Evil Dudes

By Randy MacAnus

Published on May 10, 2019


Evil Dudes

By Randy MacAnus

Copyright 2018 All rights reserved by the author.

If you like the story, and want another chapter, let me know, at rmacanus@email.com

Story suggestions are welcome.

This is a story of the sexual enslavement of a straight college student, who got away with date rape, by gay men. If this sort of thing is not legal for you to read, or offends you, don't read it. All characters are 18 or over.

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Chapter 3

Our bound and naked sex slave finally awoke around noon the next day. As he began to come out of an exhausted sleep, he started to move and stretch, fighting the chain around his neck, and the spreader bar. His eyes popped open suddenly. He looked around, with an expression of increasing horror.

His head dropped back against the pillow as he said, "Crap!! It's all real."

The four of us were in the video editing area upstairs, but we had the sound up, and the camera recording the boy was displayed on one of the monitors, so we saw and heard--and laughed our asses off! The kid didn't know it, but he was going to become a gay porn superstar! He had beauty, personality and moxie.

I was beginning to suspect it would be difficult to find another like him, so I was determined to recoup our entire investment off this boy. And I filed away, in the back of my mind, the notion of selling him to a major porn studio, when the time came for us to move on. If a studio in the states wouldn't buy him, one overseas most certainly would!

And I suspected selling him, and his porn star contract to a studio, would bring in a whole lot more than simply selling him as a sex slave. The kid was going to have to earn us one hell of a lot of money, if he was going to earn his freedom!

We had all been so excited about our success, that we had stayed up all night reviewing footage, and putting together a rough cut of the first video. And it was fantastic! I had assumed we would need pick-up shots, and that the first day with the boy might produce enough footage for a complete video, but I wasn't counting on it.

As it turned out, we had all the needed footage for two videos! The first would include his gang rape, and bound naked walk home, ending with his discovery that everything he owned was gone. The second would carry through his removal to our van, and through to his body hair removal, and subsequent spread-eagled fucking in the dungeon last night.

It would end with him waking up this morning and saying "Crap!! It's all real."

We would leave out things like his agreeing to be our sex slave, and all the things we told him about his future, when we were in his basement apartment.

While we knew we had all the footage, and a great rough cut of the first video, we also knew that getting to the point where the videos were complete and available for sale were, at the least, weeks away. And we wanted to start making money now to recoup our investment.

We actually began to recoup our investment after he woke. In addition to stealing all his belongings, we've required him to give us the password to his bank account. We have his debit card. Whenever the monthly check from his parents arrives, we simply transfer out the funds. So we actually have him paying for his captivity. He has been required to give written notice on his apartment. He will have no rent to pay. He's paying us instead.

Now it was time for our beautiful teen stud to become a whore.

We had been using the web to find likely candidates, willing to pay well for a beautiful, defined, blond/blue teen twink submissive. We felt that letting him top, would be a mistake in the long run, even if he turned out to be good at it. And while bottoms are much easier to find, and top whores typically command more money, we had decided to limit the boy to a submissive role.

There were good reasons for this. If he became a good top, it would mean he was getting into it. And we didn't want that to be apparent in the videos, even if it were true. Plus, there would be no pressure on him to "perform", if he were strictly submissive. So many gay-for-pay men have trouble keeping it up in videos. We didn't want our little stud to have to deal with that.

And, as it turned out, his physical beauty and vulnerable look played well with the dirty old men who would be renting him. We decided, for practical reasons, to carry over the rape/slave theme into his scenes, when whoring him out. It allowed us to have one of us always present (in a mask, of course). We weren't concerned about controlling our property. We wanted to protect him. We were concerned about one or more of these men going overboard and damaging the boy. Or stealing him! Plus, I have to admit, I was starting to feel a certain affection for the kid.

And while there were plenty of men who would want to be tender and gentle in their lovemaking, most of those would likely be more than a little freaked at the idea of a massive muscle stud in a hood watching the whole thing. So the first few Dirty Old Men we had lined up, were leather tops, who had always wanted to take a teen pretty boy, but had never had the opportunity. Finding a teen submissive was one thing. Finding one who would was stunningly beautiful, and willing to do BDSM scenes with daddy types, was a bit more difficult for these men to find.

We decided the first customer would be a 42 year old black muscle stud, who went by the name of Master Jamal. He had his own dungeon. And he liked being watched. Master Jamal had never had a pretty blonde white boy. The only white men he'd used had been bears in his own age range. And while he certainly enjoyed working them over, he had always wanted to feed his big black rod to a classic blue-eyed blonde pretty boy.

When we showed him a 30 second video clip of our slave, spread-eagled, naked, hairless, caged, with a heavy chain padlocked around his neck, and getting fucked, he threw an instant woody!

The questions flew! No, we wouldn't sell him. Yes, he could use the slave in his own dungeon, provided at least one of us was there to protect our interests. Yes, he could rent the boy for a full night, but it would be expensive. $1,500. We quoted what we felt was a ridiculous price, just to get a sense of what the market would bear. The response startled us.

"I might go for that. It depends on what the limits are."

Having been a BDSM top for two decades, Master Jamal understood limits. If we'd sold him the boy, he would likely have branded him. But he wasn't expecting that with a rental, of course. He did want make sure the boy would go for pain, humiliation, and some serious fucking, while in bondage. And would he drink piss? In the end, he agreed to our terms, but then I had an inspiration.

"As you'll be wearing a hood, and won't be identifiable, suppose you let us shoot video of the scene. We'll use the footage in a porno, but you won't be named. And in return, we'll give you a $500 discount."

The big man grinned and said, "Works for me!"

Worked for us too! We had decided that under no circumstances would we take less than $200 for our toy. So $1,000 plus video footage made us grin! Master Jamal signed a video release, and we worked out the entire scene. As we wanted plenty of angles, all four of us would be there, with three Go Pros, and a full size video camera at the ready!

The full size camera would be on a tripod in a very dark area of the dungeon. It would shoot continuously, providing the 'master shot'. The Go Pros would provide close-ups and interesting angles. This way we'd have the entire scene, shot in real time, as a steady, stable shot.

Our slave would be blindfolded most of the time, and the dungeon would be close to pitch black in the corners, where the cameras would usually be located. The center of the dungeon would have bright light, which would kill our teen slave's night vision. So he would have no idea that video was being shot.

He would know that we were there. We wanted him to feel safe. He knew that he was being turned over to a Black BDSM top for the full night. He was terrified, but surprisingly game. He had this "Okay, I can do this" attitude, that was really cute!

As our customer had a large house and garage, with the dungeon in his basement, and as we would be staying, we would be able to just pull the van directly into the garage, and walk our property down the stairs. Just looking at our boy as we prepared him, had us all rock hard, and horny as fuck!

Picture it: An incredibly beautiful eighteen year old twink standing in our dungeon, stark naked, and completely under our control. Slender, but with amazing definition. Striking, cobalt blue eyes. Firm, cut pecs. Slender waist.

Other than the shaggy mop of natural blonde hair on his head, and his eyebrows and lashes, his body is completely smooth. It will remain utterly hairless for the rest of his life, (although he doesn't know that yet.) Flat hard stomach, with an awesome vee, that shows wonderfully, due to the lack of body hair. A tight fantastic ass. Strong, nicely shaped legs.

Cooperative, as we prepare him, but not really submissive. He stands erect, his body language that of a determined soldier preparing for battle, rather than a broken slave in a state of abject submission.

We already have the heavy chain padlocked tight around his neck. The additional three feet of chain hanging in front of him will be his leash. He is wearing a stainless steel cock cage. His arms are bound behind his back, each wrist taped above the opposite elbow.

He has been cleaned out, and has a locking butt plug up his ass. With our remote control, we are capable of giving him electric shocks to his prostate if he disobeys. Or it can vibrate him to an orgasm, if he's a very good boy. He wears a restraint that keeps his mouth open wide enough to accommodate Master Jamal's 9 inch monster. To make him feel a bit more vulnerable during the trip, he has a ball gag stuffed into the opening.

There are leather cuffs just below his knees, with another set just above his ankles. A spreader bar is attached between his knees. This will allow him to walk with some difficulty. At some point, when walking is no longer desired, it might be moved between his ankles. Or a second spreader bar could be added, depending on what Master Jamal wants. We now apply a long strip of black duct tape that circles his head, and keeps his eyes closed. Very hot, but it's a shame to lose sight of those eyes.

So he won't get bored during the trip in the van, there are alligator clips attached to each nipple, with a chain between them. A small weight is attached to the chain. More weight might be added, if the mood strikes us. Needless to say, the hidden cameras in his room, are recording all the preparations.

We walk our bound, naked beauty out to our black van, parked out back. We help him in, and lay him on the floor. We turn the vibrating butt plug on low, to keep him aroused. We put headphones with music over his ears, to relax him and prevent him from hearing anything. Mark drives. The rest of us are in the back, caressing every inch of that delightful body. As he is blindfolded, we are free to record everything.

We cause him no pain, other than the nipple clamps. When it becomes clear that his nipples are numb, we remove them. The blood flowing back to his nips, brings the pain back with a vengeance! This causes delightful muscle flexing, which the cameras dutifully record. Our continued caressing of every part of his body makes it clear that he is completely and utterly ours.

The garage door is open, and Master Jamal is waiting, as we pull in. He closes the garage door, before we open the van. We remove our bound, blindfolded, and naked property and stand him on his feet.

Our slave whore has no idea where he is. He is bound, naked, and at the mercy of five hooded sadistic men, who have no mercy. He has no idea who we are. He has no clothes, money, or belongings anywhere in the world. He has no friends and his parents have disowned him. There is no one anywhere, who would miss him or look for him. And he has absolutely no control over what is about to happen to him.

Yet, as he is pulled toward the dungeon, by the chain padlocked around his neck, he does not fight. He is understandably careful in his movements, as he is blindfolded. But he hasn't panicked and turned into a blubbering blob of jelly. I realize why. He trusts us. He believes what we told him. He is valuable to us, so we won't let him be permanently damaged. And he's right.

We are shooting video every step of the way. When we enter the dungeon, we hand the leash to Master Jamal, and take up our camera positions, in the dark.

Master Jamal walks the blindfolded boy over to the Saint Andrew's Cross. He pulls out a large, nasty looking knife, and cuts the tape binding the arms of our slave. The naked teen makes no effort to resist as his wrists are bound to the cross. The spreader is removed, and his ankle cuffs are attached to the cross, opening his legs even wider.

He doesn't know for sure what's coming, but our hot little teen can guess. The first blow of the cane confirms his suspicions. He thought he was ready for it. He wasn't. His naked ass burns in pain, as the the first welt appears. He releases a muffled scream through the ball gag, surprised by the intensity of the pain.

Master Jamal isn't holding back. But he is highly skilled. He will leave numerous welts, but no scars. The big black muscle stud spreads the pain. Welts appear on the backs of the teen's thighs and calves. For his back, Master Jamal switches to a flail.

This is pain the boy has felt before, and he handles it better. His screams have transitioned into grunts. Pink and red welts cover him from his shoulders to his calves. At no point has he cried for mercy. At no point has he used his safe word.

Master Jamal doesn't want his voice heard on the video. He is an accountant for a Fortune 500 company, and doesn't want to risk being outed. So he whispers into the boy's ear. The hot little blonde nods, as a large black hand massages his ass. The big black muscle stud grabs the key to the butt plug. He unlocks it, pulls it out, then lines up his massive man meat with the inviting butt hole in front of him.

We bring cameras in for close-ups, as the little blonde is impaled on his first black cock! A grunt, followed by a long moan, escapes around the ball gag, as the teen is penetrated in a single slow thrust.

We've told Master Jamal that the boy managed an anal orgasm, despite the cock cage, when we'd had him the night before—though it took more than one fucking to make that happen. He is determined to better that, by getting the boy off in just a single skillful fucking with his huge black tool. We have our cameras close, always with our helpless teen's cock and cage in the frame of at least one of our four cameras.

Our slave knows he will be punished if he cums without permission. I get the distinct impression that he's okay with that, as long as he can get his rocks off! I can't really blame him for that. He's been kept naked and in sexual situations, ever since we first intercepted him in the woods. Eighteen year olds are almost permanently horny to begin with. Add the constant arousal we've subjected him to, and it's a miracle the kid hasn't exploded or something!

And now he's being edged again, by the big black cock in his ass, stimulating the living crap out of his prostate! Master Jamal has now picked up the pace, causing our property to moan in frustration at the inability of his cock to erect and gain traction.

As our helpless slave begins to shudder and hump back against the rigid black tool in his ass, Master Jamal abruptly pulls out, leaving the little twink in a frustrated frenzy! The boy is humping the air, searching for the cock he hopes will re-enter him and bring him off.

His words are muffled and difficult to understand, but our little twink makes his need very clear. He is desperate to have that big black cock pounding his ass! We know the boy is straight, but it's amazing what nearly constant sexual stimulation without release can do to an 18 year old! And the boy knows, that with the cage on his cock, the only way he has even a chance to get off, is by getting fucked in the ass.

So Master Jamal gives his out-of-control prey his wish, and rams his massive man meat back into the helpless little stud's desperate butthole! Our slave lets out a wail of pain and pleasure, as his tormentor plows that fantastic ass with brutal authority. It takes a good fifteen minutes, but Master Jamal gets our hot teen's caged cock to blow a truly impressive load. More punishment will come as a result, but clearly our boy doesn't care—at least not at the moment!

Our slave is released from the St. Andrew's Cross. He is exhausted. His body language is relaxed. He thinks perhaps, he will get a break. He is quickly disabused of that notion. Still blindfolded, he is led by the chain padlocked around his neck to the center of the room, under the only light.

His hands are cuffed to the restraints on his ankles. The spreader bar is hooked between his knees, and set to its widest position. The ball gag is removed from his mouth, leaving only the spider gag. The tape is removed from his big blue eyes. He sees his tormentor for the first time. He is in awe of the massive black muscle stud before him.

The boy can't see us, but he can hear us in the darkness. He doesn't see the cameras. But he knows we are there to protect our interests, which means keeping him safe.

Master Jamal steps behind the helpless blonde slave, and forces him to lean back. The boy's exquisite body is wonderfully displayed. His hairless torso ripples with muscles flexing to hold the uncomfortable position. His caged cock still drips cum onto the floor. He will have to lick it up later.

The muscular black leather master takes a handful of blonde hair in his left fist and pulls the boy's head back, until he is looking straight up at the big man's crotch. With his right hand, Master Jamal, lines up his majestic cock with the hole in the spider gag, and slowly plunges in to the hilt. His massive balls rest on the bridge of the little teen's nose.

The blindfold may be off, but our helpless slave still sees only black. We can see the boy's throat pulsing around the invader in his throat. He is swallowing around it, as he has been taught. We can see he now has complete control of his gag reflex. And our cameras are picking up every detail in high definition.

As he slowly throat fucks the bound little rapist, Master Jamal takes the flail from his belt, and begins to casually whip the boy's torso and crotch. The cock cage saves our boy from the worst pain, but his chest and thighs are turning a nice shade of pink. His muscles continue to flex wonderfully, as he works to hold his position, service the huge cock sawing in and out of his throat, and tense against the pain of the flail. It's a glorious sight to behold!

Master Jamal holds off his orgasm for a good twenty minutes. Finally, he shoots the first load straight down the slave's gullet, then pulls out, and shoots the rest of his impressive load all over that beautiful face. Some gets into the teen's eyes, so he still can't see much, as his tormentor raises him up.

He is now vertical, though still on his knees, of course. With his wrists bound to his ankles, standing straight up is out of the question. It's a very hot display. Master Jamal steps out of the light, to allow our cameras to record the sight from every angle. The boy is clearly exhausted. But the night is young, and Master Jamal doesn't want to waste any of his time with the little stud.

While we are shooting video of our naked, kneeling teen in the overhead spotlight, Master Jamal whispers in my ear. He wants me to join in for a spit roasting. I grin in agreement. I hand my camera off to Mike, and put on my leather hood.

Our captive is startled at first. He's not sure if I'm another stranger, or one of his owners. I give him a grin, and he relaxes a bit. He's learning fast, and knows what's coming. He actually looks slightly relieved. He's been spit roasted repeatedly by the four of us, so it's something he knows he can handle. And he anticipates less pain, and maybe even another orgasm!

Master Jamal and I lift him bodily, and carry him to the pillory. We leave the spreader bar between his knees, but disconnect his wrists, so his wrists and head can be restrained together in the device. We adjust the post, so that he is bent horizontally at the waist.

Master Jamal, having just cum twice in the boy, is a bit sensitive, and will need oral stimulation to return to full mast. So I take up my favorite position, behind that fantastic ass! The bound slave's butthole is relaxed, but by no means loose. Cum is oozing out, so I don't bother with lube. I slide in easily, as Master Jamal penetrates the opening in the twink's spider gag.

The little blonde is moaning helplessly around the impressive black rod sawing in and out of his throat, as I work his prostate. The big black muscle master and I spend the next forty minutes alternating ends, and holding off our own release. Finally, our boy screams, as he earns himself another punishment with his second prostate orgasm of the night.

Our hot hairless teen sags in the pillory, as our cocks release him. Master Jamal lowers the post, so his knees will be on the ground, and he won't be hanging by his neck and wrists. He then brings the boy a bottle of water and feeds it to him. He will feed him his piss later. Right now, the exhausted twink needs fresh water and rest.

After thirty minutes kneeling in the pillory his usage will continue. He will receive two more breaks between now and dawn. In the morning, we have to carry him up the stairs. Our blonde beauty is completely spent. I carry him in my arms and he puts his arms around my neck, and leans his head on my shoulder.

As I lay him down in the back of the van, I see that he is already asleep. His punishments for cumming will wait until he recovers. But they will be severe. I am curious to see if that tempers his enthusiasm for orgasms.

He is still out cold when we return to the farm. He stirs only slightly as I gently bathe his bruised body. I lay him in his bed, attach the chain around his neck to a ring in the wall, place the spreader bar between his ankles, and leave our sleeping beauty to his rest.

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