Evolution of a Friendship

By Chris Vestal

Published on Dec 7, 2014



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Evolution of my friendship with Jamie

Jamie and I were 22. We had known each other since late junior high school. These days we were both taking classes at the local community college part time while working various side jobs in warehouses or retail. We hung out together whenever our schedules lined up. Both of us had above-average but still fairly modest bodies. While we would not be mistaken for jocks, we knew our way around the inside of a gym and enjoyed playing sports. The result was that we weren't embarrassed to be seen without shirts. Our overall looks were good enough to get that second glance from girls without having to play that Jersey Shore pimp game. Having known each other for so long, we were not shy around each other. One of us would use the toilet or be at the sink while the other was showering for example. We had both seen each other with our full morning erections and didn't consider it a big deal. Occasionally we had even been known to jump into the shower together when we were in a hurry to get ready to go out. In summary we could be considered an average pair of young male close friends. A few weeks ago we would have described ourselves as very much straight. Now, we weren't so sure.

While both of us had on-again, off-again girlfriends, tonight was one of those nights where we both in the off-again phase of our relationships. We had gone out to the local bar earlier, but decided to call it a night early and went back to Jamie's place. Jamie decided we was in a horny mood, so he brought up some porn on his laptop and got it streaming to the big TV in his room while I went and opened a couple of beers. Jamie laid down on one end of his couch while I opted to sit on the floor propped up against the other end of the couch. We settled down to some light banter while watching that mediocre-to-bad acting that makes up typical Internet porn. A couple of hours and a few beers later, I found myself in need of sexual relief. I had opened the top button on my jeans in order to give my bulging erection some space. My underwear was just showing through the top of my jeans. The beginnings of a dark spot from a precum stain were just visible. Now as close of friends as we were, the one thing we had not done in front of each other was actually finish off a masturbation session. As I moved to get up and finish up in the bathroom, Jamie decided to tell me it was ok to just finish right where I was. I thought he was just joking so I continued to stand up and move towards the bathroom. Jamie insisted that it was ok by him and urged to sit back down. I am not sure if it was the alcohol or something else but for whatever reason I gave in and sat back down. I unzipped my pants the rest of the way and pushed my pants and underwear down a few inches freeing my 7 inch cock to jump up in air. It was only a few more minutes of modest stroking before I was ready to pop. For a moment, I thought again about going ahead and moving to the bathroom. Jamie must of seen the look cross my face and repeated his acceptance of me finishing off in front of him. I proceeded to lift my shirt up to my chest and pop a hefty load up onto to my stomach. At least 5 thick strands of cum now covered my stomach. As I recovered from the orgasm, I realized that getting up to wipe off was going to be a awkward. One of hands my hands was covered in cum and my pants were halfway down my legs in a place where they were going to have to grabbed and moved one way or the other in order for me to get up. Further as soon as I stood up, my shirt was going to fall back down. I didn't see how I could move with out getting cum on my clothes. Fortunately, Jamie, sensing my predicament, had already gotten up to grab a towel for me. As he tossed the towel at me, he somewhat jokingly congratulated me on a good load. We both let out nervous laughs as rapidly tried to keep the cum that was starting to run down my sides from getting onto Jamie's carpet. We exchanged understanding looks with each other as we realized our relationship had taken a turn and we had survived to tell the tale.

Because of our work schedules, it was a couple of weeks before we were able to really hang out together again for something other than studying for class. When we were finally able to do something socially, it turned out to be a rare Saturday where not only did we both have the night off, but neither of us had to go back to work until mid-afternoon on Sunday. We took advantage of this by partying it up a bit on the town. After an evening of bars and stop at the strip club, we ended up back at Jamie's house around 2 or 3 AM. As we stumbled into his room, Jamie announced he wanted to play a game. I guess the strip-club girls and the drink had created a need for him to get his balls off or something. Jamie told me he wanted to see if the stories of guys being at their most ticklish right after cumming were true. He proposed that we have an edging contest where the looser would be immediately tied down and tickled until he couldn't take it. My jaw dropped and I tilted my head to the side at what my friend wanted to do. Where had this come from I thought to myself. Briefly, I thought about taking the strategy of just giving Jamie another beer so he would pass out. I would put him to bed and just ignore all of this as a drunken whim. However, I was pretty plastered as well at this point in the night and so I allowed my drunkenness to accept my friends challenge. With way too much excitement, Jamie told me to get his laptop out and the porn started while he ran out of the room. As I finished setting things up, Jamie came back with thick bungee cords. He proceeded to take these over to a weight bench in the corner of the room. He left one of the cords at the foot of the bench and one on each side up by the bar. Jamie placed some additional weight on the bar to ensure it could not be easily moved. Jamie was obviously eager to go as he pretty much started shedding his clothes in the few feet between the bench and the center of the room. I likewise stripped and while standing over the toilet taking a piss together, we clarified the rules. We had to stay hard enough to that our cocks stood off our stomachs on their own. We agreed not to employ hold-off tactics such as squeezing the base of the shaft or holding fingers against the urethra under the balls. It was either stroke or not stroke.

Surprisingly, for two horny young guys in our state, we managed to last quite some time. This was likely due more to the volume of beer consumed over the evening rather than any real control. We had been forced to take a couple of mutually agreed upon piss breaks (rather painful ones I might add) to deal with the alcohol during our session. A little over an hour after we started I mindlessly reached up over my head and grabbed a foam-rubber ball off of the end of Jamie's desk. I casually tossed it at a spot between Jamie's legs. Unfortunately for me, this set off a chain of events that I was about to regret. The ball bounced off the inside of Jamie's thigh and glanced off the base of balls. While not painful, the sudden additional stimulation broke Jamie's concentration. I saw his hand immediately come off his cock. His eyes and head rolled back and his abs and thighs tightly contracted. Jamie expelled a couple of hard breaths through his teeth as he desperately struggled to keep control. After a minute or two, he regained his composure. Reaching down between his legs, he picked up the ball. "You bastard" he said. He threw the ball back at me, hitting the underside of the head of my cock. It was five seconds between my letting go of my cock to the start of one of the most intense orgasms I have ever had. I ended up with a trail of cum from my chest all of the way to the base of my cock.

Jamie wasted no time breaking out in a combination of laughter and excitement. He came over to me and jerked me up to my feet by my dry hand and arm, I was marched over to the bench and practically shoved down on it on my back. In no time my hands were bungeed to the bar and feet were bungeed to the bench leg under the foot of the bench. Still trying to catch my breath after my orgasm, the tickling commenced. I let out huge wails of involuntary laughter. My body tried thrash around as Jamie worked his fingers from my arm pits down my sides and into the backs of my knees. The laughter grew in intensity to the point I struggled to breathe. Jamie decided he was tired of the thrashing and mounted me across my upper thighs in order to control my movement. My cock and balls rubbed up against Jamie's still-hard cock whenever Jamie reached for the upper portions of my body. As Jamie had not yet cum, the stimulation drove him over the edge in short order. Just as my laughing was turning into cries to be allowed to breath, Jamie started adding his copious load to mine all over my chest.

At this point, Jamie just sort of froze when he realized what had happened. He stepped off of me and on weak legs staggered back a few steps. A strangely apologetic looked came across his face. While it was ok to jerk off in front of each other, we were apparently not at the point in our relationship where we could jerk off ONTO each other. Jamie came around enough mentally to free me from the bench. He helped me off the bench and we staggered back to the middle of the room where we collapsed our backs on either side of a couple of towels we laid out earlier. As I wiped the sweat and cum off of me, I noticed Jamie was shaking and almost crying. I tried to comfort him and tell him it was no big deal. Crap like that can happen when you play around. Still, Jamie felt like he needed to make something up to me. He had cum all over me and that was not part of the original deal. He felt that the only fair thing to do was to allow me to cum all over him. I tried to tell him he didn't have to do that, but Jamie insisted to the point of becoming upset. With a bit of initial reluctance, I stepped over and straddled his legs. Surprisingly, I didn't have any trouble getting hard again. I guess an hour of edging and the stimulation from the tickling left my body with more than one load to get rid of. As I continued to jerk myself, Jamie calmed down and resigned himself to what was going to happen. A few minutes later my cock once again exploded to life and a three long ropes of cum covered Jamie's chest and stomach. I rolled off of Jamie and returned to my back along side of him. He both just kind of laid there for a few minutes recovering and trying to make sense of what had happened.

At length, we both reached a point of acceptance. Without saying much, we helped each other up and into the shower. We silently washed the sweat and cum off of each other. After drying off, we finished our beers among a few feeble attempts to make conversation, eventually giving up and going to sleep. As I settled down on Jamie's couch, I had many thoughts going through my head. I didn't know what this was going to do to our friendship. I didn't know what, if anything it meant for either of us. Maybe it explained part of the reason why neither of us could really keep a relationship with a girl. Then I came to the realization that neither of us had been truly upset or embarrassed to the point of storming out of the room. Rather, we had taken comfort in being near each other as we collected our thoughts. At last I passed out.

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