Excavating Gustem Hall

Published on Dec 11, 2020


Excavating a Monastery 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com.

Approvals for the excavation arrived in five days. Jack was shocked by the speed. Apparently, Alistair made a call to someone and approvals appeared hours later. Alistair was a generous donor to that someone's charity. Absolutely no name was mentioned or even alluded too. Jack though he had connections. He was dazzled.

Roddy and a crew arrived the next day. He had three men with him, Ivor, Charles, and Mud. They were experienced diggers. I was the Senior Archaeologist and another one of Roddy's mates, Jonathan Murray was a specialist in Early Scots history and archaeology. While Roddy never considered sexual preference when hiring men, he tended to attract like spirits.

There were two women, Helga Smith a bone specialist, and Liz Worral, a pottery, and small finds specialist. While the men lived near the site, the women bunked with Olivia. The men came with two trailers, one was for office-equipment storage and the other was residential. Ideally the trailers would be located at the dig site, but the wind there made than an unwise location. They put them on the farm near a barn. The MacCalls provided a truck to take the equipment to the site. The truck was old and cranky, but the men seemed to have regarded it as being of archaeological interest.

We needed specialized equipment to open and preserve the items in the cave. That would take some time, so the first week was spent working on the monastery site. Alistair provided two more diggers, Randall, and Sean. They were field managers for his operations who had no current assignments.

We had a meeting in the MacCalls living room to get the project underway. Roddy's men were experienced, but Randall and Sean had never dealt with a project like this. Th same was true of Olivia and her friend, Penny. Penny was a muscular and fit woman who was almost six-feet tall. I suspect she was Olivia's bodyguard.

On the first day we focused on the possible chapel site. On the site Roddy gave his ditch digging for archaeologist lecture to the new guys. The new men and women took it well.

Typically, a dig will take weeks before you make major discoveries. We spent the morning digging and had lunch. Olivia brought lunch for all of us. Her father was off in London, so the kitchen staff at his mansion had nothing to do but provide for Olivia. Lunch was good and perfect for the heavy work of excavation. At two that afternoon Olivia and Mud made a discovery. Each of the new diggers was paired with an experience man for training. When you met Mud you immediately knew why he acquired the nickname. He was experienced and working on his doctorate, but he loved digging.

The walls of the church had been overturned. There was charcoal in the dirt, so there had been a fire. They found a sculpted stone which had been a finial on a gable. When the lifted it up, they saw the glint of gold.

Anything gold in an excavation is a big deal. An hour later Oliva and Mud had uncovered the object. It was a gold chalice. It seemed that it must have been on the altar when the building burned and had been crushed by the collapsing wall. It contained garnets and enamel ornamentation.

It was a spectacular find, but it also boded well for the rest of the site. Vikings were noted for smash and grab raids in some areas. They settled in others. If they had settled in the monastery, they would have cleaned up the ruins and used the debris in constructing a new settlement. Here they hadn't even searched the ruins before they left.

There may have been local inhabitants gathering to retake the monastery, so the Vikings returned to their boats and left. As we explored the windswept land on the top of the hill. I also realized that it was a poor location for a settlement. It would have been an exceptionally harsh location.

We had little time to look at the find. An armored truck arrived to take it to a secure place. Of course, Olivia was the happiest girl in the world. I noticed that she always attributed the find to Mud. That was technically the case, but it also made friends with the rest of the staff.

To say we were stunningly popular with Olivia's father understates the case. The money he provided for the expedition was small, but it was well spent. Apparently, the person he spoke with the get expedited approval was happy also. Everyone looked good.

After the armored car left things quieted down, and we resumed the excavation. The MacCalls had a cottage for extra men who were seasonally needed. Mud and Murray moved into it reducing the crowding in the trailer. Mud had shoulder length hair and a Fu Machu beard that put off the MacCalls at first. He was a hard worker which made up for the odd choice in hair styles.

The cottage had a bathroom but no hot water. Mud showered in the main house. Getting dirty while working was an expected part of farm work. The MacCalls had a vestibule at the back of the house where you took off your shoes to avoid mud in the house. If you were mud caked, you stripped and put the clothes in a washing machine. The house had a modern washing machine and a dryer. They once had a housekeeper who insisted on that.

Mud was polite so he stripped, put his clothes in the washer and then came in to use the house shower. Mud didn't mind walking naked through the house. Mud was tall and hairy with a muscular runner's body. That didn't bother the MacCalls at all. His cock was seven inches soft and that bothered them even less.

I was already showering, and Mud joined me. Once the dirt was off and his hair clean, he was almost a normal looking guy. Fortunately for him, he was open minded sexually. He was a well-educated University man who looked like a street person. He was sexually driven, but not the marrying type. When I got to know him better, he told me that cocks tasted better than cunts and a guy's ass was tighter. He wasn't the romantic type, but he was a good pal or mate.

When he came in the shower, he looked me over and said, "You've got a nice one, are your balls full?" I nodded. "Interested in trading your cum for mine?" he asked.

"You're not the shy type, are you?" I replied. "I tend to be open minded."

"Are the farmers open minded too?" he asked. "Would they be shocked if they saw us going at it?"

"They would probably join in," I said.

He smiled. By then he was behind me nudging his cock into my hole. He was on the dark side of my sphincter when Angus came to shower.

"It's just common courtesy to fuck the host first," Angus stated.

We all laughed. "Well, it's a bit late for you to be first," Mud said. "Now if you're interested, I could fuck you next and spurt a sperm flavored present into your arse?"

"Is your arse open for business?" Angus asked." Mud nodded. Angus was fully erect by then and nature took control.

Mud was a mellow, laid-back fucker. At first, I thought he was low energy, but I soon realized he was letting his oversize cock do the work for him. It was effortless for him but intense for me. After a few minutes he pulled out of me and turned to Angus. Angus was an older man, but as Mud's cock pushed deeper, I could almost see the tenseness melt.

A strange, odd looking man is one thing; an odd-looking guy with a big cock is another. In my own case, once he was two or three inches past my sphincter, he could have had three eyes and four arms, and it would have been good for me. A few days later I realized sex was a good recreational activity for Mud. It was high impact, no strings sex.

During the next few days, our group turned into a well-oiled machine. Mud and Noel's eyes were able to pick out artifacts from the mud of the site. Olivia had a delicate touch that was ideal for fragile artifacts. Randall, Sean, and Penny were human backhoes. They could dig fast but were always on the lookout for finds. Randall and Sean were used to oil exploration and rigs. If you screwed up there wouldn't be enough of you to burry after the explosion. This was relaxing work for them.

Noel found some odd-looking fittings near the altar area. Maury identified them as the metal fittings from a large bible. That again indicated that the church had been in use as the Vikings attacked. The fittings were bronze with semi-precious stones. That indicated that it was wealthy church, since it would a been a second-best bible, if it were left out, the good stuff was in the cave. I was beginning to form a dramatic vision of the attack on the monastery.

I had a surprise visitor, Skippy Jones. He was the benefactor of the Gustem excavation and a specialist in fuel injection and oil industry equipment. He had been talking with Alistair, and the Alistair mentioned he was funding an excavation. Skippy told him he should contact a genius, Calvin Miller. Alistair told him I was the head man on the new excavation.

Skippy also was a partner in a company making high tech equipment. Skippy arrived with a new probe that would be ideal for exploring our cave. When Skippy and Alistair met at the site the two millionaires got along like brothers. Skippy was a Tom Swift, boy scientist type. His equipment was sophisticated, He had developed a high-efficiency solar collector and paired it with a fast, high-capacity battery. This meant that you could power his equipment in areas that didn't have electricity, such as deserts and jungles. It could serve isolated villages in out of the way places.

Skippy came with a technician, Judson. Alistair brought two men, Duffer and Max. They specialized in dangerous situations installing equipment in high locations. They had no problems with height. Duffer and Max immediately bonded with the MacCalls since they liked the jerry-rigged hoist. It was efficient. light and functional.

It was a slightly surreal situation. I was preparing to open a cave than had been sealed 1,000 to 1,200 years earlier. Skeeter and Alistair were busy with high tech inventions. The next day we bored a hole through the sealed entrance. The bore hole was an inch in diameter, but the drill included a vacuum that kept dust out of the chamber and second prob that sampled the air. The room had a low oxygen level. It also detected carbon particles. There must have been a torch or incense burner in the space that used the oxygen in the space.

We then inserted a miniature drone Skippy called the Bee. The Bee fit in the one-inch hole and then expanded its wings. The Bee had a light, a video cam, a still cam, and a scanner. Judson had three laptops. One recorded video, one made stills and a third developed a three-dimensional image of the space. It also did an analysis of the air in the room. All the information was transmitted to the laptops.

The laptops had huge storage capacities and transmitted the information to mainframes. The Bee's flight lasted an hour, and the downloading process two hours. The Bee returned to the bore hole and a vacuum sucked it through the hole. The bore hole was sealed.

The software combined the information from the cameras. The scanner was black and white, but the still cam provided the color information. The three-dimensional images were colored by coordination with the stills.

The detail was stunning. One of the books was open and you could read the text. It was a Lives of the Saints. No one knew that such a book existed. The page was the life of St. Columba, and the pages instantly doubled the known history of the saint. I counted 23 books in the space. One of the nice things about being with a bunch of archaeologists was that translating Latin was not a problem. I was familiar with the Celtic variants of Latin, so I realized that ten of the books were unknown. One seemed to be a Life of Arthur.

I had assumed my earlier discovery of a phallic fertility cult, complete with detailed illustrations of sex between men got as much publicity as was possible for an Archaeological expedition. A life of Arthur four or five centuries older than any other account, would cause a sensation.

Skippy and Alistair and their men returned to his mansion and we were left with our crew. There was one addition, a security crew of ten men and women arrived with drones and dogs. There was a naval ship patrolling the sea below the cliffs. As I noted, before Alistair knew people.

Roddy and I discussed the mechanics of opening the door to the chamber and removing the objects. The gold and metal objects were easy. The books and paintings required greater care. There were elaborate vestments and altar cloths that might be delicate. Everything had been is a low oxygen, constant temperature environment for a thousand years.

We called Skippy and Alistair. Skippy had worked with equipment that was sensitive to temperature changes. He would find a solution for the problem. I told them I thought it would be best if the objects were in a safe place before there was public notice of the discovery. They agreed.

It was late and minute my head fit the pillow I was asleep. I woke at 6:30 and went to the shower and found Jonathan Murray there. He was our Scots History man. He was a pudgy, bland man who had an encyclopedic knowledge of Scotland and a dry sense of humor. He was not a field man, but he was good at identifying finds and keeping records. He was also hard.

"I'm sorry about that," he said.

"It happened to the best of us," I replied. "I can help you with it, if you are interested," I thought he would say that he could take care of it on his own. His face broke into a wide smile. A minute later I discovered that Jonathan oozed precum champagne. It was beautiful and tasty. A little later he filled my mouth with a year's supply of sperm as he ejaculated for what seemed like ten minutes. I had never had sex that was a taste treat before.

That morning Spike and Alistair wanted to meet with me. They sent a helicopter to get me, Angus and Roddy. They were with several men I hadn't met before. Henry Higgins was with the BBC. Lord Wormsley was with the British museum, and Carl Justice was with a preservation organization. No one said what a man named Louis did, but the butler addressed him as your grace. I thought that meant he was a duke or bishop.

Louis took Angus aside for a private conversation in another room. I didn't mention My Fair Lady and scored points with Henry. I had worked with the BBC at Gustem Hall, so I hoped to use their crew again. They were on assignment but recommended a good team for this sort of project. Lord Wormsley said the museum would provide interim storage and conservation for the finds in association with Oxford and St. Andrews Universities. Spike asked about temperature and humidity control for the objects. Spike had a pronounced American accent and did not impress. Once you got into details you realized he was a lot more than just smart.

We had lunch and flew back to the farm. I was back digging that afternoon. Olivia and Mud were following the walls to see the extent of the church. Roddy was digging a trench down the middle of the church. I helped him. On my third shovel load I hit a large stone. I also heard a sound that suggested there was a void below the stone.

Roddy looked at me, smiled, and then said, "The good luck kid strikes again." Ten minutes later I cleared the top of an under-floor burial. The top was carved like the one in the door to the cave chamber. It took a half hour to expose the entire slab. Olivia had a delicate touch and did the fine cleaning. It was inscribed, Here Lies Abbot Merlinus. Olivia called her father and he told her to get some of the security staff to guard it 24/7. This grave was the earliest mention of a name related to Arthur's Merlin in Britain. It would cause a sensation. It had begun to rain and was five o'clock, so we stopped work.

Excavators do heavy work. The difference between digging an excavation trench and a utility trench is minimal. There are many situations where you have to work late to get an artifact out of the ground, so I allow overtime only for that. Tired excavators can be sloppy. When the security guards arrive, I went to the farmhouse.

The MacCalls were there with Eddie. He was the liaison between the security guards and the police. It was wet and cold, so I took a shower to get warm and clean. Mud joined me as did Eddie. His cottage in the village didn't have hot water. Mud and I were feeling good. Mud was close to Eddie's age and neither man had a problem with shyness. Somehow, Mud knew about Eddie's Rugby playing. Eddie was partially erect, and Mud approved. Of course, gay men aren't prone to object to erections, but Mud was ready for some fun.

After knowing Mud for several months, I realized that Mud was permanently a minute or two away from an erection, but I think Eddie's cock caused a reaction in seconds, not minutes. There were other things influencing them. Eddie was a police constable and Mud was an escaped hippie from the 1970s. That seemed to mutually inspire them.

Next: Chapter 9: Excavating a Monastery 3

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