Everyone Fuck the Fag Teacher

By moc.liamg@erifmasynnhoj

Published on Jul 24, 2023


Everyone Fuck the Fag Teacher Part 1 By LittleJohn

This story contains descriptions of pretty graphic sex between men. If this disturbs you, or is illegal for someone of your age wherever you live, I advise you not to read on.

This story is based off a straight version I read a few months ago. Couldn't resist making up a gay version! Enjoy.

Toby Gardner had only been at Brownlow High for a few weeks. It wasn't exactly the best school, or the nicest town, but it was a job, and even teachers find it hard to get work in the current economic climate.

Toby was only just 26, and this was his first teaching job. He was short, only just barely 5'7", slim, but fairly good-looking with soft brown hair and grey eyes, and totally in the closet. Not that he'd always been. On the contrary, during his four years at college, and then during his following three years of his teacher-training at university, he had given up his mouth and ass to any and every guy who wanted them. He'd been the same in his junior and senior years at high school, when he'd serviced some of the older jocks almost every day. He was a total cock-slut and cum-pig. Every horny guy in school, college and university knew about his talented mouth and hungry hole.

But that had ended in his final year of university. By that point, halfway through the year, he'd built up such a reputation for himself that groups of guys were organising gangbangs with Toby as the centrepiece, as it were, every other day. This came to a head when he was informed by his tutor that he was coming dangerously close to failing, and he knew why -- nearly all of his study time has being taken up by his fuck-parties. So, much to the disappointment of many a horny young man, Toby had sworn off cock -- at first only until he had graduated, and then indefinitely. He just couldn't risk his career like that again. Especially not now he was a certified teacher.

In the month or so that Toby had been at Brownlow, getting used to being called Mr Gardner' and Sir', he hadn't had much trouble maintaining his self-imposed celibacy. Sure, a few of the female teachers had flirted with him a bit, but as far as men were concerned, he was in totally unfamiliar territory in this town -- he knew none of the designated cruising spots, or where the sort of straight men who might be horny enough to fuck a hungry faggot up the ass might hang out. A year ago, he would probably have made it his mission to go out and track down every one of these men in town, and not be satisfied until he had taken them all, at least twice. But now he had decided to grow up and behave like an adult as opposed to an over-sexed teenager, he was staying in evening and weekends, marking papers and planning lessons where once upon a time he would have been in the men's room at some bar pulling a train with a group of some local working toughs. But that wasn't who he was now. He'd changed.

However, Toby hadn't yet recognised the most immediate threat to his new persona.

Mark Johnson was the athletics coach at Brownlow High, and, like Toby at university, he had a reputation, but of the opposite sort. Mark was in his late thirties, his close cropped brown hair slightly receding and greying at the temples, and was, for lack of a better word, huge. The former college linebacker stood a mighty 6'4" and his muscle-packed body weighed in at a powerful 270lbs. Many theorised that he'd taken steroids at some stage in his life, perhaps still took them, but none were foolish enough to ask him. Mark Johnson was, in the eyes of many students and teachers, about as close to a god as you came to in a high school, and he was both venerated and feared. You didn't fuck with Mark Johnson, but if he wanted to fuck you, you didn't say no.

This was the man that had been eyeing Toby Gardner for three weeks since he first entered the staff room on his first day at Brownlow High. Johnson had pegged the smaller, younger man as a queer the first time he'd laid eyes on him. But Johnson didn't beat up queers like many career-sportsmen; he preferred fucking them. Especially queers with hot, round bubble-butts like Toby Gardner had!

Over the weeks, Coach Johnson had been giving the new teacher the lustful leer that usually left no man or woman in doubt about what he required of them, expecting the faggot teacher to fall to his knees at the super-stud coach's feet, begging to suck his big, fat cock. But nothing. The weeks went by, and Mark Johnson came to the conclusion that either Toby Gardner was blind, or he was ignoring him. And no faggot ignored Mark Johnson when he wanted in their ass.

So it was Tuesday on Toby's fourth week at Brownlow High when Coach Johnson decided to make his move on the unsuspecting teacher.

Toby hadn't had a bad week so far. He'd found handling the students less than easy for the first couple of weeks, but they seemed to have realised that, though he was small, smaller than many of the sophomore boys, he wasn't going to take any of their crap, and his classes were going much easier now that they were also all calming down after the end of the summer vacation.

On this particular Tuesday, class had just broken for lunch, and Toby was spending his free hour marking some papers that he'd gotten behind on, when the door to the classroom opened without even a polite knock, and in strode the giant figure of Mark Johnson. Toby hadn't failed to notice the big man around the school, and something inside him had stirred at the sight of Johnson's huge 20" arms and massive chest muscles doing their best to burst free from his t-shirt, and his 30" thighs stretching the grey cotton of the sweat pants he seemed to wear perpetually. But he'd buried the rising lust that had been sparked by the man's huge body, and his promisingly meaty-looking basket. Those days were behind him, and he was determined to ignore the clearly very arrogant and self-assured juicehead. But it was difficult to ignore him when he had just swaggered into Toby's classroom, some sort of purpose evident in his steely gaze.

It hadn't taken more than a minute or two for the coach to get down to business, and he quickly had the new teacher pressed between the whiteboard and his solid gut muscles.

"You've...you've got it all wrong!" Toby stammered as the much bigger man pressed against him harder, leaving no means of escape. He could smell the pungent locker-room scent of the coach, as well as the unmistakeable odour of a jockstrap full of precum. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Give it up, you frisky little faggot!" Johnson sneered as he flexed his powerful pecs, pushing Toby even harder into the whiteboard. "That hot little butt of yours is just screaming out to be stuffed full of some big fat coach dick!"

Toby was starting to panic. He might be able to deal with some rowdy high schoolers; some of them had clearly been given the short stick in life, but he didn't think any of them would actually hurt him. But this was so much different -- Coach Johnson could easily snap him in half if he wanted. He could feel the `big fat coach dick' grinding into his stomach, already half-hard.

"Look, if you don't get the hell off me and out of my classroom right now, I'll call...I'll call..."

"Yeah, faggot? Who you gonna call?" Johnson sneered as his paw-like hands slid down to grasp the smaller teacher's firm round buttocks. "I've got this school wrapped around my little finger. Just relax and let me have you! Man, can't wait to get me some of that sweet little faggot ass! And you can't tell me you don't want it! I can smell a cock-worshipper a mile off, boy!"

Through his mounting panic, Toby could feel the lust that the coach could apparently smell, and knew that he was right. There was the insistent little itch deep in his ass that was begging for the huge man to stuff him full of cock, right there in the classroom.

"Shit, not here, please!" He whimpered, still trying and failing to push Johnson away. "What if someone walks in?"

"Who cares?" was the only response, and Toby suddenly found himself spun around with his chest now pressed against the whiteboard instead of his back, while Johnson kneeled down behind him, holding his upper body in place with just one large hand, and, after making some lustful growling noises at being faced with the ass that he'd expected to have fucked long before now, his free hand began to deftly unfasten the charcoal grey slacks that were keeping him from his prize.

"Please...don't..." Toby gasped, but that itch was now begging louder than ever. He didn't understand; he thought he had control of that part of himself now. And when Johnson yanked down his slacks and underwear, moaned in lust at the sight of Toby's round pale-white butt and then buried his face in the deep crevice, his tongue quickly zoning in on his hole, Toby found that his panic was drowning in the moans of pleasure he realised were coming from his own throat as he felt his ass-lips part under the powerful assault of Coach Johnson's long, experienced tongue.

"Yeah, knew you'd come around the moment you got something up your ass!" Johnson chortled after a few minutes of this, by which time Toby was unconsciously spreading his legs and wiggling his ass, wordlessly pleading for the big coach not to stop. He obliged by smoothly sliding one of his thick fingers in where his tongue had been moments before, marvelling at how Toby's ass seemed to swallow his digit to the knuckle.

Toby involuntarily yelped in pleasure as Johnson began diddling his prostate, not resisting any further when he felt a second finger shoved inside him.

"Fuck, I knew you were a faggot, Gardner, but this is something else!" Johnson laughed as he witnessed the young teacher slowly transforming into the cock-slut he thought he'd left behind at university almost a year ago. The sight made his rock hard dick swell some more. "Feel like giving Mark Jr. a tongue bath?"

Toby hardly registered this as all he knew was that the massaging fingers had been pulled unceremoniously from his butthole, but he wasn't given much choice in the matter as it turned out, as he was quickly spun around again and forced to his knees, his face perfectly level with Coach Johnson's bulging crotch. His eyes bulged at the coach yanked down his own sweatpants to his knees, his fat 8 inches bouncing proudly as he straightened, poking out of the side of the dirty-looking jockstrap that still contained his furry nuts.

"But...what if someone walks in?" Toby said again, realising as he said it that the conviction was no longer in his voice. Coach Johnson clearly noticed this too, as he didn't even bother with a response this time, instead grabbing his cock by the root and, steadying Toby's head with the other hand should he try to get away again, smearing the circumcised head against Toby's lips, which he dutifully opened, accepting the biggest cock he had seen in years into his mouth and down his throat, making him gag immediately.

"What the hell's wrong with you, Gardner?" Johnson grumbled as Toby pulled back, gasping for air as he coughed and spluttered. "Call yourself a fuckin' cocksucker?"

Giving Toby only a few seconds to gather himself, Johnson once again guided his cock roughly into the faggot teacher's mouth and pushed down his gullet again. This time, Toby took it more easily, but it had still been many months since he'd last deepthroated a cock, let alone one this big. Johnson grabbed hold of his head with both hands and began to fuck his juicy prick slowly in and out of Toby's gullet, groaning in pleasure as he felt the faggot teacher's tight throat squeeze his shaft as he sank inward.

All Toby could do was kneel there as he was well and truly face-fucked. He placed his smaller hands on Johnson's powerful ass muscles, feeling them flex and relax as the juiced stud swung his hips back and forth, his thick lower abs bumping into Toby's nose and forehead.

Coach Johnson kept him like this for about five minutes; before Toby's latent instincts told him that the big man was getting close to unloading.

"Oh yeah, suck that dick, faggot! Oh fuck, I'm gonna blow!" Johnson confirmed mere seconds later "Yeah, oh...oh yeah, suck it, suck it! SUCK IT! FUCK, I'M FUCKIN' CUMMING!!"

He slammed his hips forward one last time, and Toby felt his dick swell in his throat and then pulse as the coach blew his wad down his throat. Johnson let fly for three full pumps before dragging his ejaculating cock out from Toby's mouth, planting a fourth heavy load directly on his tongue, and then proceeded to paint his face with five, six, seven more shots and still he went on shooting. Toby was awed by the power of his orgasm and the sheer volume of his spunk as it flowed freely from the bulbous head of his cock, covering his face and running down his neck and chin.

"Jesus, that was good!" Johnson panted as the flow finally slowed and ceased. "You suck a good fuckin' dick faggot!"

Toby felt a familiar glow of pride. He used to love hearing the jocks at school tell him that after he'd drained them in the locker room. As he wiped the spunk off his face, he expected to see Johnson's large cock shrinking back to a flaccid state, having got its nut. But to his surprise, it looked as hard as ever.

"Feeling up for Round Two, fag?" Johnson laughed, seeing Toby's amazement at the older man's libido, and again not waiting for an answer, he wrapped his arms around Toby's chest, picked him clean off the floor and deposited him face down on his own desk which was covered in papers he had been marking. "I think I'm gonna have to fuck this ass now!"

Toby felt himself pulled back so that his legs hung over the edge of the desk, getting his ass in the prone position, his own 6 inch cock, which had been soft during the face-fuck but now was rock hard, dragging against the papers on the desk.

"Nice to see you're enjoying this, fag!" Johnson sniggered, and Toby rapidly had the two thick fingers buried in his ass again, massaging his prostate.

"Ooh, oh fuck!" He heard himself groaning, realising that he was getting close to orgasm himself as Coach Johnson began spreading his asshole with a third thick finger. It hurt a little, but he had taken too much cock in the past for it to ache for too long, and in moments he was again wriggling around on Johnson's big hand, silently begging for something larger up his chute.

"Reckon my cock's lubed up enough already..." Toby heard Coach Johnson say, seconds before he felt that fat cockhead that had only minutes ago been down his throat breach the ring of his ass as the fingers were removed, rapidly followed by the slightly broader shaft. A little too rapidly.

"Oof!" Toby grunted as he was filled with cock, stretching his chute which had, in the past moths, become more used to things going out rather than in. "Unghhh, ah, fuck!"

"Yeah, that's one big dick ain't it, fag?" Johnson guffawed smugly as he grabbed Toby's heaving loins and sank the rest of his shaft in, balls deep, gyrating his hips around and mashing his cock against Toby's joy button. "Fuck, I love fuckin' fags! Complain a lot less than women when you just ram it home! Shit, this is gonna be good! Haven't fucked a decent fag since that maths class sophomore geek last semester. Geez, he was tight, but you're cunt's practically swallowing me, Gardner!"

Toby knew it was true, because he could feel it. He could feel his ass slowly accepting the wide length of ex-linebacker meat, and the muscles of his lower intestines trying to pull more of it in.

"Ahh, yeah!" Toby sighed as his butt relaxed fully, allowing the coach to pull back a little before slamming it to the hilt again with a healthy, juicy slap.

"Yeah, you've taken a lot of dick in your time, ain't ya, fag!" Johnson grunted as he picked up the tempo, the wet slapping of big-cock into willing-ass filling the room, along with the smell of rutting men. "Christ this is a hot hole!"

Toby was in a daze. His love nut was getting a pummelling like it hadn't had in years, even before his self-imposed celibacy. He'd taken some big seven-inchers, but he hadn't laid eyes on an eight-incher like this one for many years, let alone had it rammed up his man-cunt with such force and vigour. And he suddenly realised that he was cumming. Hard.

"Unghhh, FUCK!" he yelled as he sprayed the desk and the papers on it with his load, which looked almost childish next to the half-pint or so of jism Johnson had unloaded into his face and stomach not ten minutes before. "Aghh! I'm cumming! Yeah, fuck me! Harder, man! HARDER!"

"YEAH, BEG FOR IT, FAG!" Johnson bellowed, throwing his head back and roaring as Toby's ass clenched down on his cock, but he a long way from shooting again yet. "FUCK YEAH, ALL YOU FUCKIN' DIRTY FAGGOT QUEERS LOVE MY BIG-MAN DICK, DONCHA? HELL YEA, TAKE IT! TAKE IT LIKE A FUCKIN' MAN, BITCH!"

Toby came a second in the next ten minutes before Coach Jonson began to lose rhythm, a sure sign that he was about to pump his load into the faggot teacher bent over underneath him.

"OH YEA, I'M GONNA CUM AGAIN! CUMMING IN YOUR FAGGOT ASS! I'M GONNA FUCKIN' BREED YA, FAG!" Johnson howled as Toby felt his guts beginning to swell under the pressure of the mammoth load that was being fired into him. Johnson pumped his hips a few more times then slammed them forward, sealing Toby's asshole with his wide dick, wrapping his huge arms around the smaller man's heaving chest and pushing him up onto the desk so that he was lying fully on top of the cum-dump teacher below him, his enormous muscular weight driving his spewing dick in to the root. "OH YEAH, SHOOTIN' THE BIGGEST LOAD EVER, MAN! YOU'RE FAGGOT ASS IS SO FUCKIN' HOT!!"

It seemed to go on for minutes, but at last Johnson's panting slowed, and his cock stopped unloading and finally began to go soft.

"Oh MAN!" Johnson barked as he pulled out, releasing the torrent of spent slime from Toby's ravaged asshole, watching it belch out all over the student's work on his desk, soaking the papers through with man seed and ass juice. "Oh that's fuckin' nasty!"

He punctuated this by ramming three fingers back up Toby's well-used cunt and squelching them around noisily, forcing more spunk out onto the desk.

Toby was in such a daze that he barely realised that he was cumming a third time, adding his third load of the lunch break to the sea of jizz that was Johnson's heavy batch of nut-butter.

"Yeah, cum around my fingers, fag!" Johnson sniggered as Toby yelped and moaned, his cock spurting what little watery cum his balls had left to offer. "Geez, you're the nastiest little fag-slut I've cream-pied up for years!"

Suddenly the fat fingers stretching his asshole were removed, and Toby turned around, still in a post-fuck haze to see Johnson tucking his spent, heavy cock back into his jock, which he hadn't taken off, and pulling his pants back up again, preparing to leave now that he'd taken what he wanted from the cum-filled teacher.

"Good fuck you are, Gardner!" he leered, adjusting his bulging basket and wiping his cum-soaked hands on the back of Toby's shirt "Believe me, I'll be back for more! Won't be able to get enough of that fuckin' hot little faggot butt now!"

And with that, he was gone, leaving Toby swimming in a puddle of sperm in his desk.

After taking a few minutes to get his breath again, Toby gingerly clambered off the desk, feeling the wonderful, well-fucked ache emanating from his lower body, and surveyed the scene in horror. There was a steady trickle of cum running off the desk onto the floor, the student's work on the desk was utterly ruined -- there was no way he could give them back after being soaked in cum -- and the room reeked heavily of ass-fucking and big sweaty man. On top of that, Toby's face was still plastered with drying cum, his shirt and pants were saturated with cum, and cum was still leaking heavily down his legs from his slowly closing asshole. And he had less than ten minutes left of the lunch break to have it all normal again before his next class arrived.

As Toby dashed around the room, opening windows and stuffing cum-soaked papers into the rubbish bin, all the while trying to make himself look more or less presentable again, he was feeling too flustered and ashamed with himself to realise that somebody had been watching through the classroom window, ever since Coach Johnson had forced him to his knees and fucked his face. Somebody had seen the whole, sordid, depraved act, and that somebody was now swaggering away from the window with a cocky, horny smirk on his face.

Mikey Kowalski, a Senior, was having a tough time disguising his massive raging hardon as he went back to class once lunch break was over, but his mind was turning over the image of the new teacher getting violently fucked by Coach `Big-Nuts' Johnson over his own desk, and committing it to memory as best he could, both for jackoff material later on, once he got home after school, and for...other purposes.

End of Part 1

Next: Chapter 2

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