," he huffed out in frustration one night.

"Doesn't change the fact that I won't be as young as I was. Even if I'll still be as horny as I was, or am - eventhoughimnot -, it doesn't mean I'd be physically capable of the same level of sexual prowess as I did before - or have now," I retorted. "Look love, the reality is that I'm not getting any younger. Physically I get aches and pains I didn't used to have when I was younger."

That was the incontrovertible truth of the matter. He could pass himself off as a senior in college, or a grad student/TA - which would eventually help him later one when he decided to go to college. Me? I just look like a really hot dad.

I wholeheartedly believed that I was no longer the man that Derek had fallen in love with and married. We had a child who grew up and had just moved out for college. We both agreed that this was the perfect opportunity to have the love of our lives to experience sex outside of our marriage. This was as good a chance as any.

So, a short time passed before my proposal became a reality.

After we moved to this new city, Derek decided to apply to college. Not the one our son went to, as Derek didn't have the grades to be able to pull off getting into Sam's school. It was a Community College, which also happened to have a reputation of being a party college. But they had a decent business program. Derek had been successful with his small coffee shop business back in our old town. But he wanted to do more and he wondered what else he could have done if he just had the education to do so. So he took the money he made from the sale, and decided to enroll. I was more than supportive of that decision. We weren't really short on cash, and now that I was in a larger city, it wasn't actually difficult for me to move and start up another practice elsewhere. In fact - I actually had more clientele now than I ever did back home.

That's how he met Simon, a twink that was not far in age as our son. Apparently Simon reminded Derek of a younger me, which was rather flattering. Simon approached Derek first, using their shared class work as an excuse to talk to him. It only took about a week of talking before class, then during class, after class, and eventually the occasional hang out at the nearby pub. Finally it ended up with a study session at Simon's apartment, which he shared with six roommates, that had more drinking than studying. It didn't take long before everyone in that small apartment started pairing up together, including Simon and Derek. They fucked multiple times, for hours, that night. Derek didn't manage to get home until early in the morning while I was still in bed. Then by the time he woke up, I had already left for work.

He had already told me all about Simon, and when he finally decided to sleep over, he had sent me several texts letting me know what he wanted to do. I was more than happy to encourage him into it, asking him to update me as soon as he got home.

But even then, he was wracked with guilt. So much so that he apparently sulked the whole day until he was able to finally talk to me when I came home that evening. But after a long meaningful discussion, and a few sessions of jacking each other off, he finally got it into his thick head that I really was fine with it.

As he told it, it was weeks of flirting bubbling over until a significant amount of alcohol lowered everyone's inhibitions enough that he took the leap and made a move on Simon. The guy was more than eager to reciprocate.

For several weeks after that, we just worked on getting comfortable verbalizing with each other about our sexual fantasies that involved other people we encountered in our everyday lives.

"There was a cute guy today in class. He almost looked like you when you were younger."

"There was this really chatty guy with an adorable mole. He smelled nice, almost as good as you."

"There was this guy who talked like you. Too much, but he had pretty lips, almost like yours."

Obviously, Derek was focusing on a very specific type, compared to me who was more dynamic in his choices. When I asked him about it, his explanation was, "I need to take it slow. It helps that these guys look like you."

The first time I hooked up with someone was less dramatic but just as spontaneous. While on a case at a nearby suburb, I was cruised by a guy during my downtime. There was no fucking, just a lot of oral in different positions and some light fingering. I was concerned about how Derek would react when I got home. It seemed that I didn't need to worry - it really turned him on. The first thing he did was strip me down, kiss me everywhere to high heaven, and did things to me that we hadn't done in a while. It was hot. He admitted that it was pretty enjoyable to do. He was mildly jealous at the thought of me and the nameless stranger after I told him, but apparently it turned him on too. He liked that other people had desired me, his husband, as much as he did. He actually seemed proud of it.

When he was willing to hook up with someone once again, he was more open to the experience and freely talked to me about it. He had even asked me via text first if it'd be okay if he had sex with someone else again. In fact, it turned out to be the first guy he hooked up with, Simon. When he later showed me a picture of the kid, he really did look a lot like me when I was younger; only slimmer with less muscle. He likely ate far less curly fries than I had done.

"Actually, he kinda looks like you when you were a teenager - at least going by the pictures you've shown me." He explained one night as we snuggled in bed, his phone in his hands.

Derek described Simon as we scrolled through the guy's various social media. It only felt just a little bit like stalking. But considering he had "friended" my husband in those accounts, what little guilt I felt quickly faded away and was subsumed by my curiosity. Simon wasn't subtle. He commented and liked every single post Derek had ever uploaded. And the things he sent Derek in his DM's - whew.

Simon was in the last year of a two year Fashion program at the college Derek went to. He loved bright, colourful clothes and TV. As opposed to my taste in media, his preferences seemed almost exclusively to be Reality Television. Not that there was anything wrong with that.

"I guess the sex must've been as good as you told me. The guy doesn't seem like your type outside of the fact that he kinda reminded you of me physically when I was a teenager," I replied as I studied one picture of Simon sucking a massive container of, what looked like, iced coffee through a recyclable straw. I couldn't really see the resemblance. "And I'd like to point out the fact that you never met me as a teenager. I didn't think I'd have been your type if you had met me when I was younger."

"You weren't my type when we first got together," Derek pointed out in a joking tone. "You were more of an obsession. I thought you were hot, mind you. But totally out of my league. Already so mature and put together. We were so different on paper that it worried me sometimes."

I almost feigned insult but I knew he was right. Even now we didn't really share the same taste in music, movies, books, and clothes. In hindsight, it really was our shared life experience that brought us closer together.

"But I wouldn't have you be anything else," Derek said lovingly with a dopey smile before leaning over to kiss me on the cheek.

"Uh huh, real smooth there, buddy," I scoffed as I leaned into the kiss. "You technically didn't answer my question. But I get your point."

I was happy that Derek was finally spreading his wings (so to speak). Especially proud that he was the one who always brought Simon up first in conversation. But there was something he confessed too that surprised me, although it probably shouldn't have.

"Well, okay, the sex was pretty good. Really good, actually," Derek said, turning red at the confession. "The kid is insatiable and takes dick like a pro. Fuck, he could suck a mean cock. His ass was so tight that he was basically milking me all night."

"Okay, yeah, that's hot," I replied as I listened to my husband talk about his young lover, my cock hardening with every word that spilled out of his mouth.

"I don't know what soap or body wash he uses, but he smelled so fucking good. And he's smaller compared to me, so it was fun fucking him in ways that I couldn't with you cause of your size. It was like Cirque de fucking Soleil, you know? At one point we got to do one of my porn fantasies. You know the one where we 69 while standing up? So I held him upside down as he sucked me off, and I sucked him off."

"Wow, you weren't kidding. We really wouldn't be able to do that," I chuckled at the thought of it as I slowly massaged my cock. I was amused by how verbose he was being. He only ever talked this much about his feelings and thoughts when he was excited by something, or if he had given up after a repeated grilling from me.

"But there's one thing I should tell you," he said bashfully, his eyes darting down.

"What's that?" I asked curiously.

"He thinks I'm only... 27," Derek replied.

"Well, that makes sense," I nodded, understanding perfectly that he looked younger than he actually was. I like to think that in another life, if he had never met me and actually liked acting, he could be one of those famous actors that could play a teenager until his late 20s to early 30s. "I hate you for being able to pull that off."

"It's not that I care if he thinks I'm older or younger," Derek started to explain, "it's just that, I didn't really bother correcting him. I don't tell him much about our life."

"You don't?" I asked.

"Not much." He said with a shake of his head. "I told him I was married. That I married young. I didn't tell him about Sam, of course."

"He can probably piece things together from what you have up on every single piece of social media he found and followed you on," I chuckled. "He's really into you."

"Yeah, he's tried asking about things a few times - but I didn't really answer him. I think he finally clued in that I didn't really want to talk about it, at least not yet," he explained. "It's nice having someone like that so into me. Not that you're not into me - I know that you are. But there's a bit of a difference, you know?"

"Especially since I have literally been inside of you," I replied cheekily. "Anything special about being 27?"

"Nothing really. Just flattering, I suppose. It's less embarrassing being a freshman in college at 27 than 32. Not much difference really, but enough for it to make me feel better. If that makes sense." He said abashedly.

"Babe, you should never be ashamed of who you are." I insisted, pulling his face up into a deep kiss.

At this point in my life, I probably shouldn't be looking for validation from outside ourselves anymore, especially about our relationship. Usually we would leave it at whatever false impression strangers had of us and move on from there. This was easy to do with strangers. If I had a dollar for every moment that a waiter turned to me on a night out and asked, `and what would your father like', I'd have $67.

I always thought that our situation was kinda like Age of Adeline where Derek was Blake Lively. I'd be the more muscular and grizzled Ellen Burstyn. Well, technically I guess I was already older first, but sometimes it did look like Derek was frozen in time. Man, if only I could age as gracefully as Ellen Burstyn, though...

I actually had a positive first impression of Simon the first time I met him in person. He was a lanky guy, shorter than me and closer to Derek's height, but weighed as much as I did when I was his age. His photos didn't do him justice. Initially I was surprised to find out the guy Derek had been hooking up with was, physically, a younger version of me. When I drilled him more about it, he had a surprising, but rather obvious, response.

"I'm easing myself into it. I do want to do this, but I want to take things at my own pace, with how I want it. Right now, it's easier when they remind me of you." Derek explained in one of his rare verbose moments.

It was rather sweet. Sure I could interpret it in another way; that Derek desired a younger version of me and that I was too old. I probably would have had those doubts if I hadn't come to know Derek so well all these years. Instead I knew that Derek, in his first steps in our open-relationship-journey, was choosing to do it with the familiar first - which was with people who looked a lot like me. Probably.

Simon was just like how I imagined a modern gay twenty-something would be. He was open minded, as far as I was aware, adventurous, and very chatty. Initially he seemed rather hesitant the first time he came over to our house and met me for the first time. That was understandable. It wasn't entirely in the realm of normal to come over to your boyfriend's house to meet his husband for the first time.

Before this, Simon and Derek mostly met outside or went over to Simon's place that he shared with six other roommates, most of whom were in college as well. Although Derek didn't mind hanging out there, he apparently was a bit tired from being around messy college students too much. Although, Derek did say that it really did wonders about his shyness. Simon's roommates weren't really the "knock on doors" type. Derek scrambled to hide himself the first time one of them walked in on him and Simon fucking. But it happened so often, and everyone else but him was so cavalier about it, that he eventually stopped caring too. In fact, at one point, he let Simon ride him in the living room while everyone else had paired up and were screwing around too. A few times, he even let Simon go down on him while he was watching a movie with everyone.

So the first time Simon came over, he actually didn't know how to act. So I decided to take the direct approach the first moment we were alone together. When Derek excused himself to the bathroom, I sat next to Simon and talked to him seriously.

"Look, I get how this might be weird. But I want you to understand that we really are open." I began to explain. Simon seemed taken aback by my forward confession, but he didn't speak a word to interrupt me so I kept going. "I want you to know that he has full reign to do whatever he wants to do. At least I told him that. So if he wants to do it with you, I'm all for it. As long as it's something he wants to do. Safe, sane, and consensual and all that crap"

"Okay," he said hesitatingly, seemingly uncertain how to respond to what I had just said.

"We're not looking for a threesome or a triad or whatever." I emphasized.

"You're not?" He said, disbelievingly.

"Nope," I insisted with a small shake of my head. "You're not really my type."

"Well, you're not mine." He snapped back, offended.

I chuckled at his response, and again shook my head. "Sorry, I didn't mean to insult you. I'm just saying, you don't have to worry about me. You guys can do anything that Derek wants. Even if you're in here. Basically, just think of me as Derek's permanent roommate who he loves a lot and comes back to at the end of the day."

He looked at me for a long moment, before turning to study his drink in silence. Then after a few minutes, he nodded as if he made a decision about something. When Derek came back to the dining room, he quickly stood up and went over to kiss him deeply in the lips.

"I'm horny." He announced, apropos of nothing.

Derek seemed taken aback by the announcement and just nodded his head dumbly. "Okay."

"I wanna fuck." He said again, with a wide smile.

"Okay." Derek replied, nonplussed by the announcement. He turned to look at me and I just shrugged nonchalantly in response.

"Feel free, I'll clean up dinner." I replied as I stood up and started grabbing the empty plates.

"Can we fuck in your bedroom?" Simon asked with a smile that quickly vanished as Derek immediately shook his head.

"Bedroom's off limits. We can go to the guest room." Derek offered.

"Or anywhere else," I added. "We don't care about anywhere else."

Simon's smile came back at the announcement. "Hot, here it is then."

He then pulled Derek into a deep kiss while his hands fumbled along my husband's jean's, unbuckling them and pulling out his rapidly hardening cock. Then as I juggled the plates and moved towards the open kitchen, Simon got down on his knees and began to suck my husband's cock. Derek quickly lost himself in the sensation and stood there with his eyes closed, head thrown back, as Simon tried to take as much of my husband's girth into his small, chatty mouth.

I could hear Derek's lustful moans and the obscene slurping noises Simon made as he moved down to massage Derek's balls with his tongue and lips. I could even hear it through the sounds of the cutlery as I loaded them onto the dishwasher. Simon was already moaning on the table by the time I finished cleaning up to find the college boy lying on his back on our dining table, my husband licking and sucking on his smooth shaven cock and balls - which were far smaller than Derek's own. Derek then started eating out Simon's hairless ass, occasionally moving back to lap and suck at his cock and balls while fingering the young man.

"Oh, fuck. Please fuck me. Fuck me." Simon pleaded as he writhed atop my dining room table.

I moved towards our bedroom and grabbed a condom and some lube from the dresser. By the time I made it back out, Simon was still pleading to be fucked while my husband jacked his thick cock with one hand, and fondled the boy's stiff staff with another.

"Yeah, you want this thick cock?" Derek said huskily, looking at the writhing Simon on the table. "Wanna get fucked hard?"

"Yes, please fucking breed me, Derek." Simon pleaded with his head thrown back in ecstasy.

I quietly stepped forward and put the condom and lube on the table beside them.

"Thanks, babe." Derek said with a smile, drawing Simon's attention. When he saw the condom, he looked slightly disappointed before it was replaced with a wide smile.

Simon looked up from the table, and smirked in my direction. "Yeah, thanks Miles."

Derek had already started lubing up Simon's ass, fingering his smooth hole, before putting the condom on. He was already all too focused with the task at hand.

"You're welcome." I said with a smile, all too aware of the hard cock straining in my pants. I gave them one last look as Derek lined up his cock against Simon's smooth hole and started pressing in. Simon started moaning out loud and writhing in pleasure as I walked away, back towards our bedroom.

That night I stayed in our bedroom, while outside the doors I listened to Derek and Simon fuck multiple times. I jacked off more than once to the sounds of their fucking, my cock harder than it had been in recent memory.

By the time I awoke the next morning and stepped out of our bedroom, our home reeked of sex. There were used condoms all over the place. Several were on our dining room table and the floor. There were some on the couches in the living room. I even found one in the hallway bathroom. I cleaned them all up, impressed by the apparent number of times they had fucked last night. I was hard as a rock the entire time. When I passed the guest bedroom, I found the two of them naked, Derek spooning Simon, facing away from the door.

"I guess I should buy more condoms," I said to no one in particular.

I made them breakfast and greeted them both with a smile that day.

Shortly after my talk with Simon, he seemed to want to compete with me. My impression was that he'd find every opportunity to be as close to Derek, physically and emotionally, as he possibly could whenever I was around. At this point, Derek didn't mind as much about being physical with Simon in front of me. Therefore, he took Simon's public physicality in stride and didn't mind it at all even when I was in the room.

Simon was incredibly persistent in this act of marking his territory. It was almost close to the obsession that I've noticed some of my clients got when something piqued their interest. Almost. He would touch Derek in whatever way possible whenever I was around. He would be affectionate in the most obvious ways. If he wasn't kissing Derek, he'd be holding him, or taking any opportunity to sidle up as close to him as possible. He'd even take every opportunity to wear Derek's clothes, even if they were too large for him. I let Simon do what he wanted, considering I didn't mind at all. In fact, I admit I found some sexual thrill in this. If we were watching a movie together, Simon would always sit as close to Derek as possible. Then after some time, he would start being physically affectionate with Derek while ignoring my presence for the most part. Occasionally he would look at me with a cocky smile while Derek licked, kissed, and nipped at his skin.

His favourite position seemed to be to eventually find his way on Derek's lap, grinding obscenely as they made out.

On his part, I noticed Derek drawing very distinct lines. Although he let Simon do as he wished most of the time, he stalwartly refused to accommodate a few of his very specific requests. No matter how often he asked, Derek refused to fuck Simon in our bedroom, on our bed. Derek also tried to share as little about our life, beyond himself. So most of the things that Simon knew about me were things I willingly shared with him in the few times we interacted, the tidbits Derek shared, or his own observations from being in our home. Derek never directly talked to Simon about our friends or family, no matter how often Simon asked. Not that Simon cared very much about that part. Everything else, and sex everywhere else, was fair game. Which was why that it wasn't uncommon for me to come home to find them fucking in the kitchen, or in the living room, or the extra room we had reserved for Sam whenever he came over/our home office. A few times they'd fuck in the balcony overlooking the back alley, or in the backyard, or in the garage, in the car, and in all the bathrooms. A few times I noticed that the neighbours had seen them, but they obviously thought nothing of it. In fact, most of the time they'd just watch and start to jack off, enjoying the free show. Frankly, I was kind of surprised that nobody complained. But I suppose it was par for the course for living in a gay neighbourhood such as this one.

Simon was insatiable. Despite all of the times that they fucked, I did notice something that Simon never would. The fact that Derek never barebacked him. Instead, Derek provided an alternative. He came on the younger man, everywhere. He essentially wanted to cover Simon in his seed. He also loved watching Simon eat his cum. One of his favourite past times seemed to be pulling out, turning Simon around, and just watched as he coated the young man's tongue with his jizz. Simon, bless him, seemed to really like eating my husband's load.

Derek confessed to me that he never would breed Simon as he's done with me. It was almost a pity that Simon would never be able to experience the feeling of Derek's barecock in his ass, or of his cum leaking out of his hole. I actually did enjoy that part of the breeding.

When Simon turned twenty a few weeks back, Derek spent the whole day with him. Apparently what Simon wanted for his birthday was "sexual hiking". Since this appealed to Derek's outdoorsy nature, he readily agreed. They went out on a hike for the whole day and fucked outside whenever they could. That day was also the first day that Derek asked me if he could stay out all night. Although we had established that he didn't have to ask permission and to just give me a head's up shortly before so I wouldn't worry, he did so anyway.

I remembered what it was like, having sex with Derek out in the woods. The nostalgia of it made me smile. Although I wouldn't be entirely opposed to the idea of it now, at my age I had established a preference for being physically comfortable while having sex. Having sex outside didn't appeal to me as much as it once did. It made me feel happy and relieved that Derek could experience that again with someone else.

From how Derek described it, they had a great time. Simon was insatiable, sucking and riding Derek whenever and wherever they had a chance to do so on the trail. He was apparently quite the exhibitionist and even asked Derek to film some of their encounters so they could watch it whenever they wanted. Derek took them himself with his own phone of course, to make sure they wouldn't ever be posted online. But he also enjoyed watching the videos while they fucked. Eventually he also enjoyed showing them to me.

"Before you ask - Simon's pretty eager to show these to you. He's the one who keeps pushing me actually. Pushing to show it to you and other people. I haven't yet, except you - I think he likes showing off that he's with me. But it's a bit much sometimes... you know?"

They were usually in Derek's perspective so the videos mostly didn't show his face. But these videos certainly showcased Simon's skills. He easily took Derek's thick cock into his mouth. The way his lips stretched over my husband's thick dick was amazing, and the sounds he made while sucking my man were obscene. He used both of his hands to wrap around Derek's dick, jacking him off in time with his sucking. He also seemed to love sucking on Derek's large balls. He obviously couldn't fit both in his mouth at the same time, but man was he eager to try. The difference in their body size was clear in the videos where Derek mounted him from behind. Derek's wide, muscular, jock, olive skinned body loomed over Simon's pale, twink body as he fucked him doggy-style. Frankly, I couldn't help but be impressed by Simon's seemingly indestructible anus. The way it would stretch and swallow Derek's cock on camera looked obscene. Either he was very good at acting, or he really enjoyed having something shoved up his ass.

As Derek's sexual relationship with Simon developed, I was happily creating my own with others. Unlike my husband's encounters, my own experiences were with relative strangers and always one time events. A few times I would go to the bathhouse nearby after work, especially if Derek was out with Simon. Like my husband, I never screwed any of my hookups in our bedroom. The few times I did bring someone over, it would always be in the guest bedroom. Once Derek and Simon walked in while someone was fucking me, but they quickly excused themselves and fucked in the living room instead. My hook up seemed to take it in stride and immediately resumed riding me to orgasm. But he quickly left once I had my orgasm, with barely a word of thanks when the sexual thrill had gone.

Then one night when Derek was spending the night at Simon's, I decided to have a drink at a local bar I had started to frequent. It was a slow night, not filled with the usual sounds and bodies of numerous men trying to pack into a small space. It was quieter, with only a few patrons around, and the bartender was the only one happy enough to chat with me in the lull. Then in walked Jack.

I remember how the sound of the door opening pulled me away from the story the barkeep was happily sharing. I turned towards the sound to find an attractive bald man, with a thick, but trimmed, beard. He wore a long, stylish brown jacket atop a dark, navy business suit. He held a hat in his hands as he walked towards the bar to stand next to me. He had the greenest eyes I had ever seen. It was striking against his oval, grizzled face. His lips and jaw were framed by a healthy coating of dark blonde hair.

"Can I get a double shot of crown?" he had asked before turning to me with a smile. "Hi, Jack Fowler."

I stared at the offered hand for a few seconds before it clicked that he was introducing himself, and that I should take his hands with my own and introduce myself.

"Um, Myles," I replied, gripping the large, warm hand he had extended. His grip was equally as firm, and the sensation sent tingles down my spine. "How're ya now?"

"Better now that I've met you," he said with a sly wink as he took a sip of the drink the bartender had just placed in front of him.

I couldn't help but laugh at what was obviously a line. I probably blushed. I certainly was quite conscious of the fact that I suddenly felt something I hadn't felt in a long time. In my pocket, my phone buzzed. But I didn't have the urge to pull it out and look. Instead, I had the urge to turn around and shake his hand again.

"So, what're you here for, Myles?" he asked me after a beat of silence.

For the life of me, I had suddenly forgotten how to answer.


Thank you for reading! I have three more chapters worth of story currently written (similar lengths as to this), but I"ll pace my posting. For those who uncertain if they want to drop this now - be advised of the following themes in future chapters (especially in the upcoming three chapters): more of the existing themes, but will include SHARP Skinheads ("Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice"), S&M/bondage, roleplay, incest, and watersports.

I've done my best to try and correct any grammatical or spelling errors. My apologies for the ones I've missed. I appreciate any feedback. My apologies if it's not to your taste (currently or in the future) - but I can't write for everyone and I can only write the story I want to write.

Next: Chapter 2

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