Excavating Gustem Hall

Published on Feb 24, 2021


Excavating a Pyramid 1

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

The excavation of the Viking burial was the last major work in the Scottish site. The field work was done. The real work moved to the museums and universities. This was mostly translating the books from the monastery's library. It was complicated and demanding due to the complexity of language in the Post Roman-Pre-Medieval period. I was not familiar with the Celtic or Viking dialects that caused the problems.

There is a prima donna problem in the Archaeologist world. If you made major discoveries, and if you were media savvy, you got all the glory. Since most archaeologist worked in the academic work, being well known was a necessary part of academic advancement. The Prima Donna's got all the fame and notice.

I had been lucky with my discoveries and good with media. One BBC man told me I was able to explain things to the common man, and I looked normal. I combed my hair several times a week and was not growing a beard for a Strangest Beard in Britain contest. I returned to the United States to teach archaeology at a major university.

Alistair had businesses all over the world, and one was a major project in Central America. Cristóbal was a small country noted for its instability. Recently, the former Dictator for Life had been thrown out and the new President made peace with the guerrilla leader.

Alistair's business was noted for paying well and had been providing medical care for government soldiers and for the guerrillas. They bribed both sides generously. The new president, El Toro, had found some ruins in the jungle. He wanted to know if it was important and if it might bring tourist dollars to the country. He knew of Alistair's work in Scotland.

Alistair wanted me to head the expedition. He admitted that American Indians were not my specialty, but I was famous. El Toro was into King Arthur and Merlin. I could give the project some credibly. Sandy and his crew were to handle security.

I said I would think about it, but I would like to see the site before I decided. A week later I was on a plane going to Cristóbal. Cristóbal was a tropical paradise with a black eye. Signs of the civil war were everywhere but the capital city was busy with recovery efforts and the return of peace. Sandy was waiting for me at the Airport.

I went with him to the Ministry of Tourism and Culture. There I met the Minister, Alberto, and his chief of staff, Maria. Maria was the President's sister-in-law. Maria had gone to Bryn Mawr, spoke perfect English and I could tell she was both in complete control and totally behind the scenes.

The site of the excavation was in a scenic area which the president hoped to develop as a tourist destination focusing on its natural beauty and exotic wildlife. By accident during the war, El Toro discovered that a jungle enshrouded hill was a Meso-American pyramid. There were no known ancient American sites in the nation. The excavations would get favorable publicity for the country and might add to the tourist potential. Alistair was paying for the expedition and he was hiring former guerillas to do the digging. Alistair paid well, and a well-paid guerilla is a happy guerilla.

It struck me that the project was similar to a juggling act with many balls in the air; anyone could fall to the ground at any minute. I then met the President, El Toro, and his First Minister a distinguished looking man who had been the President of the University of Cristóbal. El Toro stuck me as much more of a diplomat than a Guerilla leader.

I had dinner with El Toro and Maria. They explained the situation. El Toro said he had talked with Sandy and they arranged that Sandy would provide the visible protection for the site. The Presidents men would provide more protection. He told me his men were on board, especially since Alistair was supplementing their salaries. Maria felt there was a bigger problem with looters. She did note the locals weren't much onto looters and thieves.

The next day Sandy and I visited the site with Maria. We met the local caretaker, Santiago, who showed us around. The jungle was thick; the pyramid looked like a hill, but the vegetation was less luxuriant. I assumed the material used to build the mound was less fertile.

As we wandered, I noticed another patch of stunted vegetation. I mention that to Santiago who yelled at two men I hadn't seen. They emerged from the jungle with shovels and axes. I thought Santiago had a handful of men with him. Soon there were thirty or forty men, some had guns others had machetes and knives. Fifteen minutes later we found a sculpted stone. An hour later we had uncovered a stone stele and were able to raise it. One side was a priestly figure, the other side was covered in hieroglyphs. I am not an expert in Meso-American archaeology, but I had taken a class on Mayan hieroglyphs. I could only recognize one date, and thought it was around 1100 A.D.

Maria was shocked. That inscription turned the site into a major find, inhabited by Mayan elites. A stele would not be part of a minor site. Sandy told Santiago and Maria that I was either a fucking genius, or the luckiest man in the world. She immediately called El Toro.

Sandy told Santiago that he and his men's wages were immediately doubled. Generosity counteracted the urge to loot. Looting was a problem throughout Central America. We had a virgin site, unexplored and intact. It was to be protected until scientific study was possible.

We retuned to the capital and met with El Toro. Sandy called Alistair and he was already thinking about staffing. Local staffing was limited. The University of Cristóbal had no archaeology department but had a professor who taught local history and classes on the ancient history of Central America, Father Diego. El Toro would contact him. Mexico was awash with archaeologists, and Penn had a long-term interest in the area.

Since the area had been unstable for years, I was worried that Sandy and the Texas guys might not get along well. That could be a problem. I soon found that Sandy and Santiago had a good working relationship. Santiago was a former guerilla, and he knew who could be trusted and who would get along with Sandy. Officially Maria was designated as the contact for the government. She had dated several Penn Archaeology students, so she got the inside scoop on Penn's participation.

I went back home to organize the dig. There eventually were two groups, the Penn Pals, who were mostly Americans with a few members from England and Europe and a Latin American group, who were largely Mexican and Latin American. Security and labor came from Alistair. After six months of planning, we set the starting date in March. I had used the planning period to learn Spanish.

When I returned to Cristóbal, I was surprised that Sandy got along with El Toro and Santiago so well. On a trip to the site, the four of us were caught in a violent storm and had to spend the night on the road. We were near a small, abandoned farm, so we camped there. It wasn't a problem, just an inconvenience.

Sandy and I talked as the other men made something for dinner. "You may not have figured out that the boys here playful," Sandy whispered.

"Playful in the way we are playful?" I asked.

He nodded. "There is one potential problem," he continued. "You and I are versatile. They are all top."

I smiled and said, "I've dealt with bigger problems. Have you noticed that I tend to go with the flow?"

"I have noticed that is especially true when the flow is sperm spurting from a hard cock," he said. "They are nice and friendly."

Dinner was prepackaged food. It was okay, but the booze generous. Everyone was relaxed and discussed the project. We set up a four man a tent in the house. It was hot inside the tent, but it provided protection from insects.

We had inflatable pads that softened the hard floor and a pillow, but it was too hot for blankets. El Toro remarked that he usually slept naked with only a gun under the pillow. He asked if that offended me. I laughed. "In England I was all but crushed by the weight of the blankets. Naked is fine with me."

There was a full moon so there was some light. I was on the floor. He walked toward me and stroked his cock. I leaned over and sucked it. El Toro was hung like a bull. My lips peeled back his foreskin and I lick the tender connection between the skin and the cock head. He moaned.

I quickly found out what worked for him. It took no more than a minute to flip his on switch and turn on his precum drool. El Toro was a happy camper. I later found out that El Toro was 100% top. This was expected of important, powerful men. Oral sex was rare and finding a skilled cock sucker was even rarer.

I think of myself as a successful archaeologist, not a sexually experienced man. I am. Most of the men I interacted with knew I was not a virgin having his first sexual experience. Sandy could be frank. He reminded me that I was lucky that cocks can't give you calluses in your throat or ass.

El Toro felt some new experiences. A little later he eased his cock into my ass. Apparently, I had the first ass to welcome him into my rectum; most men fought it. While a bottom is referred to as being passive when he is fucked, my ass is welcoming, and I am a full participant. As he fucked me, I massaged his cock. This was new to him, but he seemed to adapt quickly to my ass.

El Toro had been married for fifteen years and had six children. His wife was regarded as being a saint, she was the head of the national Red Cross. She had almost died with the last child and sex was dangerous. He promised to never take a mistress. They were apart most of the time, and sex with men was not a problem and was never acknowledged.

When he finally shot off in my as he seemed to ejaculate for several minutes. Oddly, his ejaculations did not seem to diminish. They were as forceful at the end of the orgasm as they were at the beginning. El Toro slept very well that night.

A little later Sandy came to me and asked if Santiago could take a poke. I said that was fine. That turned out to be a good decision on my part. His cock was a good fit, and he had never used El Toro's sperm as lube. It was a total success and I had made important friend. I was no longer the boss man. We were team members.

The next morning, we got up early and got to the site by ten. I was surprised to find Roddy, my head excavator from England there along with Hank and Georgy. They were working with Santiago's men clearing the site. Roddy had a translator, Juan, with him.

I thought that there might be a problem between the English and Spanish speaking members of the crew. Roddy, Hank and Georgy were human bulldozers, and were not passive observers. They impressed the local men. Roddy had worked in the mid-east and had set monetary reward for finds. There was one reward for a find in good condition and another for a damaged find. The men immediately understood the need to be careful.

There was another surprise. I found a prefabricated headquarters, laboratory, and hotel-bunk house a half mile from the site. It had solar-wind generated electricity and water purification systems. I had my own room, and shower. In the jungle, it seems like a paradise. Sparky's company had further developed the prefabricated units we had used in Scotland.

We also had drones which added to the security and did radar surveys of the site. The drones weren't as useful for security as they had been in Scotland. There are far more living things in the jungle than on rock outcropping. They did identify moving things that needed to be investigated.

The clearing had begun to expose the full size and complexity of the site. It wasn't as large as Tikal or the more northern Mayan or Aztec sites. It had one large pyramid and two smaller ones, two or three palace- like platforms and what might have been a ball court. It could be a regional center, like a state capital, a small nation, or perhaps a seat of a high-ranking nobleman.

I could read the date glyphs, but I didn't know enough to know if it was in the Mayan language or another. Numbers were somewhat universal, but there were wide variants for words. I knew that steles were placed in rows in front of major buildings, so we put a trench next to the place we found the first one. That uncovered three more elaborately carved stones. Two were in good condition, one was damaged. That damage appeared to have been done on purpose. My good luck confirmed my almost mystical powers to the men.

The linguists in the group thought that religious inscriptions were Mayan. Dynastic inscriptions were in a Mayan variant. Decipherment was difficult because some hieroglyphic figures seemed to have been used for their decorative effect, rather than meaning. Inscriptions were an art form, not just purely for information exchange.

The first "palace" mound was of great interests. We had all the technology one could wish, unlike most of the earlier expeditions. We were able to find the post holes of the wooden structure that sat on the mound. The soil in the mound had a high clay content, so we discovered the imprint of the wall materials and design. The roofs were thatched and had deep overhangs. They had windows with latticed infill, and the effect may have been similar to Polynesian and South Pacific island architecture.

The original discoveries of Latin American architecture were in the 1840ies. To call them discoveries is a misnomer.

The discoveries were made the area unknown to non-Indian Americans and to Europeans. The significance of the culture was more fully known in the first half of the Twentieth Century. There had been a vast expansion of technical methods to investigate archaeology more recently. To have a major site that was untouched by earlier excavation was remarkable.

We were lucky that the site was so exciting that the Pen Pals and the Latin American archaeologists got along well. All were bi-lingual, and the site was so rich, that there were no bad areas to investigate. We had computer connections to libraries, museums, and universities all over the world so we could exchange information quickly.

We re-erected three of the four stelas and exposed the hieroglyphic inscriptions on the rear. Some of Santiago's security men were good at delicately cleaning the inscriptions. He found new men for security. The archaeological staffs were men and women. Maria noticed that and found local educated teachers and educated women who could help. The war had left most educated women without jobs.

One of the linguists, Pepe, discovered that the inscriptions on the rear od the Steles were continuous, and they seemed to provide a history of the city. The text was in a variant of a Mayan language.

I was a worried that the operation was too expensive. That was not a problem. Alistair and Skippy's bank accounts were not affected by our cost. Their corporations measured income by the billions, not by the millions. The drones, computer hardware and even the prefabricated buildings were prototypes for housing. The units they made for the Scottish excavation were being sold for use throughout the cooler climate areas. We were using the tropical area prototypes.

I had a suite with office, conference, and living areas along with four bedrooms and large bathroom, and shower. I provide bedrooms for Sandy, Santiago, Roddy, Hank, and Georgy. I also housed El Toro when he was in the area. I kept up on all the key information. While memos and reports are good, breakfast and dinner conversations are better. In the same way warnings and alarms are good, hearing distant jungle drums is more useful. Nipping the problem in the bud is better than suppressing a full-scale revolt.

I have to admit, I also had hopes for the sexual potential of the group. I wanted a compatible group of men. A common taste for sex would help that. We shared more than just information.

Sandy was an intelligent, preceptive man who hid his intelligence under a Texas Redneck disguise. Santiago tended to know everyone within 25 miles of the excavation. He knew his people and which men and women could be hard workers and could get along with the foreign staff. He also had the sex drive of a bull, but he never messed with the people under his command.

He was a top. I could be a willing bottom. His cock was a good fit for my ass. He was a fucker, not a romantic. That was fine for me. As we got to know each other better, I noticed he tended to spend more time exploring my ass and lingering near the good spots.

Once and a while, He would bring a friend to meet me. He introduced me to Carlos who was with local police tracking smugglers. Carlos was short and unimpressive. Since he worked under cover, that was a good thing. Santiago wanted him to see the sort of things we were uncovering.

He came to my room with Carlos. Carlos was nervous, so I could guess Santiago's plan. Of course, they were covered in dirt, so we shared my shower. Carlos had an impressive cock. It turned out that Carlos liked to suck. Santiago wanted to fuck me to an orgasm and have Carlos take my load.

While I do get worried that I am overly sexually, generous, somehow, I decided this was not the time to be picky. Back in my bedroom, I sixty-nined Carlos as Santiago fucked me. I enjoy the taste of an excited cock, and by tasting his cock ooze I knew Carlos was into it.

It seemed that Santiago was even more excited than usual. Carlos was a skilled cock sucker, and my cock appreciated his ability. Santiago climaxed, and shot off machine gun style in my ass. A second or two later I popped and fed Carlos. He loved it. As he gobbled up my sperm, Carlos shot off in my mouth. The three of us ejaculated together. Six balls drained into two mouths and one ass. It was lovely.

Carlos was a member of an important local clan, and our exchange of sperm was the seal for an alliance.

Next: Chapter 15: Excavating a Pyramid 2

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