Excavating Gustem Hall

Published on Jan 11, 2021


Excavating a Monastery 5 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com.

Mud turned out to be a godsend in the shower. I was uneasy about Fergus. I was afraid he was interested newsworthy tidbits about the excavation more than sex. Fergus had seen Mud in his natural habitat, deep in a trench covered in mud. When he saw him in the shower with the mud disappearing down the drain, he saw Mud in a completely different way.

Mud wasn't particularly handsome, but he had 120% of male traits. Those traits included a muscular, hairy body and an above average, uncut cock framed by low hanging balls. Fergus was not a girly man and they were attracted. I also realized that Mud's direct, let's get naked and fuck like rabbits' approach was a turn-on for Fergus. Fergus was not into meaningful interpersonal relationship between soulmates.

Donald got along with David and me. He preferred being to be sucked while another man fucked him. He also like to fuck while sucking another man. Of course, that worked out well for David and me. He liked total genital engagement with periodic sperm enhancements. David was an enjoyable sex partner. He wasn't passionate but was skilled and effective.

At first with David, I felt like a worn-out violin, being played by a master. I felt better about him as I liked his cock dribble. I became downright enthusiastic when I took his loads and licked up the remains of his orgasms. I felt as if I had been eating fish and chips and he fed me a seven-course meal still hot from the oven.

I did an introduction to the excavation for the BBC a week later. By academic standards, the monastery excavation was vastly more important than the previous excavation at Gustem. Gustem filled in gaps in our knowledge of Romano-British religion and male fertility rituals. Overt man-on-man sex was exposed as a basic part of the rituals, and this was unknown information. Roman Britain had been extensively studied by generations of scholars and archaeologists.

The time between the end of Roman occupation of Britain and 1,000 A.D. was the least well-known period of British history. There was a possibility that our discoveries would fill in the largest gap in the nation's history.

In the introduction, I pointed out that most excavations find only fragments of a site, often mixed in with later periods fragments. London has been inhabited continuously for two thousand years. Sincalum was only briefly occupied for several hundred years. It was destroyed in a single event. Only sheep occupied the place for the last thousand years.

Remarkably the Monks seemed to have been forewarned of the Viking attacks and were able to hide their most precious possessions. These included religious objects which were often made of precious metals and embellished in jewels. They placed their library in the same category as precious items. I explained that it seems that they saved their entire library of books and manuscripts.

We had found the entire library of a wealthy monastery of 800-900 A.D. It was possible that we could rewrite the history of that period. The Sincalum Library could turn on the lights on the Dark Ages. I then emphasized the need for careful preservation and conservation of the objects had found. While gold and jewels do not deteriorate, parchment, papyrus, and clothes can be very fragile. Just turning a page in a thousand-year-old book requires study and care. Is the ink stable? Will the paintings flake or stick the back of a previous page?

I ended by saying that while the information might rewrite the Britain's history, it will not come quickly. Months and years of careful conservation, analysis, and study would expose the true significance of the site.

My comments were well received and served to dampen the Arthur and Merlin obsessives' desire for an early block buster revelation. The Neo Pagans and the New Age crystal people were a pain. They got in the way, could make the work seem foolish in the media and they were prone to abscond with important artifacts.

Curiously taking artifacts was often the least of the problems. Most of them couldn't tell the difference between a rare glass bowl and the blue tinged glass of a Coke bottle of 1927.

The excavation acquired a Public Relations man, Nigel Hardwood. His job was to keep reporters away from the archaeologists and excavators at work on the dig. Nigel didn't impress me when I first met him. He struck me as a bullshit king. He was 35, photogenic, and educated. I soon discovered it takes a bullshit artist to know a bullshit artist. Nigel could recognize the difference between serious journalists and tabloid sensation addicts.

He would arrange serious interviews for serious people, and feed pure babble to the sensationalists. This two tiers system worked well and made life easier.

When he spent the night at the farm during a bad storm, we discovered Hardwood was not just his name; it was his most impressive physical feature. When I got to know him better, I was amazed his cock and asshole weren't callused. Nigel liked sex a lot and was open minded. Scottish shepherds and Oxford scholars were all welcome.

Nigel liked the MacCall brothers and they liked him. He liked plain old sex without ulterior motives. Sex with the MacCalls was pure lust and fun. They have never played with a man as handsome as Nigel. Nigel seemed to think that a shepherd's cum delivered by a shepherd's meaty cock was a dream come true. He had both a PR guy mode and a guy next door mode. He didn't bull shit them or me.

The site was rocky, so subsoil radar showed little. Technically it showed too much. The Radar man had a technical term for the site, lots of rock. Some might be ruins; some might be plain old rock. There was so much rock it formed a dark blob on the radar. There was no way the radar could tell us what it was, so we had to depend on shovels moving lots of dirt.

Sheep had ben grazing on the property for 500 years. That was when they started keeping records. Since most of the fabrics we had found were wool, it was a safe bet that the sheep were there 500 to 700 years earlier. Sheep have no problem with rock, and they produce droppings that created rich soil. It was smelly, but the ten to twenty mph winds dispersed the smell rapidly.

Dick Smith, one of the professional diggers, discovered a wall to the east of the church. He found a corner and a perpendicular wall. At the monastery, minor building such as monks' cells were round; more important buildings such as the church were rectangular. The monks' cells were randomly scattered on the site. It was unusual to find anything that lined up.

Dick had been a ditch digger before he accidentally discovered his skills as an excavator. His excavating partner was the Honorable Richard Bentley-Mills, the second son of a minor nobleman. He was a small, almost frail looking man. Dick was known as Big Dick and Richard as Little Dick. While few rocks were too big for Big Dick to move, no object was too small or too delicate for Little Dick to remove without damage. Little Dick ate continuously in spite of his size. He always had extra food for Big Dick, so they got along well. When Big Dick uncovered a large floor slab. Little Dick tapped on it and heard an echo. Big Dick had spent too much time with jack-hammers, so he was mostly deaf.

When I got there, the slab was exposed. The dirt was pack hard on the upper surface and Little Dick had found a band of interlace decoration on the edge of one corner. I noticed that the slab was oriented on the center line of the church directly east of the altar. I called in Olivia to help Little Dick, and Mud to help Big Dick explore area around the slab. They found postholes. These were larger than one would expect in a residential structure. We worked late and Big and Little Dick came to spend the night in Mud's room, so they could[BW1] get an early start the next morning.

Sometimes I realize that god has a sense of humor. Big Dick and I were under the shower cleaning off the mud when Little Dick joined. Big Dick had a beefy uncut cock flanked by oversized balls. Little Dick's cock belonged in a museum of anatomical wonders. Big Dick's cock inflated in response, as did Little Dick's monster.

Mud came in, looked at Little Dick's monster and asked, "Is it edible?" Mud didn't wait for an answer. He dropped to his knees and tried to take as much of it as he could into his mouth.

I was afraid that might shock Big Dick. I looked down and saw he was at my cock. I was afraid we would have a long night ahead of us, but Mud and Little Dick spent the night together, and Big Dick started with me, but sometime during the night he vanished. When I woke, I found out he spent the rest of the night with all three of the MacCall bothers. Everyone was in a good mood that morning.

Olivia and Little Dick spent the morning cleaning the top of what was now obviously the top a sarcophagus. The inscription was clear and was inscribed in an effort suggest Roman Latin inscriptions. "Here lies Abbot Merlinus. The Great Scribe who brought the Mysteries of the Gospels to this Land."

To say it was a shock understates the case. It also potentially transformed Merlin's magic of spells and curses. He was a learned teacher and scribe, a wise man, not a wizard or magician.

We now had to go through the same steps that we used to open the cave chamber. Someone got the idea to open the new chamber live in the television. The tentative title was "Opening Merlin's Tomb." Apparently public funding for excavations was diminishing and there was a need to increase public support. We were to get the BBC's best people. I made it clear that I didn't want spooky music and reenactments of Merlin's literary career as part of the program.

On the site, we inserted a cam as before. There was a body enshrouded in priestly robes. There was also one book, the Opus Merlinorum. The Works of Merlin. The chamber was four-by-eight feet and three feet tall. That was of interest in itself. The dimensions were within millimeters of modern feet-inches measurements. I hadn't guessed these measurements were ancient.

The interior was dry, and the state of preservation appeared to be wonderful. The BBC loved what they saw, as did Sparky and Alistair. Their high-tech minds went into overdrive. The sarcophagus was dry because it was granite, and the top overlapped the bottom and had a lip. The bottom stone monolithic. Most bases were five stones, a base and the four sides. There were no joints to open and let water in. Granite is not water soluble.

The plan was to inflate a sheltering bubble over the area, to protect the site. It would also be temperature controlled to the same temperature as the interior of the sarcophagus. Four lifts would raise the top, supported evenly on four sides, so it wouldn't crack. This would allow a less stress filled removal. The body was on a bed like stand, so we hoped it was still in good condition.

All of this might take several weeks to prepare. Neither Sparky nor Alistair were tolerant of mistakes. Their staff knew everything would work perfectly or they would be looking for a new job.

Little Dick asked if I would be a guest at a party at his home. I told him I would check my schedule. Big Dick came to see me. That was unusual since he wasn't into talking much. He told me that Little Dick was the second son and third child in the family and was the runt of the litter. His family did not approve of his career choice. I was a famous man and that would impress the family. He also told me that Little Dick thought I was handsome, and he thought I was too good looking for him.

I think of myself as an average looking guy and then laughed to myself. I was movie star material compared to some of the Archaeologist I knew. I went off for a weekend with Little Dick.

We arrived at a small, Georgian county house two days after my first broadcast, and a day after the announcement of discovery of the Merlinus tomb. Apparently[BW2], I was famous. Little Dick's father was handsome and unimpressive. His mother was smarter and more personable and as were his brother and sister. I explained that Richard had been directly involved in the discovery and had found the tomb under the slab. At the party most of the guests were excited to meet the people in the big story of the day.

I had a feeling that Richard was the forgotten younger son who they now saw in a different light. I had my own personal triumph. I avoided called him Little Dick even once. The next morning, we returned to Sincallum after breakfast. We could have stayed longer, but Richard warned me that his father was rarely civil for more than one day.

In the car Richard told me that we were invited to a little party at a friend's house on the way and asked if I would like to attend. I said he was driving, so the choice was up to him.

"Calvin, these are old playmates I grew up with. Our play was like the showers in MacCalls' house," he added. "Without the hot water. They are really into it."

"Would they mind a stranger?" I asked.

"Roddy was at the party. He liked you a lot," Little Dick said. "He promised not to wear you out. They are mostly tops."

"Are you the usual bottom?" I asked.

He nodded and then said, "Roddy said they are more versatile now. We were the Four Musketeers. A fifth mate has joined the group. It started out being rough, but it changed, and we became friends." I was thinking I had things to do at the excavation. Somehow my cock had other plans, so we went to the party.

A half hour later we arrived at a cottage sitting in a beautiful garden. Roddy was a garden designer. He saw us drive up, can came out to greet us with another man, Ralph. There were pleased to see us. Two more men were inside, Greg and Sandy. Sandy was a local science teacher; Greg was a beefy man who didn't mention a job. The cottage was attractive and was warm. It was early summer, but there was no wind, so it was warm and pleasant.

"I have nothing planned for the day except for lunch in an hour or so," Roddy said. "Did Richard tell you about us?"

"Yes, I am an open-minded man," I said. "Richard and I got to know each other in the showers after a day in the mud. Things got pretty cozy in the shower."

"My mates and I share some cozy times too," Roddy said. "We have one rule. You either swallow or lick up anything that drips."

"Can you deposit it in a place where the sun doesn't shine?" I asked.

The men laughed and Greg said, "I can tell that we're all going to have a good time." He began to strip. I followed him. "Put your clothes in the study," Roddy said, "The bedroom is for play." Another man, Travis, joined us. He was a surveyor.

They were a mixed bag of men. Roddy was tall and handsome. Ralph was muscular, he installed Roddy's landscape designs. Greg was heavy and hairy. Sandy was a toned jogger. Travis was tall, hairy, and thin. With Little Dick and me it was random selection of male body types.

The house was small, but there was a terrace to the rear that was in the full sun. Roddy had suntan lotion, poppers and lubricant available. Thinking back, I realized I had never been nude outside. It was titillating. In the bright sunshine everyone seemed very naked.

Little Dick sucked me. He had a delicate sucking technique. I soon was sucking Little Dick's big cock. it began oozing percum immediately. Every movement we made intensified our sexual excitement.

Fifteen minutes later I realized we all shared an enthusiastic interest in man sex. It was pure sex, untainted by romance. No one was too picky. Apparently, they hadn't got together in two or three years, so there was a lot of built-up needs.

It seemed wild at first, but in another fifteen minutes the sexual level had intensified. Every mouth, cock and ass were available and there was no hesitation to suck and fuck. Everyone seemed versatile. I wasn't exactly gang banged, but I had made most of the men happy.

After lunch, Little Dick successfully visited Roddy's ass. I slipped into Sandy's ass. I think he was a social bottom, but he adapted to my cock after a few minutes. Ralph came by and eased his cock into my ass. Ten minutes later we had formed a fuck train with each man linked cock to ass. Greg wasn't into the bottom.

That had been complicated to organize, but Roddy was a good organizer. He reorganized positions so the perfect cock was in the perfect ass. I was pleased when we got the best arrangement. I was sucking Greg as Roddy fucked me. Greg had a thick, stumpy cock that oozed high test precum. I was preoccupied sucking the sweet man ooze when we had a chain reaction orgasm. seven sequential orgasms could only be so bad.

I mentioned that the men were fuckers, not into romance. I seed to feel some real affection as Roddy ejaculated in my ass as I swallowed Greg's ball draining orgasm. after that we were all wiped out. It had been so good that no one wanted to diminish the feelings by taking a lackluster orgasm twenty minutes later.

There was one exception. I was lying on the grass, when Little Dick came over and licked up the remains of Roddy's orgasm from my ass. He then lifted my legs and slipped his cock into my sperm lubricated ass. A minute later he shot off. A few times I had felt a little tickling in my ass when a guy shot off in me. This was more like a firehouse. It was lovely.

When we drove home Little Dick said he would like to have me unload in his ass someday. I said I would like that, but I needed to recharge. "I enjoy the sensation of having my as filled with cum," I said, he said he understood.

When we arrived at the excavation, we found the opening of the tomb had been scheduled. Sparky and Alistair's people were on the way.

Next: Chapter 12: Excavating a Monastery 6

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