Excavating Gustem Hall

Published on Jul 28, 2020


Excavating Gustem Hall 6 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

Ulrich had a runners' body, tall and spare. He had a hairy chest and a treasure trail to his bush. He was pale and clearly did not spent any time in the sun. His cock was long, thick, and uncut. His balls were big and hung low. His tits and cock head were a beautiful shade of pink.

Ulrich stood ramrod straight. I dropped to my knees and took his cock head into my mouth, gently pushing his foreskin back to expose his cock head. The organ twitched and a drop of precum emerged from his cock. For the next few minutes, I gently licked him. His cock responded, growing and drooling. He didn't show any emotion other than twitching and oozing more precum.

"I'm afraid I might shoot off," he whispered.

"That's why I am sucking you," I replied.

"I don't think I could suck you in return," Ulrich said.

"Relax and let nature take its course. You can relax and just let it flow," I said as I continued sucking him. Much to my surprise, Ulrich relaxed. A little later, I said I could deep throat him I if he got on his back. He did that and I got most of his impressive tool. He liked that and since my cock was near his mouth, he took a few tentative licks. They weren't at all tentative a minute later.

I tend to be a leaker and that didn't bother Ulrich at all. When I had his entire cock in my mouth, he did the same for me. We broke apart for a breather a little later.

"You would still not mind if I shot in your mouth?" he asked.

"I think of it as a job well done when a guy shoots off. I know what he is feeling when he shoots so it's nice to share the experience," I said.

"A couple of guys have sucked me, and they got mad when I shot off," he said.

"It's nice if you give them a little warning," I explained. "That's complicated since sometimes the shoot off without much warning." I returned to sucking his cock. He told me when he was close, and I took his entire load.

I didn't stop sucking as his cock relaxed. He had two or three late ejaculations. Ulrich returned to sucking me. I was surprised that Ulrich relaxed as his cock relaxed. Once I sucked the last dribbles of sperm from his cock, he became talkative.

"I guess I have nothing left to hide," he remarked. "That was a first for me. It was almost too good. Was it good for you? I was afraid it might be disgusting."

"I had a feeling your knob gets ultra-sensitive when you shoot. I was careful. I don't know if sperm is the result of the orgasm, or the cause of the orgasm. For me shooting it and sharing it with another man is exciting and pleasurable for him and for me," I said. "I was more than willing to sample your home brew."

"You don't mind if I don't take yours?" he asked.

"You need to want it. If you don't want it, you won't like it," I said. I noticed Ulrich's cock was beginning to rise. I leaned over and began to suck it. All was well. Ulrich had a different personality when he was naked and erect. He didn't become out going, but he was more involved. I had thought he would hide his feelings, but he was open to sexual pleasure and showed it.

Loring returned, soaked to the bone. He stripped, toweled off, and joined us. Somehow, a few minutes later I was in the sixty-nine position with Ulrich, as Loring fucked me. That gave Ulrich a front row seat to observe. He was also able to taste my reaction as I tasted his drooling tool.

Loring had never fucked me, but there were few sexual secrets here and he knew I liked to bottom. He tended to alternate vigorous thrusts with long slow stokes. His cock was also bigger than I had thought. It was good for me, but I think it was better for Ulrich who would deep throat me to get a better view of Loring's cock. He also suctioned my precum when he pulled back. Loring had massive and vocal orgasm. When he pulled out, we broke apart. Ulrich looked lost.

Loring noticed that. "Ulrich, why don't you give him a poke? I don't think he will mind if you churn up my cum." Ulrich looked at me. I know what he wanted.

"That would be nice, Ulrich. I love sloppy seconds," I said.

"I might shoot off," he said. I smiled at him. A few seconds later his cock slid into my sperm filled ass. Somehow, I knew that Ulrich had a happy cock. Later I discovered that Ulrich had only fucked two men before and both men said he was too big; it hurt them. I had yet to experience a cock that was too big, and all was well with me.

Ulrich was close to shooting as soon as he entered my ass. When he got close, he would stop thrusting. He kept his knob in my ass until the urge passed. Once he had control, he began thrusting again. I was wide open and over lubricated, so all was good for me. When I got to know him better, I realized he was a master of edging. Fifteen minutes later he shot off. I felt his seed spurting in my ass. It was beautiful.

The next day we were back to our normal working relationship. The settlement little more than a landing, with a few storage buildings and houses for the people who worked there. Even in the Roman period, there were some Iron Age type round-houses.

There was one puzzling structure that seemed to be a bath, residence, and barracks type structure. I came up with a solution, suggesting it was a mansio. This was an inn-bath for travelers on Roman roads. While this was not on a major Roman road, a mansio would be used by visitors to the shrine and workmen, porters, and tax collectors. The port could accommodate only shallow draft boats, but these would have been quite common since travel by water was far easier than travel by land.

We found a pottery kiln and the remains of tablets that broke during firing. We had found the finished tablets at the shrine. Near the kiln was a midsized Roman dwelling. This too contained broken tablets. This was the home of the scribes who embossed the tablets.

The Iron Age village and the Roman village seemed to have co-existed for some time. We found imported post invasion Roman pottery in some of the round houses. We also found Latin language tablets in a round house with cryptic symbols on the reverse side. This seemed to confirm that the god or spirits of the spring were local and pre-Roman. The Romans were noted for adopting or integrating local gods into Roman cults.

Back at the manor house, Mark went crazy when he saw the tablets. There is little evidence of Celtic writing. It was possible that the symbols were an effort to identify the god. This could be a remarkable and important find. While he had been focused on the Latin inscriptions, he began studying the graphic designs.

This was tedious work, but Bunny had no problem hunting through hundreds of tables searching for repetitive designs. His life had been boring and tedious. He hadn't seemed to notice that, so the tablets were not a problem.

Mark was intelligent and perceptive. The symbols were a puzzle and he was determined to find a link if a link existed. He brought in a friend, Ralph, who was a specialist in ancient languages. Ralph would have been a genius if anyone cared about dead languages. He had an impressive store of knowledge about dead languages with a focus on primitive Celtic, Scandinavian and Germanic tongues.

His plan was to compare the Latin inscriptions with the symbols on the other side of the tablets to see if hieroglyphics or a proto-alphabet were possible. Ralph, Mark, and Bunny had no problem with tedium and repetitive work. I was involved because of my Latin skills, especially with the post Roman Latin in the British Isles.

Ralph was a ginger bear, a bit overweight with a remarkable fashion sense. He looked like an escapee from a Hippy commune of 1968. He was articulate and had a dry sense of humor that was almost desiccated.

Kenneth Keeper had an unexpected outbreak of popularity. The publicity from the discoveries meant that old friends contacted him, and he was off visiting old friends and playmates in Australia. My bedroom and the associated shower soon became the informal social center of the house. The finds had taken over most of the viable rooms in the house and my room and the bath had modern air-conditioning and heat.

Ralph had been working at the manor for a week when I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the bathroom. Ralph was showering. I joined him and nature took its course. I was semi-erect. Ralph became fully erect. I offered to help him with his erection.

Ralph was almost a virgin. His appearance and fashion sense did not encourage sexual contact. In the shower his ginger hair covered most of his body and his cock seemed all but nonexistent, although his balls were massive.

His cock was hiding deep in his body. When he got hard it was the diameter of a beer can and almost seven inches. Since he had few sexual experiences, he had an extensive fantasy sex life. He was imaginative and willing.

I later found out I was the first man to suck him in years, and I was the first to take the entire sperm contents of his massive balls. I had the impression that he ejaculated for a half hour. I think it was actually three or four minutes, but I was good for both of us.

The next night we met again. Ralph was more relaxed and almost talkative. He told me he had enjoyed me and asked if he had done things right. I told him everything was fine. "Most of the time your cock knows what to do," I added.

"Men tell me I think too much," he replied.

"I'm not sure you can think too much, but you can worry too much," I said. "When you are naked and erect, you have already passed most guys' personality test!"

"Isn't that superficial?" he asked.

"You may not have noticed, but you had a spectacular orgasm. That wasn't superficial," I explained.

"It was a spectacular orgasm?" he asked.

"I would hate for you to think I'm slutty, but I can assure you, I am well trained to evaluate orgasms," I said, adding, "As a matter of fact, I was hoping for a repeat tonight."

"That could happen," he said.

A little later we were on my bed and I was sitting on his cock. It was halfway in when I realized his cock was a prostate battering ram.

"Did I hit something good?" he asked.

I moaned, "Oh yeah!"

While technically, Ralph was fucking me, I was providing the action. I was using my ass to masturbate him. His cock formed a close and intimate bond with my ass. After a few minutes, I was sliding down on his cock when he gave my prostate a sperm bath. I shot off spraying his gut a chest. My cum looked like snow on a field ginger grass.

We rolled over and Ralph's still erect cock pounded my relaxed asshole. "I guess you get to do me next," he said.

"Do you want me to do that?" I asked. My cum was dripping from his chest onto me. He took his finger, collected some of the cum and tasted it. I felt his cock twitch and I knew he had ejaculated again.

"This sounds dumb. I don't want to be fucked, but I want to feel your cock in my ass," he said. "I want to feel you shooting off in me." He twitched again and shot off. I remained sitting on his cock until he went soft and his cock slipped out of my ass. He was asleep.

The next day was rainy and we gave the field crew the day off. Given the English weather, they tended to work any day the sun shined, and thus worked on weekends. The forecast was for more rain, so we gave them Thursday through Sunday off. They deserved a long break. The crew left the site to see family and friends.

The translation group stayed. They tended to work regular hours rain or shine. Loring, Mark, Bunny, Ralph, and I were at the house. Roddy came over to stay. After we worked on the tablets all day, Roddy cooked dinner which gave Loring a break. Ralph was new to the group and he fit in well. He clearly didn't scare anyone. He didn't strike anyone as being particularly eccentric or odd. Let's just say archaeologist tend be eccentric anyway.

We had wine with dinner from Kenneth's cellar and the mood was festive. Ralph and Roddy had only been introduced, but I sensed they would get along well. They were both beefy, bearish men. We were a congenial group since Mark was interested in ancient languages and Bunny had a good memory. He remembered everything his had filed and was a human search engine.

I wondered what the night would be like. Ulrich joined us after dinner. He had been in the field and was drenched. He went to my shower. Six, slightly drunk, gay men can quickly find ways to entertain each other in a gang shower. The men were open minded and partial to sex. I was a little worried that Mark and Bunny might be left out, but that wasn't a problem. Mark and Bunny were insatiable bottoms. Ralph, Roddy, and Loring liked to top.

Bunny dropped the soap and we were off to the races. When he bent over, Ulrich ask if that was an invitation. Bunny winked his ass pucker and Ulrich's cock vanished in the pink ass. Loring slipped into Mark's ass and all four men were pleasantly surprised.

Loring's cock was big, and Mark's ass was tight. Sometimes a cock goes so deep it messes with your brain. If you were to assemble the perfect man, only Bunny's ass would be included in the perfect result. It was almost prehensile.

Ulrich's cock entered an anal amusement park. I don't think he suspected an ass could be that pleasurable. It wasn't true love, but Ulrich's cock thought it was close enough. Bunny was used to being abused. Ulrich was appreciative, enthusiastic, and gentle. Gentle and loving are closely related. that was close enough for Bunny.

I was on the other side of the bed getting to know Ralph's cock better. He traded off fucking duties with Roddy, and it was good to have two cocks working my ass. The brief breaks between when one pulled out and the other entered my ass greatly increased my stamina. Roddy and Ralph seemed to enjoy it more as my ass relaxed. Roddy shot off first and I could sense Ralph enjoying my sperm filled ass.

I realized that for years I treated sex as an extra added attraction to my life. I thought of it as being apart from my life. Since my discoveries here I was now considered to be a successful archaeologist. I would have thought that my professional success would have overshadowed my sexual life. It seemed that my professional and sexual lives had both thrived and bloomed.

I had discovered impressive buildings, statues, and a new Romano-British cult. My sexual successes were equally impressive. The cult was related to my new sexual life. We knew it persisted for centuries. From the bas-reliefs we knew that sex between men played an important part of the rites. The rites and the sex must have been popular. I assumed there were some successes for the rite to survive so long. They were probably doing the same things I was doing with Roddy and Ralph.

Our little group evolved into a tasteful and refined orgy. It wasn't exactly sedate, but every cock, and every ass were in use. It wasn't wild or crazed, but our genitals were in continuous use. It was oddly neat and tidy. Every orgasm was either in an ass or mouth, and everyone either ate spurting sperm, or deposited it in a hard to reach place. If I was truthful with myself, my ass was limber and accepting.

Usually Gustem hall was a madhouse with new finds arriving every day. For a few days it was calm without the continuing excavations. Much of the large marble inscription was transcribed and translated. When I read the almost complete inscription, I realize our own sexual activities almost matched those of the men in the ancient cult.

As in modern religions offerings played an important part. These were both monetary and physical. The offerings symbolic, such as a small image of a more valuable object, but the physical could be fasting, or some act of self-injury. These proved your devotion to the god or gods.

When you were offering a gift to a sex god, this gift might be sperm, or it might involve sex with a priest or votary of the cult. Some cults had sacred prostitutes to take a worshiper's seed for the god. Today, we know that impotence can be due to physical problems, such as low sperm count, or mental. For ancient peoples it was simply a curse from the gods.

I feel asleep, and then woke up at four in the morning. One of the recurring symbols was :- (.(, It was used after the Sacerdos, the Latin word for Priest. :- could represent a cock. (.( could be an asshole between ass cheeks. Could it be that a priest would fuck a worshiper and inject his sacred seed into the ass? After my night of being fucked, that seemed logical to me.

I recalled the price list of offerings and gifts to the god. The top price required a gold coin. Gold coins were rare and valuable. A peasant could not afford that. We knew there were lesser attendants and assumed they would cost less. I wondered if the rites included the priest injecting sperm into the worshipers' ass. Depending on how the priest's cock rubbed the worshipers' prostate, that could cause an erection. An erection might be treated as a cure.

The cult was popular. Assuming men's anatomy was the same then as ours, ritual anal sex might account for the popularity. I had a feeling that this possibility would be buried in an obscure learned journal, if at all.

Next: Chapter 7: Excavating a Monastery 1

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