Excavating Gustem Hall

Published on Dec 6, 2020


Excavating a Monastery By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com.

A few years after completing my field work at Gustam Hall, Jack Hilliard, one of the men I met there, called about another potential excavation. It was at a site in Scotland, Sincalum. Sincalum was a village of some 500 people on a forbidding outcrop facing the North Sea. The village sat a mile from the sea sheltered by cliffs that formed a natural amphitheater.

Two rock climbers found a cave near the top of the cliffs. The cave was between two out crops and was entirely invisible from below and above. Inside they found a wall with a carved panel. Jack wanted me to take a look. I was in the United States, and he said he would pay for me visit. It was at the end of the semester, so I was free.

"This is more than a casual interest?" I asked.

"In the cave the men found a sealed door covered in religious carvings. The seem to date between 800 to 1000 A.D. They are advanced stylistically," he explained. "Calvin, you are famous for the discoveries at Gustam. We are hunting for funding. Your approval or participation would make a big difference in fund raising."

I said I would take a look. I didn't mention that I had finished the documentation of the Gustam Hall work. I had no projects lined up. A week later I was in London and Jack picked me up and we drove to Scotland.

Jack told me his suspicions. "St. Columbia founded a series of monasteries throughout Scotland in the 7th century. Iona is the best known. Many of these were quite small and were isolated hermitages. Shortly after is death, his successor founded a monastery on the east coast of Scotland. The most important of these was dedicated to St. Calum Cille, the Scot's form of Columbia's name," he explained. "It was a large and impressive monastery. The monastery last mention was just before the Viking raids."

"The Village name, Sincalum, is odd, and the only time it is used in Scotland. It is possibly named for Saint Callum Cille. I suspect we have found the site of the monastery," Jack continued. "It was said to be wealthy. A sealed chamber is tantalizing."

He pulled out his laptop and showed me an image of the door. In the center was an elaborate bas-relief, white, stone panel. It was carved in a ninth or tenth century style. It was so well preserved that it looked almost new.

"It is almost unbelievable, too good to be real," I said.

"That's what I thought, but it is real as far as we can tell," Jack replied. We talked for a while and went to bed early. We left early the next morning for Sincalum. Six hours later we were in the village. The local pronounced the towns name as Sink-Lum, so the connection to St. Callum Cille was further disguised. We went to a farm on the edge of town owned by the men who found the cave, the MacCall brothers, Angus, Andrew, and David. They were in a depression on the top of the cliffs that provided shelter for their sheep. Their sheep's wool was naturally water resistant and was used for high end woolen fabrics.

It took a while to realize they were speaking English. The area was isolated, and the local accent was distinctive.

We walked the site, and I noticed a number of possibly non-natural features. There was a possible wall, and several building sites. Angus had a limp, and he used a shovel as a walking stick. He dug down a half meter and found the top of the wall. He dug a little more and found a stone with a cross engraved on it.

The MacCalls were not too partial to strangers, by my status jumped a few steps up with this discovery. I knew stuff, and the men liked that. Jack tended to be a grants and fundraising guy. He was not a field archaeologist. That night we talked about the potential of the site.

There was a potential the cave was not an isolated feature but was a part of the monastery. We didn't know when the monastery disappeared, but the Viking raids continued for years. The first raids were unexpected and devastating. Perhaps other monasteries had time to prepare defenses. In the back of my mind, I wondered if the monks had a chance to hide their valuable items. I spent the night at the house. it was modest, but large since they once had hired hands. By American standards, the house was unheated.

Unexpectedly, it had a modern bathroom with heat. Angus' limp was due to a broken leg. Soaking in warm water was the only time his leg felt good during the healing process. The water was spring fed, and the bath was big enough for three men. Angus was a big man, and it took two men to get him into water without hurting the leg.

When I woke the next morning, I took a shower to warm up. Angus and David joined me. Showering alone was not expected in the house. They seemed to regard hot water as a rarity. Angus was a muscular, hairy man and seemed bigger naked than dressed. David was a smaller, red bear. Both men were well equipped. They seemed to enjoy their view of me. We had a hearty breakfast and then went to the cave. They had made a complicated rigg to get down the cliff. It looked odd, but it was easy to work and functional.

The cave entrance was all but invisible, even close up. There was a hook to snag to pull the hoist over to the ledge. The ledge looked narrow but when you were on it, it was almost eight feet wide. Just inside the cave entrance were solar powered lights. There was nothing in the cave until you were 20 feet down a narrow passage. At the end of the passage was a circular space and the doorway. The stone panel was three feet wide and seven feet high. The carvings were delicate and elaborate. It looked more like jewelry than sculpture.

I have always been a lucky man. My interests are odd and specialized. My interests included Dark Age inscriptions. Few could read it write, so the inscriptions could be elaborate. If you couldn't read the elaboration of the inscription could attest to the importance of the inscription. Within the complex arrangements of snakes and dragons, I found the Latin inscription, "Here lies Abbot". The portion of the stone with the name was broken off.

Every snake was crisp and sharp. While the stone had obviously been moved, the stone showed no sign of weathering. I wondered if was the tomb of a recently deceased Abbot which had been broken open to provide stones for the wall. I could visualize monks demolishing a building to create a wall or perhaps to drop from the wall on the invading Vikings. My mind was slipping into a made for TV movie mode, so I looked at the cruder stones surrounding the sculpted stone. It was crude but effective. There were no signs of cracks, or gaps in the stonework.

After two hours we were out of the cave. I told Jack that it looked as if the chamber was unopened and may have been the grave of an important abbot or a safe place to store valuables during the Viking attacks. It was potentially a major find. I said I had some equipment with me that might confirm the contents of the cave.

That afternoon we met with Alistair Macmillan. The name sort of rang a bell, but a small bell. We drove about twenty miles north to a windswept peninsula with a large, ultra-modern mansion. Something clicked in my mind, oil baron.

I was wrong about that. Oil equipment baron was correct. He was the disinherited son of an Australian oil man. He made oil riggs and ocean oil drilling platforms. He also made windmills and was working on tidal generators. He was reclusive, wealthy, and mysterious. While his father disinherited him, he forgot to change his will, so when he died, Alistair was fabulously wealthier.

Jack and I told him what we had found and what the potential importance might be. He asked if it had potential to make money. I told him no, there might be a modest tourist increase, but the Dark Ages were a specialized interest.

"Well Calvin, you are the first man to present me with a project that will not make money," Alistair said. "Sign me up. How much do you need?"

"Maybe 200,000.00 pounds," Jack said.

"Okay, send me a proposal and I will accept it. Is a check okay?" Alistair asked.

"Mr. Macmillan, we will be doing a little investigation with an electronic probe tomorrow," I said. "Would you be interested in watching?" I ask.

"One of my daughters is interested in archaeology. Could she come along?" he asked.

"Is she afraid of heights?" I asked.

"As far as I can tell, she isn't afraid of anything," he replied.

Jack went off to the nearest big town to find less rustic accommodation than the MacCall' s farm. I was fine with the farm and the guys. I got out my equipment and checked to make sure it worked. High tech computer equipment was new to them, but David was fascinated with it and understood it. Angus was in the shower with me that night and I had the feeling he was checking me out.

The next morning, Alistair and his daughter, Oliva, were at the site just after we got there at 9:30. Alistair looked a bit woozy when he saw the hoist. Olivia was ready to go. Angus gave her instructions, and she did exactly as she was told.

At the cave, the plan was to drill a small hole through the stone wall next to the slab and insert a diminutive camera to see what was in the room. It would take a video of the entire room and record the video on a laptop.

Angus drilled the hole without much effort, and I inserted the camera. I had used a camera like it before, but it had been greatly improved. I took pictures, but also used radar to make a basic three-dimensional image of the space. We did that for a half hour, the pulled the camera out and resealed the door so that modern elements could not enter the sealed space. Our probe did a chemical analysis of the air in the room. There was almost no oxygen in the room.

When saw the images, the room was a treasure trove. It was not a metaphysical treasure trove; it was actual treasure. Gold chalices, crosses and incense burners were there and there appeared to ten to fifteen books, some in jewel encrusted bindings in the corner. There was also a stone coffin, with a wooden top. I realized the carved slab in the door had been part of the top. I suspected this was the treasures of the monastery and the objects were hidden in the cave to protect them from the Vikings. We returned to the top of the cliff and told Alistair and Jack the good news.

We went to the farm and talked. This was a huge discovery and had to be treated with the greatest care. The cave was astounding, but I suspected the walls we had found earlier were the remains of the monastery. I surmised we had a complete Dark Ages Monastery and its treasure intact. I couldn't tell if Alistair understood that, but Olivia did.

I later found out Alistair had three sons and Olivia. Somehow, she escaped the Little Princess problem, and was smart and clever. Alistair also knew that the three MacCall brothers owned the site and the artifacts on the site. He told this to them and explained the situation. This surprised me, but I later found out this the was the secret to his success. He was honest and direct.

We discussed the project. I suggested it be kept secret until the contents were safe. Alistair said he could provide security. Jack and I had connections to staff the project. I mentioned Roddy, who had been the site captain at the Gustem Hall excavation. Jack knew of him. I said I would call and see if he was available.

Angus said it was best to work in the summer, since the balmy weather ended in September. It was April so we had four months of good weather. Angus said it could be a bit breezy. 50 degrees and 15 to 20 miles an hour winds were balmy for Angus.

Jack said he would talk the authorities about the project. Alistair volunteered that he knew some people if there was a problem. The property was privately owned, so it wasn't listed.

"What about my sheep?" Angus asked. "They don't like fuss and bother."

"Archaeologists are not typically rowdy, there is no heavy equipment involved," I said. "We can be careful near the animals. Actually, some of the archaeologist may be shaggier than the sheep."

That night I called Roddy. He was both interested in the potential excavation and available. He had been going to work on a project, but the funding had failed to materialize. Hank and Georgy were also available. They were the laborers who could do heavy work and had a delicate touch. Roddy had a team that was ready to go.

After Jack, Alistair, and Olivia left the evening quieted down. We had a simple but filling dinner. We talked and went to bed. I went to take a shower and found Angus and Anthony already showering. I turned to leave, and Angus told me to join them, "We're all boys here!" Let's just say I have no problem with a group shower.

"I figured you would join us. we noticed you were well equipped," Angus said. He paused and added, "Sometimes we get playful in the shower."

I glanced at him and saw his cock was a firmer than it had been. I cupped my balls. "I am playful too. To be truthful, I tend to get uninhibited when I'm inspired."

Andrew joined us, "I hope it's not too crowded in here?" he said.

"Calvin just told us he was uninhibited," Angus said.

"What does that mean?" Andrew asked.

"I like to fuck and suck," I said. "I top, bottom, shoot cum, and eat it too. I seem to like it all."

"Do you ever choke on it?" David asked.

"Only when I get lucky," I replied.

"Are three guys too much good luck?" Angus asked.

"I think I will know the answer to that in an hour or so," I said. I was outnumbered but the MacCall boys were mellow and relaxed except for their cocks. Later, Angus told me they hadn't fucked a new ass in a while. I was a real treat. They fucked me starting with the smallest cock and ending with Angus's monster. I wasn't sure that a gang bang was the best way to start a relationship. We all enjoyed it and after Angus came in me, he sucked me off.

"Damn, it's nice to taste something new," he said. David was at my ass and licked his brother's sperm from my ass. I went to bed. When I woke David came to be and sucked me off. He said it was a thank you gift.

That morning I walked the area above the cliffs. Scotland tends to be rocky, but the lumps, mounds and bumps formed a potential monastery site. This was complicated by the tendency of the Dark Ages residents to avoid right angles and orderly plans. Romans built rectangular towns and cities when ever possible. That disappeared with the Romans. I was with David and Andrew who carried shovels. The dug a trial pit to check on potential buildings. These were 30 to 40% successful. That was a good result.

We found one structure which was rectangular. We actually hit the right-angled intersection of two walls. Houses were often round, but a church was usually rectangular. This was a potentially spectacular find. If further excavation revealed it was a larger building, we had found the church.

It had been a good day's work. Around two in the afternoon, Olivia returned. She came with a chauffeur and a bodyguard. She wanted to talk to me.

She wanted to work on the project. She admitted she had no training, but she would like to be involved. I told her it would be difficult. The work was dirty and tedious. You can go for weeks without finding anything of note. I told here it might be difficult with the rest of the staff. "Few of them arrive in a Rolls-Royce," I added.

"Calvin, I have that problem now. The girls at my school fathers are just millionaires," she said.

"Is your father the only billionaire?" I asked.

She burst out laughing. "There are only two others," she said. "I would like to be someone other than Alistair Macmillan's daughter. I've never tried and it's about time."

"What if you screw up and I have to let you go?" I asked.

"I will go and lie to my father. I will tell him it was too much for me and I quit. I won't endanger your funding," she said. "He would love it if I came home to Daddy."

We had another day of field walking and I said would start are nine. I told her dress for dirt, muck, and sheep. She left happy as a lark.

I went back to the MacCall house. Angus was alone.

"Cecil, I got the impression you had a good time last night. Am I right about that?" he asked. I told him I enjoyed it.

"You may have guessed the boys and I enjoy it a lot too. It's not just a passing interest," he added.

"I don't think I'm going to find the right girl soon," I said. "It's not a passing interest."

"It seems to me, that our interests in man sex is the same as yours. Is that right?" he asked. We have a few mates who drop by from time to time," he continued. "They aren't pretty, but they are playful. I was wondering if you might like to meet them?"

"Are your mates as playful as you and your brothers?" I asked.

"We only get together every month or so. They want some fun," Angus said.

"I would be glad to meet them. Are the shy meeting new men?" I asked.

"It's been a while, but I think they will be fine," Angus replied.

Around eight a guy knocked on the door. "Eddie, I'm glad you could make it," David said as a police constable in uniform entered.

"Sorry about wearing my work clothes," Eddie said. "I had to work late." Angus introduced me to him.

Eddie was a big solid man. I had a friend who described some men as having no future in ballet. Eddie was that type, solid, massive and a bit gruff. He was the perfect man to deal with drunks. Even a drunk could recognize him as not to be trifled with. He had played Rugby with Angus before the broken leg. We shook hands, as a second man arrived. Noel was a social worker. He was slightly disheveled, red haired man with an impressive beard.

The third guest was a distinguished older man, Malcomb. He was tall, thin and was perfectly dressed and groomed. My mother told me the well-dressed man looked as if he belonged in the clothes he wore. It was effortless and natural.

After a little conversation we adjourned to the bedrooms. I took a quick trip to the shower where I ran into Eddie and Noel. They were average looking men, but in the shower, I noted their sexual assets.

"I know we have just met," Eddie said, "but Angus told me you bottom. I haven't fucked a new man in a long while. I'm fully loaded."

I briefly considered being standoffish, but since I had one hand on his cock and the other on Noel's member, I assumed it was too late to play the virgin.

"Would it bother your mates to find your man seed in my ass?" I asked.

Eddie smiled and Noel dropped to the floor so he could suck me. It wasn't his first time. As I guessed, letting Eddie fuck me was a good way to make friends quickly. The men were not lovers, they were all friends with benefits. It turned out that Eddie had a lot of experience fucking fellow Rugby players in the showers. He knew how to work an ass. The players had an informal rule that you didn't rear load a guy. Apparently, there was a contest to see who could shoot the farthest after the ass play.

Eddie was a big man his kielbasa style was a good fit for my ass. His orgasm tickled my ass and excited me. Letting him shoot in my ass was a good move on my part. He loved it and his load lubricated the hard to reach places in my ass. We joined the other men, and the extra lubrication was useful. My versatility and willingness to please seemed to please all of them.

As a new man, I was both an interesting novelty and a first-rate fucker-sucker. I think I was one or two steps more open and versatile than they were. As with most gay men, they were all willing to learn new tricks. Everyone left by ten, so they left wanting more. The day in Sincalum started at dawn so the men needed rest.

The next morning, we dug test pits. Oliva returned and put in a full day's work. She had the good luck to uncover a sculpted stone. With a little clean up I realized it was part of particularly elaborate stone cross. These crosses were usually in close association with a church. I was feeling that we had discovered the monastery.

Next: Chapter 8: Excavating a Monastery 2

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