Everyone Fuck the Fag Teacher

By moc.liamg@erifmasynnhoj

Published on Nov 8, 2023


Everyone Fuck the Fag Teacher Part 4 By LittleJohn

This story contains descriptions of pretty graphic sex between men. If this disturbs you, or is illegal for someone of your age wherever you live, I advise you not to read on.

This story is based off a straight version I read a few months ago. Couldn't resist making up a gay version! Enjoy.

It had been almost two weeks since Toby's home had been invaded by the two horse-hung teens, Mikey and Andy. The two 17 year old boys had spent hours invading not only Toby's privacy, but his mouth and ass as well. He had still been able to easily shove three fingers up his over-stretched ass for 24 hours after.

It was safe to say Toby's situation as a teacher had deteriorated significantly since then, at least as far as Mikey and Andy were concerned. It seemed that the duo had managed to refrain from letting their secret out to anyone else, though Toby was now living in constant fear for his job and career, remembering that Mikey had promised not to tell anyone after the first time Toby gave him head in his own classroom, and further recalling how casually Mikey seemed to have revealed all to Andy.

However, Toby's situation as a lapsed cock-slut had improved dramatically. Now that Andy had experienced his fag teacher's ass and cocksucking mouth for himself, he couldn't seem to get enough, sometimes having arguments with Mikey when both the boys got too horny to share fairly, Mikey claiming precedence as he had discovered the fag' first, and Andy retorting that Mikey had promised that they could share the fag' between them, and that Mikey wasn't playing fair by hogging his ass all the damn time, Mikey having discovered the talents of his teacher's ass only minutes before Andy.

Toby had come to realise on that Saturday when the two teens had waltzed into his apartment and fucked him mercilessly over his own couch, and more so over the following two weeks, that this was what he wanted; there was a part of him that he'd tried to bury deep over the last year that loved being a cum-dump, treated as nothing more than a fuck-toy for two insatiable teenagers who seemed to have little or no concerns as to whether or not the thing they were shoving their huge cocks into was actually enjoying it, and somehow that knowledge made Toby all the more excited by the whole situation. Perhaps there was another part of him, even more deeply buried, that wanted to be abused, violated, humiliated, which had translated as acting like a depraved, bottomless cum-pig in past years, and was now only being given the degradation it so craved by these two young punks, who probably didn't even see him as human any more, just as a repository. So, though the professional part of him resisted their advances as long as it could, at least until one of them threatened to tell the Principal or the school governors, eventually he would bend over his desk and let them have their way with him, knowing deep down as they began to fuck him brutally from both ends that he was, in truth, enjoying it more than he could admit even to himself.

Had Toby known, therefore, that there was worse – or better – to come yet, he would have again been torn between horror, and uncontainable lust.

Mikey had said on that first Saturday with Andy at his apartment that he had used to share girls with his dad. Toby hadn't even really registered it at the time, due to having Mikey's 11 inch cock tearing up his asshole for the first time, causing him to be somewhat preoccupied, but it all came rushing back on the fateful day of the Teacher-Parent Conference evening.

Brownlow High usually had more frequent Parent's Evenings than other high schools, possibly to give the impression that the school actually cared about anything other than the funding it got per-student. Toby, as a new teacher, had indeed received a memo reminding him, with undercurrents of dire warning if he failed to comply, to be polite and helpful to the parents, even if their son or daughter had absolutely no chance in hell of graduating.

It was getting towards the end of the evening. Toby had noted that there was no scheduled meetings with parents laid out for each teacher, and had been confided by another teacher that not very many parents came to every single conference evening, most just choosing to come to one or two per year. This had been evidenced by the fact that Toby had only had a dozen or so meeting that evening, some of the parents only seeming politely interested in their children's performance, though others were obviously a little overbearing and became very defensive at the merest suggestion that their son or daughter wasn't making a full effort in his class. All in all, though it hadn't been very intense, Toby hadn't had a very enjoyable evening. He was just thinking that he was glad that he hadn't encountered Andy or Mikey earlier in the day during lesson hours, and was just wondering if it was time to close up and go home, when the door to Toby's classroom (he wasn't deemed important enough to have an office) opened, and in walked two men.

"I'm sorry gentlemen, but we only usually discuss one student at a time, so if one of you would like to wait..." Toby began, before he realised he might have made a faux pas, and that the two men may be a gay couple (however unlikely such a thing may be for students at Brownlow). They certainly both looked vaguely familiar, and Toby wondered for a tense moment if he'd had sex with either, or both, of them.

One of the men was lean and rangy-looking, built like a gymnast, wearing a dark pinstripe suit that looked custom tailored. His face looked somewhat expressionless as he met Toby's eyes, but it looked like a poker face. His eyes were icy blue, and though he was obviously approaching middle age, given the lines on his face, he still had a full head of dark hair which was casually messy in a way that suggested that look was tailored too. He wasn't unattractive, especially in that suit that fitted him so well, but Toby found something oddly unnerving about his ice blue eyes.

The other man was slightly taller and of significantly larger build, also dressed more casually in jeans and a white t-shirt under a blue and black plaid shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He had a broader, rounder face than his companion, with a scruffy growth of stubble around his jaw and chin, short-cropped dark blonde hair that was receding at the temples, and darker blue eyes that looked less like a poker face, but still not giving much away in terms of emotion.

The taller blonde man stood behind his friend, his hands in his pockets, and the man in the suit walked slowly and deliberately towards Toby's desk, and just as slowly and deliberately put both his hands on the desk and leaned forward, fixing Toby with a disconcertingly intense stare that was clearly intended to intimidate.

"I think you and me need to have a little chat, Mr Gardner, about your classroom `conduct', mainly in regard to our sons."

To Toby's shock, as the man spoke, Mikey swaggered in through the classroom door, followed by Andy, who closed the door behind him. Andy looked as unconcerned and taciturn as ever, but Mikey was wearing his trademark shit-eating smirk, which made it clear that he was extremely pleased with himself about something, which, in Toby's experience, was always a bad thing.

It suddenly became obvious to Toby who the two older men were, and why he thought they both looked so familiar. The two men had an uncanny resemblance to their sons, and Toby realised that this is what Mikey and Andy would probably look like in about 15 years' time.

"I need a forward and honest answer from you right now, Mr Gardner." Mr Kowalski, Mikey's dad, said in a low voice that Toby could tell was laced with compressed anger and a good measure of loathing, directed towards him. "Have you been having sex with our boys?"

Toby, once again, felt his blood run cold. He shot a glance at Mikey, and the teen's smirk grew broader, telling him all he needed to know. Mikey had spilled the beans to his dad.

"I-I..." Toby stammered, struggling for anything that might get him out of this, or at least give him a chance to make a break for the door. "I-I don't think..."

He jumped violently as Mr Kowalski slammed his hand down on the desk with surprising force for such a lean man.

"I'm NOT here to listen to bullshit, asshole!" he snarled, his poker face long gone and revulsion etched all over his features, fury evident in every inch of his body. "Have you or have you not BEEN SUCKING MY SON'S DICK!?"

Toby felt on the verge of tears, panic rising in his throat. He had a violent urge to run, if there was anywhere to run to, or at least to stand up to reduce the physically dominating position Mr Kowalski was imposing on him, but he couldn't move or speak. This was it; he was fucked, he'd never work again. His insatiable desire for teen cock, and his pathetic inability to resist two boys almost half his age, had now ruined his life.

The look of disgust on Mr Kowalski's face deepened as he pushed away from the desk and stepped back, taking a seat in the chair opposite Toby, and putting his shiny, expensive-looking shoes on the desk.

"These are your options as I see them, Mr Gardner. Option one; I have a team of lawyers employed by my company waiting on speed-dial, so you can sit there and say nothing, I can call in my lawyers , and you find yourself in court tomorrow morning, trying to justify having quite gratuitous sexual relations with two under-age student to a jury, the sordid details of which will appear in the local and national newspapers about the same time. Option Two..."

Mr Kowalski paused, taking his gaze from Toby to his own son.

"He really sucks dick as well as you say, Michael?"

Mikey looked from his dad to Toby, his smirk now growing into a demonic grin that made it obvious that he was enjoying every second if his teacher's fear and panic.

"Yeah, dad, he sucks my cock better than any chick ever did. You should see him when he really gets into it; fuckin' fag LOVES my huge dick!"

Andy's dad had so far said nothing. Toby looked to him for help in desperation, but, though the man met his gaze with his blue eyes, Toby couldn't see any hint of sympathy or support in them. He was clearly going to get as much help from him as he would from the desk in front of him, which Mr Kowalski still had his feet up on, as if he owned the place.

"Very well." Mr Kowalski went on when Mikey had finished, returning his attention to the hapless teacher before him. "Your second option, Mr Gardner – your only other option if you want to avoid a long period of jail time, and the prospect of never getting another job, anywhere, as long as you live – is to get out from behind your desk right now, get on your knees between my legs, and suck my cock. Maybe then, I'll reconsider pressing speed-dial."

Trapped again. Would the cycle of blackmail never end? However, Toby had to admit part of him was glad that he had this option, because if it came down to a choice between sexually servicing the parent of one of his teen tormenters, and appearing in court, there really wasn't any choice to be made. Almost without hesitation, he got up from his chair, which he had unconsciously backed up against the wall behind him when Mr Kowalski had shouted, walked around to the other side of his desk, and dutifully got to his knees between Mikey's dad's legs, when he had taken off the desk and were now spread wide in expectation, his arms folded across his chest, his ice blue eyes glaring down at the submissive teacher kneeling before him with a mingled disgust and anticipation.

"Never had a fag suck my cock before." He murmured. "You better do it good or you know what'll happen, fag! Now take my cock out, and I'm warning you, if you get any of your spit or cum on my suit, you won't live long enough to see any fuckin' lawyers!"

Toby gulped, and tentatively reached out to unbuckle Mr Kowalski's belt, unable to miss the rapidly swelling bulge in his pinstripe trousers. It was obvious that the man was packing a pipe at least as big as his son's in his pants.

It took Toby's shaking hands a minute or two to unbuckle Mr Kowalski's belt and then to carefully undo his flies, not wanting to think of the consequences if he accidentally tore off the button or broke the zipper or damaged the expensive fabric. When he finally revealed the red and brown tartan boxer shorts, Mikey's dad was already almost at full mast, distending the cotton of his underwear spectacularly. Toby took a deep breath, reached inside under the waistband, and carefully pulled out Mr Kowalski's penis.

It was an inch or so shorter than his son's cock, but it was just as thick around, about 8 inches in circumference, maybe a little over 10 inches long. Mr Kowalski had clearly passed on some good genetics to Mikey. Toby felt it hardening to full erection in his hand, pushing his thumb and forefinger further apart.

"Come on, you know what I want!" Mr Kowalski growled down at him from behind his huge cock "Suck my dick, faggot! Suck it or I swear I'll end your career!"

There really wasn't any point in hesitating. Taking a deep breath, and trying to be thankful that Mr Kowalski at least had an inch less cock than his son to stretch his throat with, Toby leaned forward and slid the bloated head of Mr Kowalski's penis past his lips, laving his tongue over it as he lowered his head over on it, sliding more of the thick shaft into his mouth.

"Ah, fuck!" Mr Kowalski gasped as Toby began to suck him, losing composure for a moment "I think you were right Michael. He's damn good. Better than your fuckin' mother at least!"

Toby heard Mikey laugh callously from the side-lines.

"Yeah, dad, fuck that faggot's throat! The rougher you are with him, the more he likes it!"

"Why the fuck should I care if he likes it or not?"

"Trust me, he does a better job if you make him like it." Mikey chortled, clearly amused by his dad's attitude.

Toby felt the man shrug, and then felt a strong hand take hold of the back of his head, and push him down harder on his cock, forcing an inch or two more of his cock into Toby's throat. His gullet was now so accustomed to taking Mikey's cock, not to mention Andy's 12 incher, that he didn't even struggle as Mr Kowalski pressed harder and harder on his skull until his mouth was wrapped around the root of his cock, his nose buried in his musky pubes, filling his senses with a smell that reminded him distinctly of Mikey, but more mature and manly.

"Fuck, he's swallowed the whole fuckin' stick!" Mr Kowalski gasped, losing composure again "My God, you didn't tell me he could deepthroat, Michael!"

"Thought it'd be a nice surprise!" Toby could hear the smarmy smirk in Mikey's voice, but was concentrating too hard on giving this cock the best blowjob he'd ever performed, all too aware that his livelihood probably depended on how good he made this man feel. "If you think his throat feels good you should try his ass!"

Toby's eyes flew open and he twisted his head on Mr Kowalski's dick to look at Mikey, shaking his head.

"You're telling me you've fucked a guy's ass, Michael?" Mr Kowalski said, his voice laced with incredulous disbelief. "And you're saying it's better than his mouth?"

"Fuck his mouth, it's better than fuckin' pussy!" Mikey laughed.

"Well, I don't believe that for a second, boy," Mr Kowalski said gruffly, using both hands to slowly push Toby's face off his cock. "But if it feels better than his faggot mouth, I'll give it a try!"

And before he could do anything, Toby found himself dragged to his feet, bent forcefully over his desk where Mikey was waiting, ready to hold him down. He felt a pair of hands rubbing against his backside, and then there was a ripping sound and Toby felt cool air on his ass cheeks as Mr Kowalski ripped open the seat of his pant, right through his underwear, exposing his well-trained asshole to the room behind him.

"Nice ass he's got on him," he heard Mr Kowalski grunt "Better than I've seen on most women. I still don't believe it could feel better than pussy, but..."

Toby then felt an insistent pressure against his asshole, and before he knew it, Mr Kowalski had rammed half his huge cock inside him, knocking all the air out of his lungs as Mikey held him still, quickly followed by the remaining 5 inches of huge businessman cock, lubricated only by Toby's own saliva. He felt the muscles of his chute cramping as they struggled against this unexpected invader, spasming and sending jolt of pain through Toby's lower body, making him feel as though he were being split open.

"Holy FUCK!" Mr Kowalski yelled, probably loud enough for the whole school to hear. "Jesus fuckin' CHRIST! Shit, you weren't lying, Michael! I've fucked a lot of pussy, but this faggot's ass is the BEST!"

"Ha, told you dad!" Mikey guffawed as he held Toby down with one hand and began unbuckling his own baggy jeans with the other. "Remember when we used to spit roast whores together?"

"Fuck yes, boy, best idea you've had all week!"

In no time at all, Mikey had flopped out his 11 inch sword, had climbed on the desk and was slowly feeding it to his fag teacher as his dad began to rape Toby's ass in earnest, holding the teacher hard by the flanks as he punched his battering ram harder and harder into Toby's struggling twat. Toby had no choice but to swallow the now familiar teen cock, father at one end and son at the other.

Toby barely noticed when Mr Kowalski's dick started feeling good inside him. He was in a haze, his own 6 inch erection trapped between him and the desk, his precum soaking into his already sweat-drenched shirt.

Mr Kowalski seemed to have all the stamina of his son. He fucked Toby's ass relentlessly for at least fifteen minutes, before Toby felt the tell-tale signs of a man getting ready to cum in his ass.

"Fuck, Michael, I'm getting close!" Toby heard Mr Kowalski verbally verifying his instincts. "I'm gonna pump my nuts into this faggot's pussy!"

"Do it, dad, he ain't going to get pregnant!"

Toby felt Mr Kowalski give a few more short stabs into his guts, and then let out a savage growl as he pumped his load up his butt. Toby could feel the copious load of spunk spilling out of his brutalized ring, running down his balls and his legs, soaking into his slacks and socks. Another thing Mr Kowalski had in common with his son.

Toby was so fixated on the feeling of Mr Kowalski breeding his ass that he had failed to notice the tell-tale signs also coming from Mikey, until he was suddenly choking on the teen boy's cumload which, having failed to go down his throat, began pouring from his nostrils.

"Oh yeah dad, I'm cumming too! Fuck this fag teacher sucks a good dick!"

After a minute or two of filling the faggot teacher from both end with their cream, both father and son finally pulled their softening cocks out of Toby's holes. Toby tried to move, knowing that lying in the prone position like this was probably a very bad idea, but he couldn't. He had cum twice during the onslaught, and had almost suffocated around Mikey's cock, and could still feel his slimy teen-juice running out of his nose, punishment for not swallowing fast enough.

"Well, Mr Gardner, I have to admit that you satisfied my conditions." Mr Kowalski said, also panting to get his breath back but sounding composed once more, having dropped a load in a warm hole, sounding sated and contented. "I say you've satisfied MY conditions, because, you see, you're not safe yet!"

Toby opened his eyes to see Mikey sliding off the desk, to be replaced by Andy, his board shorts distended by a spectacular tent.

"Oh no..." Toby almost sobbed, realising what was coming next, at the same time that he felt the forbidden thrill deep inside that anticipated further humiliation.

"Oh yes, Mr Gardner," Mr Kowalski went on, a sadistic smile of satisfaction in his voice. "You see, you've been taking sexual advantage of my son, both in and out of school hours. I've taken my revenge; I've demeaned and violated you sexually and I've left my seed in you. I've made you my bitch, and, in lieu of a lawsuit, I'll take the score as settled, for now, but I expect to be seeing lot more of your mouth and fag-cunt wrapped around my dick from now on. But there's another matter to settle before we finish for tonight."

Toby watched in mingled dismay and hunger as Andy pulled down his shorts, revealing his foot-long teen monster protruding grotesquely from the left leg of his boxer briefs, drooling precum in anticipation. But he also felt big, strong and calloused hands, unfamiliar hands, pushing his legs apart again and parting his butt cheeks, displaying his already ruined asshole.

"You see, Mr Gardner," Mr Kowalski hissed to Toby as Andy freed his powerful erection from his colourful underwear and pushed the head into Toby's mouth with a satisfied sigh. "It's not just my son you've been taking advantage of..."

To be continued in Part 5...

Hope you enjoyed this part. Again, sorry it took so long.

Guys who have read the last few chapters in recent months, please note that my email address has changed. The new contact is at the top of this page. If you enjoyed this story, please feel free to drop me a line. Might make Part 5 appear faster than Part 4!


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