Everything I Said

By Darren LeVanelle

Published on Aug 4, 2000


Excuses! Excuses! I got them all this week. Well I went out clubbing with some friends last night and I didn't get back till way late and I ACTUALLY caught up on my sleep. Good for me, bad for fans of my story. So I've started this and I'm typing as fast as possible with the ideas flying and sorry for the little delay on Nifty (Hopefully this WILL make the post on time) but NO delay on my SlashPage so I've still kept in daily! :P~ Ha ha!

This is a work of fiction. I am in no way implying or stating anything about the real life sexuality of the member of 'N Sync. This story involves homosexuality, and male/male romance. If this type of material offends you please leave now. Also if you are under the age of 18, or this type of material is illegal in your state or country, please leave too. You can check out my SlashPage at: http://www.angelfire.com/celeb/DLeVanelle/index.html

Or e-mail me with your thoughts and opinions at: levanelle@yahoo.com

Or you can try and catch me online through AIM. My name is DLeVanelle. I'm always up to chatting with my fans. Hope you enjoy the rest of the series as it continues to develop. Later! And Godspeed.

-Darren ***********************************************************************


  • Chapter 9 - Written by Darren LeVanelle

Have you ever woken up early in the morning and you still feel tired and you know you want to go back to sleep? But instead, no matter how hard you try, and no matter how tired you actually feel, you still can't get back asleep? Well, that was the dilemma I was facing right now. Another typical thing for me. It happened every so often but it still made me hate and despise the fact that it happened. Maybe I just needed some sleep medication.

I slid out from underneath James's arms and made my way to the bathroom cause I really needed to take a piss. I know you really wanted to hear about that. So, headed into the game room cause I really needed to get something to drink. It was a usual thing in the morning for me in case you hadn't noticed by now. But imagine my shock when I walked on in, wearing only my boxers, and I found out that I wasn't alone being an early bird.

JC was sprawled out on the couch and watching some movie on the TV. He also had the laptop (Same one as Justin) opened up and occasionally looked down at it, typing here and there. Kinda found that odd. I heard that he wasn't exactly the morning type. And he wasn't dressed much either. That just got the imagination up and going again, not a good thing but not a bad thing either, and kind of made me want to just turn around and go back again. It was then that the boxer clad JC took notice of me just standing in the doorway gawking and smiled my way.

"Hey there Jere!" he exclaimed after looking back down at his screen.

"Don't call me that!" I rattled off at him.

"Why not?" Questioning me eh Mr. Chasez.

"Only Joey calls me Jere...so you can't."

"Jealous are we?" He giggled a bit, then turned his attention back to the computer. I went over to the fridge and grabbed a Dr. Pepper. Someone here obviously knew I was coming on this bus cause it was stocked with all my favorite items. Opened the can, gulped some down and took a seat on the other couch.

"So whatcha doing?"

"I'm downloading a demo version of that software you were using. Never heard of it before." He had that damn grin on his face still. This could get annoying. He was acting too cute for me not to pay attention.

"You've never heard of Cakewalk before?"


"Some music person you are." That just didn't make any sense to me. How can you be in the music biz and not know about the stuff many aspiring artists use. Then again. "But I forgot, you're a boy-band guy so I don't expect you to know about all of this." Ok. So the bitch came out again. I couldn't help it. Instinct takes over sometimes.

"I take offense to that." He replied to me. Well why mister man? "I'll have you know I've co-written plenty on this new album."

"Exactly." I said, being a bitch still. "Co-written. It doesn't exactly make me want to give you props. I write all my own stuff. Then again, I don't have an album so I don't have any room to talk."

"That's right." Being smug all of a sudden aren't we. Maybe he and Justin are twin's with different bottles of hair-color. "But you do have talent and I'm sure you'll get picked up soon."

Ok. They aren't twins. JC is too nice and giving with his compliments.

"What? Oh please!" I gasped out.

"Seriously." JC's eyes pooped back up from the monitor. "You write some amazing stuff! That's probably the best song I've heard in a long time. Your voice needs a little work though." Get a point, lose a point. "I'm sure I could give you the number to a few different vocal coaches though." Then he had to get the point back. Damn nice guys. Sometimes I just hate them.

"You'd actually do that for me?"

"Of course. Why let good talent go to waste?"

So he had a point. I just wasn't listening. The good thing was that he decided to go kill some time in the mini-studio. That would mean plenty of time for me to check my e-mail and search for a certain somebody on-line.

It only took a few minutes, as usual. I had another e-mail from my mom, one from my sister, and another one from my friend Jayln. He said he was still waiting for tickets. Damn him! Then I saw what I was looking for, my e-mail from Jay.

From: jaybjay@yahoo.com Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 05:55:23 MDT Subject: I must be crazy To: jhollis78@yahoo.com

Dear Hal,

Well I hate feeling this way. I really, really want to chat with you so I'm gonna ask you this. I'm busy tomorrow and the rest of today but on Sunday can you meet me online to chat say about noonish. If you can't let me know ok. Talk to you then, hopefully.

Much love, Jay

From: jhollis78@yahoo.com Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 7:33:51 MDT Subject: Re: I must be crazy To: jaybjay@yahoo.com

Dear Jay,

It's a date! I'll be there.


Well I didn't want to overdo it or anything. A little bit after I was done I saw Chris coming out of the hall. He smiled my way.

"Mornin' Jere!"

'ARGH!" I screamed out.

"What did I do?" he asked sheepishly as he looked around and at his appearance. "I'm wearing clothes so I know it's not that that's got ya screaming." He took a second look at his t-shirt. "Oh. I'm sorry. You don't like Britney?"

"No. Well yeah I don't like Britney." Hey I'm sorry. I just don't. "It's just that you're the second person inside of 15 minutes who has called me Jere. That's JOEY'S name for me!"

"Jealous are we?" Did they all learn how to talk from the same English teachers? And I thought they were all born in different states! What gives with this?

"I give up. You guys are too much!" I closed up my laptop and decided to just play some Nintendo.

"I hope that's not in a bad way. I mean you and Joey are cool so that already says a lot. And you and Lance are cool and that says a lot too." He put his finger to his head and made this silly expression. "In fact, if you can handle the most annoying of us and the gay one then you must be able to deal with us all! Even if Justin is on the rag sometimes."

"I knew he was PMS'ing." Chris laughed hysterically at that. He went over to the fridge and grabbed a Mountain Dew. He made another face and exclaimed.

"Who snagged one of my dews?"

"I'm guilty." I said, turning on Gauntlet Legends.

"Did you snag a Dr. Pepper too?"

"It's not my fault we have the same taste in soda."

He let out a little sigh. "Well it's not like I can't afford to feed you until you get back on your bus." He came over and sat down next to me grabbing another controller. "Looking forward to getting back to your own bunk?"

"Kinda. I like the fact you guys have so much to do here. We don't have a Nintendo or a mini-studio."

"Some perks for being a successful group." He joined me in the game and we just played for a few hours. He was pretty good at it too. Then again these guys must have spent hours playing this stuff. We chatted a bit during the game. To my surprise Chris was a very intelligent guy. We talked about Shakespeare, different types of writing formats, our favorite authors (He was also a huge Dragonlance fan as well as The Darksword trilogy.) and other stuff.

"I love to sing and I love what I do." He said in the middle of our little talk. "But when this finally dies down I want to be an author."

Him and I were a lot alike. After we finished off one of the levels he got up to go take a shower. No one else was up yet so I decided to see if JC was done in the room yet.

I headed down the way and, yep, the door was still closed. I got curious and thought I should get JC back for listening in on me the other day. I placed the headphones on and heard what I thought was the intro to a song he was working on.

'Two hearts across the water of a river'

'On two different paths'

'Trying to walk in sync together forever'

'But that's not going to last'

'Try as we may, the water runs deeper'

'And every day, the hills get steeper'

'But they continue on their way'

'Their conviction never strays'

'Isn't that something to wonder about?'

'Wonder if I'll ever feel that way'

'Wonder if I could ever have that faith'

'Jealous that I may never be able to say'

'The words that these hearts beat everyday'

'Cause I have wandered onto every shore'

'And I've tried to walk through every door'

'But what I would give'

'To have a life like this'

'When all the pain is worth the price'

'Of falling in love tonight'

It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever heard. I never thought that any of these guys could be like they are. Lance, gay. Joey, a musician to the core. JC, passionate. Chris, intelligent. Justin. Well I just won't go there. I listened to him sing the words and it just touched me so deep. I started to cry right there. My legs wouldn't move, even as I heard the door open a little bit after JC stopped his singing and he saw me sitting there in a ball, crying like a little girl.

"Jeremy are you ok?"

*********************************************************************** TO BE CONTINUED???

I know it was a short one again but I had a long night. This will be delayed on Nifty but still posted in time on my site. I'm already working on Chapter 10 as I post this and I hope to get in a few more chapters tonight to make this up to you devoted readers ok. Much love!

-Darren ***********************************************************************

Next: Chapter 10

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