Excavating Gustem Hall

Published on May 31, 2021


Excavating a Pyramid. 5

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to bldhrymn@aol.com

Santiago moved to a senior position in the capital. El Toro resigned due to his injuries. Maria became president. She was energetic and popular. There were serious concerns about our expedition in Washington. If there was another attack and members of the expedition were killed or injures it would be a major problem. Maria recognized removing the expedition would be a major impediment to reconstruction in the country.

Maria was a dynamic leader, and she went to Washington to plead here case. If you designed a person to be an impressive head of state, it would be Maria. She was thoughtful, intelligent, and well spoken. She was also photogenic. She also had the assistance of Sparky and Alistair. They were well known to persons who counted and could finance our expedition with the change left over in their pants pockets at the end of the day.

Back home, Santiago became a much-admired cult figure. The stories about the guerillas who attacked the excavation and somehow vanished had become inflated and enhanced by whispers and wild guesses. The country wanted peace. Santiago was preceptive, and once arms were turned in, he had no interest in draconian punishments. The old governments were living in luxury villas abroad. They had managed to take a good part of the national treasury them. The political problems were resolved.

Our excavation site was now almost a small town with archaeologist, linguists, technicians, excavators, and guards. Santiago had left some local men as guards, but they had been joined by the regular army. The army men were over six feet tall, blond, and English speaking. Their leader was Dieter, my security man from Scotland. They were Alistair's men and women. I thought they would offend Santiago's troops, but Alistair's men were generous and friendly.

There was one oddity about our field staff. Our group tended to be mostly male. We had laboratories in the capital city. Women were in the majority at these labs. Maria wanted them in a safe place. She was afraid that the death of a female archaeologist would be a public relations disaster. One of the secondary objects of the expedition was to encourage tourism. Dead men were preferable to dead women and vastly better than a kidnaped woman.

I had never encountered a female archaeologist who couldn't do the heavy lifting in a site. I also knew some women who would do well in hand-to-hand combat with guerillas, but our field excavation was more men than women.

Dieter ran a tight ship and no one under his command would dare offending the locals. He was used to complex situations, and he depended on them for information. They had to see his men as protectors.

The excavation was large and complex. We had two sites with multiple individual excavations. This was complex, but the biggest problem was the number of artifacts and their incredible importance. These sites were off the beaten path of Meso-American pre-Columbian civilization. That may have contributed to the preservation of the site. They were out of the way and isolated. They had been forgotten and unknown. The site was untouched by earlier generations of archaeologists. While the archaeologist were intelligent and gifted men and women, the technology of excavations had greatly improved. In the 19th century, the first group used sketches and drawings. Later groups used photographs. We used three-dimensional computer scans of incredible sensitivity. Chemical analysis could identify traces of vanished materials. To some extent all excavations involved destruction. Our new technology allowed us to be more careful and almost delicate in our work.

We were lucky that his had become a high-profile excavation. In some excavtions you need to take anyone who was willing to show up. Everyone wanted to work on our project. We could pick and choose. We didn't want prima donnas or Indiana Jones types. Mud a remarkably good judge of character of eccentric types. Somehow, he knew the difference between a hardworking eccentric, and a plain old crazy man or woman. Alistair and Skippy were also skilled at separating geniuses from persons who thought they were geniuses. Olivia was equally skilled.

The bomb had opened the chamber in the pyramid. We were now ready to look in the sarcophagus. Skippy's interest in miniaturization and non-destructive investigation had improved since the investigation in Scotland. We drilled a hole in a joint between the stone slabs and inserted an environmental drone and a camera drone. These were what they called Bumble Bee drones. They contained miniature sensors that relayed information to computers.

In the tomb there was a body in full regalia. The regalia was made of what appeared to be feathers and jade. The body appeared to have been naturally mummified by the dry humidity constant temperature of the sarcophagus. The wall and top slabs were covered in hieroglyphs. We hoped they were the life of the man.

As the Bees systematically scanned the interior, computers were doing millions of calculations converting bytes and terra bytes into images. Hours later the images were broadcast across the world. It was a sensation. The mummified body enshrouded in jade and the feathers of tropical birds combined the grotesque and the stunningly beautiful. Most archaeologist made major discoveries that lacked drama. We had enough drama for a major action movie and three or four sequels.

Our site had survived the attack by rebels, and the bomb. Brave villagers had camouflaged part of the site, so the rebels didn't have enough time to damage things. This story was both popular with the general public and the academic world. The touch of adventure added to tht allure. I was interviewed. My simple and direct answers to questions were not dramatic but provided a serious alternative to the Indiana Jones approach to the story.

The biggest immediate problem on the site was how to open the sarcophagus without damaging the body or the elaborate jade and feather robes. The jade was easy. Archaeologists have extensive experience with removing bodies. The feathers were the big problem. The problem was solved by a diminutive, delicate, androgynous young man named Rudolf Stapleton DeWitt. He was called Ru-dee, and he was specialist in the preservation of delicate materials.

Mud commented that compared to Ru-dee, the Virgin Mary was a tag-team wrestler. Ru-dee proved to be a competent, delicate man who quickly removed the fragile feathered cape of the buried king with no damage. He figured out how it was made and essentially reverse engineered it. He also knew the species of birds used in the construction of the cape and incidentally discovered two vanished species. He gave a running commentary on his work that was detailed and useful. Ru-dee also loved the heat and humidity of the site. He was from Northern Ireland which comes close to being the exact opposite of our climate.

He had joined us as a temporary consultant, but once we knew what he could do, he stayed. He was housed is the guest room of my quarters. I was showering with Mud and Dieter when Ru-dee came in for a shower. Ru-dee was thin, seemed to have no muscles, was shaved smooth and had an eight-inch cock.

"Shit, I've died and gone to heaven!" Ru-dee exclaimed as he entered. We burst into laughter.

"Are you a looker or a player?" Mud asked. Mud had cleaned up, but he always looked like something the cat dragged in, Ru-dee went over to him and swallowed his entire cock. Ru-dee was an odd man, but he knew how to make friends.

Dieter wasn't too sure about Ru-dee, but since Ru-dee had a cock that was 50% of his body weight. he had considerable appeal. He shoved his cock into Ru-dee behind. Ru-dee also had a prehensile asshole. Ru-dee told us he was chaste and pure, but he had a weakness for men who had cocks. While working, Ru-dee was an obsessive, anal retentive man. Naked in the shower room he was a sexual dynamo. He did it all, he took it all, he liked it all.

A second residential unit arrived since the professional staff was increasing. It was next to my unit, connected by a covered walkway. It had its own lounge and shower room. Somehow my shower became the preferred gay recreational site. There was an unspoken agreement that the showers in the new unit were for normal showering. This worked well, although some "straight" men visited my shower once and a while. Somehow, I sensed that few were virgins.

With the body removed from the sarcophagus, we disassembled the stone wall slabs and found the opening to the lower level. The entire tomb was now available for study.

We had one odd problem that rarely occurred in excavations. We had too much new information coming too fast. On one hand that was a blessing, on the other it required massive record keeping. Finding things is good but knowing where it came from and what level it was found was important.

At some point we would analyze all the items found at a particular level and understand the evolution of the city and relate it to inscriptions. This would give us a history of the area. I contacted Bunny and Mark from the Gustem Hall excavation and asked them to catalog for us. They were obsessively organized and detailed. I was worried they would have a problem with the heat like our other English staff. Bunny and Mark saw the new excavation as a tropical vacation and regarded the heat as a desirable feature.

Mud and Ru-dee had a good relationship with the villagers. While Mud was a digger, I think the villagers thought he was crazy. In their culture crazy meant touched by God. Mud was special. While Ru-dee was a technician specializing in fragile items, he was also a brilliant linguist. After a month he was fluently speaking the local language. He was interested in the stories of the elders. That was an indicator of high intelligence to the Villagers. They told him all the old stories.

While the high-profile work was underway, we were also busy on the minor buildings. We understood that the preservation of lesser, non-monumental structures was exceptionally rare. Earlier excavations didn't have the technology to detect the delicate remains of wood and thatch structures.

Bunny and Mark immediately hit it off with Sparky's technicians. They were odd-looking men, but they knew their stuff and, more importantly loved the Central American Steam Room. The hot temperature pleased them. Bunny and Mark took care of the clerical work, reducing the load on me.

A friend of mine had described Bunny and Mark as being "off brand" men. They were bunked with Sparky's geeks. They were a bit "off brand" too. I was afraid they might have a clash of eccentricities and wouldn't get along well. That was not a problem.

Sparky's geeks were mostly insatiable tops. Luckily, Bunny and Mark liked the bottom, and had needy asses. They formed the perfect combination. The geeks tended to be difficult men and regular sex improved their attitudes. Bunny told me he was trying to see if his ass got callused due to too much fucking. Once and a while he asked me to fuck him to make sure his ass was still limber. His ass was fine, and I gave him regular check-ups combined with a sperm bath for his prostate.

Politics played an unexpected role in our work. The second site we found during our escape was in a poor district and needed a boost. Conversations between Maria, Alistair and Sparky resulted in a decision to prepare for a full excavation in the fall.

I would be in charge of both sites, and I put Mud and Olivia in place to get the get the project preliminaries underway. Maria wanted Olivia to play a role. Wherever she was her father's money followed as well as a small army of security men and women. The initial clearance would help to establish the boundaries of the site. It would also provide income for the local residents. I sent some of Sparky's radar people to the site along with some of our experienced labor.

I had to go to Cristóbal to do an interview with the BBC and a German television company. The BBC sent a new reporter who had obviously not done his homework. The director of the shoot put an end to the interview and apologized to me. He asked if I could stay another day so he could get an experienced reporter.

The new German reporter, Hans Gottlieb, was well prepared, and the interview went well. Afterwards, the translator, named Ringo, came to talk with me. He was unfamiliar with some of the technical terms. It was late in the afternoon, and I had dinner with Santiago. I suggested we could meet later in the evening and go over the terms. That was fine with Ringo who said he would have a chance to go over the entire interview. We would get together at nine.

Santiago and I had a good dinner, but he was busy rounding up guerillas. The leaders of the attack were all under arrest or in jail. Santiago was scaring the shit out of the lesser members of the group. The vanished men who attacked our camp all but become myth, and Santiago was the avenger.

When I returned to my hotel, Ringo was waiting. Luckily, Ringo was well organized, and we took care of his problems quickly. His parents were Beatles fans, and their enthusiasm explained his name. He mentioned that we had a common friend, Dieter. Ringo worked on technology and scientific stories, and he had met Dieter working on a story on Mid-Eastern oil wells. I guessed the meeting had not be platonic. I soon realized my meeting with Ringo would not be platonic either.

Ringo was an educated and talented man. I discovered he like sex, but he only like sex with his equals. He wanted to be able to talk to the man he was fucking. I met his standard. He possessed huge balls and a long thin cock. He described it as an anal probe. All that was good, but his most impressive trait was incredible stamina. He could stay hard for an hour or more.

He like to talk as he screwed. This was about his work and my work. He also discussed what I was feeling and hunting for ways to make it more intense. I would have thought this would have made the conversation tedious. That wasn't a problem. His sexual thrusts and pokes were well coordinated with his conversation.

Ringo wasn't my type, but he was affable and knowledgeable. Sexually all was well. he was polite and asked if I would object if he could shoot off in my ass. I told him to let nature take its course. He shot off fire hose style and it was good for me. He told me he often had two or three orgasms when he was excited. We continued to talk and thrust. His second orgasm was more intense than the first.

I was old enough to know the difference between good sex and love. I sensed that Ringo knew the difference too. As I was thinking, I lost concentration and Ringo's attention to my cock, took control. He was very skilled and imaginative. His second orgasm was more intense than the first. We stopped talking and Ringo and I enjoyed the moment. It was a good night. It was as good for Ringo and for me. you can't have too many friends and later Ringo turned into a good friend.

Ringo told me that the race to translate the mass of hieroglyphic tests was a major international event. When he said major, he admitted the number of persons who could translate Mayan hieroglyphics was not large, but it was obsessive and focused.

I wanted to return to the excavations, but I had to make a trip to Penn to give a project status report. I was the rising star, and I suspected my colleagues were not entirely pleased about that.

I gave an invitation only lecture to the departmental faculty and graduate students. The lecture went over like an unexpected early Christmas present. There was so much new and dazzling information, and spectacular images. I mentioned that Sparky was going to give the university all the new equipment and software he was developing. I also discussed the problems and needs of Cristóbal and its people.

Apparently, I touched all the bases. There was no sniper fire from the audience. Since I am a hands-on archaeologist, I tended to have direct knowledge of most of the most important discoveries. I can also go deep into the weeds on some questions. The moderator interrupted and, said that there needed to have a lecture series on each of the major discoveries, but not tonight. The audience laughed and I went to a post lecture reception.

The moderator was a skilled man and he kept me provided with wine. He also had diplomatic skills and made sure a single person wouldn't monopolize my time. After the lecture, I went to dinner with several faculty members, one of whom was a college friend, Oscar Millhouse. Oscar was unusually shy and socially inept even compared to "normal" archaeologists. He was a brilliant scholar and wrote well. we were in the shower early in the morning I he discovered my cock. He liked it.

We became friends and sexual outlets. It wasn't great sex, but it was good enough for me, and great sex for Oscar. Oscar had been a proofreader for my books. He asked I would come by his apartment for a night cap. Night caps was his code word for sex. I told him I would like that. In the car Oscar told me he had a partner, Louie. "He would like to meet you," he said. "He's a big guy. He's big man in the way you like it."

"You are right about that," I said.

"He too big for me to take in the ass. I remember you were accommodating," Oscar said.

"You are open minded on the subject?" I asked.

"I want Louie to be happy," Oscar replied.

Louie was a tall, muscular, black man. He was a city planner. He was friendly and straight forward. I wondered how he met Oscar. Oscar was shy and almost never direct. When Oscar went to make drinks, Louie asked if I knew about Oscar's plans and if I was offended.

I told him that Oscar and I were friends and had a recreational sexual relationship years earlier. "Oscar told me about you and your sexual preferences.

"I have to be frank," I said. "I like sex a lot. I don't need any encouragement for that." Louie smiled and said he was much the same. "I have one problem, when I'm excited, I have almost no control over shooting-off. I shoot huge loads."

"Are your loads a snack before bed, or a lubricant for hard-to-reach places," I asked. "I have no problem with either."

Fifteen minutes later we were all naked in the bedroom. Oscar had an impressive long but thin cock.

Louie was the same length, but he had perhaps triple the girth. Oscar sucked me, so I sucked Louie. Oscar was never aggressive, but he slipped his cock into my ass and gently fucked until he shot off. Oscar pulled out and Louie eased his cock into me.

"I don't like group play much," Louie said. "But it's real nice when everyone shares. Did Oscar shoot enough to ease the way?"

"Oscar shoots perfect loads. They are generous, but not so generous as to choke you," I said. Louie's cock was filling. I had a feeling that there wasn't quite enough for his cock and my prostate to coexist. His cock exerted continuous pressure on the prostate, as my ass gripped his cock. We share an intense joint orgasm. When Louie pulled out, Oscar licked Louie cum as it drooled from my ass.

Next: Chapter 19: Excavating a Pyramid 6

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