Ex Rated Neighbours

By ethan coleman

Published on Jul 8, 2000


Ex-Rated Neighbours (2)

This is a completely made up story, involving homosexual sex between characters from the soap "Neighbours". All the characters and story lines of this show are copyright of Grundy Network (Australia).

Part Two-Drew decides to have some fun

After his little encounter with Joel, Drew was left feeling very confused and guilty. He felt guilty about the fact that he had enjoyed the blowjob so much, and confused as to why he had enjoyed it more than anything sexual he had done with Libby. The thought really frightened him, and so he decided to avoid Joel for a while, just until their encounter was but just a memory. Even though he didn't see Joel for a few days, the memory of that afternoon, was as fresh as any in Drew's mind, in fact it was the image that appeared everytime he closed his eyes. Joel's mind was also occupied by the event of that afternoon. He couldn't deny the powerful sexual attraction he felt towards Drew, everytime he started to get intimate with Dione, the image of Drew's naked body appeared before his eyes, Evoking a hunger within him. He wanted to talk to Drew, he wanted to know what Drew felt, but Drew was avoiding him, which made Joel feel even more depressed.

Drew stormed out of the Kennedy's house; it was one of those rare occasions when he was actually angry. Libby's constant moaning and the never-satisfied attitude had finally pushed Drew to the peak, he loved her more than anything, and there wasn't a way in which he hadn't expressed that love but she always found something to complain about. He headed home, thinking about his future, he was seriously questioning his decision to marry Libby after today's outburst. He got home, Lou was out, he was relieved he didn't want to do any explaining at the moment. He switched the telly on, kicked off his shoes and lay back on the couch. But he couldn't concentrate on the screen, he couldn't clear his head, his mind kept drifting back to his fight with Lib. After what seemed like hours, he eventually relaxed and put the fight behind him for the time being. But that was quickly replaced by the image of Joel sucking on his cock. Shit! He thought, shaking his head, he didn't want to have to fight back these thoughts now. But whatever he did, he couldn't clear his head from these images, and before long he could feel his cock pressing against his briefs. He cursed himself in his mind and tried to concentrate on something else, but to no avail, his mind kept going back to his experience with Joel. After about half an hour, he was actually thinking about going over to Joel's, maybe for a massage and if things progressed a little further then so be it. At first the idea shocked him, but he thought about how much he had enjoyed the blowjob, and it was really all a bit of fun. Seldom did he do something that was fun, at his own will. Especially at a time like this, he was in definite need of some distractions. So at after a lot of thinking Drew decided to go and visit Joel. He slid back into his shoes and headed for Joel's, where he knocked once, before the door swung open. Joel looked surprised to see Drew and stood there in silence looking at him. " Can I... umm come in?" asked Drew, feeling a bit awkward. Joel nodded his head, dumbly "sure" he said leading the way. He sat down on the couch, motioning Drew to sit opposite him. Drew complied and looked straight at Joel, who had decided not to confront Drew about his feelings. He felt that the mostly likely answer was not going to be what he wanted it to be, so it was best to just leave it. "Umm, Joel, I'm sorry for avoiding you these last few days" Drew said apologetically "I was just feeling guilty about what we did" "And you're not anymore?" Joel asked, his heart skipping slightly. "No" replied Drew, confidently "and I was hoping that you could massage me again, I'm feeling very stressed at the moment". Joel was taken off-guard, but he knew not to expect anything, Drew probably chose him as a last resort. "Sure, if that's what you want," said Joel, with a blank expression on his face, "It is" replied Drew, following Joel into the bedroom.

Joel massaged Drew's naked body, with real concentration, he kept on fighting the erotic feelings within him, and he seemed to come out on top, as he finished the massage he realised his cock had only grown half erect. "All done" he said, as he began clearing up his oils. Drew sat up right and tilted his head from side to side. Just as Joel leaned over to pick up the towel, Drew moved forward and kissed him, lightly on the lips, causing Joel to drop the oils. "What was that for?" he asked, not moving from his bent over position. "To thank you for the favour" Drew replied, with a seductive smile. "Is that all I get?" asked Joel, looking deep into Drew's amazing blue eyes. Drew slid his hand around Joel's neck and pulled him closer, pressing his lips on his own. He kissed him hungrily, he didn't care anymore, and this felt right. Joel kissed him back passionately, sliding his tongue forward to venture into Drew's hot mouth; they kissed deeply, their tongues danced together. Drew finally pulled away. "When do Lance and Toadie get home?" he asked "They don't" replied Joel, getting in a lip-lock with Drew even before the words were fully spoken. The two men kissed like that for a long time, before Joel began moving his hand gently over Drew's fully erect cock, he could feel the wetness of the fabric of his boxers, soaked with pre-cum. "Let me take care of that for you, big boy" he said, while slipping Drew's boxers over his smooth thighs and down to his ankles. Drew's cock was at its 10" best, slightly curved at the top, it was a perfect cock to match a perfect body. Joel moved back as Drew leant back against the headboard, opening his legs wider. Joel slid his t-shirt over his head, revealing his smooth creamy-skinned body; his left nipple was pierced with a silver ring. He slid off his jeans, quickly followed by his boxers. To reveal his 8" cock, it was cut and thick and his balls were small but firm, covered with small pubic hairs. It was the first time Drew was seeing another man, fully naked, and it gave him an unusual thrill in doing so, he watched Joel's body as he climbed onto the bed and moved in between Drew's open legs. He leant forward and kissed Drew, roughly on his full lips. Drew let his hand gently touch Joel's cheek, as he responded intensely to Joel's kiss. Joel pulled away and moved his head down to Drew's neck, where he began to nibble at the soft skin, Drew let his head fall back as he closed his eyes and allowed Joel to explore his body. Joel traced light kisses across Drew's bare chest; he felt the smooth skin beneath his soft lips, as he moved them over Drew's hard nipples, his tongue circled the nipples, leaving behind a trace of shining saliva. This sent electrifying sensations through Drew's body, as an unexpected moan escaped his lips. Encouraged by Drew's obvious satisfaction, Joel's lips gently found their way down Drew's muscular stomach, where Joel used his tongue to gently lick the smooth skin. Finally Joel's face came across Drew's stiff cock; he ran his tongue through the pubic hair, before licking the whole 10" of it. Drew gasped as he felt the intense heat of Joel's wet tongue on his hard throbbing penis. Joel continued to lick the cock until it glistened with his saliva. He then started to suck on Drew's rather big hairless balls, he sucked on them until his mouth began to ache, as Drew placed one hand on Joel's head while his other gripped the bed sheets. After a while Joel satisfied with his work between Drew's brown thighs, looked up at Drew, smiling as he saw Drew's eyes closed and a beautiful satisfied smile on his face. Drew opened his eyes as Joel again stole a quick kiss from the luscious lips. He then positioned himself above Drew's cock, preparing himself for the meat, Drew looked a little lost at this stage, obviously because he hadn't done this before. Joel smiled to reassure him. He then slicked some of Drew's precum on to his fingers and then rubbed them against his ass hole. Drew watched in amazement as Joel inserted first two and then three of his fingers into his hole. When Joel felt that his ass hole was loose enough to accommodate Drew's 10" cock, he pulled his fingers out and slowly lowered his butt onto Drew'' cock. "Ohhhhhh" Drew let out a moan as his pulsating cock, entered its first ass hole. Drew squatted all the way down, so that the whole of Drew's rod was in his ass. Drew instinctively grabbed hold of Joel's legs, as Joel began to push up and down above his crotch. His cock slid in and out of the whole, while the 10" easily managed to push against Joel's prostate, sending waves of ecstasy right through his body. Joel began stroking Drew's nipples, gently running his thumbs over the sensitive area, while Drew's persistent cock was invading his ass. After a while, overcome by the overwhelming and new feeling of fucking an asshole, Drew began to thrust his hips up and down, while tightening his grip on Joel's legs. Joel understood that Drew was close so he leant forward and began kissing him again, thrusting his tongue inside Drew's mouth, while sucking Drew's tongue. His asshole was still being ripped open by Drew's cock, but he wanted to share Drew's orgasm, so he kept his lips locked with Drew's as Drew came with a muffled scream, his cum spilling out of Joel's ass hole and across his own crotch. After Drew's cock had deflated, Joel climbed off Drew and fell beside him on the bed. Drew's orgasm had been so intense that his breath was still ragged, he had his eyes closed. Joel looked down his body, as the sweat trickled across Drew's bare beautiful skin. They lay there quietly for a while; Drew still had his eyes closed when he suddenly felt something wet against his ass hole. He opened his eyes to see Joel's head pressed up between his legs, his tongue was licking Drew's hole, trying to loosen it. Joel worked on this for a while, when satisfied with his work he lifted his head, spat on his hands and began to lubricate his cock. Even with Drew's inexperience he managed to work out what Joel was planning to do. To be honest he felt a little anxious, it was his first time and he didn't know if he was ready for this. But he said nothing as Joel parted Drew's legs even further and lay on top of him placing his cock between his legs. "Relax" he whispered, noticing Drew's anxious look. Joel reached his hand down and inserted his cock into Drew's hole "Oww" drew moaned as Joel's cock entered his virgin hole. But as Joel slid it further inside, Drew's cock began to adjust to it and he relaxed, as Joel lay on top of him thrusting his hips against Drew's butt, while pinning Drew's hands to the bed. He kissed the side of Drew's face, and licked the outline of the rugged jawbone. Drew was being fucked like a woman, pinned to the bed with Joel fucking him and kissing his face and shoulders. When Joel's cock finally made contact with Drew's prostate, Drew let out a loud moan as he was overcome by an erotic sensation that he had never experienced. Joel continued to pump in and out of Drew's hole, while still pinning the hunk to the bed, he was tracing round circles with his tongue across Drew's muscular abs. Overtaken by the hunger for such an amazing body. Drew's cock was constantly being rubbed against Joel's stomach, and without warning it exploded fir the second time, as Drew let out another loud moan. Three was no doubting his decision to come here this evening; he was definitely having a goo time. When Joel finally was ready, he slowed his thrusts down, buried his face into Drew's armpit and yelled out in pleasure his cock leaked out cum, continuously dripping into Drew's hole.

After their explosive orgasm both men, lay back on the bed. Still overtaken by their exhilarating experience, they lay side by side, deep in thought. Drew was thinking about how he didn't regret anything, unlike last time. He had an amazing experience, and there was nothing wrong with that. It didn't change the way he felt about Libby, he was simply having some harmless fun, and boy was it fun! Joel couldn't believe how he was lying next to Drew Kirk, after having such an eccentric love0-making session with him. This was something he had wanted for a long time, and finally it had happened. "Drew" said Joel "Do you want to stay the night?" "No, I think we should leave this here" replied Drew. Joel sat upright "You're not regretting this are you?" "No, really I'm not," said Drew "I just think that we shouldn't go past a certain stage" Joel looked puzzled, so Drew continued "we have just had some amazing sex, it was great. But that's all it is, sex! And I think that's all it should stay as, we can have sex again, but lets not make a habit of this and lets not commit ourselves to anything, I don't want the fun to b lost. Is that okay by you?" Frankly it wasn't, Joel was in love with Drew's body, he wanted to touch it regularly, not once in a blue moon. But he also realised that that was all that was on offer so reluctantly he nodded and lay back, beside Drew. "Can I ask you something now?" Drew asked after a while "Sure" "Have you had sex with another guy before?" Joel nodded "yes I have" After getting no further comment Drew asked, "who was it?" Joel refused to tell him, saying that he promised not to tell anyone about Drew, so why should he tell Drew about this other guy. But Drew continued to pester him and finally he let it out "It was with...Billy"

To be continued...

I received very little responses to the first part of this story. Please, when you read this story take some time out to send me your comments (good or bad). It helps me a lot, as I know how to improve future stories. Thanx.....ethancoleman@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 3

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