Everyone Fuck the Fag Teacher

By moc.liamg@erifmasynnhoj

Published on Jul 25, 2023


Everyone Fuck the Fag Teacher Part 2

The guilt and shame over letting himself get fucked in a classroom, by the conceited juicehead coach no less, plagued Toby for the rest of the school day after lunch, and that evening when he went back to his small shabby apartment across town. When he went to bed, he found his dreams plagued by images of the encounter during that lunch hour -- of Coach Johnson forcing him to his knees and ramming his hammy 8 inch cock down his throat, blasting a big sloppy load all over his face, and then brutally fucking him over the desk, getting him off twice in a row, then filling him with muscle-spunk and finally making Toby shoot again by ramming his fingers inside him. He woke twice in the night, the second time to find that the sheets of the bed were slimy with a load that he'd shot in his sleep. This only made him feel worse.

He had been sure that the students had been able to smell the combined smell of spunk and sweat that he had tried to remove by opening the windows of the classroom and spraying some air freshener to take the edge off, but the pungent odour had lingered for the rest of the day, and the smell had distracted him, making him jumpy and out of sorts until finally the school day was over. He only hoped the janitors wouldn't wonder too much about the smell while they were cleaning the classroom that evening.

Toby was no better the next day. The poor night's sleep was began to show at about 10am, and he was snappy and short with the staff and students, and coffee didn't seem to work as quickly as usual, so all in all the morning went very slowly.

He was feeling a little better after lunch; though he'd had to endure a lascivious smirk from Coach Johnson when then crossed paths in the staff room, though thankfully it went no further than that.

Everything started going downhill at around 2pm though.

Toby was feeling particularly bad, as the class sitting in the room at 2pm was the class whose work had been ruined by the lunchtime fuck the day before, and he wasn't looking forward to having to explain this to them, as there was no way in hell he could tell them the truth.

"Unfortunately, the...um...the work you handed in on Monday was ruined when...when a pipe burst in...in my apartment before I had a chance to grade all of them, but since it's entirely my fault, everyone who handed work in will get a B for that assignment."

There was some murmuring about this, with some students looking pretty annoyed that their work had been destroyed, others looking glad that Toby would never get to grade their shit work. But what Toby wasn't expecting was the guffawing laugh coming from one of the back rows.

"Burst water pipe? Yeah right..."

Toby could see easily who had spoken, and he felt his heart sink. Mikey Kowalski was always trouble, always talking during lessons, or in other ways simply mucking about or not paying attention, but he rarely spoke out like this, with blatant disrespect. And his comment, not to mention his derisive laugh, made Toby uneasy.

Mikey was even more disruptive than usual that class. He didn't bother to keep his voice down when Toby was talking, and was just generally disrespectful, but Toby really wasn't in any mood to take action on it. He just wanted the day to be over as soon as possible.

It all came to a head when Toby tried to start a discussion about Wilfred Owen, a highly noted World War 1 British poet, and Mikey began to snigger.

"Wasn't he a faggot, sir?"

Toby was shocked, and took a couple of seconds to answer.

"Mr Kowalski, this is the third time you've openly disrupted the class, and I will not tolerate that sort of language from any of my students. If I have to warn you again, then I'll put you in detention!"

Toby was reaching the limit of his temper.

"Just sayin', sir. Bet he found a lot to do in those trenches, a faggot among men, with no women allowed, if you know what I'm saying!" And Mikey began to gyrate his hips up and down in his seat, clearly simulating giving somebody a hardcore fucking, all the while smirking at Toby insolently.

"Fine. Detention for one hour after class today, Mr Kowalski."

After that Mikey was quieter, but Toby kept catching his eye, and was unsettled to see that Mikey was still smirking at him, almost leering, and it made him very nervous, though he had no idea why.

Things went smoother for Toby after Mikey's class had departed, but he was still pissed off at having to spend an hour in detention after school. He'd been hoping to just go straight home and spend another evening trying not to think about what had happened the day before, and probably failing. It would be much more difficult to forget in the classroom where it happened. He'd be lucky if he got any work done at all.

Toby had expected Mikey to be late for detention, but to his surprise, the cocky senior turned up five minutes before the end of his last class. Taken aback, Toby told him to wait outside until the class was over, and then let him in once the other students had all left.

"Now I hope you properly appreciate what this detention is about, Mr Kowalski," Toby began to lecture as soon as the door had closed behind the last student, leaving him and Mikey alone "You were very openly disruptive and disrespectful today, and there is language that, while you might be able to get away with it with your friends or at home, is simply inappropriate in a classroom."

"Yeah, I get it." Mikey said with a sneer. "Bet you could tell me a lot about what's inappropriate behaviour in a classroom, Mr Gardner!"

Again, Toby felt a stab of discomfort.

"What exactly is that supposed to mean, Mr Kowalski?"

"Please, sir, after what I've seen you doing, right here, on this desk, just yesterday, I think it's only proper that you call me Mikey, and I call you Toby -- that's your name right?"

Fear filled Toby like ice water had just been poured over his head. He knew.

"Cool, I see you're following me." Mikey said, still smirking lasciviously "Now, if I was a good, rule abiding kid, I'd run straight to the Principal and tell him exactly what I saw here yesterday lunch time, how the new teacher let himself get the cum fucked out of him by Coach Johnson, over his own desk, right where students like me can see."

Toby felt his fear and panic intensify. Fuck, this was it. A year of no-sex, and he'd thrown his entire career away in the space of a lunch break. Shit, the thought of what the principal and the governors would say when they found out, what the other teachers would say...

"But you know me better than that, I'd say." Mikey somehow made his smirk look friendly, though it didn't last long. "Now I could easily be...persuaded to keep that nasty shit to myself..."

The fear of losing his job was suddenly overwhelmed by a different sort of fear.

"What...what do you mean?" He stammered, though given Mikey's evil leer, he felt that he had a horrible idea what was coming next.

"Here's the deal, faggot," Mikey said, saying the expletive so casually it almost sounded like a friendly nickname "I'll keep my mouth shut, not breathe a word of this to anyone. If you blow me. Right here, right now. Like I saw you blowing Coach's cock yesterday. Looked like you loved that asshole's little dick. I want you to love mine like that. If you can handle all of me!"

He was trapped. Nowhere to run. Blackmailed by a student. The thing he was always taught he should avoid at all costs, as he would almost always be found to be in the wrong. But if he lost his job here, for this, no school would ever employ him again.

Knowing that there was no choice, and hating that he was being forced to obey this cocky, insolent little punk, Toby hesitantly and reluctantly got to his knees in front of him, right where he'd knelt in front of Coach Johnson, as Mikey began to unbuckle his baggy pants, a look of rabid anticipation on his fresh young face.

"Fuck, can't believe I'm about to face fuck a teacher, man!" he muttered, almost as if he were talking to himself. "Shit, this is gonna be so good!"

Toby cringed. He felt sick. Mikey was only just 18. And he was going to suck this boy's dick, right here, in a classroom. Getting fucked in here by a colleague had been bad enough, but now he was about to service a teen student, in order to keep his livelihood.

Mikey had got around to undoing the buttons on his fly. Toby mentally remarked to himself that he didn't know why Mikey was bothering as he was having to hold up his over-large pants with one hand while the other fumbled with the buttons, to keep them from falling down now that his belt wasn't holding them up.

Finally, Mikey reached the last button, gave Toby a malevolent look of teen horniness, and let his jeans drop to his ankles with a flump.

And Toby gaped in bewilderment. Mikey was wearing a pair of loose cotton boxer briefs, faded blue and fraying in places, clearly a few years old. And the boy's flaccid dick was protruding from the left leg, at least 7 inches long, and still soft. The teenage monster looked fat and fleshy, the pinky white skin looking almost loose. The stench of teenage hormones and unspent spunk was almost overwhelming, and Toby found himself transfixed by that swaying flesh tube.

"Kinda puts Coach Johnson in a lower category, huh?" Toby heard Mikey laugh as he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his boxers, and pushed them down to join his pants, letting his huge dick swing free, his large hairy balls, looking almost as big as a tennis ball each, dangling pendulously behind it.

Toby was speechless. He'd thought that Johnson had a large cock, but the fact that Johnson's hardon was only slightly larger than this boy's flaccid shaft sent his mind into turmoil. He dreaded to think about how big it would be when hard.

Which, it seemed, would be any minute now. Toby could see the shaft thickening and lengthening as blood flowed to it. Longer and longer it stretched, seeming to strain to rise under its own weight. In a matter of seconds, though Toby was over a foot away from Mikey's crotch, the plump, juicy head of his cock, larger than a ripe plum, was swaying only a couple of inches from his face, like a cobra emerging from a basket.

"Yeah, bet you never saw a dick this big before, huh, faggot?" Mikey sneered as he wiggled his hips slightly, making his monster swag back and forth, Toby's eyes following it in utter disbelief. "That thing's 11 inches long, and 9 inches around. If I know my math, that's nearly a foot long, and three inches across. But I bet a cock-hungry queer like you can take it all, right?"

Toby looked up, trying to see if the young man was serious. Mikey was still smirking arrogantly, but there was no joke in his eyes.

"You know what to do, fag." He said quietly and intensely "Open wide and swallow my bone. I want you to swallow it all, right down to my nuts, you understand?"

Toby gave the only answer he could. He did as he was told and opened wide. Mikey swung his cock from side to side a couple more times, teasing his teacher with his oversized teen meat, before aiming it carefully and pushing the fat head past his lips. Toby felt his jaw stretching already, and he could see that Mikey's cock got slightly thicker just below the head. There was no way he was deepthroating this! It would kill him!

But Mikey kept on pushing, and his knob-end was quickly pressing against the back of Toby's throat, pushing at the entrance to his gullet.

"Come on, fag, swallow me."

He pressed harder. Toby felt his gag reflex responding. Harder, harder. Mikey's cock was straining against the tight entrance to his throat. He wasn't going to pull back, not until...

POP. Suddenly Toby's throat was being stretched more than it had ever been in his life. His gag reflex didn't even get a chance to respond as Mikey slid inch after inch of his giant dick down Toby's yielding throat.

"Yeah! Take it cocksucker! Oh, fuck yeah! Nobody's ever taken this much before! Oh fuck, you're swallowing even more of it! Jesus!"

Mikey was laughing almost manically as he looked down at the faggot teacher, only the bottom six inches of his cock visible, protruding from Toby's stretched lips. Then another inch. And another, and another. Toby couldn't believe he was doing it. He'd deepthroated a lot of cock, but this was beyond anything he'd ever imagined. He'd be lucky if this beast didn't end up in his stomach. If he didn't suffocate first. Already his lungs were screaming for air, his eyes streaming, his jaw feeling as if it would dislocate any second.

Then Mikey pulled back, and Toby felt as though the withdrawal was turning his throat inside out. Finally, his airways were clear and he took a deep, desperate breath of air through his nose, the heady reek of teenage boy making him dizzy, Mikey's cockhead still wedged firmly in his wide open mouth.

"Got no interest in killing you, fag." Mikey said "Dead cocksucker's no use to anyone."

He let Toby take a couple more deep breaths, and then he began to push in again. This time it went slightly easier, but Toby still felt his throat being stretched beyond belief. Closer and closer came Mikey's pubes, thick and wiry, a thick treasure trail leading up his tight stomach from the root of his cock. Finally, one more inch...and Toby felt Mikey's huge balls pressed against his chin, all eleven inches wedged in his gullet.

"Holy shit!" Mikey giggled in delight, as Toby looked up at him through streaming eyes. "I'd heard fags were better at giving head than chicks, but this is out of this WORLD!" He yelled the last word as he thrust his hips impulsively forward, pushing Toby's head back against the edge of the desk. Pants still around his ankles, the teenager waddled closer so that Toby's movement was restricted. He then took hold of Toby's skull with his surprisingly strong hands, and withdrew a few inches of his cock, allowing Toby a quick breath before plunging back in again, causing more tears to leak out of Toby's eyes. He repeated the movement, his dick making a delicious slurping sound as it came out.

Toby, even through the discomfort of having almost a foot of ludicrously thick cock forced down his throat, felt the spell coming over him again. This boy was no longer his student. This boy was his top. No boy had a cock this big. Mikey was a man. And men had needs. And faggots like Toby were in the world to satisfy those needs, and take the man's sperm as a reward.

Mikey set up a steady tempo, pulling about halfway out and then sliding back in, in and out, in and out. Sometimes he would pull more of his cock out of Toby's neck, almost to the head, either to give the fag teacher a moment or two to breathe, or just to enjoy the sensation of slamming it back home.

"Oh fuck, you're getting me close, cocksucker!" Mikey moaned after about ten minutes "Gonna fuckin' drown you with my load, queer! Gonna make to eat it all!"

Toby now had his eyes screwed shut, his mouth stretched as wide as he could make it go. He couldn't get enough of this long, thick teen cock. He wanted more. 11 inches wasn't enough. He wanted more of it. He came around when he felt Mikey begin to lose his timing, and knew the end was near. He'd been jacking hard on his own cock for the last few minutes, and was getting near to release himself. Oh, he wanted this boy's load. Wanted it so bad.

"Oh yeah, yeah, oh...yea...yeah, here it comes, I'm gonna FUCKIN' CUM!!" Mikey screamed, and with that, he mashed Toby's face into his genitals as he began spewing his load directly into the hungry teacher's belly.

Toby felt his own orgasm hit around the same time, and his cock began ejaculating in his pants, covering his jerking hands as load after load of creamy, slimy goo gushed from the teen fire hose in his gullet.

"Yeah, wanna see your cocksucking face covered in my jizz!" Mikey gasped, and suddenly that fire hose was retreating back up his throat, releasing two heavy bolt into Toby's mouth, which almost did drown him, forcing cum out of his nose, before, at last, the bloated, spurting head was wrenched free from Toby's sucking lips, and Mikey aimed his weapon at his face. The first huge blast hit him in the eye, the next two soaked through his hair. Another and another, and yet another, each one adding to the thick layer of salty white spooge coating the spluttering teacher's face.

"Yeah BUKKAKE!" Mikey laughed as he continued to unload, jerking his python to make it cum faster.

By time Mikey was finally spent, Toby was a sticky, cum-soaked mess. The boy's copious load put Coach Johnson's to shame. There were streams of the stuff drooling off him, puddling on the floor and soaking through his shirt and pants, which were already soaking through with Toby's own pitiful load.

"Holy shit, man!" Mikey laughed sadistically as he looked down at his handiwork "You look like a total fuckin' nympho, dude! Wish I'd kept it in your mouth so I could see it comin' out of your ears!"

Toby reached up and wiped the cum out of his eyes. His stomach felt full as the cumload settled within him, filling him with a strange warmth. He opened his eyes to see Mikey pulling his boxers and jeans back up, stuffing his still half-hard cock back inside as he buckled up again.

"I know asshole Johnson fucked your ass as well, fag, and as much as I'd like a shot at that tight little butt, I've got to be places," Mikey said, hitching his pants back into position so that his fat semi was only just visible "Hope you don't mind me cutting out on detention early, but you know how it is."

Toby was suddenly hit by the realisation that he'd lost all authority with this kid. The positions were reversed now; Mikey was in charge, and Toby had to do as he said.

"I know how badly you must want this big boy up your cunt, fag. Don't worry though," he sneered, making for the door, and pulling it open. "I'll be back for more!"

And he was gone, leaving Toby struggling between horror, and lust.

End of Part 2

Next: Chapter 3

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