Everythings Going Swimmingly

Published on Apr 19, 2017


Everything's Going Swimmingly -- Chapter 4

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I'm thanking G. Venereal. George for kindly editing my stories. He has as usual applied some 'gentle editing' to this story. barry97_97@yahoo.com Please read or reread Chapters 1, 2, 3 before reading Chapter 4. Copyright 2017 by Author Edmund Barry Davies (AKA) Teddy Bare

Everything's Going Swimmingly -- Chapter 4

I opened my eyes looking around before stretching. That's when I realized I was wearing some kind of woman's night gown. I looked over to the other bed and saw Kevin sound asleep. I asked myself what happened last night. Why am I wearing this pink nighty. I remembered shaving the night before, before Kevin came to the room. Then everything was dingy after that. OH yes now I remember. Kevin had wanted me to suck him off again. I had sucked him only for him wanting to take my virgin ass. He had insisted on me dressing in the nighty he had brought up. He told me it belonged to some woman named Paula. Well actually not a woman but a TV. Now Kevin wanted to make me into a TV. I shook my head. I couldn't let Kevin make me into a TV. I just couldn't although he already had talked me into wearing make up and dressing like a woman.

I looked down remembering he had put some kind of cage around my cock. It was gone. I found myself massaging my padded bra for some reason. It felt kind of good and I began to feel like I had real breasts instead of wearing a padded bra. My cock was rock hard as I kept massaging my new found breasts. I moved my hands under the bra and felt my own hard nipples. I began to pinch them feeling them growing hard as my cock grew harder. I forgot about Kevin laying in the next bed as I stroked my cock and my nipples under the padded bra. I felt myself getting closer and closer to an erection as I stroked my hard six inch cock. I closed my eyes as I pinched my nipples and stroked my hard cock. Suddenly I was shooting a nice big load. I realized during all the excitement that I had pushed my panties off. I pulled them off taking my fingers from my hard nipples. As reality sunk in what I did I felt embarrassed by. I had to do something about what just happened.

I jumped out of bed taking off the nighty, padded bra and panties before Kevin woke up. I went to the washroom and saw my face with make up on. I washed my face clean. I would grab my towel put on my boxers and head for the showers before Kevin woke up. I got to the showers. No one was around thank goodness as I entered the showers. I guess I was the first one awake in the building. I went to one of the showers and then realized something was dripping out of my ass. Then I remembered Kevin fucked me the night before. I stuck my finger in my ass to clean my ass out of Kevin's cum before showering. I dried myself putting on my boxers before heading back to my room. I hoped Kevin would still be a sleep as I opened the door. "You're up early Sandra." Kevin greeted as soon as I opened the door.

"Don't call me Sandra." I said. "Everything that happened yesterday was one big mistake. I'm not like that."

"You certainly are like that Sandra. Stop trying to fool yourself and give me my morning blow job. I've got to take a piss first though." Kevin said going into the washroom closing the door behind him. I had to do something and do it fast.

I decided I'd get dressed while Kevin was in the washroom and head downstairs to the cafeteria. But I had only gotten my T-shirt on sitting down to pull my jeans on when Kevin came out of the washroom. "Why are you getting dressed." He asked.

"I'm going to the cafeteria for breakfast." I answered standing up pulling my jeans up to my waist before doing them up.

"It's too early the caferteria will be closed besides you're going to blow me first. I should make you undress and put on something more fem to blow me but I'm too horny to wait around. Just get on your knees and blow me." Kevin said pushing his boxers from his waist to his knees. His throbbing eight inch dick pressed against his wash-board stomach. He brushed his short dirty blond hair out of his deep blue eyes. "Don't just stand there looking at my dick. I can tell you want to suck me as much as you did yesterday. Actually give my balls a good tonguing first."

I caught myself licking my lips looking at his throbbing cock. It did look delicious and I remember what it had tasted like in my mouth. I found myself getting down on my knees in front of Kevin looking up into his bright blue eyes. I leaned forward touching his low hanging balls with my tongue. They tasted nice and salty as I continued licking his balls. They were soon soaking wet with my saliva as I took one of his big balls in my mouth. I swished it from one cheek to the other before taking his other ball in my mouth. "That's enough get on my cock now. Lick all the way up to my cock head first." Kevin said looking down at me and smiling.

I looked up into his eyes before licking the underside of his cock up to his cock head. I took hold of his cock pulling it down until it was less than an inch from my mouth. "Don't just look at it take it in your mouth. You know that's what you want." Kevin said frowning still looking down at me.

I held his cock opening my mouth taking his big cock-head in my mouth. "That feels good now take more of my cock in your mouth." Kevin said taking a hold of my head between his hands and shoving more of his cock in my mouth until it reached the back of my mouth. It was at the beginning of my throat. I remembered choking on his cock the first time I attempted to suck his cock. This time when he shoved his muscular hips forward his cock eased easily into my throat without me choking or coughing. "That's the way. Your a fast learner. You'll soon be the school cock sucker. Just have to get you some girls clothes and you'll be all set. You looked good in the padded bra and nighty last night." Kevin moaned as he pulled his cock out of my throat into my mouth. He looked down at me guiding his cock back in my mouth and down my throat. "I really need this. It's okay for now you're not wearing a padded bra, blouse skirt but only this time. I picked up some of Paula's dresses she left behind. You're a bit taller than she was but that's okay the skirts will be shorter on you. Other than that the two of you could have been twins except Paula had red hair and you're a blond."

I couldn't answer Kevin with my mouth full of his eight inch cock. He thrust his cock in and out of my mouth a few more times. "I'm close already." He grunted as he kept fucking my mouth. "I have something of Paula's for you to wear for breakfast."

I was shocked what Kevin was saying as he fucked my mouth and throat. I couldn't put on women's clothes and go to the cafeteria. Kevin was being insane. He didn't give me time to think as he thrust his hips forward his cock down my throat. "I'm cumming." He grunted his cock beginning to vibrate in my throat before he pulled it out shooting a big load in my mouth before pulling out of my mouth. I swallowed his mouthful of cum looking up at him as he looked down at me.

"I can't believe what you said when I was sucking your cock. You have to be kidding." I said feeling my face heating up at the same time.

"Of coarse I'm serious. You can't be seen in jeans, T-shirt. They won't be very happy with me if you're dressed like that. I promised them before I came up you'd be wearing something fem. Do you want me to work on your make up before you change or after?" Kevin asked.

"Neither. I'm not wearing a skirt and blouse downstairs and definitely not wearing make up. It was bad enough the way you made me dress last night when you fucked me." I said standing up stamping my feet.

"Now there is no need to be stubborn. If you want me to fuck you again tonight you'll do as your told and change into the skirt, blouse and let me apply some make-up. Do I have to rough you up. You know I can take you with no problem at all. Now are you going to co-operate or not?" Kevin asked in a rough sounding voice.

"I'm not changing and that's final." I said stamping my feet again.

"Yes you are. You know that's what you want. Feel your nipples. There growing nice and hard. Don't you wish you were wearing a bra to cover them. I know you'll have to wear a padded bra for now. But just wait until you get the shots and grow real breasts. You'll feel so much like a woman. Your cock is growing again and you're looking at my cock. You can't resist being a woman. Can you?" Kevin asked.

I realized I was starring at his hard cock again as I felt my nipples through my T-shirt. They were growing hard. I wanted to pull my T-shirt off and have a good feel of my growing nipples. I found myself pulling off my T-shirt. I pinched my nipple with my fingers before moving to my other nipple and pinching it as well. "Doesn't that feel good Sandra." Kevin whispered pushing my fingers from my nipples leaning down and taking one between his lips and biting it with his soft lips. He took hold of my other nipple between his fingers and twisted it. "How does that feel?"

I caught myself saying. "It feels good but I'm not changing into women's clothes to wear down stairs."

"Oh yes you are. Now take off your jeans I want to put that cock cage again. You can't be showing off your hard cock when you're wearing the skirt." Kevin whispered in my ear. I found myself growing groggy the more he whispered in my ear. I undid my jeans letting them fall to the floor. I sat down taking my jeans off one leg at a time. I couldn't take my eyes off Kevin's growing cock. "Do you want me to suck you again?"

"Yes I do but I want you to put on the padded bra, cock cage, panties, skirt and blouse first. Do you really want to blow me that badly?" Kevin asked.

"Yes I do." I said letting Kevin fasten the cock cage to my hard dick. As he fastened it, it pushed my cock down and squeezed it in the cage causing my cock to grow soft. My eagerness to suck his cock didn't diminish. I still wanted to suck his cock. I found myself putting on the bra Kevin handed me. He did it up behind my back and handed me the blouse to put on. I put the blouse on before putting on the skirt. Now I was ready to blow Kevin. I got on my hands and knees in front of him. I took his growing cock in my mouth a second time this morning. He gook a hold of the back of my head pushing his cock down my throat.

I looked up into Kevin's face as he shoved his cock down my throat. I pulled back before he shoved his cock down my throat again. He gripped my head beginning to fuck my throat. I massaged my padded bra the same time as he fucked my throat. "I'm getting close he said as he kept pounding my throat with his cock.

I placed my hands through the front of the blouse working my hands inside my padded bra taking a hold of my hard nipples in each of my hands and pinched them as I continued sucking Kevin's cock.

Kevin thrust his cock down my throat as his cock vibrated. "I'm cumming." He shouted pulling his cock out filling my mouth full of his load. He pulled out and stepped back. "Okay all you have to do is fix your blouse and we'll go down stairs as soon as I get dressed and fix your make up.

I started to come out of my trance I had been in while sucking Kevin's cock. "Come on PLEASE! PLEASE! Don't make me do this Kevin." I whimpered looking up at him tears sprouting out my eyes dripping down my cheeks and drooling from my chin. "Have a heart Kevin."

"I am. I don't want to get rough with you Sandra, you look so sweet down there. Behave and I won't have to keep slugging you." Kevin said looking down at me with a sympathetic look on his face.

I stood up following Kevin into the wash-room. I looked at him as he started applying rouge, eye liner and lipstick. He had me smack my lips together to make the lipstick evenly applied. "You're fine now wait until I shower and change. I'll be right back. Don't move until I get back." Kevin instructed wrapping a white towel around his waist before leaving our room. I sat down on the bed worrying what was going to happen when I arrived for breakfast. I had the feeling I'd be the laughing stock of the school. I began crying tears dripping down my cheeks and chin. I put my hands to my face and knew my make up would be ruined but I couldn't help crying.

I was still sniffing when Kevin got back from the shower dressed in T-shirt, jeans, socks and runners. "Damn look at you. Now I have to wash your face and apply new make-up. Stop being a big baby and crying." Kevin said sounding disgusted with me. I followed Kevin into the washroom again blowing my nose. I sniffed trying to get a hold of my emotions.

Kevin held my chin in his hand as he applied make-up to my face once more. He dabbed my eyes once in a while to make sure they were dry. "Okay that will have to do. Put on your sandals. I have nothing else for you to wear on your feet. I forgot to bring stockings but you'll have to go without for today. Let's go and see what everyone's reaction will be. One more thing let me fix your hair first. There that does it. It suits your face." Kevin said opening our room door allowing me to step out in front of him before he closed the door behind us.

I was scared as I walked beside Kevin down the hall to the stairs. Thank goodness no one stepped out into the hall way. It was still early but I knew everyone would be getting up to start their day soon. Kevin and I walked down stairs. I followed close behind him reaching the first floor. We walked out into the long hall way leading to the class rooms and cafeteria. So far it was silent but I knew it would soon be noisy. Kevin pushed in the cafeteria doors walking in. I followed close behind him my head bent looking at the floor.

"How did you sneak in the woman. You know women aren't allowed." I heard from the other side of the cafeteria.

"This isn't just any ordinary woman it's our newest Trans to entertain us guys with it's sexual favors. Care for a blow job before the rest of the guys come for breakfast Terry? I know you liked Paula's blow jobs." Kevin said walking ahead of me. I still had my head bent looking at the floor. "Hold your head up Sandra and let Terry have a good look at you."

I felt my face heating up and I knew it was turning red out of embarrassment. "Hello Terry." I greeted.

"Not bad Kevin. Not bad at all. Could use some improvements like breast injections stockings and more revealing clothes. But not bad for the first time. Bring it in the back so we can have a little privacy in case someone comes in." Terry said. "I like her natural hair. There is enough to take a good hold of when I fuck IT's head when I deep throat IT."

"I'm not an IT." I said raising my voice. "I'm Sandy."

"Well you're not a guy any more and not a real woman so to me you're just an IT for now and Kevin called you Sandra not Sandy. So Sandra must be your name. Never mind follow me the six foot muscular dark haired man in his early twenties said. "I'm glad I got cooking duty today after all. Don't just stand there Sandra follow me. You can keep guard out here Kevin. I'm sure Roy the assistant cook will want to get in on this as well as Steve the pot and pan cleaner. The dishwasher isn't in yet." Terry said. I couldn't see much since he was wearing a long white apron over his jeans and T-shirt but I could see his muscular biceps.

I went past Kevin following Terry into the next room which was the kitchen. He backed up taking off his apron revealing his tight white T-shirt, jeans and runners. "Look what Kevin brought us. His new Trans roommate Sandra." Terry said looking around. Two equally hard bodied men in their mid twenties walked around the corner.

"Well hello Sandra." The first man with dark blond hair, hazel eyes, six feet tall walked around the corner and stood beside Terry. I hope he's a good cock sucker like Paula learned to be.

"You're not the only one Roy." Terry said.

"It's not bad looking." Another man said walking from around the corner standing beside Roy. He was a good inch taller than Roy with short dark hair, brown eyes, taking off his white apron revealing his hot muscular body wearing a tight sleeveless T-shirt, jean shorts revealing his muscular hairy legs. I gather since you guys are head cook and assistant cook I go last to try out his mouth."

"That's right Steve but last does have it's benefits. You probably get the best blow job." Terry said pulling his T-shirt over his head revealing his muscular chest, stomach and biceps. He undid his jeans shoving them to his knees standing in a pair of white boxers. I could see he was already getting excited by the tenting of his boxers. He sat down on the near by chair taking off his jeans over his runners. He shoved his hips off the chair shoving his boxers down revealing his dark blond crotch hair and good sized thick hard cock that flied up slapping his wash board stomach drooling pre-cum. He shoved his boxers down his muscular legs kicking them off. He stood up nude except for his white socks and runners. He looked hot nude except for his socks and runners. I looked up into Terry's face as he stood in front of me. "Don't just stand there. We haven't got all day. Get down and blow me." Terry ordered.

I fell to my knees in front of Terry looking at his hairy balls. I leaned in beginning to lick his balls. "Never mind that. Get on my cock. Keep that for another time when we have more time. Get on my cock." He said pulling his cock down until it was less than an inch from my lips. "Open up for my eight inch dick."

I opened my mouth nice and wide for his thick eight inch cock. I wrapped my lips around his cock head as I felt his hands take hold of my head between his hands. He shoved his thick eight inch cock in my mouth entering my throat. "Wow. This isn't bad at all. Takes it in his throat without even choking or coughing. Terry has been training IT. Work my cock, cock sucker." Terry said shoving more of his cock down my throat until his balls smacked my bottom lip. "Oh yes this is one fine throat. Nice and tight."

"Hurry up Terry, you haven't shot in days. We haven't either and watching you sure has me horny." Roy said standing beside Terry. He was totally nude except for his runners and socks. He and Steve must have stripped down while I was busy swallowing Terry's thick cock. Both of their big cocks were glued to their muscular stomachs. They were both staring at me as I took Terry's cock in my mouth.

Terry still griping my head thrust his cock down my throat pulling out and thrusting down my throat again. "Don't worry Roy, I'm close already." Terry grunted ramming his cock down my throat pulling out and fucking my throat.

"Well speed it up then." Steve said. "I have to wait for you and then Roy and watching you sure has my cock rock hard."

Terry rammed his cock down my throat. "I'm cumming." He moaned his cock vibrating in my throat as he shot his big load. He pulled out filling my throat with cum before pulling it out of my mouth. Terry was covered in sweat as he dripped sweat all over my head and face. He stepped back. "IT's all yours Roy. Go for it."

"I sure will." Roy answered stepping in front of me. "Now work my eight and half inch thick dick Sandra."

I licked my lips before opening my mouth once more this time for Roy's eight and a half inch thick cock. He shoved his cock in my mouth good and deep until his balls smacked my bottom lip. He pulled out before ramming it down my throat again and again. "You're right this is one fine throat Terry. I looked up admiring Roy's muscular dark hairy chest and stomach. He smiled back down at me. "I can see you're enjoying my cock. One of these days soon I'll be taping your bubble butt." Roy said.

I wanted to thank Roy for his comments but with his cock in my mouth I couldn't say anything. He drove his cock down my throat once more. Then he pulled it out only to ram it down my throat again and again. He picked up speed as sweat pored from his face as he fucked my mouth and throat. "One fine throat that's for sure. Not that bad looking either. Can't wait until you get implants so I can feel your breasts while I fuck you." Roy moaned. "I'm fucking close already."

"Then hurry the fuck up and fuck his mouth and throat. I need IT to work my cock as well. I can hear the guys coming in the cafeteria so hurry the fuck up. "IT will need to straighten IT's clothes and wash IT's sweaty cum covered face before joining the gang in the cafeteria."

"Fuck I'm cumming." Roy shouted his cock growing larger and vibrating in my throat as he pulled it into my mouth filling my mouth with his salty load. He pulled out of my mouth spurting all over my face. He stepped back. "He's all yours Steve."

"Thanks Roy." Steve a good six-two with dark hair, brown eyes muscular hairy body and great biceps. He walked in front of me. I opened my mouth without him saying a word. He took a hold of my head between his strong hands before shoving his cock in my mouth. He shoved his cock all the way down my throat. He pulled out. I looked to one side and saw both Terry and Roy had walked away somewhere else in the kitchen. "Nice throat that's for sure." Steve grunted thrusting his big thick cock in and out of my throat.

"That's the way enjoy my thick nine inch cock Sandra." Steve shoved his cock down my throat pulling out and shoving it down my throat over and over. "I'm cumming." He moaned thrusting his cock down my throat. He pulled his cock out of my throat but not my mouth.

"The others are washing up so I'm taking seconds." Steve held my head while thrusting his nine inch cock down my throat. "Yes I had to go last but at least I get to fuck your throat an extra time." Steve said just as Roy and Terry rounded the corner cleaned up and dressed in their T-shirts and jeans.

"You haven't shot your load yet Steve. What's taking you so long?" Terry asked.

"I'm not about to rush a good thing Terry." Steve answered fucking my throat nice and slow.

"I thought you were really horny and would have popped your load as soon as it was in Sandra's throat." Roy said.

"To be honest I did shoot my load but I had to try for two times. I'm enjoying his throat so much." Steve answered thrusting his cock out of my throat before ramming it back down my throat again and again. "I'm getting close a second time."

"Hurry up he has to get cleaned up to send him out into the crowded cafeteria and get their reactions. The newer guys have probably never seen an IT before." Terry said. "Besides I'm sure Kevin is waiting for him."

"I'm cumming." Steve said a second time as he shoved his cock down my throat his cock expanding in my throat. He pulled his cock out filling my mouth with his salty load before pulling out of my mouth and spurting all over my hair and face. "I've got to get cleaned up and get back to washing the pots. Follow me." He picked up his jeans and T-shirt walking away.

I followed Steve around the corner to a door on the far side of the kitchen. He opened the door into the washroom. "Wait here while I clean up and get dressed." He said walking in the washroom closing the door behind him. About ten minutes later he came out of the washroom. "Okay get cleaned up as best as possible.

I walked in the washroom looking at my cum covered face. Thank goodness none had gotten on my skirt or blouse. I leaned over the sink rinsing my head under the tap as best as possible without getting my blouse wet. I grabbed the towel beside the sink drying my hair. I saw how my face was covered in cum. I washed my face and hands before wiping them dry. I'd have to go into the cafeteria without make-up. I had no other choice. I fixed my damp hair as best as possible before exiting the washroom. I walked to where Terry, Roy and Steve were standing now wearing their white aprons.

"Head on out and face the music." Terry said pushing the kitchen door open. I waited behind the door straightening my clothes as well as my body. I had to build up the courage to walk into the crowded cafeteria... End of Chapter 4...

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