Everybody Loves Joe Hartman

By Damian

Published on Feb 10, 2011


This is the continuation of a story about Peter and Joe, next door neighbors in Iowa whose long-time friendship undergoes an unexpected turn of events. No minors were harmed in the writing of this story, but if you are one please go find something else to do. Please do not reproduce this story in any form without the permission of the author.

-- Damian


Had Joe just been joking when he suggested that I come over to his place at 4 the next day (I work from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m., and we usually get together at 5)? All night long and all day the next day at work I wrestled with whether to call his bluff or not and just do it. If I found him clothed, I could just laugh it off and say, "I was just testing you." But if I found him naked...well, that was just too much for my virtually virgin mind to contemplate.

By the time my work day had ended, I had swallowed my misgivings and decided to just do it. There might not be another opportunity to connect with Joe like that, and I had to admit to myself that I'd secretly thought at times about what it would be like for us to take our friendship to a more intimate level.

I drove home after work, showered, and put on something comfortable, yet provocative (or as provocative as my hopelessly limited wardrobe would allow). I shaved, brushed my teeth, and combed my hair. Before I knew it, it was 3:58 p.m. I exited my back door and made the short trek across the driveway to Joe's house -- my nerves raw and on edge.

My hands were shaking as I opened Joe's back door -- we always used back doors to come and go -- and walked in and looked around. He was not in the kitchen where I usually found him. Rusty greeted me with a hand lick -- he was used to me coming in without knocking.

The only sound I heard were four solemn resonant chimes announcing the time from Joe's grandfather clock in the living room. It was downright eerie.


No answer. I could still back out and go home till 5. But I didn't. I felt my pits sweating. My heart thumped in my chest. I proceeded slowly through the house until I could hear water running. Joe was in his bathroom. The door was open.

"Joe? It's me -- Peter."

"In here, Peter. Come on in."

Joe was where I was the day before -- standing at his sink shaving, wearing only a towel. I'd never seen Joe less than fully clothed. He looked so vulnerable to me this way. My heart was still racing.

"Uh, hi, Joe. Is this okay? Should I come back later?"

"No, Peter. Please stay. I've been expecting you."

It wasn't his usual jaunty voice I was hearing -- he sounded serious, kind of like Rod Serling on that old TV show of his, "The Twilight Zone." In the mirror we could see each other's face, and our eyes locked momentarily. Tension permeated the room, along with the residue of the steam from the shower he'd just finished. Rusty lay down beside me by the open door, like a self-appointed sentry.

"How are you, Joe?"

"I'm okay...just a little tensed up today, Peter. My back is like a rock. You mind helping me out?"

"What do you want me to do?"

"Between my shoulder blades -- I need some knots worked out. I get this way sometimes. Evie used to work them out when I'd get this way. I don't know who else to ask. Please?"

"Sure, Joe."

I was actually going to touch his bare skin for the first time. I'd wanted to but had been scared to even think about it. I stepped up behind him and put my hands on his hairless upper back. I started rubbing gently. His clean warm body felt so good to me. I thought I heard a little moan coming from him. Did I? I could see the front of him in the mirror. His eyes were closed, so I took the opportunity to examine his chest -- and lower. His towel was puffed out a little, so I knew he was slightly hard.

"Oh, yes, Peter -- that feels so good. Use your thumbs and dig in harder."

"Have you got some lotion, Joe? I think that would help."

"I think so. Evie used to use a special massage oil on my back. There might be some left. Let me look under the sink."

When he bent over to look for the oil, Joe's towel came loose. Making no effort to grab it, he allowed it to fall to the floor, leaving him totally nude. Finally, I got to see what I guess I had really come to see. Joe had a remarkable body for his age. I tried not to stare in the mirror but keep my focus on his back. My eyes dropped to his round buttocks. I felt myself going hard in my briefs.

"No need to cover up, I guess -- after what I saw yesterday -- is there, Peter? Now we're even."

I laughed nervously. He didn't.

"You're pretty fit for an old guy, Joe."

"Easy on the `old,' Peter. You won't feel old yet when you're my age."

I caught his grin in the mirror.

"I think I could rub your back harder, Joe, if you were lying down."

"Good idea, Peter. Let's move to the bedroom."

I followed his enticing buns down the hall, still not having had a peek at what he had in front. Rusty followed.

"Why don't you get comfortable, too, Peter?" Joe said, lying face down on his bed.

I watched Joe's nude form on the bed as I disrobed. His head was turned toward me. I decided to keep my briefs on to conceal my hard-on, but I think he could see the evidence of my excitement anyway. Rusty looked on curiously, never having seen me this way.

"I can get better leverage if I'm on top pushing down, Joe. Do you mind if I straddle you?"

"Go right ahead, Peter. Do whatever works best. I'm just so glad you're willing to do this -- my back's been tight as a drum all day long."

I straddled Joe's thighs and leaned into his back with heavy pressure. He groaned with relief as I worked to loosen his tense back muscles. I followed his instructions as to where to apply pressure and eventually felt him start to relax. It seemed strange to be touching him like this, but I was enjoying it. And I could tell that he certainly was, too.

"I can't tell you how good this feels, Peter. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy being touched -- I've missed it so much since Evie's been gone. Have you ever done massage before?"

"Can't say that I have, Joe. Do you want me to do your whole back?"

"Your hands feel like magic to me, Peter. As long as you don't mind, I'm open to wherever you want to put them."

Well...now...that sounded like an open invitation! We hadn't yet really crossed any lines. Everything that had happened so far could be construed as just one friend helping another. But I was enjoying this too much to quit now, and I had a strong hunch that Joe felt the same way.

Using more lotion, I massaged his entire back while still straddling his thighs. His skin felt like butter -- so soft, so smooth. Joe just purred. I stopped at his waist.

"All of me, Peter -- please! This is heaven to be touched like this by another...by someone again. I've missed it so much. Nothing's off limits. I trust you completely."

Wow, I thought. I got up and suggested to Joe that he open his legs so I could squat between them to work on his lower body. I was shocked to see his penis pointing down between his open legs. It was my first look at it -- although I could see only the tip and part of his obviously hard shaft, as well as part of his scrotum. I wondered if he realized just how much was showing.

Putting more oil on my hands, I started stroking his hips and the outside of his thighs. Gradually I worked my way inward, stroking the backs of his thighs and then the insides. I did this for quite a while. I noticed that he seemed to raise his buttocks slightly every so often. Either he was making room underneath for his growing erection, or he was inviting me to apply direct contact to his ass. Or maybe both.

I finally worked up the nerve to apply direct pressure to his ass, squeezing his globes gently. I never expected to even see them, much less touch them -- but now I was, fully and completely.

"Yes!" I heard him mutter from his pillow, giving me reassurance that I was on the right track to giving him the pleasure that he so obviously sought from me.

I kept this up for some time before moving again to his legs and feet. After I had worked on as much of his lower body as I could, I didn't want to stop but didn't know if he wanted to turn over or not. I certainly wanted him to, but it seemed like a big step -- which could change the nature of our friendship permanently to something beyond "just friends." After all, we weren't kids anymore -- far from it! But normal adult decorum seemed to be slipping away by the minute.

"Do you want to turn over and let me do the rest of your body, Joe?" I finally asked after working up the nerve. I stood up beside him to give him room to turn over.

"I already feel pretty exposed here, Peter," he said, sitting up on the edge of the bed. As my heart beat wildly, I couldn't help but notice his lovely uncircumcised cock, which stood up proudly and solidly. As I stood there in front of him, I'm sure he noticed that my cut member was hard, too, although still covered by my underwear.

"Perhaps you would do me the favor of baring yourself equally so that I'm not the only one naked, Peter. We are friends, after all, and I've already seen what you have in there," he said pointing to my briefs and smiling.

I had to agree that he'd seen everything yesterday, but he hadn't yet seen my dick in its erect state. But he had a point -- it wasn't quite fair of me to hold onto my briefs when he was fully nude. I pulled them down and stepped out of them and stood naked and rock hard in front of my dear friend for the first time in our long friendship. My erection throbbed to my heartbeat as I stood there in nervous but unembarrassed anticipation of what would happen next.

"You have a very nice body, Peter."

"So do you, Joe. I never thought we'd be naked like this in front of each other."

"I didn't either. I've wanted... Shall we continue with the massage now?"

I wasn't sure how to proceed. Should I kneel between his legs or stand next to him? I opted for kneeling. Joe was splayed below me with his eyes closed, awaiting my touch. I lubed up my hands again and went to work on his chest and arms. But "work" wasn't the word for it -- I was totally into this now. All I wanted was to make this man feel as good as I possibly could.

After I was finished above his waist, I moved down. Joe had a complete hard-on, and I ached to touch it. Would that be okay, I wondered? I rubbed his lower abdomen, occasionally coming into slight contact with his wood but not directly handling it.

I then went down to work on the front of his thighs, keeping a close eye on his genitals. He was uncut, and the head of his cock peaked through his foreskin, but not quite fully. As I massaged his thighs, I brushed ever so slightly against his scrotum with its two sizeable testicles. Joe flinched occasionally but never indicated in any way that I was being too forward.

Eventually I had covered his entire body except for his cock and balls. I deliberated as to what to do next. Did he want me to continue? He silently gave me the answer by grabbing my right hand and placing it directly on his erection. Hello -- what more did I need to know?

"Oh, Peter, I need this so much, and you're the only one I can turn to. Please?"

"Sure, Joe. Happy to give you a hand," I said with a smile, as our eyes met.

It had been a while since I'd touched another man like this, so I relished the opportunity. But this wasn't just any man -- this was my beloved friend and neighbor who was showing his need -- a need I was only too happy to try to meet.

Joe groaned his appreciation quite audibly. Rusty stood up from his position nearby on the floor to be sure that Joe was okay. I assured him that he was and told him to lie back down. His master was doing just fine, thank you very much.

"Peter, I've never...never had a man touch me there since... It feels amazing. Is it okay?"

"It's more than okay, Joe. Just lie back and let me make you feel good. You deserve it. Trust me."

"I do, Peter, I do -- completely. Only you know how lonely it can be to go to bed every night alone, especially when I had Evie for so long. But there was...always something missing. I've dreamed of this happening so many times...really needed a man's touch...I forgot how wonderful it could be. Please keep it up."

"Oh, it's about as `up' as it's going to get, I think, Joe. You have a beautiful cock. You're a beautiful man, inside and out. Just let it build -- let me help you get off."

I applied some more massage oil directly on Joe's penis. He nearly levitated off the bed with the intense sensations that the oil and my strong masculine right hand were causing. I knew from experience -- although not recent experience, unfortunately -- how wonderful another man's touch can feel. From what Joe was saying, it sounded like he wasn't totally unfamiliar with a man's touch himself, and that intrigued me very much. I hoped he would tell me more.

Joe threw his hands back above his head, totally surrendering himself to my expert ministrations. I was still kneeling between his legs as he raised and lowered his knees as the tension built in his body. Before long a red blush appeared on his neck and upper chest, and his head moved from side to side. His balls snuggled up against his body, and his legs went stiff. An enormous orgasm was building inside him, and I was happy to be making it happen for him.

"Oh, Peter, it feels so...oh, my dear God, I'm coming!"

Giant ropes of hot semen blasted out of him and pooled on his chest and tummy. I was impressed by this outpouring -- I hoped I could still have an orgasm like that when I got to be Joe's age. Hell, I'd like to have one like that at my age!

Joe didn't say anything for a while. His eyes were still closed, and his heavy breathing slowed gradually as he savored the wonderful sensations that he had just experienced.

"Peter, that was amazing," Joe finally said, regaining his composure and voice. "Thank you so much. I don't know what came over me. It's just been so long since I came like that -- or at all, for that matter -- and I guess I really needed it. How can I ever thank you enough?"

"Maybe you could stroke my balls while I get myself off, if you don't mind," I replied.

"It would be my pleasure, Peter. I've never touched another adult man there, but maybe it's time I found out what I've been missing all these years. Can I touch your penis first?"

I shook my head and smiled. Joe reached out and touched my cock all over as I got up on all fours over him. He squeezed my shaft tenderly between his thumb and his fingers until it was steely hard. Pre-cum flowed out of my cock liberally, and he spread it around on the head over my pee slit. This was beyond amazing.

When he had moved his hands down to my balls, I squirted some massage oil on my hand and proceeded to oil my very hard cock and stroke myself. This was so much better than masturbating by myself, which was nearly always the only way I had come in recent years. I worked myself into a frenzy as Joe watched and gently stroked my man sac and its contents. Soon my cum mingled with his as I blasted away eagerly and energetically. I felt like a kid again, playing with another guy like this.

Spent, I rolled over on my back next to my friend and reveled in the feelings going through me. This was by far the best sexual encounter I could ever remember -- partly because it was so unexpected and spontaneous. I got up slowly and went to find something to clean us up with.

After I cleaned the cum off of Joe's front side, we took a shower together, washing each other's body thoroughly. As we toweled off afterward, we helped each other dry our backs.

We got dressed and poured ourselves a drink. Joe didn't seem to know what to say, so he turned on the TV for me and went to fix us something to eat. The rest of the evening went on as if the bedroom activities had never taken place.

Over dinner I started to ponder what we were to each other now. First, we were friends. Now, at least, we appear to be "friends with benefits." I had always loved Joe in a platonic way, but now...now? We were naked together for over an hour this afternoon, touching, stroking, cumming...loving? It was a sudden and expected change, and I wasn't sure how to deal with it.

This was strange new territory for us. Joe was straight, wasn't he? Wasn't he? He'd been married for 40 years to Evie. Was he just lonely for someone...anyone...to touch him? Would it happen again? If so, who would initiate it? I had to admit to myself that I, at least, wanted it to happen again. Did he?

So many questions, so few answers.

(To be continued. Nifty authors like to hear from their readers. Please take a moment to send your feedback to me at nvtahoeus@yahoo.com. Give me your first name and location, if you would. To deal with spam I delete messages that don't have something in the subject line. Thanks for reading my story! Damian)

Next: Chapter 3

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