Every Game

By Ryan Westmen

Published on May 19, 2012



Copyright goes to me the owner and this story cannot be used anywhere without my permission, sorry guys.

If you would like to email me about anything my address is ryan93111@hotmail.com Hope to hear from you guys :)


Every Game


His blue eyes dazzled every single person he laid his eyes on, like they were in medusa's trance. Frozen like stone, captivated by his beauty. His strong body glides across the football field, effortless. No one could even come close to him, his broad shoulders easily filling out his jersey. Mason, The dark red of the lettering over our schools navy blue color, Elyar mason your typical jock, broad shoulders, down to nicely formed Pecs and 6 rippling abs that would send any straight boy wild with lust. His brown hair shines as he powers down the field, his strong legs carrying him, every muscle rippling with his movements, the tight pants only highlighting the perfectly formed claves and thighs. Oh this boy has the ability to captivate anybody and right now all the schools hope of winning anything this year falls on this brown haired blue eyed god.

"Stop staring or your gonna cream your pants"

"Wha... ahh... Shut up! Harper" Of course she would be the person to make a comment about my massive, humongous crush on Elyar. Harper is possibly one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen, both inside and especially out. Her body is perfectly formed and in proportion, sounds like cheerleader material yeah? Well surprisingly she absolutely hates cheerleaders and everything they stand for, she calls them the fake beauties. Close enough, last year when I was being bullied Harper intervened and kicked the crap out of three guys. Ever since then well she has been like my big sister always looking out for me and making sure everything was ok.

"Oh, I'm just joking, calm down" she said with a graceful smirk, her long dark hair framing her face perfectly, every guys in our school wants to get with her but she says she's waiting for the special one, that will sweep her off her feet and completely take her breath away. Sadly with her as gorgeous as she is most normal bys won't even speak to her, it's quite tragic. Anyway enough on her and how every guy wants to bang her, let's get back to the boy wonder out on the field. Ever since I started school with him, I have not missed one game to date, little creepy I know but hey if you saw just how gorgeous this boy was, well you wouldn't be missing many matches either, what I would give just to have him look at me or flash his dazzling white smile, have a hand softly caress my skin and more. But sadly he is the jock and therefore 100, no 1000000% straight. Sucks for me and nearly every other gay kid in our school, not that there is really that many outed gays. Kind of a downer, considering I'm 16 and still haven't even been kissed because the only gay kids that are out in our school are, plagued with acne or obese, and I thought gay guys were supposed to look after themselves. Anyway I know I sure like to look presentable at least, my medium blond hair hangs down in a side bangs looks and frames my round face, blemish free too. I know a lot of girls comment on how cute or attractive I am but if only they knew I was busy perving on the guys around instead of the teen girls that would give anything to get with me.

The final whistle sounded and the crowd rose in an enormous cheer, we won. Well Elyar won, his smile was beaming making everyone join in the post game celebration, except me. In all the games I have been too, I never cheer or show any signs of excitement for our team winning. I'm too busy daydreaming about what monster is in Elyar's pants or how he would look in the locker room, oh god! I would faint. My own dick, rose to a semi-erect state, oh man I need to get a hold of myself.

"Hey, we won! YAY!" Harper was dancing around and bouncing next to me, that girl has just so much energy; this girl definitely needs to find a boyfriend. She started hugging the people around her and cheering, the boys didn't know where to put their hands and just stood awkwardly while the girls squealed and hugged her back jumping alongside her. Now is usually when I make my exit and leave before anything else happens, while everyone is cheering I'm making my get away to my old, pathetic excuse for a car my mother bought me. I suppose it gets me from a to b which is all she wanted. Normally Harper would leave with me but tonight she was just too full of energy so I had to wait out at my car for her to arrive. I swear when that girls get the least bit excited there is just no stopping her. She just keeps going and going until everyone is passed out from exhaustion. I was leaning on the door to my car as the people filed out of the stadiums, more and more people left and there was still no sign of Harper, where the hell is this girl? I'll give her five more minutes and then I am going to find the nuisance.

3 minutes later and the players began emerging from the locker rooms and heading to their cars or their parents cars. Still no sign of Harper, what has she gotten herself into this time? I was staring down at my watch; slowly the hands were counting down the seconds. It'd been 15 minutes, since I said I would go looking after 5, when a deep, sensual voice rang through my ears

"Hey can I please get into my car?" Oh My God! It was him, it was Elyar. How I wish I never parked next to his car, I can't avoid talking to him now and there is absolutely no way I can just walk away, how rude would that be

"Erm, ahh. Wow, I'm sorry" I squeaked out finally, how awkward is this going to get...

"Hey, you're that Zeke kid yeah? Your best friends with Harper?" his voice was resonating within me causing some technical difficulties not only in my brain but in my pants. Wait he actually knew my name? But he probably just wants to get with Harper; I mean what teenage guy wouldn't. Take a deep breath and answer now

"Yeah, I'm her best friend. How do you know Harper?" I can't believe I am actually making conversation with this, well perfection. His white teeth shone through the darkness in a lopsided grin, he made a small chuckle

"I'm actually going to be her step brother eventually. Our parents are dating, well engaged but that supposed to be a secret and Harper doesn't know. She's not to keen on my father." His voice gliding through the dark of the night. Harper and Elyar, Step siblings, no freaking way! That means I will have to see him more often when I Hang with Harper. Wait, Harper didn't even really tell me her mom was dating, other than she absolutely despised the guy, Eric Mason... Elyar Mason's father, the big note surgeon in our town. If there is any disease or injury that man will fix it.

"Oh, wow you're going to be related to Harper? I guess I will be seeing you around there more often than" Good, keep it light and not to serious, now dismiss the situation, I can't be around Elyar any longer or I am going to cream my pants. His scent was intoxicating and filling my senses fast, Little Zeke was now at full mast, thank god I'm wearing baggy clothes or he would make me the laughing stock of the entire school. He opened his car door and hopped in as he said his parting words

"Yeah I guess so, that should be interesting, shouldn't it cutie?" He drawled out with a wink at the end, he closed the door and sped off into the darkness, Elyar Mason just called me a cutie. I was completely stunned. Was this really happening? I think I'm going to faint...


Hey, so this is a new story I'm writing, just a side bit of fun since I've decided to have a break from There Is No Love. If you haven't checked that one out I would really appreciate it :) also do you readers think I should continue this story, its short but hopefully you guys have enjoyed it

Also if you guys and girls want to email me with comments or criticism about the story email away


Peace! :)

Next: Chapter 2

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