Everyone Fuck the Fag Teacher

By moc.liamg@erifmasynnhoj

Published on Sep 4, 2023


Everyone Fuck the Fag Teacher Part 3 By LittleJohn

This story contains descriptions of pretty graphic sex between men. If this disturbs you, or is illegal for someone of your age wherever you live, I advise you not to read on.

This story is based off a straight version I read a few months ago. Couldn't resist making up a gay version! Enjoy.

Toby wasn't having the best weekend ever. It was the third week of term, the third week in his new job, and he'd already been fucked over his own desk by a colleague, and then blackmailed into fellating a student. And what was worse, every time his mind flashed back to the encounters that were tormenting him -- taking Coach Johnson's fat 8 inches up his sex-starved ass, and then his cocksucker's throat tested to the limit by Mikey's 11 inch teen monster -- mere seconds later he'd feel his cock boning up rock hard, and it would refuse to go down until he'd jacked a load out of it. He now understood the meaning of the phrase `a hard cock has no conscience'; with any other situation that was causing him such mental anguish, he'd probably have trouble even raising a hardon. But with this...

But he was determined not to go back to being the cock slut he'd been up until a year ago. There was just too much at stake; if any of the parents or governors got wind that he was gay, he'd be bounced out of his new job faster than he could say `unfair'. Brownlow wasn't a particularly tolerant town. He dreaded to think what sort of scandal would arise if it came out that he'd actually sucked a student's cock, blackmail or no blackmail. It was every teacher's nightmare. He wanted to get out, but he couldn't see a way. He was trapped.

On a normal Saturday, Toby could have been found catching up on work that he hadn't completed during the previous week, or simply taking the opportunity to rest his bones in preparation for the coming week. But this Saturday, he didn't seem to be able to manage either activity. If he tried to relax, his mind kept taking him back to those two fateful encounters. And if he tried to work, grading papers and writing reports, he still couldn't concentrate. All in all, it hadn't been a very restful weekend so far, and it was only 11am on a Saturday.

It would have been difficult for Toby to imagine anything happening to make him feel worse.

He'd just given up on trying to work for the fifth time, around noon, when there was a knock on the door of his apartment. Glad to have something to take his mind off... everything, Toby got up to answer it, at the same time wondering who it could be. He hadn't really been in Brownlow long enough to make any friends, not even at work. In any case, he'd been avoiding socialising -- that held too much risk of giving in to temptation. The mailman had already been, and he had no family or old friends within 800 miles, not any who'd simply show up without calling first.

By time he got to the door he'd got to the stage of presuming that it must be Jehovah's Witnesses or some sort of door-to-door missionaries. But when he opened it, his stomach dropped like a stone.

Standing on the other side of his door, grinning like a shit-eating cat, stood Mikey Kowalski. And standing just behind him was another young man of similar age to Mikey that Toby recognised from Brownlow High, but whose name he couldn't immediately place.

"Hey, Fag!" Mikey greeted Toby cheerfully, before pushing past him into the apartment, his companion following him closely, giving Toby a silent nod. He looked like a blonde blue-eyed version of Mikey, maybe slightly taller and with a sturdier build. He made Toby think of a younger Vanilla Ice.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here, Mr. Kowalski?" Toby snapped, trying to put as much angry authority into his voice as he could, but also secretly terrified. He'd barely seen Mikey at all since the past Wednesday afternoon, as he hadn't been in any of Toby's classes. To have the cocky little punk actually in his own home left him feeling unpleasantly exposed.

Mikey took the effort to look mockingly surprised as he dropped himself down onto the couch in Toby living room.

"But I told you I'd be back for more, didn't I Fag?" He smirked. His friend had dropped down on the couch beside Mikey, looking casually unconcerned by the unusual interaction between Mikey and his teacher. "Plus, Andy wanted to meet you."

The teen called Andy met Toby's look and again gave a silent nod of confirmation. Toby felt his sense of unease intensify.

"Why?" He asked Mikey shortly and coldly.

Mikey laughed.

"Why d'you think? I was tokin' up with Andy here yesterday after school, and I guess I let our little secret slip."

"B...but..." Toby stammered, his heart racing in panic "But...you said you wouldn't..."

"I said I wouldn't tell the Principal, Fag!" Mikey laughed, spreading his legs wide so that Toby couldn't miss the over-large bulge in his crotch, even through his ever-baggy jeans. "But you can't expect me to keep something as good as my own personal cocksuckin' fag to myself? What kind of a buddy would that make me? It's like a good stash of weed; you gotta share!"

"He says you suck dick real good." Andy said, as though what he was saying to the older man was perfectly normal. He had a quiet, laid-back voice. "Is it true what he's sayin', that you really necked his entire bone?"

"'Course its fuckin' true, asshole!" Mikey snorted, giving Andy a light punch on the arm as Toby spluttered in disbelief. "You think I'd lie about that, especially to you? I wouldn't torment you like that, man!"

That seemed like an odd comment to Toby, and it didn't make him feel any more confident about the situation.

"Look, Mr. Kowalski, if you don't leave now I swear I'll call the police!"

Mikey gave a load hoot of laughter at that, and Andy grinned beside him, shaking his head.

"Yeah right! You bring the cops here, I'm gonna tell them EXACTLY what you did to me on Wednesday, how you kept me behind after class and then made me pull my pants down, and how you forced me to stay still while you sucked my cock and drank all my cum! Fuckin' pervert, doin' that to a student! Not even 18 yet! What parent wants their kids in the care of a pervert like that?!"

Toby felt the blood drain from his face, and his anger turn into disbelief, and then leaden resignation, as it had on Wednesday when Mikey presented him with his choices. Again he imagined the reaction of the cops, the Principal, the governors and parents, or of any other school he applied to work for once he'd been fired from Brownlow, if he managed to avoid jail.

"I think you want to get on your knees between my man Andy's legs and suck his cock too, Mr Gardner!" Mikey sniggered. "We both know how much you love to big teen cocks!"

Already Andy was unbuckling the belt holding up his shorts, looking up at Toby expectantly as he revealed his colourful boxer-briefs, stretched around a bulge that looked as big as the one Mikey was packing in his jeans.

He had no choice. Trapped. Again.

Feeling another facet of whatever authority he had left slipping away, Toby reluctantly got on his knees before Andy, shifting forward so that he was within a foot of the teen's bulging underpants.

"I think you should take it out." Andy said evenly, betraying almost no emotion whatsoever other than casual nonchalance. "Think you're gonna like it."

Feeling as sick as he had the first time with Mikey, Toby reached out a tremulous hand, trying to ignore the musky teen smell rising from the two boys, and began to ease the waistband of Andy's boxers down his ripped lower abs, exposing the thickening tuft of blonde pubic hair, then the thick root of his teen cock, which seemed to be getting rapidly harder, the dorsal veins pulsing powerfully against Toby's fingers as they brushed it. From what Toby could feel, he had another monster teen cock on his hands.

"You sure he wants this, dude?" Andy was asking Mikey "He don't look to happy, and I don't wanna rape no teacher, fag or not."

"Just you wait, bro!" Mikey grinned, watching Toby struggle to free Andy's expanding boner. "He plays hard to get at first, but just wait till he gets a load of your fuckin' hot-dog, man! He couldn't get enough of mine! Fag fuckin' loves cock!"

Toby felt the sting of humiliation at these words, but he had no reason to retort. The more of Andy's bone he revealed, the more a certain part of him began to make its presence known in the back of his mind, a part of him that was seriously getting off on the humiliation. The part of him that didn't live in the real world. The part of him that was rapidly causing his fear and reluctance to evaporate. Inch after inch of cock was being bared before his eyes, and still there was more. He had exposed at least eight pale, vascular inches so far, and still he could tell that Andy still had a way to go before he was rock hard. Andy, mollified by Mickey's encouragement, seemed to have no further qualms about what they were making Toby do, and was absent-mindedly rubbing his belly as Toby struggled to free his lengthening pole, lifting his t-shirt and exposing more of his incredibly toned abs, perfectly smooth like marble other than the narrow blonde treasure trail that led up to his navel.

Finally, Toby had stretched the waistband of Andy's boxers as far as they would go, and he was faced with the possibility of having to manually remove the teen's huge prick from his underwear. Steeling himself, he grabbed hold of the pulsing and still somewhat flexible shaft, trying to ignore how much his hand enjoyed the feel of warm cock in its grasp once more, and pulled it free.

Andy's cock was, if possible, even bigger than Mikey's. Longer by at least an inch, if not one and a half, it was maybe a little less thick than his buddy's, but that merely served to emphasize its sheer length. The blunt, perfectly bell-shaped knob-end bobbed less than an inch from Toby's face, already slightly slimy from precum that Andy had apparently already drooled in anticipation of his blowjob.

"Fuck, keep forgettin' how fuckin' big that thing is, dude!" Mickey said, staring in masculine appreciation at Andy's foot-long pole.

"You really think he can swallow the whole thing, man?" Andy replied, still looking down at where Toby was knelt between his legs, still staring in astonishment at the teen hose before him, bigger than any cock he'd ever seen, even on a grown man. "You really weren't shitting me?"

"Took a bit of coaxin' on Wednesday, but trust me, I fired my spooge directly into his fuckin' stomach man, my nuts restin' on his chin!" There was no doubt that Mikey loved dishing out humiliation on his teacher as much as Toby secretly enjoyed it, though he made no effort to keep it subtle. Nothing seemed to thrill him more than the fact that his teacher was a cock-hungry cumpig. The two teens had clearly stopped thinking of Toby as a human being the moment his knees had hit the floor. He was just a fag to them, just an object designed for sucking cock. And Toby realised that he loved that, too. So damn degrading.

"What's he waitin' for?" Andy went on, still observing Toby between his legs. "You sure he's gonna do it?"

"Maybe he's just a little scared of your fuckin' monster, dude!" Mikey chuckled, giving Andy a macho slap on the shoulder, apparently in congratulation. "Give him time, he'll get on it!"

Andy was clearly getting impatient, and Toby didn't want to push his luck with the teens. He looked at Andy's beast. Well, the slight difference in girth might make it easier to swallow than Mikey's...

Slowly and hesitantly, as though still trying to make it look like he was doing this against his will, though his inner cocksucker was urging him on relentlessly, Toby opened his mouth wide, and moved forward, sliding Andy's purple head past his lips and into his mouth.

"Oh fuck man, he's doin' it!" Andy sighed, closing his eyes and leaning his head back as Toby swiped his tongue over his knob, tasting the pungent zest of precum leaking from it. "Just remember man, you promised he was gonna take it all the way. You said."

"Yeah, I did. And he will." Mikey answered, this time looking Toby directly in the eye, a slight edge to his voice. Recognising the threat, Toby worked Andy's head a bit more, and then worked on forcing it past his gag reflex. Either Mikey had completely destroyed it when he'd been in Andy's position on Wednesday, or the slightly less thick shaft really did make a difference, as Andy squeezed through the ring leading to his throat with relative ease.

"Oh yeah, he's goin' down on me!" Andy gasped as more of himself sank into Toby's neck. "Shit, a girl's never swallowed this much!"

"I told you fags were better at sucking cock, man!" Mikey said "Seriously if you can't get a chick to do it, go find yourself a good fag. Best of all, he won't ask for anythin' in return! `Specially not this one!"

Trying to ignore Mikey's remarks, but still privately wanting him to keep speaking of him as though he were a convenient service, Toby took a deep breath, and began to swallow Andy in earnest, inching down towards his pubes. As inch after inch vanished past his lips, Andy kept on about how he couldn't believe this was happening, and Mikey kept protesting that he'd told Andy so, spitting the occasional indirect insult in Toby's direction.

"I reckon fags don't even have stomachs like normal people! I bet they've just got a fuckin' tube or something all the way through, with a hungry cunt on either end for takin' real men's cocks! Fuckin' nasty! Bet that's true, and the government just doesn't want anyone to know, or else every guy in America would want his own fag to turn to whenever his woman won't put out. They wanna keep them all for themselves, so that they can have fags under their desks suckin' them off while they do politics and shit. Fuckin' greedy politicians! Dad says they're all greedy assholes!"

It took Toby a good ten minutes, sinking down, letting his throat adjust, sometimes pulling back some, and then moving on again, before he felt his nose bury itself in the teen's ripe pubes, his fat, heavy balls resting against his chinand knew he could go no further.

"HOLY SHIT!" Andy was laughing, his laid-back demeanour totally gone, staring down at the point where his cock simply wasn't anymore, replaced by his fag teacher's head. "Can't FUCKIN' believe he took all twelve inches! Oh man, nothin's ever felt this fuckin' GOOD! Yeah, blow me you fuckin' cocksucker! Suck it!"

Again, as with when he'd succeeded in inhaling all of Mikey's fat 11 inches, Toby felt a rising sensation of pride as his teen master hollered about what a good fag cocksucker he was, how he was going to fill his stomach up with his spooge, so that the fag would be burping it up for days. He was dimly aware of Mikey excitedly groping his own monster through his baggy pants, getting off on the sight of the fag teacher blowing his buddy in his own apartment.

"Yeah, suck that cock, fag! Make love to my buddy like a good cocksucker! Yeah, buddy, show that fag who's boss! Some fuckin' teacher! No real man loves cock that much!"

Toby was slowly sliding Andy's length out of his mouth, taking a deep breath while his airways were clear, and then gulping it back down again. The half of his brain that was Toby Gardner, teacher at Brownlow High School, was wondering if he could sink any lower, or if his situation could get any more desperate, now being blackmailed by two of his students, making it twice as likely that somebody would find out, and agonising over the fact that, if he didn't do this, somebody would DEFINITELY find out. But the other half, Toby Gardner cock-slut extraordinaire, cocksucking legend of Gray County Grad School, was simply relishing the sensation of a long, tasty dick stretching his throat, and wanting to suck it faster and harder so that he would taste the delicious, and hopefully copious teen load that it would feed him. And it felt like the latter half of him was getting louder by the second, and it made his predicament seem easier somehow.

He was so getting into working this new, unfamiliar cock, attached to a teenager who was very loudly proclaiming to all within earshot how good the fag was making him feel, that Toby didn't notice Mikey get up and move out of his range of vision, until he heard the other teen's voice pipe up from somewhere behind him.

"Dude, you're not gonna believe the ass this little fag's got on him! Fuck, you never see an ass like that on a chick `round here, let alone on a guy!"

"Man, you gotta stop checkin' his ass out or everybody's gonna think you're a fuckin' fag too!"

"Fuck that, dude! You know I've had more cunt than you any day, so I ain't no fag!" Mikey protested, still behind Toby. "But THIS fag's ass is somethin' else! Can't believe I didn't notice it before!"

Toby suddenly felt hands on his sweatpant-clad ass, rubbing the round globes and giving them a gentle spank every now and then.

"Fuck, firm and fuckin' juicy!" Came Mikey's voice, and then Toby felt his sweatpants being yanked down, exposing his butt to view.

"Jeez, that's the hottest ass I've ever seen! Dude, you did bring that lube with you, yeah?"

"Yeah, sure did." Andy replied, looking incredulous but also interested. "You sayin' you're gonna fuck his ass! Dude, that's gay!"

"No more than you, getting your bone sucked by a guy!" Mikey retorted, gesturing for the lube Andy had in his pocket, though Toby couldn't see. "It's not fuckin' gay if you're the one doing the fuckin' dude! Bet this fag gets fucked by straight guys all the time. Wanna see if it's like fuckin' a pussy."

Though he still looked less than convinced, Andy fished in his pocket and as he continued to bob on his huge cock, and Toby saw him hand Mikey a tube of lubricant, the type that he knew a lot of guys used to jack off with.

In a matter of moments, Toby felt Mikey's fingers stabbing past his anal ring, causing sharp pain as his hole was forced open. He heard Mikey mutter "no point in fuckin' ruining his ass"' as the fingers dug clumsily deeper inside him, spreading lube haphazardly around before pulling out again.

Toby then heard Mikey unbuckling how own jeans, letting them fall to the floor as he greased up his own eleven inches. Toby could hear the slick slapping sounds as he jacked off, his cock sounding wet and slippery.

"Fuck, I'm leakin' so bad I hardly need this shit!" he heard Mikey laugh, and then something much thicker than a finger began pressing at Toby's asshole.

"Dude, aren't you even gonna use a rubber?" Andy asked, watching with wide eyes as he watched his buddy prepare to fuck another man for the first time.

"Fuck no, man, this fag ain't gonna get pregnant. And if he does, it ain't my fuckin' problem!" Mickey chortled as he began to force his huge cock harder against Toby's resisting ring until, after some effort, he forced his way past, his monster sliding four inches or so into Toby's poorly prepared asshole.

Toby had never truly felt so much pain. It hadn't even hurt this much his first time, as far as he could remember. It felt as though he was being stabbed, torn open by Mikey's impossible girth, which he remembered had given his jaw enough trouble.

"Urrrgghhh!" He bellowed in pain around Andy's cock as Mikey sank another inch into him.

"Shut the fuck up, fag!" Mikey snapped as he worked some more of himself in. "Bet you're fuckin' loving this cock in your fag-cunt!"

With that, Mikey rammed the last five inches of his wrist-thick manhood into Toby's already over-stretched ass, making the abused teacher scream in agony again, his teeth accidentally sinking into Andy's shaft.

"OW!" Andy yelled, slapping Toby around the head angrily "The fucker fuckin' bit me! Go a bit easier on him next time, `specially if he's got my cock in his mouth. That shit hurt!"

"Sorry dude! Oh MAN, this feels amazing!" Mikey gasped as Toby's chute spasmed around his meat, trying to adjust to the jawbreaking width. "Fuck, never thought anythin' could feel better than pussy!"

"You're saying that this fag's ass is BETTER than pussy?" Andy laughed in disbelief "Bullshit, man!"

"I'm serious, dude! It's like his ass is suckin' my dick!" Mikey groaned as he ground his hips against Toby's butt, making Toby whimper. "Never felt nothin' like it!"

Mikey began to pull his cock back, making Toby feel as though he was turning inside out like a glove, his eyes watering, only to slide it back in to the hilt with brutal speed, groaning again as he bottomed out. "Holy shit! If I'd known about this I'd have been fuckin' fags YEARS ago!"

"You're serious? It really feels better than pussy?" Andy said, beginning to buck his hips to make up for the fact that Toby's head had stopped bobbing up and down on him.

"I mean it man! Truthfully!" Mikey moaned as he began to set a slow fuck-pace, pulling half out then sinking it all back in, then out again and in, out and in, out and in. "It's like he's stretching himself around me! No pussy's done that that I've ever fucked! Complains a hell of a lot less as well!"

As the two teens laughed and high-fived each other, Toby was feeling the pain of the biggest dick he'd ever taken slowly die away, to be gradually replaced by the pleasant if slightly uncomfortable feeling of his ass being way too full, along with sudden jolts of pleasure as a ridge or bump on Mikey's cock ran over his prostate.

So it went on like that for several minutes; Mikey in one end of the fag teacher, Andy in the other, spitroasting him like he'd never been spitroasted before. Andy had now raised his tight little butt off the couch so that he could more easily fuck Toby's face as Mikey pounded him from behind. Mikey's massive meat was starting to feel damn good inside Toby, and he was instinctively pushing his ass out so that the teen to get easier access to his hole.

"Hell yeah, this teacher's such a fuckin' FAG SLUT!" Mikey hollered, and Toby knew that other people in the building would probably hear, but he had other things to worry about, like doing a good job of sucking the cock in his mouth, and making sure his ass was treating the cock inside it as well as it could, relaxing welcomingly on the instroke, clamping down on the outstroke, making Mikey gasp and curse even louder.

"Fuck, I've gotta introduce this fag to my dad! Used to double-team chicks with dad before I got too big. Jeez, if this fag thinks I've got a big dick, wait till he gets my dad's fourteen inch fuckin' beast up this fag-pussy!"

It didn't take the two boys much longer before they were crossing the point of no return.

"Oh fuck, gonna cream this fag-pussy up big time!" Mikey gasped, his strokes becoming erratic as he neared orgasm. "Fuck, he's gonna be sliming his underwear up with this fuckin' load for days! Leakin' out of his fuckin' asshole! It'll make fuckin' him at school easier! He'll be lubed up for days!"

"Oh man, keep talkin' like that dude!" Andy groaned as he hammered Toby's head up on down on his foot-long sausage "Getting' me close! I'm gonna have to have a go on that pussy when you've juiced it up for me, man! Got at least three loads in me today!"

A minute of two later, and Toby was being filled up with pints of hot, slimy teen spunk at both ends.

"OH FUCK, I'M FUCKIN' CUMMING!" Mikey howled as he shot his copious load inside Toby's guts "FUCKIN' KNOCKING UP THIS FUCKIN' FAG!"

"OH FUCK I'M CUMMIN' TOO!" Andy yelled as his 12 inch hose began to gush directly into Toby's stomach.

Toby wasn't surprised when both boys pulled out of him and began to hose him down after about four shots, Mikey all over his round peachy ass, Andy coating his face with his thick cream, the spunk pouring from his piss slit like a volcano.

Another minute and it was over, and Toby, his couch and the carpet beneath him were covered in teen spunk.

"Fuck, he looks like such a fuckin' slut covered in my juice!" Andy said, surveying his handywork from his reclining position on the couch where he'd collapsed after dribbling the last of his load into Toby's hair.

"That's what I said first time!" Mikey panted, sitting on the floor, wiping his rubbery semi on the recently shampooed carpet. "You still wanna pop at this pussy, dude?"

"Fuck yeah, man, just gimme a few seconds to get hard again and I'll be right there."

Andy wasn't even twenty seconds in getting his cock hot and hard again, like a typical horny teenager faced with the possibility of free pussy. He pushed Toby forward against the cushions of the couch as he kicked off his shorts and underwear, lined his monster up at Toby's bubbling asshole, and slid home in one loud, slimy splat, not even waiting before beginning to pound the fag teacher below him, one foot up on the couch to aid in leverage.

"Oh FUCK man, you weren't fuckin' kidding!" Andy groaned as he began to ram Toby like a true stud, the sound of his cock churning up Mikey's load in Toby's ass filling the apartment along with the smell of insatiable, unstoppable teen boys fucking ass. "Fuck, I'm gonna want a shot at this ass three times a day!"

"Dude get in line!" Mikey answered, also fully hard again as he scooted round to Toby's head where it lay on the cushions, moaning and yelping as Andy pushed Mikey into second place in the league of biggest cocks to have ever fucked him, and began teasing his mouth his the dripping head, still covered in spunk and juice from Toby's ruined ass. Toby opened up and began sucking him immediately, now operating almost on autopilot, his senses overloaded by the thrill of getting properly fucked again after so long, like the fag slut he truly was. He was beginning to think that maybe he was fooling himself, trying to be all grown up and mature and professional, pretending he was a proper teacher in a real job. Maybe this was where he belonged, and nothing would ever change that. Maybe he was simply born to take cock, and trying to think otherwise was simply nonsense...

Two hours later, Andy and Mikey finally left the apartment, slapping Toby on the ass in gratitude and saying they'd definitely want some more of his amazing fag pussy, making it more than clear that they would take what they wanted from Toby, whenever they wanted. And Toby found that he had to agree with them.

Toby was left lying face down along the length of the couch, head over the arm, ass still hiked up with a cushion under his hips, his spent cock rubbing tenderly against the couch fabric. He was in a complete daze. The two teens had dropped no less than three extra loads each inside him, totalling eight loads altogether, three in his gullet, five in his pussy. It was like the two boys were trying to outdo each other, and their balls didn't seemed drained in the slightest with each load, as every load was just as heavy as the last. Toby's prone body was surrounded by beer bottles and food cartons, unable and unwilling to stop the two teens going through his kitchen and taking whatever they wanted as one fucked as the other foraged. Either way, it would have been laughable to protest, given his situation, or to say that they were too young to drink alcohol, given that he'd been well and truly screwed by both of them.

As Toby lay there, slowly regaining full consciousness, he surveyed the scene, a few small burps arising from his full stomach, filling his mouth with the pungent taste of fresh, teen cum. The couch and carpet were soaked through with drying spunk, as was he. The remnants of what looked like half the contents of his fridge were scattered around, and the TV was still on, tuned to WWE wrestling. He simply couldn't muster up the energy to do anything about it. His fuck-state epiphany was still echoing around his mind; maybe he was...just a fag slut at heart. Either way, his conscience was now weighed down by the fact that had submitted sexually to another of his students. Fag slut or not, his predicament had undoubtedly become more complex. Part of him was dreading the next inevitable encounter with the two horse-hung teens, but the other part of him could hardly wait...

End of Part 3

Thanks for all the emails telling me how much you loved hearing Toby's story! Sorry I wasn't able to answer all of them as would have wanted, and sorry it took so long to get this chapter out! I'll try and do better next time. Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 4

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