Every Game

By Ryan Westmen

Published on May 27, 2012



Copyright goes to me the owner and this story cannot be used anywhere without my permission, sorry guys.

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Every Game


He actually called me cutie? There is no way he would have said that too me, I mean He's the biggest jock in school, he must have just been messing with me. Ugh, I hate high school, especially high school boys and all there stupid little high school games they need to play on people. Although, I've never known him to be a jerk, he's always kind and caring to everyone. Those teeth too those pearly whites shining at me with that cheeky lopsided grin, it couldn't be a game could it? He doesn't seem the type to do something as heartless as that. I'm probably over thinking it as usual, I mean just talking to him has my emotions on edge, everything has been heightened by that intoxicating aroma known as Elyar Mason, young teen hormones and body spray, I will remember that forever.

"Hey. Are you ready to leave yet?" Harper bounded over, her voice high pitched. It took me a while to snap from my daze, the whole encounter had me dazed, the first time I ever spoke to him and he probably will never speak to me again, I mean I wouldn't if I was him.

"Hey, are you even listening to me" Rachel snapped while softly punching me in the arm.

"What was that for?" I said finally coming back to reality, my boring reality where all I can do is fantasize about him.

"That, my dear friend is for ignoring me" She said with a smile on her face, even when she tries to be a bitch she is super nice, wait that reminds me.

"You never told me you were going to be related to Elyar. Why didn't you tell me?" I asked

"My mother won't marry that idiot, so therefore Elyar will never be a part of my family"

"But, you didn't even tell me your mom was dating his father" I said a little hurt.

"I didn't think I had to because, to be honest I didn't think he would still be around. I was sure he would leave ages ago, but well that has happened and it just slipped my mind" she said looking across the empty car park.

"Well maybe you should have, then I would visit you more" I said getting in the car and turning the engine on

"So you can rape him?" she said with a satisfied look on her face.

"No, you, ahh. Shut up Harper!" I pulled out of the car park and drove her home. The ride was quiet, well for me anyway, Harper just kept talking about anything and I would nod. Eventually I turned the music up to drown her out. But in true Harper fashion she just screamed over the top of the music so that was pretty useless. Pulling into her street, sitting in the drive way was of course his car, he must be spending the night, maybe I should make her walk down to the house, I don't want to have to talk to him again.

"Hey, look Elyar is here. Your coming inside with me" She had an evil smirk on her face, this night will not end well if it's up to her.

"I'm not going inside, goodnight" I said trying to get out of the situation.

"Oh no, you're coming in. Unless you want me to kill my mother and Elyar's father?" she said, I looked into her eyes, worst decision of my life. One thing to know about Harper, she has the eyes of Medusa; you may as well be turned to stone. Once you make eye contact it's all over she gets what she wants and how she wants it. Her lips curled into a smile, bitch, she knew she got me.

We locked our doors and made our way up the driveway to the moderately sized house, the house was two stories high, with quite an impressive front yard filled with roses and exotic plants. The inside of the house was immaculate, everything was in perfect position and had a use, if it was useless it was thrown out, you would swear they lived in a renovation magazine. It was perfect, and sitting on the long three person couch was my perfection, Elyar was spread out over half the couch, his legs spread wide while he was watch thing 42" flat screen. Sports of course, that was all he watched, he looked over to the door and smiled at me, I nearly melted. This boy will be the death of me; his shirt clung to his body highlighting all the curves of his muscles. His hair was messed up, guess I didn't notice that one earlier, it sure was sexy, what am I saying? He's always sexy.

"hey sis" he called, infuriating Harper she stormed off to the bathroom leaving me awkwardly standing in the doorframe, oh crap I didn't know where to look, I couldn't just stare at him, I averted my eyes over to the other side of the room

"You just gonna stand there? Or you wanna come watch some TV?" he invited me on the three seater next to him, I couldn't sit that close to him and yet if I declined the offer he could probably tell anybody anything happened. I slowly crossed the room and sat as far away from him on the three seater as I could, there was no way I was getting any closer or I might get an awkward erection. He slowly slid closer until his entire body was in the middle of the couch, his right leg touched mine and I froze, my whole body went tense. What was he up too? He reached up and stretched, lifting his shirt above his belly button, his golden skin was so enticing, and a light treasure trail led down into his pants, this boy is so gorgeous. Instead of lowering his arms he put them along the back of the couch one behind me, his scent filled my nostrils, he obviously didn't shower after the game because it was still strong.

"Why are you sitting so close to me" I choked out, he was turning me on but at the same time I hadn't the slightest idea about what was happening, this whole situation was just confusing.

"Oh, does it make you uncomfortable, I'm sorry I'll move." His voice had a wisp of disappointment in it, I had no idea what was happening but as he got up to move my hand grabbed his forearm, holding him in place. His eyes moved from my hand up to my face, I gave a small grin and pulled him back down. His entire face lit up, his teeth shone bright and his eyes beamed happiness.

"I see you at every game you know, but every time I get the chance to come and speak to you your gone" This isn't happening, he notices me every single game. That just isn't possible I mean he couldn't right.

"I see the way you look at me, with pride and lust maybe. I like it, especially since it comes from you." His arm encircled my shoulders and he moved closer, his entire body was pushing against my side; his eyes were scared but shielded his true feelings on the situation.

"So, can you tell me the truth? Why do you come to all of my games?" his voice was a soft whisper next t my ear, tickling me and sending shivers right through my body. I couldn't answer, my mouth was dry and the words were just caught in my throat, I wanted to scream the answer and jump on him, I wanted to make passionate love to him. But I just could not move any muscles, his warmth and smell weren't helping me either. I finally found my words and said

"Because, I, I, well I like watching" my face washed flushed, my cheeks burnt bright, I couldn't finish the sentence, I looked away from him, if this was a game I would be so fucked. His friends would probably have the biggest laugh about what was happening, the little fag getting his rocks off over Elyar.

"I like watching you too" his voice was soft, I thought I heard wrong, I looked up into his adoring blue eyes and at that moment he leaned in and pushed his lips to mine. It wasn't a forceful kiss, it was soft and I wanted more> I began kissing back; he got the message loud and clear. He opened his lips and his tongue came into my wanting mouth. I instantly accommodated the thick intruder, I tongues danced and battled for dominance. We finally need to breath and he pulled away. His smile a mile wide, beaming perfection. He smiled at me and rested his forehead on mine, he spoke in a whisper

"Thank god that worked out, I've wanted to do that for a long time now, cutie" I melted and kissed him again, if this was a dream never wake me


Hey, so this is a new story I'm writing, just a side bit of fun since I've decided to have a break from There Is No Love. If you haven't checked that one out I would really appreciate it :) also do you readers think I should continue this story, its short but hopefully you guys have enjoyed it

Also if you guys and girls want to email me with comments or criticism about the story email away


Peace! :)

Next: Chapter 3

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