Every Game

By Ryan Westmen

Published on Jul 8, 2012



Copyright goes to me the owner and this story cannot be used anywhere without my permission, sorry guys.

If you would like to email me about anything my address is ryan93111@hotmail.com Hope to hear from you guys :) --- Every game 4 ---

Images of Friday night keep replaying over and over in my head, the surreal moment as if in a dream. I had a boyfriend, not just any boyfriend, an Elyar Mason exclusive. The weekend was uneventful after that night, I stayed home Saturday and Sunday night, my mom had two nights off work and well she doesn't get those too often so I make the most of that time. She works long hard hours; she's a surgical nurse and works pretty much nonstop; she's always on call when she gets the rare occasion to have a small break. Two nights without getting called in, is a god send too her. She's been run down and needs a rest to fully bounce back; I wonder how she would take it if she knew I had a boyfriend. I'm sure she'd be fine; I mean I am her favorite son. Still I've seen all the horror stories out there, I swear there written just to scare people into not challenging society. But hey, might as well give it a shot

"Hey mom, I have to tell you something" I said smiling across at her on the other side of the lounge room, she looked up at me with a tired smile. Her eyes were exhausted, wrinkles were visibly forming around her eyes and mouth, and she looked numb. With that one smile I froze, I couldn't tell her what if every single story could happen to me. My palms were sweaty and my hands shaking, I just can't do this

"What is it baby?" Her voice sounded drained and void of life. I panicked and froze, great

"A-a you lo-look tired, I think you need to sleep" better than nothing, I softly smiled and went back to watching the television, great work Zeke you can't even speak to your own mother about your life. There's always tomorrow I guess.

Monday mornings, really? The worst day of the week, the only day were children across the country need to rise from there nocturnal lives and go to school. Only today, this Monday, was glorious. I was up early and I had no idea what had put the extra bounce in my step, oh wait I had a boyfriend and couldn't wait to see him at school. We had been texting pretty continuously, non-stop really. We found out so much about each other, and yes we have had the talk about school Elyar doesn't want to be out yet and honestly neither do I, I mean some of my friends know yeah. But that doesn't mean I want to broadcast it to everyone and well Elyar isn't out to anyone. The head jock, gay? No one would believe me anyway and I would probably get the shit kicked out of me for even mentioning it. So we were pretty much on the same page with the whole coming out to everyone thing.

I was patiently waiting for Harper to come and get me, so we could make the magical journey to our favorite place on the planet. I put a little bit of effort into my appearance today, I want to look good not only for myself but for Elyar. 15 minutes late, why am I not surprised? Harper came screeching around the corner, slamming the breaks on out the front of my house, I have to give it to her, the girl knows how to drive. I quickly scrambled into the car and buckled in, the engine roared and the exhaust thundered, we took off with the music pumping. Not taking her eyes off the road Harper quickly shot out

"You bang yet?" My face instantly flushed, this girl will be the death of me. I couldn't even reply to her, the instant pulse of happiness that coursed through my body kept me quiet, it was intoxicating and I just sat still, with a big grin covering my face. She had a knowing smile on her face and she just ploughed through with the questions

"Is he a good kisser? Did you feel his abs? What about his cock?" my face just deepened in color, I could control myself any longer and finally answered her questions in a rush of a breath

"noyesyeahohyeah" Her eyes locked onto mine and instantly I saw a look of pure joy but there was an underlying emotion I couldn't place it and didn't really want to ask about it. We continued the trip to school in silence, neither of us making eye contact, I was in a dream world and I didn't know what Harper was doing, hopefully watching the road. We pulled into a parking space and we both jumped out, as soon as she was in view all eyes were on Harper. Boys lusting after her and girls jealous of her flawless beauty, it's a little intimidating being around her but she doesn't let me escape easy so I've kind of grown accustomed to it.

"Why don't you have a boyfriend?" I asked quietly as we made our way to the front entrance, it just didn't make sense to me how someone as beautiful as Harper could go so long without clicking her fingers and giving every boy the green light. Maybe she is a lesbian. I mean it can be a possibility but I highly doubt it, she just has standards.

"Because boys here are so pathetic and because I'm waiting for the right guy" She said, that last part of the sentence always made me wonder what she is referring to, any boy could be her prince charming if she let them try. I didn't think all boys were pathetic. Come to think of it I see her point, they drool over her like meat, like a pack of wolves trying to slobber on a bone. I wouldn't want that either, definitely has standards.

"Oh Ok" I said going back into my own little world; I kept thinking how life is going so well. It was awesome really, I mean all the pieces were just starting to fall into place and I for one was not going to start complaining. We made our way through the halls effortlessly, everyone moves out of the way for Harper and won't even try to challenge her, coming into the cafeteria for breakfast was like entering the jungle. The different species roaming in packs and hunting their prey together, whether it is food or girls you can guarantee it were happening right now. We walked quietly over to our table in the right hand corner, we took over from the previous people there because I didn't want to sit anywhere near the middle and Harper just didn't care. We sat down across from each other and Harper had a stupid smile on her face

"What?" I asked

"Nothing it's just that you're going to be a part of the family now, I mean my mom is marrying Elyar's dad and your gonna be banging Elyar" she rolled that last part out and I looked down at my phone to hide my blush, just as I looked down my phone vibrated. A message from Elyar, a massive smile burst across my face and I could hear Harper chuckle. I opened the message from my boyfriend, best word ever.

`you look extra hot today' I blushed instantly and looked up at Harper she used her eyes to point which direction he was in and I had to turn around, when I turned the sight I was greeted with was magical. Elyar stood tall with a grey v-necks hanging over his muscular frame, black jeans clung to his strong legs highlighting every bulge, his skin was a light tan which complimented his gorgeous smile and piercing blue eyes, the curling tips of his brown hair hung across his forehead framing his face perfectly, the lopsided grin spread eagle on his face was heaven, he had a goofy little chuckle to himself, he obviously saw the blush on my face that just deepened at the sight of this kid. I had to reply to him I quickly typed it out and sent it

`Not as hot as you ;)' he pulled his phone out and his smile grew even broader, the light shining from him was just intoxicating, it's like being drunk when you're constantly around him

`Meet me outside? :)' I looked back up and he was gone, I quickly stood up and mumbled something to Harper and took off for outside. I was walking briskly, the bell will ring soon so I needed to get some time in with him. As I was walking a hand grabbed me and pulled me into a classroom. I quickly spun around to see Elyar smiling down at me; he spoke in a really soft, innocent voice that just melted me



"How's it going?" Just as I was going to reply his lips caught mine, the minty freshness of his toothpaste still hung on his lips, his tongue found its way into my mouth and our tongues danced, the kiss was soft but filled with emotion, we haven't seen each other in two days and I've jerked out enough loads for the both of us. His warm breath tickled my face as he pulled away. I needed more or him.

"Were you gonna say something"

"Ahh-no" I leaned back in and our lips met again, this time with more passion, I pushed my body up against his muscular frame, his body hard and firm. I moved my hands up under his grey shirt, feeling the solid form and soft skin; slowly I moved my hands around to his back moving them up and down his spine. I felt his dick expanding in his pants and pushing against me, I thrust into him grinding our hard dicks together, slowly rocking backwards and forward, his strong arms encircled me and his hands found my butt, pulling me in tighter. He wanted me just as much as I wanted him, our bodies were rocking in unison, his tongue circled mine his dick grinding with mine drawing us both closer to a powerful climax. He softly groaned into the kiss adding more passion to it, he softly bit my bottom lip dragging it out then drove straight back in for the lips, our breathing increased and the feeling was euphoric. Just as we were drawing to an end the bell droned out reminding us of where we were. We slowly separated both with embarrassed smiles on our faces, he leaned in and gave me another soft kiss

"I'll see you at lunch" He leaned in again and his soft lips caressed mine. It's going to be one long day at school.

Hey, so this is a new story I'm writing, just a side bit of fun since I've decided to have a break from There Is No Love. If you haven't checked that one out I would really appreciate it :) also do you readers think I should continue this story, its short but hopefully you guys have enjoyed it

Also if you guys and girls want to email me with comments or criticism about the story email away


Peace! :)

Next: Chapter 5

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