Everybody Fucks Raymond

By moc.loa@75YENOHAMPILS

Published on May 21, 2003


OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: "Everybody Loves Raymond" (and its characters), are property of Worldwide Pants Inc., and HBO Independent Productions. This story is NOT to imply anything of the sexualities of actors Ray Ramano, Brad Garrett, and Peter Boyle. This story is FICTION based upon FICTIONAL characters! Ok, unzip and enjoy some "quality time" with the Barone men...."HOLY CRAP!!" Ray Barone was really up shit's creek big time. Not only was his wife Debra pissed off big time because she caught Ray giving the new big-busted waitress at Nemo's more than a few appraising glances, but also because she found out he was planning to con her into letting him play golf this weekend, when he KNEW her parents were due for a visit. So, literally, Debra threw him out of the house, and Ray knew he HAD to spend the night over at his parent's house across the street. Using his key, Ray slowly opened up the kitchen door. The house was dark. Marie had gone over to her sister's for a few days, so only Frank and Robert were home. Ray didn't relish the thought of sleeping with his older brother, who slept in the raw, but the thought of trying to sleep on Marie's plastic-covered circa 1960 sofa really turned him off. So he decided sleeping with his nude brother would be the lesser of the two evils.

Ray gently opened the door to Robert's room, and called him as quietly as he could. Robert Barone, the big, hulking, gravel-voiced cop, rolled over and muttered as Ray explained the situation. Robert just mumbled "ok" and went back to sleep. So Ray undressed, and climbed into bed with his brother, not bothering to take off his tee shirt and boxers. He tried to avoid any contact with his brother's hairy body, but Robert was simply too big. As Ray's smooth leg brushed against his older brother's hairy one, Ray remarked to himself, "This ain't a man, this is a gorrilla!" As Raymond tried to get comfortable, his slumbering cock flopped out of his shorts and up against Robert's round, furry buns. For a split-second Raymond freaked, but, without warning, a warm, tingling feeling started to course through his cock. Ray tried to shrug off the feeling by trying to picture that big-boobed chick down at Nemo's, but this new feeling that Raymond had felt would not disappear. And, to complicate matters, it seemed Robert was pushing his big hairy ass against his brother's groin. What the fuck is going on here?, Ray wondered. Suddenly, Robert turned around, and in the dim light from the night-light, Ray could see a big grin on his brother's beefy mug. "C'mon, Raymond, admit it......you KNOW you want my ass!" Hearing that, Ray got flustered as hell, not expecting to hear that from his big, hulking, six-foot eight cop-brother. "Cut the crap, Ray," Robert chuckled, " You used to pull this crap all the time when we were kids....you don't think I KNEW what you were doing when you used to sneak into my bed when you THOUGHT I was asleep? Isn't that right, little brother?"

Ray was speechless. Sure, he loved girls, and had fucked plenty of them before he met Debra. He always considered himself TOTALLY straight....and now this!! And hearing his OWN BROTHER remind Ray of his little "bedtime escapades" so many years ago............. Robert, also, always considered himself a straight-shooter, but, when he thought of it, why did he ALWAYS have bad luck with broads? And WHY, as of late, every time he and his fiancee Amy were making out, Robert was thinking about one of the new officers at the station house, a young, broad shouldered stud whose skin-tight uniform showed a hefty basket?

"Go ahead, Ray," Robert growled, "do whatever you want to my ass.......I've been waitin' too long for this.........just pretend my ass is Debra's pussy......go for it, Cubby!"

"Awwwman, this is so wierd, Robert," Ray whispered, but he threw back the covers, and Robert flipped over onto his gut. Now Ray's cock REALLY started to pound as his hands rubbed and squeezed his brother's round, hairy, cop-buns. Robert moaned as his younger brother's fingers slid into his hairy, sweaty crack, and started to poke at his tight, sweaty pucker.

"Awwwwwffffuucckkkkkkkkkkkk," Robert moaned into his pillow as without warning, he felt Ray's tongue start to lick his furry buns. As Ray tongued his brother's hairy ass-mounds, the hot man-smell from Robert's hairy crack started to really make his balls start to churn...the aroma of musky, manly cop-sweat, mixed with the scent of soap. Ray's natural horniness, combined with his frustration, hit him like a thunderbolt, and he pulled Robert's hairy buns apart and buried his face deep into his brother's sweaty, hairy ass-trench.

Robert cussed and moaned into his pillow as Ray started rimming his hairy ass. Eating out his brother's hairy butt was a lot like eating Debra's cunt( WHEN she allowed him) but this was a hundred times hotter. Robert ground his bulky, hairy backside into Ray's sweaty face, and Robert's massive 11 inch cock was hard as hell, drooling lube onto his sheets. How would he explain these stains to Marie when she did the laundry?

Ray moved lower, and started tongueing Robert's hairy balls...fuck, Ray, thought, these balls belong on a bull! "OOOOOOHHFFUUCCKKKYESSSSSS" Robert growled into his pillow, as Ray's hot tongue alternated between his furry nuts and hairy asshole. "Aww,man, this is fuckin' hot, Robert," Ray chuckled, his hard shaft leaking more lube on the sheets.

"HOLY CRAP!! WHAT THE HELL'S GOIN' ON HERE??" Both men looked up, dazed and scared shit. So involved were they, they failed to notice thier dad, Frank, standing in the doorway, wearing just his tee shirt and boxers.

Robert was speechless, and Ray started to stammer "Uhhh, Dad, It's not what you think....."

"GIVE ME A FUCKIN' BREAK, HERE, RAY," Frank snarled, his bald head glinting in the dim light. "You forgot I was in Korea........I saw a lot of straight guys do one another when they were horny enough and there were no broads around!"

At that moment, Frank recalled the time in Korea when he caught two of his burly, macho comrades going at it hot and heavy in a foxhole. As he thought about that, he felt his old cock begin to stiffen.

Suddenly Frank Barone started belting out orders. "ROBERT, PUT YOUR HEAD DOWN ON YOUR PILLOW, AND RAISE THAT BIG HAIRY GIANT-ASS OF YOURS UP ......YEAH....LIKE THAT." Then he turned to Ray, "ALL RIGHT RAY, YOU KNOW YOUR BROTHER WANTS IT AND WANTS IT BAD.......FUCK HIS BIG ASS HARD AND FORGET ABOUT PUSSY FOR A CHANGE!" Ray Barone could not believe he was hearing this from his tough, opinionated, macho, grizzled old man. But he obeyed, and got on his knees behind his big brother's broad, hairy rump. His 8-and-a-half-inch cock was sticking out of the fly of his boxers, and suddenly Frank reached over and quickly yanked Ray's shorts down. DAD, WHAT ARE YA DOIN'? " Ray asked his leering, pot-bellied dad. "YOU'LL FIND OUT....SON!" Frank chuckled. But Ray was too caught up in the heat of the moment, and he slipped his hard cock into the hairy valley between Robert's buns. The thick black hairs scratched Ray's invading cock, sending erotic shockwaves through his dangling low-hangers.

"AAAAWWWFFFFUUCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!" Robert growled, his deep, booming voice echoing throughout the dark house, as his younger brother's cock slid deeper and deeper into his hairy chute, which had only been fucked once before, by a hunky gay cop Robert met at a bar one night. "AAAASHIT,MAN, THIS IS FUCKIN' GREAT!!" Ray snickered, as he felt his cum-filled balls come to rest against Robert's round, hairy buttcheeks.

Meanwhile, Frank's cock had gotten harder than he could ever remember it getting, and he hauled out his thick-headed old cock from his sweaty boxers, along with his hairy balls. As he watched his younger son mount the furry ass of his older one, Frank got behind Ray, spit on his fat cock to get it good and lubed, and started to ease it between Ray's tight, hairless buns.

"DAD, WHAT THE HELL ARE YA DOIN'??" Ray cried out, as he felt the slick head of his dad's cock press against his virgin hole. "SHUDDUP AND RELAX,RAY, " Frank chuckled. "I'M PRETENDING I'M BACK IN KOREA DOIN' THIS TO MY SARGE....." "OWWWWWWWFFUUCCKKKKKKKKKKK!!" Ray yelped, as his dad's sixty-something cock began to slide deeper into his tight, virgin hole. "RELAX THERE, SON........IT ONLY GETS BETTER FROM HERE!"

The deeper Frank Barone's cock buried itself into his son's virgin chute, the deeper Ray's cock slid into Robert's hot, hairy ass. When Frank's old balls were up against his son's smooth little buns, Frank grabbed Ray's waist and started pumping in and out of his son's smooth, tight ass.

Ray grabbed onto Robert's thick waist and started pumping his own aching cock in and out of his hulking, hairy, cop-stud brother's hairy rump. Fuck, Ray thought, even Debra's pussy isn't THIS tight! Aw, Fuck, this is hot!!! " "AAAAAAWWGGGAAWWWWWWWWDDDD" Robert growled like a wounded moose, as Ray's cock started pounding at his prostate. "YEAHHHHHHHH,RAY, GO FOR IT!!!!!!" Robert pounded the mattress with his huge fists as his younger brother's cock speared his big hairy ass.

"HOLY CRAP, THIS IS BETTER THAN FUCKIN' A BROAD!" Frank chuckled, as he started slamming in and out of his son's tight ass. Ray was caught in the middle of an erotic sexual sandwich, his own cock ramming the hairy ass of his bulky big brother, while his OWN ass was bieng royally fucked by his bald, pot-bellied old man...........................and he LOVED IT!!!!!! By now, Ray was totally into it, and he reached around to wrap his fist around Robert's massive horsecock. "MAN, YOU'RE FUCKIN' HUGE!!" He whistled, as he started pumping his brother's huge, slick nightstick. Robert gyrated his big hairy ass against Ray's crotch, urging him deeper. And Frank was slamming in and out of Ray's sweaty ass with all the lack of restraint of an oversexed, gung-ho marine. Now Frank had thoughts about Stan, his chubby buddy from the lodge. Frank was wondering how it would feel to fuck a really big round hairy ass like Stan's.....................

"AAWWGAAAAWWD,RAY......FUCK ME HARD, CUBBY, I'M GONNA SHOOT!!" Robbie growled, as Ray's lube-slick fist pumped Robert's huge, pounding cock. "YYYYEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS...AAUUGGHHUUGHH....UUUHNNNN!!!" Robert snarled, as his fat, hairy bull-balls exploded. His huge horsecock sprayed thick jets of hot cop cum all over the pillows, the sheets, and Ray's hand. Ray humped Robert harder, loving the feel of his brother's hairy ass milking his slamming cock........................

"AAAAAWWWW, YESSSSS, HERE IT COMES, ROBERRRRRTTT!!" Ray whined, as his cock started unleashing gobs of sports-column spooge deep inside his big, hairy cop-brother's bulky, hairy ass. Ray's flexing chute was really working overtime on his old man's cock, and this brought the bald old geezer to the best orgasm he'd had in years.

"HOLY CRAP," Frank snarled "OK, SARGE, THIS LOAD'S FOR YOU FIFTY YEARS TOO LATE!!" Frank growled like an animal as he humped Ray's ass hard, his old balls slapping against Ray's smooth buns. His old cock began spitting thick jets of jizz deep inside his son's clutching ass. Soon, the three sweaty, panting men collapsed on the bed, the sheets slippery and sticky with gobs of hot, slimy jizz. Frank and his two sons lay spent on the bed, thier manly bodies fused together in sweat and spent spooge. Slowly Ray pulled his cock out of Robert's hairy, stretched hole, as Frank pulled out of Ray's well-worn little ass. Frank noticed Ray watching his hot cum slither out of Robert's hairy hole, dribbling down his hairy balls. Ray watched as he saw his old man pull one of Robert's hairy buns apart. He licked his lips, and gave Ray a sly smile.

"C'mon, Ray, let's clean up the mess you made," Frank chuckled. "You know how your mother was always after you about cleaning up after yourself!" THE END!!!!! Hope you guys enjoyed this story! Comments and feedback are welcome!

Next: Chapter 2

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