Everythings Going Swimmingly

Published on Feb 24, 2017


Everything's Going Swimmingly Chapter 3

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I'm thanking G. Venereal. George for kindly editing my stories. He has as usual applied some 'gentle editing' to this story. barry97_97@yahoo.com Please read or reread Chapters 1 and 2 before reading Chapter 3 Copyright 2017 by Author Edmund Barry Davies (AKA) Teddy Bare

Everything's Going Swimmingly Chapter 3

I had been so flustered and then excited sucking Kevin's big cock I had completely forgotten to shave my body for swimming tryouts. I'd just have to go without shaving today. At least I had shaved the night before leaving for University so I only had a slight growth. I was lucky I had fine blond hair and I didn't need to shave my face or body every day. I had only been shaving my body over the summer on the advice from my summer swimming coach. He told me I'd swim faster without body hair to slow me down. Not that I had all that much hair on my body to begin with. "I'll just have to shave tonight in my room. I don't want to shave in the shower room in case the guys made fun of me shaving my body. Football, basketball and other such team guys wouldn't understand swimmers like me shaving our bodies.

I went to the cafeteria. I was early so the cafeteria was fairly empty thank goodness. I didn't need to be hassled the first thing in the morning by Doug and his buddies. I was half way through my breakfast when the school jocks walked in. They went to the cafeteria counter lining up to get their breakfasts. I could hear Doug talking the loudest in line. Thank goodness he hadn't spotted me yet. I quickly finished eating taking my tray to the large window where the dirty dishes were placed. I was about to leave the cafeteria when I heard Doug. "Where you heading out so soon? Stick around Sandy and tell us about last night with Kevin. Did you finally blow him?" Doug asked approaching me.

I didn't want to tell Doug the truth but I always had trouble lying. My face always gave me away whenever I tried to lie. "I'm in a hurry Doug. I have to go to my locker and find my first class room. I don't want to be late for my first class." I said ignoring Doug's question.

"You never answered my question. Never mind here's Kevin. I'll ask him." Doug said turning around and I saw Kevin walking in the cafeteria. I felt like shrinking to the floor and crawling out. I was positive Kevin would tell all the guys about me blowing him last night, drinking his piss and blowing him again this morning.

"Hey Kevin. What's Sandra like giving blow jobs?" Doug shouted across the cafeteria.

"None of your beeswax Doug. You'll have to find out for yourself." Kevin shouted just as I ducked out of the cafeteria. I headed for my locker to pick up my books for first class. I was the first one in class after the teacher that is. Some how I managed to get through the morning without being hassled. I headed for the cafeteria for lunch. The cafeteria was full of students and I managed to keep out of sight of Doug and Kevin.

The afternoon went without any troubles and I headed for the swimming pool after class. Tryouts went good and I got on the University swim team. I headed for the cafeteria after swimming tryouts. I made it for the first sitting and the guys that had tried out for football, soccer, basketball hadn't entered the cafeteria yet. I finished eating just as Kevin, Doug and the other jocks entered the cafeteria. I couldn't take my eyes off all of the hot bodied jocks still wearing gym clothes as they entered the cafeteria. I decided instead of sticking around and admiring the hot hard bodied jocks I'd just head for my room.

I figured I'd skip showering since I had a shower after swimming tryouts. I figured it was a great time to shave my body before Kevin came back to our room. I went in the washroom and stripped down closing the washroom door. I took out my shaving things shaving one leg at a time. I cleaned off my legs and crotch soaping up under my arms when I heard Kevin coming in the room. "Hay Sandy, everyone was asking about you. Why didn't you stick around?" He asked just as the washroom door opened. I had been in such a hurry I forgot to lock the washroom door.

"Holy shit you shaved your body. What trash were you feeding me about not being into wanting to be a female yesterday?" Kevin asked boldly walking in the washroom. "I have an idea don't leave. I'll be back soon." He left the washroom and I heard the room door open and shut.

I finished shaving ready to get dressed when Kevin popped in our room. "Don't get dressed yet Sandra. I have something for you to wear. You'll love what I have. It will make your skin feel good. I still had neglected to lock the door and in Kevin walked. He held out a cage like thing handing it to me. "Here put this on first. It will keep your cock from getting hard when I fuck you."

"If you want to blow me again you're to wear the cock cage and take a shower cleaning out your ass." Kevin said.

"I'm not wearing that thing! Why would I get a boner if I allowed you to fuck me anyway?" I asked.

"Put the fucking thing on Sandy and don't argue." Kevin ordered. "Then go shower and remember to cleaning out your ass but good."

I was so shocked the way Kevin ordered me to put the cage on I did what he ordered me to do. I put it on with some difficulty doing it up once I had it on. "Is that okay?" I asked. "I'll take the shower if you promise to let me blow you that is."

"Okay go shower and I'll promise you a lot more than the chance to blow me if you're cleaned out real good. Now hurry up and get back here." Kevin said.

I did as Kevin said heading for the shower for a quick shower and cleaned my ass out until it ran clean with clear water then I returned to our room with the towel wrapped around my waist. Thank goodness no one had been in the shower.

"I'm all cleaned up and out and I'm squeaky clean. How do I look?" I asked.

"That's fine Sandy. Bend over and lets have a look at your butt." Kevin said.

Without giving it a second thought I turned around bending over. Kevin was behind me spreading my ass cheeks. "Just what I thought your ass crack needs shaving. I'll shave it for you. I'll get your razor you shaved your body with after I put some shaving cream between your ass cheeks. I want to make it nice and smooth." Keven slapped my ass cheeks nice and hard. "Take a hold of your ass cheeks and spread them wide open for me to shave between them."

"Okay if you say so, after all the rest of my body except my head has been shaved, why not between my ass cheeks." I said leaning over my hands behind me spreading my ass cheeks wide open.

Kevin added shaving cream between my ass cheeks and went to work shaving between them until he said. "That's that, they're all shaved. Keep holding your ass cheeks while I wash and dry between your ass cheeks." Kevin said washing and drying between my ass cheeks. "Okay let go. Put on these panties. Feel how silky they feel against your smooth shaved skin." Kevin said softly handing me the panties. I pulled them on and Kevin was right, they did feel silky against my shaved body. Now the bra. I'll do it up and you'll need some socks for now until you get your implants or you can start on steroids to begin your transformation."

I put my arms through the bra Kevin pulled it around fastening it behind me. "Now the silky nightie." Kevin leaned over and whispered in my ear. We'll have to do something with your hair. Put it in a pixie cut to make you look cute."

I pulled the silky transparent Nightie over my head letting it slide down my chest and hips. I smoothed my hands down the front of the silky material. "Wow this feels great." I said without thinking. I feel so much different."

"That's the idea SANDRA. Feel that silk against your skin. Doesn't that feel good." Kevin whispered softly in my ear. Doesn't it make you feel like a WOMAN? A WOMAN that needs to be taken. A WOMAN that needs her virginity taken."

"Yes, take me, take me, make me a WOMAN." What the heck was I saying. Did I just ask Kevin to fuck me? I asked myself.

"It'll be my pleasure, crawl into bed so we do this properly my dear. But first do your face up for the occasion. You're perfect except your makeup." Kevin said. "I'll help you the first time until you learn to do it yourself."

"What do I do?" I asked looking at Kevin who was holding out a tray of makeup in front of me.

"Look at me and stand still. I remember how we taught Paula how to apply make up the first time. After that it came naturally to her. I'm sure it will be natural for you after the first time. Now pay attention." Kevin said turning my head toward him with the mirror facing me. He leaned over the mirror holding my chin up. First lets do your eyes."

"Okay." I said looking up at Kevin before looking in the mirror. He applied eye liner over my eye lids. The deep blue brings out my blue eyes. I looked in the mirror admiring how the blue out liner brought out my blue eyes. He took an eye lash thing. Not sure the name of it. He held my chin applying the eye lash to make my eye lashes look longer. Once more he said. "Take a look at your eyes and bat your eye's open and shut. "That's the way." Kevin said as I blinked my eyes open and shut.

Kevin added some rouge on my cheeks and last of all said. "Alright open your mouth a bit so I can apply the bright red lip stick to make you look like a whore. That's the way." Kevin said as I left my mouth part way open as he applied lip stick carefully to my top lip and bottom lip. "Now press them together like you've seen women do when they apply their lip stick."

I did as Kevin told me and pressed my lips together like I saw mom doing when she applied lip stick. Only my lip stick was brighter and really made my lips stick out. "That looks great." I said admiring the way my face looked like. I was beginning to look even more fem than I usually did. I had to admit with the lacy nigh gown and make up made me look like an attractive whore.

"Good now it's time to take your virginity." Kevin said escorting me to the bed and allowing me to get on my bed. He climbed on top of me slowly pulling my pink panties down my long slim shaved swimmer's legs. He tossed them on the bed pushing my legs back until they pressed against my stomach and padded bra. My lacy nightie rose up exposing my ass. He grabbed some Vaseline applying some to my ass hole and his big cock. His fingers fitted in my asshole as he pushed his greasy fingers in my ass. His fingers didn't hurt as much as I thought they would having shoved fingers up my own ass while jacking off in the past. He added a second and third finger in my ass, my cock tried to get hard but couldn't while locked in the cage.

"I'm glad I put the cage on I can see your dick is trying to get hard and no one wants to see a guys dick getting hard when he fucks you. It looks more like a clit this way." Kevin said pulling his fingers out of my ass. I felt his big cock head pressing against my asshole. I was afraid it may hurt but I was excited at the same time.

"Okay I'm as ready I'll ever be Kevin." I said taking a deep breath and letting it all out.

"That's fine now pretend you have to shit and push out. That will make it easier. That's what Paula told me when I fucked her." Kevin said shoving his cock between my ass cheeks and anus. Pain shot through out my entire body feeling my sphincter muscle spreading open from the outside in. His cock head pushed into my ass further. I bit down on my bottom lip preventing myself from screaming out in pain. Suddenly his cock hit that lump in my ass and my cock wanted to bone up but I couldn't get a boner because of the cage. I felt my cock drooling pre-cum even though my cock remained semi soft.

"I can tell you're getting into the fuck SANDRA. Don't bother to deny what you're feeling slut. You want me to fuck you like the WOMAN you're becoming. "Wow you're tight SANDRA. I could fuck you all night. The guys are going to enjoy fucking you for the real WOMAN you secretly desire to be. I've saved some of the money Paula saved up to get you breast implants as soon as possible. There is actually enough to start you on hormone shots. You won't need implants then. Isn't that what you want?" Kevin continued to fuck my ass. Pleasure and pain had filled my entire body as he continued ramming his cock in and out of my ass. He leaned over taking my head in his hands pulling me forward kissing my lips. "Yes, yes, fuck yes. I'll soon be fucking you with nice big tits to match your perfect bubble butt."

"Fuck me, fuck me good and hard." I moaned as Kevin rammed his cock in my hot pussy. Give me everything you have." I was barely listening to Kevin talking about hormone shots. At this point I only wanted to be Kevin's woman and for him to give me a good hard fuck.

"Don't worry, I'll fuck you alright SANDRA as much as you like IF you start on the hormones that is. You have to promise to get hormones GIRL if you want me to continue fucking you. It won't cost you anything until you start bringing money in that is." Kevin pulled his cock out of my ass and staring down at me smiling. Will you have implants when I pay that is?" Kevin asked.

I couldn't think. I just wanted Kevin to finish fucking me and plant his seed inside my ass. "Yes, yes. Give me the hormone treatments since you're going to pay for them. Just fuck me. I promise to get the hormone treatments." I grunted not thinking what I was saying.

"Okay you promised remember SANDRA." Kevin thrust his cock deep in my ass good and hard pulling out and thrusting deep inside me. He began fucking my hot ass faster and harder, pumping his big cock in and out of my hungry ass. I couldn't understand why my ass needed him to fuck me but it did. I felt like a true WOMAN getting fucked by Kevin.

"Yes anything as long as you keep fucking me Kevin just the way you are. Fuck me Kevin, fuck me good and hard. I want you to shoot your hot seed inside me." I moaned.

"You want me to cum in your hot male pussy. Don't you BITCH?" Kevin asked.

"Yes fuck me and cum in my male pussy." I moaned the harder Kevin shoved his cock in and out of my pussy. "This is your pussy Kevin."

"Your pussy belongs to me to rent out to all the jocks at school. Right?" Kevin asked.

"Yes it does stud. It's all yours to rent out to all the jocks at school. All yours. You own me Kevin." I grunted shoving my ass up to meet Kevin fucking my ass deeper and harder.

Kevin was soon pounding his cock deep in my ass pulling out faster and faster. He leaned over me licking my neck as he continued fucking me. My ass felt like it was on fire and was needing his hot cum to put out that fire.

At long last he rammed deep in my ass. I felt his cock growing bigger and longer deep in my ass. He pulled out sitting back on his heels. That was a great fuck SANDRA." Kevin huffed and puffed. I'll make the appointment for tomorrow after class to get your first hormone treatments. You do remember you consented. Don't you?" Kevin asked.

I thought for a moment remembering something about hormone treatments while I was begging Kevin to fuck me. "Yes I do."

"Don't worry about complications of the usual kinds of having to dress etc like a female before starting the treatment. I know a doctor that does it without having to go through the usual waiting period. Believe me I know your a female in a male body just like I knew Paula was. She's enjoying life as a full fledged female now. She had the operation so now she is all woman and has the extra pussy like a real female. End of Chapter 3.

Please send suggestions to barry97_97@yahoo.com If anyone has had hormone treatments can you pass on the information to me please. How you felt with the treatments etc. Thank you for you're help the couple of people that are helping me.

Copyright 2017 *** Author Edmund Barry Davies (AKA) Teddy Bare

Next: Chapter 4

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