Everything You Need/

By Jonathan

Published on Mar 7, 2001



Hi everyone! This is my first attempt to write a story, so if It isn't good, I apologize. I would like feedback, just to let me know if you like it or not, thanks.... Jonathan abercrombiedude1@hotmail.com

Everything You Need Chapter 1

It was a lovely Monday morning, well, as lovely as a Monday morning could be. It was the first day back to school after christmas break. My mom and I, and some friends, went Skiing over break. It was tradition. We went skiing every year, even after my father died.

I guess I sould introduce myself. My name is Todd Miller. I am 17, 5'9", 155 lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes. Just a normal type of guy. I live with my mother, Anne. My father died when I was 9, he was in a car accident, and was killed immediately. We live in the wonderful city of Mill Valley. It's growing, a lot of new houses and businesses. I am a junior at Mill Valley High School. I guess you can say that I am popular. I'm not like the total big Mr. Popular of the school, he's my best friend, Kenny. More about him later. I drive a Jeep Wrangler, 16th birthday present. I LOVE my Jeep.

Now, about Kenny, and my other friends. Kenny and I have been best friends since we were born, our mother's were friends, and introduced us to eachother. He and I have been through good times, and bad times. Did I also mention that he is a total HOTTIE!?!?!?! I mean, damn, I could stare at him forever, and never get tired of looking at him. He is 17 also, 5'10", 150 lbs, blonde hair, and hazel eyes. He has the cutest smile and laugh. I've known that I have been gay since I was a freshman, the same year I fell head over heals for Kenny. I have always known that I was different. Girls just didn't interest me, only Kenny did. Only one person knows besides me, and that's my other best friend Rachel. Her and I have been friends since middle school. She was new in 7th grade, and I showed her around the school. We hit it off the moment we met. She's more like my sister than my friend. I finally told her our sophomore year. She said that she kind of new all ready, and that she new that I was in love with Kenny. She said she could see it in my eyes. I have sooooo many other friends too, but none as important as these two, without them I would be lost.

As I was getting ready for school, I thought about the great trip my friends and I had just been on. Aspen was great this time of the year. I love skiing. Rachel isn't so great at it, of course I took her, and my hottie Kenny. As we were into our third day there (Christmas Eve Eve) Kenny had fallen and sprained his ankle. I was immediately at his side. The poor guy, he was in pain. I knew it hurt like hell, because a couple of years ago I sprang my ankle. We immediately rushed him to the nurses station at the park. A little while later he came out all patched up, but couldn't ski. I felt really bad for my hottie, he loved to ski, and now he couldn't. So I did my best to keep him comfortable at the cabin. Oh yes, we own a cabin in aspen. Well it's not like a normal cabin, it's huge, but I like it.

"You know you don't have to stay in here with me." Kenny told me as I propped up his foot.

"I know, but I want to. I go skiing every year. It's not a big deal." I told him. Really it was a big deal, this meant that I got to spend more time with him, alone, just the two of us. "Do you need anything? Something to eat? Drink? Blanket? Pillow?" I asked

"No mother!!! I'm just fine, but I could use the remote. I'm bored starting at your ugly ass."

"Asshole!!" I said as I tossed him the remote. Kenny, of course turned to his favorite show, Baywatch. Damn chicks! I just wish I could be on that show, and show him a thing or two. No wait.....

"Hey you two! What's up?" Rachel said sitting down on the couch.

"Not much, just letting Mother Todd do everything for me. I should get hurt more often," Kenny said, with a huge ass grin.

"Of course, anytime anyone gets hurt, Todd turns into a mother hen. You know Todd, you would make a great girl."

"Bitch!" I said as I threw a pillow at her. And that started the pillow fights of all pillow fights.

"Now now children, you know that there is no wrestling in the house. Take it out side please," my mother said. Take it out side, is she crazy? My hottie could catch a cold! "Now you know, it is getting late. I am going to run off to bed. Don't stay up TOO late. Goodnight"

"Night mom"

"Night Mrs. Miller"

"Goodnight Mrs. Miller"

"Hey, why don't we watch a movie? Who's up for American Pie?" I said, as I had a pillow thrown at me. Eventually I won, and we watched my all time favorite movie. About half way throught the movie I fell asleep on Kenny's stomach.


Look at him sleep. So peaceful. I feel so bad about springing my damn ankle. I know that Todd loves to ski. And here he is, stuck inside with me. He really is a great friend. I know that he loves to come up here. He has every year, even after his father died. It's really the only good memory he had of his dad. He tells everyone that his dad died in a car wreck, but he really died of cancer. Everyone knows that, but when your a family like the Miller's, it was a wreck. You see, his father was an alchoholic, and a very one at that. Todd loved his father, but he never showed Todd the affection that he wanted and needed. Towards the end, it got really bad, when he found out that he had cancer. He drank all the time. And eventually, his anger was taken out on Todd and his mother. Every time one of them did something wrong, he would beat them. Not like a little slap, but really beat them. He beat Mrs. Miller so hard one day, he gave her a broken nose and arm. She left him, and took Todd. But a few days later he died. I think it was for the best. I couldn't stand to see Todd and his mother getting hurt. But that's in the past and this is now.

Eventually the movie got boring. I don't really like American Pie, but Todd does. And anything he likes, we always watch. I looked over at Rachelle and saw that she was asleep too. So I decided to turn in. I turned off the tv and put a blanket over Rachel. I once again looked at Todd, he looked so happy and content. I picked him up and carried him to his room, well our room. I put him in bed, and crawled in next to him, we always share beds. When you've been friends this long, it just doesn't matter. Before I went to sleep, I leaned over and gave Todd a kiss on the lips. Oh how I wish I could kiss those lips everyday. I layed down, and draped my arm over Todd. I always wake up before him, so he wouldn't suspect anything. Right before sleep came, the last thought I had was of Todd. And how much I loved him, but never would I be able to tell him. He was my angel, and the one secret love of my life.


I woke up in the middle of the night, dying to take a piss, that's what I get for falling asleep early. So I got up and took care of my business. When I came back in to my room, I noticed that Kenny wasn't there. He never misses out on sleep. That's his favorite hobbie. Where did my hottie go? I decided to see if he was in another room. I checked all the bedroom, but he wasn't in any of them. So I decided to check the rest of the house. As I was walking down the hallway, I hear a muffle voice, that sounded like crying, and the crackling of the fireplace. I quietly walked into the living room, and saw Kenny. Sitting there, crying.

"Kenny? Is that you? Why are you crying?" I said softly.

"Oh... I ..... was.... um.... had a bad dream.... that's all. I'm sorry, did I wake you?" He said as he wiped the tears away from his eyes. I sat down next to him on the floor, we were in front of the big window, that looked over the whole valley. It was a full moon, and the snow sparkeld. It was really beautiful. I looked into Kenny's eyes, and saw pain and hurt. I knew that something was really wrong. Kenny never cried.

"Come on man, tell me what's wrong. I can see it in your eyes. Please tell me, I want to know," I said as I put my hand on his shoulder. I let it rest there for just a minute. Enjoying the warmth from him.

"Kenny, what's the matter?" I once again said, a little angry this time. He put his finger to his lips, hushing me. Then he spoke very softly.

"Todd Jonathan Miller, as I look into your eyes, I can see into your soul. And what I have seen has made me the most happiest guy on earth. I know how you feel, because I feel it too. Todd, I love you. And have ever since I can remember," he said. Then he stood my up, and I heard soft music in the background. Thats funny, where did that come from? It was the song "Amazed" by Lonestar, and we started to dance. Towards the end of the song, he took me and looked into my eyes. Then he leaned in, and gave my the sweetest and lovingly kiss that I had ever had. When he began to pull away, I stole another kiss, which turned out to be one hell of a kiss. Way after the song was over, we were still kissing.

"Kenny Michael Blanchard, I love you more than anythind in the world. I have loved you since we first me, and will always love you. I said as I broke the kiss. He just smiled and we stared into eachother's eyes. He than picked me up, and carried me into our room. He layed me down, and crawled in next to me. I fell asleep in Kenny's arms. I can't describe to you what it felt like to finally, after what seemed like forever, I could finally be with my hottie, my Kenny.

Let me know what you think. Thanks... abercrombiedude1@hotmail.com

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