Excavating Gustem Hall

Published on Apr 22, 2021


Excavating a Pyramid. 4

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

You would have thought that things would have calmed down after the coup. The excavation returned to the normal pace. The potential for armed attack vanished, but the importance of the discovery increased.

This was in an out of the way location similar to our Scottish excavations. This was good. We could partially control the publicity and media. The weather was either hot and rainy or very hot and very rainy. The country had always been a backwater and local hotels were four stars short of a four-star rating. Air conditioning was available when the electric system worked.

Only hardy journalists, environmental or serious documentary types came to see us. One other group came, Sparky’s Guys. These were men and women who were trying to develop a higher level of comfort in the area. They were solar and wind power proponents. The area was dirt poor, so the only free fuels were solar, water and wind. While some were interested in the power side, others were interested in ultra-high efficiency appliances, air conditioning and refrigeration. They were all true believers, so the heat and rain were not a problem.

The cross shaped part of the tomb’s walls and ceilings were covered in hieroglyphs. We decided to have detailed photographs made so translations could begin. This might be the largest Mayan inscription yet discovered and might transform the understanding of the area. We left the tomb unopened but did non-destructive investigations.

There was no competition, but that didn’t stop their efforts to make their findings public. Universities could get a public relations windfall for their often-obscure Archaeology departments. Archaeology is not a money-making department for most universities.

Radar discovered there was a cross-shaped room under the main chamber. The stone sarcophagus sealed the entrance. Earlier radar investigations could not penetrate through the stone structure of the upper room. We also discovered the Sarcophagus was made six stones. The top, bottom and four sides were separate. It could be disassembled to get into the underground chamber.

Mud appeared from nowhere. Somehow two hours later, Olivia appeared with Mud’s brother, the Hon. Dudley Comstock, and a friend Gilbert. Gilbert was an archaeologist with no field experience. He was a teacher. When I saw him, I noticed he shared one characteristic of a true archaeologist. He was impressively poorly dressed. Nothing fit or matched.

Mud was shocked since he hadn’t seen his younger brother in 12 years. Olivia had a plan. She, Mud, Dudley, and Maximillian Jones, a newly arrived professional archaeologist were to do more investigation on the second, recently discovered site. I was to teach everything I knew to Gilbert. I should have complained but I knew Olivia well enough to know that was useless.

“By the way, Gilbert is much smarter than he looks,” Olivia said. “He needs some field work, and this should be a trial by fire.” Julio and Young Juan were to lead the local diggers.

It seemed very spur of the moment, but that was an illusion. Olivia was a leader of men. She had it planned with her father’s help. They went off in a copter leaving me with Gilbert. He was to bunk with me. Gilbert was intelligent and knowledgeable, but his feet had never touched ground in any place wilder than Oxford.

That evening Gilbert met me in the shower. It was hard to believe the man in the ill-fitting clothes was the same man I had seen earlier. He was muscular and handsome. I was trying to decide if I should look down and stare at his cock when Gilbert swallowed my entire tool. Five or six seconds later I knew I wasn’t the first. Gilbert had a doctorate in cock sucking. Luckily, that had be my second major at college.

Gilbert told me he was 150% gay, but he had little time for sexual play. He was a busy man with classes, advising and committee meetings. Almost everyone he came into contact with was underage, a student, or was after something. He favorite advisor got in trouble and left the University. He died a few years later, in what was thought to be a suicide.

One of my old friends told me I wasn’t exactly a good-looking man, but I didn’t make anyone want to puke when they saw me. When I saw Gilbert naked, I realized he was drop dead gorgeous. I figured he would settle for me in a pinch.

Later I found out I had misjudged Gilbert and he had misjudged me. Gilbert like manly men. I was often covered in sweat, covered in dirt, and finding works of stunning importance. He thought I was attractive in a way a real man should be attractive.

As I got to know him better, I realized Gilbert was not a hot house flower. His academic career had been so successful, it had been difficult to get away from it and wander through out of the way places looking for artifacts. Gilbert was a brilliant writer. He made complicated and obscure things easy to understand. His books were both scholarly and accessible. He was an academic star. I was producing the raw materials he could fashion into a book.

I was known as the archaeologist with the best luck in the world. I worked hard in difficult sites and was able to recognize major finds. I didn’t just find them; I was able to understand them and relate them to ancient history.

Gilbert told me he was all top and liked to be sucked. He was not a sucker. Eventually he sucked me. That was a success, but he wasn’t so sure about getting fucked. The next morning, he woke me up early and asked if he could suck me off again. He told me he had a Paul on the road to Damascus moment.

Gilbert had a good day at the dig. It was an unusually hot day, I was close to thinking that humidity had to be 120%, the laws of nature be damned.

He was working on one of the low mounds near a possible entrance to the vanished house or temple on the top. There was a tendency to burry much loved family members near the entrance. This might have been to keep them in the family even after death, or the bodies might have been intended to protect the place in death as they had in life.

Gilbert found a warrior’s body three feet down. The skull and a few of the man’s bones survived. The rest had dissolved into the earth. The entire jade armor and weaponry of the warrior was preserved. Wall paintings of warriors survived. We now knew what it looked like. A remarkable portion of the weapons and armor were jade.

The jade incrusted warrior was a sensation. The local Mayan population made the equivalent of chain mail in jade. They tied flat pieces of jade into what was essentially chain mail. This was a stunning discovery and Gilbert was the man of the hour.

He was a careful man, and it took a month to excavate the entire find. He found some leather knots that tied the jade together, and remains of a quilted undergarment. These were small finds, but it added to the understanding of the warrior’s garments.

Gilbert’s approach to sex changed too. His previous sexual experiences were limited, and his partners were limited too. They were only a few playmates. They were also more limited by imagination. It wasn’t that Gilbert had a limited repertoire of skills; he couldn’t imagine any others. His family had been members of an ultra-strict Baptist Church. They were none too sure that sex was allowable in marriage. That had proved to be a major impediment to personal growth.

Gilbert was close to being a sexual cripple. I had long ago realized that sex is its own reward and it all but teaches itself. I had to be careful. I didn’t want to mar the learning process with something crude or painful. My thoughts were startling. Gilbert was just a guy. I was concerned about him and wondered if he might become much more than a guy to me.

Normally Central American expeditions were in the spring and fall to avoid the intense summer heat. The coup attempt ruined or schedule, and we had to work through the summer. I laughed to myself. I thought I might become more English. I sent off an e-mail to old friends saying, “All is well here other than the attempted coup and the grenade explosion.”

Gilbert was supposed to return to the States, but he wanted the complete the excavation of the jade warrior. National Geographic wanted him to write an article on it. He was surprised his university allowed him to stay. National exposure would generate millions in good publicity.

Gilbert relaxed after his discovery. He had a brilliant career as a teacher, but he had been a paper archaeologist. He had no field experience and now he had a memorable find. He didn’t need to prove himself anymore.

Mud returned to our site. The survey of the second city had been completed and the crew sent home. The locals became guards to protect the site from treasure hunters.

Mud joined Gilbert and me in the quarters. I would had guessed that Mud and Gilbert would get along like oil and water. I was wrong. Mud thought Gilbert was handsome, and I think Gilbert thought Mud was from another planet and should be studied. Mud joined him working on the jade warrior, and he knew every labor-saving technique known to diggers. He also knew every way to keep cool, or at least cooler. Gilbert got more work done with less effort, and he appreciated that.

While Mud might be an alien, he had an impressive, earthly cock. Mud also had no hang ups about sex or sex practices. Gilbert was puzzled at this, but not so puzzled as to avoid experimenting. Mud had a mystical vision of sex that seemed to be related to the hippie movement of the 1960s. Of course, he also was attracted to the local men’s sexual practices.

Mud believed that sperm was the life force that created new life. While this had a tangible result in pregnancy, when men exchanged sperm, they enhanced their own life forces. The scientific basis for this theory was questionable, but it greatly elevated his gay sexual practices. It appealed to Gilbert. It elevated sex to a higher level for him too.

One weekend when I was in the capital giving El Toro and Maria an update, Mud and Gilbert connected. Mud had an unexpected missionary zeal to spread the virtues of man-to-man sex. It was even stranger that Gilbert was receptive. They apparently had a successful anal meeting.

When I returned to the site early Monday morning, I worked with the technical people trying to figure out how to investigate the chambers under the main level. We decided to drill a hole into the chamber and use Sparky’s Bee sized drones to access the situation the next day. By the time I got back to my quarters, Gilbert was already asleep.

The temperatures and the humidity were nightmarish. Manual labor was exhausting and when you returned to the quarters you tended to collapse. The temperatures in the quarters were between 78 and 80 degrees, but the humidity was well below 50%. It seemed cool and refreshing. I showered and fell asleep immediately.

The next day I visited Gilbert’s excavation of the Jade Warrior. It was progressing well. Gilbert had discussed discoveries with local weavers and net makers. They recognized some of the knots and techniques, many of which were still in use. Gilbert was able to fill in the missing parts of the armor construction.

Later we drilled the hole into the lower chamber, and inserted an environmental drone that gave the temperature, humidity, and the chemical composition of the air. We temporarily plugged the hole until we understood the potential problems.

We decided to send the photographic and digital scanning drones into the chambers the next morning. Everything was going well, but there was still unease about the coup and the two grenades. Most of the Jade Warrior had been excavated and the artifacts were sent to Penn for detailed analysis. Cristóbal had no advanced laboratories. The conserved items would be returned.

While there was a tense atmosphere at the site. I had a chance to relax the night. Cosby, Mad Dog and Jesus were in the module and they were all in a good mood. I walked into Gilbert, Mud, and Mad Dog in the showers. The sexual preliminaries were underway, so I joined in.

I later found out that Gilbert was worried I would object to his sexual connection with Mud. I had no problem with that. Gilbert’s life had been dominated by hard and fast rules. The more fluid life at the excavation was new to him. Sex was not the same as ownership or a lifetime commitment. While I am not a puritan, Mud was more than just open minded. He wasn’t mean or demanding. He could go with the flow, although the flow tended to include more and more varied sex.

Mad Dog bent over to suck Gilbert and Mud was nudging his cock into Mad Dog’s ass. I was behind Gilbert. My cock was at his ass and he didn’t complain.

“Mud let me fuck him,” he whispered.

“Was it good?” I asked.

“I shot off in him. It was beautiful,” he replied. Mud was deep in Mad Dog’s ass by now. “Do you want to fuck me?”

“That depends on when you want me to fuck you,” I said.

“Is now too soon?” he asked. My cock was just inches from his hole. I nudged it in, and discovered he was lubricated. I pushed a little harder. Gilbert shot off into Mad Dog’s mouth. Gilbert’s sphincter opened and I went deep. he discovered that my cock fit his ass perfectly. It would have been a shock to him, had he been able to think about anything other than my perfect cock in his perfect ass.

Gilbert was the perfect case of a man who desperately needed the one thing that he dreaded most of all. Everything was clear after we had a joint orgasm. That might have been embarrassing since Mad Dog and Mud were watching, but they were supportive and understanding.

Mud knew that sex is both physical and mental. His interlude with Gilbert had been all physical. When he saw us together, he knew it was mental too. He later told me that he would have liked more, but when he saw us, he knew we had it. Gilbert and I went to my bedroom. Mad Dog and Mud went to Mud’s room. Santiago joined them and they fucked each other to sleep.

The next morning a team from the Mexican army made an exhaustive search for bombs on the site. They found four unexploded grenades. Apparently, the rebels were using grenades that were well past their expiration date and had been poorly made. The people on the site were more relaxed after the Mexican visit. The bomb crew was off to the capital to do more bomb clearance.

We drilled a hole for the drone access to the underground chamber. The drones worked their magic and immediately proved their worth. The underground chamber had painted murals in fantastic condition. The colors were brilliant and looked like they were new.

Paintings are fragile and delicate compared to sculpted ornamentation. These paintings appeared to be in perfect condition. We decided to postpone opening the chamber until we could ensure the safety of the paintings. We could leave them alone.

Sparky’s Guys were in nerd heaven. Drones were not designed to make perfect photographs of ancient art works. They were hard at work programing the drones to do systematic scans of the paintings, and to calculate the difference between the drone’s light sources compared to daylight so the reproduction would be accurate. They also developed a formula to eliminate the jitter of the drone, so the images could be perfectly focused.

In several places the paint had flaked off. A drone captured the flakes and produce a chemical analysis of the paint and also identified the soot from the torches used for light by the painters. Sparky’s people also reprogramed a drone to identify carbon, and it was able to find the location of the torches by carbon thickness.

The results were stunning. The photographs were made public, and for the first time the general public saw ancient paintings before they were excavated. Combined with Gilbert’s Jade Warrior there was a new focus on Central America and the indigenous people of the area.

The unexpected discoveries were making a mess of our plan for the excavation. We were seriously behind on the necessary documentation of the discoveries. I focused on the hieroglyphic inscriptions and then on the mural cycle. Gilbert focused on the Jade Warrior and the non-religious governmental, military, and ordinary life of the general population.

Mud got along well with the local on habitants. He spoke fluent Spanish and soon was familiar with the Indian dialects. I had been used to seeing him as a mud-covered digger. He was eccentric, but intelligent, and he seemed to bond with the indigenous inhabitants.

A little looting and treasure hunting had been typical of the villagers. Alistair’s salaries and the bonuses for important finds changed all that. People buying looted works for resale do not pay top dollar. We paid well and regularly. We provided heath care and education. Art thieves provide no health care, and payment can be problematic.

Santiago was a demanding man, but he was honest. He mentioned that he thought the punishment for looting should be amputation. When soldiers involved in the coup came, Santiago protected the villagers, and punished the bad men. When the Villagers found objects, they reported it to the village elders. They reported it to us. Life was good.

We hadn’t guessed that the pyramid still had undiscovered treasures that would have dazzled Indiana Jones.

Next: Chapter 18: Excavating a Pyramid 5

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