Excavating Gustem Hall

Published on May 2, 2020


Excavating Gustem Hall 2

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

The earliest archaeologists were often treasure hunters. They were looking for loot that was either precious metals or sculptures. During 19th century the cultured and educated archaeologists developed. They were looking for curiosities that might be useful to ornament their country seats. By the late 19th Century the profession began to search for ancient history, to prove Homer was writing history or illustrating the antiquity of your nation. Treasure hunting lost its allure.

Gustem Hall was a shock, because the site both illustrated a forgotten part of Britain's history, and there was treasure. We found a marble temple complete with inscriptions and treasure, the coin hoards. After a week we knew we had a major find. I had no idea we had just scraped the surface.

My guys and I found the inscriptions and part of a sculpture. Roddy found the rest of the sculpture. It was a complete image of Augustus at larger than life size. My group then found an altar base and two coin-hordes. The next week we found two more hoards. They ringed the altar base with a hoard marking the north, east, south and west compass points.

The northern hoard was in a smaller container. When we removed the top, we found 800 gold coins. The coins were large and the gold value as metal was over $3,000,000.00. Mark, the finds guy, said many of the coins must have been special commemorative issues and were unknown. The value on the rare coins market was incalculable.

As the importance of the site grew the mystery grew. Why was the temple built in the middle of nowhere? Why was it so rich? The excavation was proceeding, but the analysis of the site had hardly begun. I thought of myself as an expert in analysis, but I was now considered to be a brilliant and incredibly lucky field man.

Skippy was the happiest man in the world. He was already fabulously wealthy and made it clear that all the major finds would remain in Britain. There were 7,000 coins and the excess coins would be sold and the money donated to Oxford and Penn.

On the personal front, Hank exchanged the secret handshake with Roddy, and I discovered he was a full member of the club. Roddy made a meal out of Hank's sperm as Hank shot off. Hank told Roddy about me, and we connected. Hank also told him I was horny as hell, had a great ass and was easy lay.

I didn't appreciate that at all, especially since it was true. Roddy wasn't exactly the romantic type. He told me he had heard about my ass and wanted to see if it was true. A few days later after a few pints at a pub I was in his room naked. I was thinking this was the dumbest thing I had ever agreed to when he pushed his cock into my ass. I was not the first guy he had fucked. He told me it had been in a long dry spell after his partner died three years earlier.

Roddy told me later that my ass reminded him of his late partner and reminded him why he liked to fuck. My reaction to his cock surprised me. Sometimes a cock in my behind is an invader; other times it's a welcome guest. Roddy's tool seemed like an old friend. Deja Vue is one thing, Deja Fuck is quite different.

There was a flood of old memories as Roddy's cock slipped past my sphincter, rubbed my prostate and then penetrated deep into my body. Roddy had a large knob, so I knew exactly where it was, and it was smoother after the first deep thrusts. I knew his cock was lubricating me as his cock drooled precum. I think Roddy was as surprised as I.

The memories were false. He had never fucked me and no one with a cock as large as his had ever fucked me. Looking back, I think I subconsciously wanted to please him. I knew he missed his late partner, and I wanted to please him. I had experienced great sexual intensity while being fucked. Roddy's cock combined that intensity with pleasure. Somehow it felt as if his cock belonged in me.

The official first season excavation ended in September. The academic types returned to their respective institutions. Roddy, Mark, Hank, Georgy, Trevor and I remained at Gustem Hall with Kenneth.

We were doing cataloging, and minor excavations. It was a wet, stormy winter. The guys were repairing the trenches when they caved in and rescuing finds exposed by the bad weather. Security was good, and much of it was high tech. Drones and sensors were at the core of the effort. Skippy was an investor in a drone company that developed a bad weather, armored drone. It operated with cameras and heat sensors. He donated them to the cause, and they proved to be remarkably hardy and effective. It could tell the difference between a man and a deer, and a man in a deer costume. The security people loved it.

The empty rooms of Gustem Hall now held artifacts. Mark was busy cataloging the objects. Mark's knowledge about finds was encyclopedic. If he didn't know what it was, he knew who did. He was also good about identifying object that were unique.

Kenneth had his birthday in November, and he was planning to have a few friends over. I assumed we would leave the house for the inn to make room for his party. That was not the plan. We were to be guests and perhaps the entertainment. I told him I wasn't too sure about that. Kenneth told me that he considered his guests as entertainment for us.

When I told the guys about the party, they were all in. "Damn, it just means more guys for us to fuck," Hank said. That was the general opinion. Only Roddy had other plans. He parents were having their 50th wedding anniversary celebration that weekend.

That meant we were at the mercy of Loring's limited cooking skills. Roddy was a good cook and he had helped Loring to improve. The men pointed out that anything associated with Kenneth at least featured high quality whisky and scotch. A week later Kenneth's school pals arrived; Bunny, Blinky and Dozer. I half expected to have Bertie Wooster appear. Bunny and Blinky were small, delicate looking men with vacant expressions. They were cheerful and pleasant. Dozer had been the Captain of the school Rugby team and was almost as big as Hank, but a lot better dressed.

They did not bat an eye when the met Hank, Georgy and Trevor. They didn't seem to notice me or Mark. It took a little while to realize they were not being rude; they just didn't focus on anything or anyone. Loring served drinks and some tea type food. I realized that Roddy must have told Loring what to cook. It was good.

We showed them some of the finds laid out in the great hall of the house. Bunny thought it was pretty and later asked me if it was old. I tried to explain Roman Britain to him without much success. The drinks flowed freely, and Blinky asked me if the guys were rough. I told him they were good guys, but they were big.

"Are they big where it counts?" he asked. I said yes, they were. Blinky smiled.

"They might be too big," I added.

"I've never taken anything too big, but I would love to try," he replied.

Dozer and Kenneth were talking with Trevor. I could tell Dozer liked young men. They were in deep conversation that seemed to relate to Rugby. Georgy and Mark were with Blinky. I think Blinky knew that Britain had once been Roman. Loring announced dinner.

I immediately noticed that Roddy had given detailed instructions to Loring. Dinner was excellent. Loring was puzzled by the guests' reaction to the food and discovered he liked praise. Blinky whispered to me that they usually celebrated Kenneth's birthday with a gang bang and asked if Kenneth had mentioned that. I said no, but there were probably too many guys here for that.

"I guess you don't know Kenneth that well," Blinky replied. "He has no problem taking an entire Rigby team up his arse."

I asked how Kenneth escaped getting a nick name in school.

"Kenneth was the biggest boy in school and the best rugby player. We won the league for four years in a row. That was the only time our school won anything," Blinky said. "He also protected the smaller boys. He also let us fuck him. He was the only one to do that."

"Was Dozer a rugby star too?" I asked.

"He was good, by the had a terrible stutter. Kenneth was his friend. He got Dozer to fuck me."

"Dozer's huge!" I said.

"I'm small but my ass and cock are oversized," Blinky said.

"Lucky for you," I replied.

"Kenneth says I'm free spirited and open minded. My ass is a slut," he replied. I eventually found out Blinky was intelligent. Being an idiot was high style when he went to school, and he adopted the mannerisms. He was a research biologist, but he reverted to his old persona with his school chums.

Dozer ran a large construction company; Bunny survived on inherited money. He lived in a cottage on his father's estate and gardened. Once the guests got rid of their fake mannerism, they were okay men. Kenneth and Dozer were closer to being normal and attractive if you like gorillas.

When I thought that to myself, I realized I had been thinking of that as an insult. That wasn't true anymore. I liked big hairy men. I had spent so many years in the groves of academe, I had forgotten the real world. Of course, colleges and universities are part of the world, but it is easy to think they are the entire real world.

It was clear that while we had different interests and skills, we all had families, jobs, likes and dislikes. There is no identifiable difference between a laborer's cock and a college professor's tool. They work the same way and provide pleasure the same way.

Dinner was good and was aided by fine wine. Everyone was mellow. By this time. we all knew we shared common sexual interests.

Kenneth signaled us with a bell. This was the traditional sign of after dinner speeches. "Men, I had prepared a comic account of my distinguished life. My career began with a third from the bottom placing in school. From that auspicious beginning, I worked with my academic prowess and my tendency to be lazy to be here today. I am about thirty feet away from the bedroom where I was born," he said. After a brief pause, he resumed. "I know all of you. For a truly appropriate tribute to my birthday, why don't we all get naked and fuck like rabbits." There were some rowdy cheers. "If you want to leave a gift, please make a creamy contribution in my ass." There were more cries of hear! hear!

Kenneth began to strip as did Hank and Blinky. A few minutes we were all nude and checking things out. Georgy and Loring were with Bunny. I was near Dozer and all looked good there. He was in shape and semi erect. As I looked at Dozer, my cock vanished down Blinky's throat. I had hoped to move in Dozer's direction, but my cock told me it was happy with Blinky's mouth.

Hank and Trevor had moved in on Dozer, so he was soon occupied. I knew I would need to wait my turn. Blinky was obviously happy and wanted to please. He was slight, small, and almost chimpanzee like. He shifted a little and I saw his cock. It seemed to hang to his knees. At one time I thought I was semi-gay or maybe bi. Blinky's cock caused a hormone rush in my body and I became 120% gay.

I would have hoped I was more sophisticated than that but that was water under the hormonal bridge. I wanted his cock. I also thought I could attract a better-looking guy than Blinky. When I saw his cock, I didn't give a shit.

I realized that Blinky was more attracted to me than I was to him, and he was willing to accommodate my needs and wants. Mark joined us and I was a happy man.

Even the best plans of a sexually driven man can't find pure unadulterated sex. You can never be sure how your cock will react to a quivering ass. Men's precum and sperm aren't homogeneous. Sometimes precum is watery drool, sometimes it's the elixir of love.

When intense feelings of pleasure are involved, you form emotional attachments. You become attracted to the cock, ass or mouth that generated the pleasure. Sex robots are a staple of Science Fiction, but I doubt robots can ad lib a squirt of precum or a shiver of pleasure.

Mark and Blinky were drooling and spurting sex machines. They were open to anything I wanted. I had visualized an orgy as frenzied events with sex crazed participants. It was all sex, but it only became frenzied as men approached an orgasm.

I had been with men who were uneasy about sperm and orgasms. For the men at Gustem Hall, orgasms were a goal and an achievement. They were both for personal pleasure and a reward for a job well done. It was a personal achievement, and a thank you gift for the man who helped or inspired the orgasm.

Blinky thought squirming on my cock was a sign of acceptance by me. I was surprised by his reaction to my cock penetrating his ass. You usually think the bottom is a passive role. Blinky was an active bottom. I think he may have had some extra muscles in his behind. I had peculiar vision carwash with soft brushes cleaning the car without scratching the car. My cock was at home in his ass.

The party shifted up to our bedrooms and the bath that linked them. The shower was a great hit. If you ask the question, "How much sex is too much sex?" I can say that ten men going at it for three hours is not too much. When I fell asleep, I woke at five when Loring woke to make breakfast. We connected and sexual activity resumed until seven. Breakfast was delayed, but no one complained.

As a professor I tend to think than any experience in an opportunity to learn. Loring's carpenter father was related to half the men in the village and they included Hank and Georgy. The family characteristics were a high sex drive and cocks over seven inches long.

Kenneth tended to collect friends who were the mistreated puppies and wealthy families. They were eccentric, but good given what they had been though. Accommodating men's cock was a way to achieve acceptance for them. I developed affection for a man by sucking and fucking them. That they were strangers and rather odd didn't affect my tendency to get attached.

Torrential rain marked the next day. I anticipated that most of the day would be devoted to casual lust and multiple orgasms. Around noon the security company called and said the was flooding at the site. Apparently, a new stream developed on the edge of the excavation. My guys and I went out to inspect the site. Kenneth and his friends tagged along.

I had noted a linear depression next to the temple. I had turned into a stream. Hank went up stream and found a dam like feature that had diverted the water into a larger stream to the north. Since we had cleared the area, there was more runoff and the water in the old stream bank overtopped the dam and re-entered the older stream bed.

When the rain stopped, the water had exposed hundreds of small objects. All seemed Roman and were obviously votive offerings. I wondered if there was a spring feeding the stream. Springs were often considered to be sacred, and I conjectured the temple was located here because of the sacred spring.

It took about fifteen minutes for Mark to realize many of the offerings dated from stone or iron age. The Romans often located their temples on the sacred sites of local deities. They tried to merge their gods with the local gods or spirits.

A marble slab could be seen. That took a while to dig out. By then Blinky and Dozer joined in the digging and they shared the credit for finding the slab. It was imported marble and was damaged. I wondered if it was salvaged material, reused by the locals. It was inscribed with inferior lettering compared to the temple.

I could make out the letters O.M. and something to with man seed. The abbreviation, O.M. was Jupiter Optimus Maximus, the king of the Roman Gods. The emperor was associated with Jupiter. I knew little about Celtic mythology, but I hoped Roddy would know about it when he returned. The mystery was somewhat clarified when we found many terracotta tiles. At first, they looked like small roof tiles. When they were cleaned the had inscriptions, "make me hard", or "make me whole." Some tiles had sketches of erect cocks, some spurting some were more abstract.

Trevor went searching for the spring. He found a small pond with water bubbling in the middle. It periodically spurted like a miniature Old Faithful.

You don't need to spend year studying Freud to know what was going on. A spurting spring was the earth ejaculating. Those who bathed in it or drank from it shared the earth's fertility. That obviously was useful for men who were impotent. The Roman's knew a good thing when they found it. They built a temple dedicated to the Emperor on the banks of the stream to associate Rome with local male fertility gods.

When we returned to Gustem Hall we were incredibly, dirty, tired and exhilarated. We had enough major discoveries for a lifetime. Kenneth and his friends had participated and been helpful. Bunny and Blinky seemed excited by their discoveries and forgot to be world weary and mindless.

As the dirt and muck poured off us in shower room, the day in the spring that was believed to restore wilted cocks had a beneficial impact on us. I shared a shower head with Kenneth, Dozer and Trevor. Hank, Loring and Georgy were with Bunny and Blinky. It began as an oral tribute to the cock and soon morphed into anal explorations.

I noticed that Kenneth, Bunny, Blinky and Dozer seemed to consider their ass as a major sex organ. Bunny and Blinky had survived by being the class cum dumps. Kenneth and Dozer were used to "taking it like a man" in Rugby. They had no problems with anal sex. My experience anal sex was modest.

I had thought of man sex as being either sucking or fucking, with or without sperm. I was mostly a top and a sicker. This was like judging an artist's work on one painting or sculpture. All paintings aren't all the same because they are just paint on canvas. Anatomically, all cocks function the same. The length, width and shape of the cock have little effect on their biological function.

After the shower, I was on the bed, sitting on Dozer's cock, as Trevor both sucked me and fed Dozer his meat. Hank fucked Bunny as Georgy fucked Blinky. Blinky and Bunny sucked Kenneth or Loring depending on who was closest to whom. It was sort of a musical chairs game for them. It was as if someone gave a signal and they rotated positions. Kenneth and Loring had similar cocks, and I noticed that Blinky greatly enjoyed Loring.

It was intense and exciting and after a half hour, everyone crashed. The hard work in the cold rain took a toll and we ate sandwich and took dozed off. I took a nap and work up at seven the next morning. I was in bed with Dozer.

I rolled over and Dozer snuggled nearer, and I felt his cock at my ass. I shifted a little and his cock slid into me.

"My cock feels comfortable in your ass," he said. "Do you feel the same?"

"It's too big to be comfortable. I do feel as if I won the lottery," I replied.

He laughed. "Do you want me to pull out?"

"I was hoping you would ejaculate my winnings as deep in me as you can," I said.

Next: Chapter 3

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