Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

By B.E. Kelley

Published on Sep 2, 2011



This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

This story contains depictions of consensual sexual acts between teenage males. It is intended for mature audiences only. If you find this type of material offensive or if you are under the legal age to read said material; please proceed no further.

That said, this is my first attempt at writing a story for publication, comments are welcome but please, be gentle. Please send your comments to: HailCaesar2011@hotmail.com

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

My name?s Nicholas but no one ever calls me that, to my friends, family and strangers on the street, I?m Nicky. I know it sounds a little immature but it?s hard to break people?s habits, and besides, it keeps me from being just another Nick. I always loved my big brother Nathan. Nathan?s two years older than me and I can?t remember a time when he didn?t take care of me. When we were little I was terribly afraid of thunderstorms and where we live, in western Connecticut, they?re pretty common during the summer months. When the thunder struck, I?d sneak out of my bed and head for Nathan?s room, he never said anything, he would just slide over, make room for me and then I?d sleep like a baby.

I was born with a serious medical condition called hemophilia. Basically when I get a cut or nose bleed it doesn?t stop bleeding on its own. It?s a manageable condition, usually when that happens I just give myself an injection of clotting factor and that fixes me right up. Nathan was always protective of me, I think he picked that up from our parents, they didn?t treat me like I was fragile and going to break but they always swooped in anytime there was a danger of me being hurt. When we would go out to play, Nathan made sure none of the other kids got to rough with me and on the occasions I did manage to get hurt he would stay with me and help me to remain calm.

I remember one time I followed Nathan and his friend Simon, out into the woods near our house, when they?d gone for a hike. They hadn?t wanted me to come with them but I did the typical bratty little brother thing and decided I was going anyway. More interested in what they were doing than watching where I was going, I ended up tripping over a log and puncturing my leg on a sharp branch sticking out of it. At first I screamed from the pain but when I looked down and saw blood streaming down my leg I screamed out of fear. The last thing a little boy who can?t stop bleeding wants to see is his life?s fluid running out as if from a broken pipe. I was scared, how long does it take to bleed to death?

Nathan came running through the woods and though he and Simon were only nine at the time, they managed to carry me all the way home. By the time we got to the house, I?d lost too much blood for my medication to work and the wound was too large for a band-aid, I had to be rushed to the emergency room. I lost so much blood that I had to have a transfusion and spend the night in the hospital so that the doctors could monitor my condition. When I woke up the next morning, I found my favorite teddy bear in bed with me. When my parents brought him to see me at the hospital, the night before, Nathan had insisted that they bring Mr. Turtlebee incase I woke up in the night and got scared.

All of that changed when I was eight. I didn?t know what happened but for some reason Nathan turned against me. Where he had once been warm and caring he became cold and disdainful. Where he once didn?t mind when I would tag along with him and his friends, now he went out of his way to ditch me. At first I was hurt but that eventually turned to anger and I figured if he didn?t want to be with me, then I didn?t want to be with him, screw him. From then on our relationship devolved into an uneasy truce, punctuated by the occasional eruption of one argument or another.

It was easy for us to distance ourselves from each other. Nathan?s a tall, blond, blue eyed jock, he plays baseball and football and lives in a sea of adoring girls. I, on the other hand, have a lithe build, sandy hair, green eyes and tend to excel at sports where I can compete as an individual, like swimming and track. When it comes to grades, I?m a straight A honor student and Nathan struggles to get B?s and C?s. I?m meticulous, he?s kind of a slob. Nathan is Mr. Personality, he?s very popular and I tend to be the shy, quiet type, preferring to limit myself to a small circle of close friends or just get lost in a book. Some people misinterpret my quiet nature as being stuck up. I admit, I have my moments but no more than anyone else my age.

Sometimes the tension boils over, usually in the summer time when we?re home from school and forced to spend more time with each other then we would normally chose to. That was the case when I was fourteen and Nathan was sixteen.

I was watching a movie on the living room TV, I wasn?t even interested in the plot but the lead actor was a boy my age who I thought was cute. In case I forgot to mention it, I?m pretty sure that I?m gay. Nathan came into the room and snatched the remote from my hand then flipped the channel to some stupid baseball game.

?Hey, I was watching that,? I said.

?You?ve got a TV in your room, watch it up there,? said Nathan, without even looking at me.

?There?s one in your room too, watch your stupid game there,? I fired back.

?Nah, the guys are coming over and we want to watch the game on the big TV,? said Nathan.

?Oh great, the rest of the brain-trust,? I said as I rolled my eyes.

?Don?t you have a book you can go read or something,? Nathan snarled.

?Yeah, you and your friends should try it sometime; did you know they make them with pictures? You guys would love all the pretty colors,? I said sarcastically.

I probably shouldn?t have said that, Nathan is pretty sensitive about his intelligence. I think a lot of it comes from the praise I get for my grades and the lectures he gets on improving his.

?Do you always have to be such a smartass,? Nathan challenged.

?Someone has to be the smart one in this family, it sure isn?t going to be you, you stupid dick,? I retorted.

I?d finally pressed the wrong button and Nathan tackled me to the ground. We wrestled for a minute but with an advantage in height and weight, Nathan quickly pinned me to the floor. He straddled my body and pinned my wrists up over my head with one of his strong hands.

?Who?s the smart one now, pussy,? said Nathan.

?It?s still me retard, it didn?t take any brains for you to pin me down, you?re bigger than me. Now, Get off!? I exclaimed.

?Make me,? Nathan smiled sinisterly.

I struggled for a minute but I wasn?t going to get away, his hand was like a vice on my wrists and he was too heavy for me to push off.

?Nathan, get off,? I shouted angrily.

?Make me,? he repeated as he started to slap me around.

?Come on faggot, make me,? said Nathan.

That did it, I could put up with the slapping but he wasn?t going to call me a faggot. I looked up at the smug expression on Nathan?s face and kneed him right in the balls, as he yelped in pain I punched him in the mouth as hard as I could, busting his lip. We both got to our feet as mom came in to see what all the ruckus was about. Mom took me in her arms and started running her hands over my face and neck looking for any sign of an injury that might have caused me to bleed. Nathan just watched while nursing his bloody lip.

?Nathan what have I told you about fighting with Nicky, you could have hurt him,? mom admonished.

?What!? Nathan exclaimed, ?I?m the one with the bloody lip.?

?I see that, what did you do to make your brother hit you,? said mom.

?God! You always take his side, and he?s not my brother,? Nathan shouted.

?What,? I asked.

?Nathan, shut your mouth this instant,? mom commanded.

?No, I?m tired of this, you always take his side and he?s not even your real son,? Nathan shouted.

?What,? I repeated with urgency.

?It?s true,? Nathan shouted, ?they care about you more than me and you?re not even their real kid, you?re adopted.?

And then all was quiet. It was only for a couple of seconds but it felt like it lasted an eternity, it felt like the oxygen had been sucked out of the room.

?Get out of my sight,? hissed mom through clenched teeth as she slapped Nathan across the face.

Nathan looked at her with a shocked expression then stormed up to his room and in that moment I knew he?d been telling the truth. Mom and dad never hit us. I slumped down onto the couch with my jaw hanging open; mom sat next to me and put her hand on my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me.

?Nicky, don?t listen to him he?s just upset and?? mom started.

?It?s true isn?t it,? I squeaked out.

?Yes, it is,? mom sighed.

I felt like I?d just been hit by a truck. I stood up on rubbery legs and headed for the stairs.

?Sweetheart, are you ok,? mom asked as her eyes began to water.

I didn?t answer, I was too stunned. I walked up the stairs and into my room then sat on my bed. For the first few minutes I couldn?t even think, it was like my brain was caught up in some kind of internal traffic jam. Then my thoughts cleared and one thing stood out, after all our arguments and all our fights, Nathan had finally done something that truly hurt me. All that other stuff I had always written off as typical sibling rivalry, this stung worse than any wound he?d ever inflicted. In one fell swoop he had taken away my parents, my family, everything I had faith in, they weren?t mine, they were his and I was just usurping their affection. I curled up in the fetal position and cried like someone had died.

A short time later I heard dad come home. I could hear muffled voices downstairs and a few minutes later I heard shouting coming from Nathan?s room. When the shouting stopped, mom and dad came into my room and sat next to me on the bed. My parents grabbed me and held me tight, mom and I both cried and I think dad had tears in his eyes too.

?Nicky I?m so sorry you had to find out like this,? said dad.

?Why didn?t you ever tell me,? I whimpered.

?We wanted to,? said mom, ?but you were always such a happy boy, we didn?t want to risk that when we didn?t have any information for you.?

?What do you mean,? I asked, ?can someone please explain all this to me. I don?t know what I?m supposed to think.?

?Nathan?s birth was very difficult on mom,? dad began, ?after he was born the doctors told us she couldn?t have any more children. At the time we weren?t concerned, but after a while we felt the yearning to have another baby, we knew we couldn?t, so we adopted you.?

?How does Nathan know, he would have only been two then,? I asked.

?When you boys were little, about ten and eight, Nathan went snooping through my desk,? said dad, ?I had forgotten to lock the drawer I keep the important paperwork in and he found your adoption papers. He was reading them when I caught him. Your mother and I told him that if he ever brought it up before we were ready to tell you that he?d be punished.?

That explained it all. My parents had always protected me because of my hemophilia, doted on me and babied me while Nathan had to be the strong one. He had taken care of me and looked after me because the way he understood things, that?s just what you did for your baby brother. At ten years old he discovered that I wasn?t his baby brother but rather some stranger who lived in his house and, in his mind, stole his parent?s affection. He kept the secret because he didn?t want to face whatever punishment he might incur and over the years it festered, making him angry and resentful. Now I understood why he hated me.

?Were you ever going to tell me,? I asked.

?We had planned to wait until you were eighteen. By that time we hoped we?d be able to tell you more about your birth parents,? said mom.

?Do you know who they are,? I inquired.

?No sweetheart,? said mom, ?all we know is that you were dropped off at a fire station in Greenwich when you were two days old. You were only a week old when we got you.?

?So they just threw me out like a piece of unwanted garbage,? I asked as the tears started flowing again.

?Oh son, you can?t think about it that way,? said dad.

?And you weren?t unwanted; we wanted you more than anything in the world,? said mom, ?and your birth parents loved you. They didn?t abort you, they didn?t abandon you, they took you some place where they knew you would be safe and given to a good family.?

I wasn?t so sure about that. Who knew what their motives had been. I guess I could agree on the abortion part though; my life could have ended before it even began, in the bowels of some Planned Parenthood clinic.

?Can you guys leave me alone for a while, please,? I asked.

?Are you ok,? dad asked.

?I don?t know what to feel, I need to think,? I replied.

?We understand,? said mom, ?are you going to come downstairs for dinner.?

?I?m not hungry,? I answered as I lay back down on my bed and turned away from my parents.

An hour or so later, Nathan came into my room with a plate of food.

?Nicky, I brought you some dinner,? he muttered.

?Go away,? I replied.

?Come on, it?s still warm,? said Nathan.

?Just get out,? I replied more forcefully.

I heard him set the food on my nightstand and waited for the door to close but he just stood there.

?Nicky, I?m sorry, I didn?t mean?? Nathan began.

I was in no mood to hear an apology from him, not after what he?d done. This wasn?t something you could just say you were sorry for and all would be forgiven. I spun around and startled Nathan, who jumped back a few steps.

?Get out!? I shouted as I picked up the food on the nightstand and threw it against the wall, shattering the plate to pieces.

I glared at Nathan and got my first look at him since he?d come in. His face was tear stained. Good, I thought to myself, let him feel guilty, he deserves it.

Nathan scrambled to pick up the food and broken glass and escape from my room. Once he left I lay back down, still steaming from the encounter. I tossed and turned all night, sleep just wouldn?t come; finally, when morning came, I decided to go downstairs.

I was starving after having skipped dinner the night before. I walked down to the kitchen and found my parents puttering around, no one said anything, they seemed to act just like normal. I poured myself a bowl of cereal, when Nathan came into the room. He sat across from me and as I looked at him I grew angrier with each spoonful of food I consumed. Finally I couldn?t take it anymore and slammed my spoon down into the bowl before storming off to my room.

I didn?t know what to do, I couldn?t see myself ever forgiving Nathan for what he had done and the more I thought about it, I started to get mad at my parents too. They should have told me as soon as Nathan found out I was adopted, all these years it hung over us and I?d been totally clueless. I decided to get dressed and go for a walk.

?Where are you going,? mom asked as I headed for the door.

?Out,? was my surly reply.

I had planned to walk to the park up the road but once I got there I kept going. I walked all morning and most of the afternoon, stewing in my own anger. I finally came to a rest stop along the interstate and felt the need to sit down. My emotions went back and forth between anger and sadness. I was mad at my parents but there was no denying they loved me, even as upset as I was I knew that. I was furious with Nathan and I tried to think of a way to forgive him but I couldn?t do it, he hurt me, badly and I was not ready to forgive. I ended up sitting there for hours looking like a lost puppy with tear stained cheeks.

I sat there until it started to get dark and no one took any notice of me, then a young looking guy spotted me on his way out of the bath room.

?Hey, are you ok,? he asked as he sat next to me.

I didn?t answer him right away, I was a little scared, I was after all a 14 year old boy, alone in a rest stop, and I had of course been raised not to talk to strangers.

?Look, I?m not going to hurt you, I just want to make sure you?re ok,? he said, ?where are your parents??

?They, they aren?t here,? I stuttered.

?How did you end up here,? he followed.

I didn?t answer. I wasn?t sure what I wanted to tell him.

?Ok, let?s start off with something simple,? he said, ?my names Adam McKenzie, what?s yours??

?N-Nicky,? I answered without even thinking, I hadn?t planned to give him my name.

?Okay Nicky, do you need a ride or something, it?s getting dark, I can?t just leave you here alone, it?s not safe,? said Adam.

Listening to Adam speak, I looked around. He was right, I didn?t feel safe. Things that seemed innocent enough during the daylight took on a sinister feel in the dark. The people stopping to use the facilities looked a little rough and I decided that no, I did not want to be here by myself.

Adam had a kind face and I decided to let him give me a ride but by now I wasn?t thinking very clearly. I was drained from the events of the past 24 hours; I was sad and angry all at once, so I just went through the motions. As he made his way back to the interstate, Adam tried to talk to me but I wasn?t very responsive. He explained that he was 18 and was driving home from visiting his girlfriend, who was going to school in New York City. He asked where I was from but I didn?t answer.

We?ll I?m going as far as Hartford?? Adam started.

?Hartford, that?s where I live, Hartford,? I lied.

?Okay,? said Adam, eyeing me suspiciously, ?just tell me what exit to take and I?ll drop you off at home.?

Adam kept talking but I went back to tuning him out, I was tired and soon fell asleep. When I woke up the car had stopped and Adam was collecting his things.

?Where are we,? I asked, while rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

?My house,? said Adam, ?I started thinking about it while you were asleep, there?s no way you could have walked all the way to New Haven from Hartford, so I decided I?d let you sleep. You looked like you needed the rest. Come on.?

I followed Adam inside and his parents met us in the living room, I was standing behind him so they didn?t see me right away. They greeted their son and then he stepped aside.

?Who?s this,? Adam?s mother asked.

?He?s names Nicky, I found him when I stopped to pee at a rest stop,? said Adam.

?Adam, he?s not a puppy, you can?t just pick up a boy like a stray dog,? his father admonished.

?I know dad but it was getting dark and I couldn?t get any information out of him, I was afraid he?d get hurt if I just left him there,? Adam explained.

?Where are your parents sweetheart,? Adam?s mother asked me.

I didn?t answer; I was having a hard time finding my voice. Now you could add fear to my list of emotions. Without exactly planning to, I?d gone and run away from home. Part of me wanted to tell them everything and beg them to take me home then and there, another part of me was embarrassed that I, sensible Nicky, had allowed this to happen. In the absence of a rational thought I simply said nothing.

When I didn?t respond to her question, Adam?s mother tried a different tactic.

?Are you hungry,? she asked.

I nodded my head in the affirmative and she took me into the kitchen and fixed me a large plate of leftovers from that night?s dinner. When the food was placed in front of me I attacked it with gusto, aside from the few bites of cereal I?d had that morning, this was the first thing I?d eaten in a day.

Adam and his father remained in the living room trying to figure out what to do with me. Adam told his dad everything he knew about me and how we?d met.

?Well, I guess we should call the police,? said Mr. McKenzie.

?Do you have to do that dad,? asked Adam.

?Yes son, I?m sure his parents must be going crazy, looking for him,? he said.

?I know but look at him, he doesn?t look like the kind of kid that runs away from home, he doesn?t have anything with him like a bag or change of clothes, I think something must have happened,? said Adam.

?Ok, he can stay here for the night, but if we can?t figure out where he?s from and get him home tomorrow then we?ll call the police,? said Mr. McKenzie.

?Thanks dad, I?ll talk to him in the morning, I think after a good night?s sleep he?ll open up,? said Adam.

?When your mom?s done feeding him, why don?t you take him up to Jamie?s room, there?s an extra bed there and you?re brother won?t be home for a while.?

After I?d eaten, Adam showed me where the bathroom was so I could clean up. He then showed me into a nice room that clearly belonged to a boy about my age. There were two twin beds, I took the one I was directed to and fell almost instantly asleep.

Mr. McKenzie was right, when I didn?t come home from my walk my parents did go crazy. They searched the neighborhood for hours before coming home to see if I?d returned. When it got dark and I still wasn?t home they called the police. At first the officer who took the call said that I wasn?t officially a missing person until I?d been gone for 24 hours but my father explained my medical condition and his concern that I might have been hurt.

That was all it took for the officer to call for back up and for a small army of police to start combing the woods while I slept peacefully a scant forty miles away.

When my parents finally came home to get some sleep they found Nathan sitting alone in the dark with my old teddy bear. While mom and dad had been out looking for me, Nathan had been left behind to answer the phone in case I called. He?d felt bad about what he?d said to me the day before almost as soon as the words had left his mouth and being left alone all these hours had forced him to think about what he?d really done. He started to think about what life would be like without me and realized that he cared about me a lot more then he thought. He remembered back to when we were little, how we?d played together and he also remembered that it was his jealousy that had changed our relationship. The guilt was too tough to handle.

?Did you find him,? Nathan asked in a hollow voice.

?Not yet, the police are going to search all night,? said dad.

?I?m so sorry,? said Nathan, ?I wish I?d never said anything, I wish I could take it all back, I?d give anything for Nicky to be home right now.?

?So would I Nathan,? said mom, ?he could be out there somewhere, hurt and alone, maybe even bleeding to death, all because your pride was hurt. We may never see your brother again.?

Mom went upstairs without another word as Nathan broke down and cried. Dad held on to him and tried to offer what comfort he could.

?It?s not your fault son,? said dad, ?your mom?s just upset. We should have told Nicky about this a long time ago, than we wouldn?t be in this situation now.?

Needless to say it was a long restless night at our home.

When I woke up the next morning I sat up and stretched, I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard someone say ?Hi? in a clear, musical sort of voice. I looked over and saw the most beautiful blond boy I had ever seen, staring at me.

?Sorry, I didn?t mean to scare you,? he said cheerfully, ?my names Jamie, this is my room.?

I took a moment to look him over before I answered. He looked like he was my age and about my size; he had short hair that was the most beautiful shade of blond I?d ever seen and eyes so blue they reminded me of the ocean after a storm. He wore a radiant smile and sat Indian style on his bed in a tee shirt and a pair of pajama bottoms.

?I?m Nicky, I??

?I know, I know,? Jamie interrupted, ?Adam found you and brought you home. We got our dog that way too; she wasn?t wearing a collar either.?

The delightfully irreverent smile never faded from his face the entire time he was talking.

?Are you hungry,? Jamie asked, ?I think breakfast is ready.?

?Yeah, I?m really hungry,? I answered.

I got out of bed and forgot that I?d taken my shorts off before climbing under the sheets the night before. I stood there in my tee shirt and tighty whities looking for my shorts as Jamie continued to smile. I got the distinct feeling he was checking me out as he pulled my shorts from behind his back.

?Looking for these,? Jamie smiled.

?Um, yeah, thanks,? I replied as I grabbed my shorts and pulled them up.

Jamie never took his eyes off me and once I was dressed he looked at me approvingly. He took my hand and led me down to the kitchen, then made sure I took the seat next to him.

Adam and the rest of his family were seated at the table. His dad drank coffee and read the paper while his mom went about making breakfast.

?Good morning boys, I hope everyone?s hungry,? said Mrs. McKenzie.

?I?m starving mom,? Jamie smiled at his mother.

?What about you Nicky,? she asked.

?Yes ma?am, I?m hungry,? I answered politely.

Mrs. McKenzie smiled back and went back to the stove.

?So did you and your boyfriend enjoy your date last night,? Adam asked Jamie.

?Pssh, boyfriend, I wish,? said Jamie, ?nah, I went out to the movies with some friends.?

?Oh well, maybe next time squirt,? said Adam as he tussled his brother?s hair on his way to the fridge.

Wait a minute, is this guy gay I asked myself.

?I?m sorry, did he just say you had a boyfriend,? I asked Jamie.

?Yeah, but he was just teasing, I don?t have one, yet,? Jamie replied.

?So you?re gay,? I asked.

?Yeap, got a problem with it,? Jamie asked defensively.

?No, no not at all,? I sputtered, ?I?ve just never met someone who was gay before.?

?Well, ya have now,? said Jamie, the infectious smile back on his face.

I smiled back at him, I couldn?t help myself, he was beautiful and nice and that smile, well, I couldn?t help but smile back at him. I stared at Jamie and he stared back at me, the trance was only broken when his mother put a heaping plate of potatoes, eggs and bacon in front of me. For a moment I forgot about the beautiful blond and tore into my breakfast, damn I was hungry.

When I?d finished eating Mr. McKenzie put down his paper and started to question me again. By this point the reality of what I?d done had taken hold and I felt stupid for the way I?d let the situation slip beyond my control. I knew my parents had to be freaking out but I couldn?t bring myself to tell Mr. McKenzie the truth. I didn?t know what to do and as someone used to having answers, I was struggling to tread water. I told Mr. McKenzie that my parents were away, out of town and that I?d gotten lost while hiking in the woods; that was how I ended up in New Haven, where Adam had found me.

My story was so bad that I wouldn?t have believed it if someone else had told it to me and I could see from the look on Mr. McKenzie?s face that he wasn?t buying it either. He looked at the clock and realized he was going to be late for work. The last thing he said was that when he got home that evening he wanted to know my address and phone number so that he could call my parents and let them know where I was or that he?d have no choice but to call the police.

Well, that at least gives me time to figure out what to do, I thought to myself.

When Mr. McKenzie left the mood lightened a bit. The rest of the family seemed to go about their regular routine as though I was just a normal houseguest. I think they were giving me time, an opportunity to open up to them before they started in with the questions. When he was done eating, Jamie took my hand again and led me into the family room to watch TV with him. While Jamie watched his show, I couldn?t help but stare at the piano sitting in the room, and think of home. My mother is a concert pianist and a professor of music at a local university.

?Who plays the piano,? I asked.

?Whoever wants to annoy the rest of us,? answered Jamie, ?we got it from my grandma when she died, none of us knows how to play though. The only time anyone ever uses it is when someone bangs on the keys to piss everyone off.?

I walked over to the instrument and sat at the bench. I couldn?t help but think of my mother and how she used to play for me for hours when I was little. I still enjoyed listening to her play. What must she be thinking right now, I knew she?d be upset, probably crying.

That did it, I broke down and tears started running down my face. Of all the things that had happened in the last few days, the idea that my actions had brought tears to my mother?s eyes hurt like a knife in the heart. All I could do was sit there and sob. Jamie came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder but didn?t say anything. The rest of his family gathered around me.

?Nicky, sweetheart, are you ok,? asked Mrs. McKenzie.

Her soft and caring tone only made it worse, it reminded me of my own mother and I sobbed harder.

?Well of course he?s not ok,? said Jamie in an exasperated tone, ?the last thing he needs is all of us watching him cry, come on Nicky I?ll take you up to my room so you can have some privacy.?

Despite his mother?s objections, Jamie took my hand and led me up to his room. He sat me down on the spare bed I?d slept in and was about to turn and walk out when I grabbed his hand.

?Will you stay with me,? I asked, ?please??

?Yeah, sure I will,? said Jamie after a slight hesitation.

Jamie put his arm around my shoulder and did his best to comfort me as I hung my head and sobbed into my hands.

?Come on Nicky, it?ll be ok, just tell me what?s going on and I?ll help you figure things out,? said Jamie.

I looked up into his face and saw the kindness in his beautiful blue eyes. In that moment I forgot to be sad and the crying stopped, I sniffed a few times and continued to look at my beautiful new friend.

When he saw that I?d stopped crying, he smiled at me and some impulse inside took over. I put my hands on the sides of Jamie?s face, leaned in close and pressed my lips against his. At first his eyes popped open in surprise but then instinct took over and he kissed me back. When it was over I grinned like an idiot and Jamie let out one of his melodic giggles.

We looked at each other, giggled bashfully for a few seconds, then Jamie kissed me again. This time he was the aggressor, pressing his lips against mine. I pressed back, than parted my lips as an invitation to Jamie?s tongue. I felt the soft pink muscle dart into my mouth, tentatively at first, than he pushed it into my mouth and rubbed his tongue against mine. I wrapped my arms around Jamie?s waist and pulled him down on top of me. I loved the feeling of his chest pressed against mine as our tongues fought for dominance and I rubbed up and down his back.

Jamie pulled off for a second so that he could stand up, I thought we were finished and started to sit up but he put the palm of his hand against my chest and pushed me gently back against the bed. Jamie unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts, on instinct I lifted my butt and he pulled them down and off my legs. Once he?d wiggled out of his own pajama bottoms he jumped back on top of me and we resumed our kissing.

We were both in nothing but our tee shirts and briefs as our teenage hardons ground into each other. Jamie used his knee to push my legs apart then slipped between them, the feeling was intense, it was as if he was meant to occupy that space. I rubbed up and down Jamie?s back eventually finding the courage to reach down and grab his cute little butt. His buns felt firm under the tight cotton of his brief?s and I loved the way he felt in my hands.

?I?ve never done this before,? I admitted, when we stopped to take a breath.

?That?s ok, neither have I,? smiled Jamie as we put our arms around each other and kissed again.

We made out for what felt like hours but was probably only minutes. Jamie thrust his hips against mine, dry humping me aggressively. I eagerly thrust back against him as we moaned into each other?s mouths. Before I knew it I was spraying cum into my underpants, Jamie must have sensed what was happening and released his cum into his own undies.

Jamie collapsed on the bed next to me, grinning like a mad man.

?Wow, I didn?t see that coming,? he said, breathlessly.

?Ha, you didn?t see it coming,? I said rhetorically.

We giggled for a few seconds then kissed softly, enjoying the afterglow of our first sexual encounter. Before long we were interrupted by a knock at the door.

?Hey, is everything ok in there,? called Adam.

?Yeah, we?re fine,? shouted Jamie.

?You came in your undies,? Jamie giggled once we?d heard Adam?s footsteps fading.

?So did you,? I laughed back.

?Oh, yeah, um, we better clean up. Come on, I?ll show you where the shower is,? said Jamie.

Jamie showed me where the bathroom he shared with Adam was; then left to use the shower in his parent?s bathroom. I cleaned up quickly and wrapped a towel around my waist, when I opened the door; Jamie was waiting for me in a towel of his own. I followed him into his room where he handed me some of his clothes. When we were dressed we went back down to the family room where Adam was waiting for us.

?Hey guys, I need to talk to Nicky, we gotta figure things out here,? said Adam.

?Take a chill pill Adam, I?ll talk to Nicky,? said Jamie.

Before Adam could object, Jamie led me out into the yard. I hadn?t noticed last night but the McKenzie?s lived on a large piece of property. I followed Jamie through a gap in the fence and out into the woods. We talked for a few minutes, making casual conversation, until we came to a stream that flowed through their property and a hidden inlet behind some bushes. There was a blanket spread out and a few books stored in a water proof box under some branches.

?This is my place,? said Jamie, ?I come here when I want to be by myself. Make yourself at home.?

I laid down on the blanket and looked up at the sky for a minute. When Jamie laid next to me I turned to look at him just in time to meet his lips for a quick kiss.

?This has sure been an interesting morning,? said Jamie, ?I never thought my first time doing anything with a guy would be with some random boy my brother brought home.?

?Yeah, this is the last thing I ever expected to happen too,? I replied.

?So are you gay,? Jamie asked.

?Yeah,? I responded shyly.

?Yeah, me too,? said Jamie.

?Yes, I seem to remember that from breakfast,? I smiled.

?Smartass,? Jamie smirked.

?Did your parents freak out when you told them,? I asked.

?I thought they might, but I didn?t care, I was ready to tell them,? said Jamie, ?in the end it was pretty anticlimactic. You would have thought I?d just asked them to pass the potatoes or something.?

?Is that what happened, did you have a fight with your parents about it,? asked Jamie.

?No, nobody knows about this, in fact this is the first time I?ve ever even said it out loud before,? I replied.

?I understand, it?s different for everyone, you?ll tell them in your own time,? said Jamie, knowingly.

?So what did happen, don?t you think it?s time you let that cat out of the bag,? Jamie inquired.

I took a deep breath, than I told him everything. I explained how Nathan and I had fought and how I?d found out I was adopted.

?Wow, what a dick!? Jamie exclaimed, ?I know I get on Adam?s nerves sometimes but I don?t think he?d ever do anything like that.?

?The more I think about it the more I realize it?s not all his fault. My parents should have told me when he found out, and I could have acted differently when we stopped getting along,? I admitted.

?Are your parent?s assholes,? Jamie asked bluntly.

?No not at all, they?re great. That?s why I got so upset when I was sitting at the piano, my mom plays and it made me think about her. I started thinking about that and all the wonderful things they?ve done for me over the years and I just started to miss them,? I sniffled.

Jamie leaned over and put his arm around me and when I regained my composure he urged me to continue my story.

?Okay, I understand why you got upset, anyone would, but how did you end up here,? asked Jamie.

?Yeah, about that,? I answered, ?when I left the house I had planned on just going for a walk to clear my head but the more I walked the more I got upset. I kept going back and forth between being angry then sad. I ended up at a rest stop just sitting there feeling numb.?

?That?s when I met Adam,? I continued, ?I must have been crying because he could tell I was upset. He sat down and started talking to me, I was sort of on autopilot, I didn?t want to talk but it was getting dark and it was kind of a scary place, so when he offered me a ride I just took it.

?Pssh, that sounds like Adam, he?s always picking up stray?s, dad gets so pissed,? said Jamie, ?to bad all of them aren?t as cute as you.?

?Smooth, Jamie, real smooth,? I smiled.

?So why didn?t you have Adam take you home,? asked Jamie, once he stopped laughing.

?That?s the tricky part,? I replied, ?I don?t know what I was thinking but when he said he was going to Hartford I just jumped on it and told him that?s where I was from. He kept talking to me, asking me questions and stuff but my mind kind of just closed down and I fell asleep. When I woke up at your house, I knew I?d screwed up and since then I?ve been trying to think of how I?m going to get out of this mess.?

?Well that seems pretty simple, call your mom and dad, I?m sure they?re worried about you,? said Jamie.

?I know, and I feel terrible for putting them through this,? I admitted, ?I?m always the sensible one, always the reasonable and mature one, I feel so stupid for letting things get so out of hand.?

?Nicky, you may be sensible and reasonable and all that stuff, but that?s about the stupidest thing I?ve ever heard,? said Jamie.

?What do you mean,? I challenged.

?We?re talking about your mom and dad, do you think that they?re going to give a shit that you forgot to be mature for a moment? I don?t care how sensible and responsible you are, you got some really bad news and you went, a little nuts for a while and I?m sure your parents won?t care either. I think, more than anything, they?re going to be happy that their son is ok.?

?Yeah, you?re right,? I sighed, ?I just need to face up to things and go home.?

?Well not so fast, my dad won?t be home for a few hours,? Jamie smirked. ?Oh what did you have in mind,? I grinned back.

?You live all the way in New Haven, who knows when I?ll get a chance to see you again, don?t you think we should make the most of the time we have,? said Jamie.

?I like the way you think,? I said, as Jamie rolled on top of me and we began another make out session.

We kissed for a long time then started to shed clothes. Jamie broke our kiss so he could run his hands up my shirt then push it up and over my head. He pulled off his own shirt then went for my shorts. Before long we were both down to nothing but our socks and underwear. We resumed our kissing and Jamie started to grind into me like he had this morning.

?Stop, stop, stop,? I moaned.

?What is it, what?s the matter,? Jamie asked.

?Nothing,? I grinned devilishly, ?I just think you?re right, we should make the most out of this.?

I rolled on top of Jamie and started to kiss his neck. I licked my way down to his nipples and traced circles around them with my tongue then sucked on them gently. I took note of what an athletic body Jamie had as I kissed down his stomach and towards the treasure between his legs.

My lips brushed against the waistband of his undies. I stopped to admire the view for a second; he looked so cute in his underwear. I kissed all over the head of his hard cock and down to his balls then I reached up and tugged his undies down to his knees. I touched the head of his cute, five inch stiffy with tentative lips. I instantly liked the spongy texture of the hard organ and lapped at it happily with my tongue. I painted the shaft, wrapped my lips tightly around the head and tickled the cum hole, before trying to swallow it down my throat. I gagged for a moment thanks to my inexperience but soon found myself slurping away on Jamie?s pole.

Jamie was in heaven, he had propped himself up on his elbows so he could watch what I was doing but now he had his head thrown back as he panted and moaned from the exquisite feelings pulsing through his body. The sounds Jamie made turned me on even more and I continued to attack his penis.

?This isn?t fair,? Jamie moaned, ?you?re having all the fun.?

I looked at him quizzically as he moved us both onto our sides and into a 69 position. Jamie yanked my underwear down like I had his and took my penis in his mouth. It was like an electric shock shooting through my body, I totally understood what all the fuss was about, this, was amazing. I moaned loudly for a few minutes while Jamie worked wonders on my dick then he took his in his hand and wagged it at me. I got the hint and took him back into my mouth and was rewarded with a low, guttural moan. In no time we were spilling our seed into each other?s mouths. Spent, we cuddled up together and fell fast asleep in the afternoon sun.

I woke up to Jamie frantically shaking my shoulder.

?Nicky, Nicky wake up,? said Jamie.

?What is it,? I asked groggily.

?It?s almost five, my dad?s going to be home,? he replied.

?Shit, that was a hell of a nap,? I said as we scrambled about for our clothes.

Once we were dressed we headed for the house, Adam was waiting on the back steps when we walked up.

?Where have you guys been all day,? said Adam, ?Dad?s home and I haven?t even had a chance to talk to Nicky yet.?

?It?s okay Adam,? I said, ?Jamie helped me out, I?m ready to go home. Let?s go talk to your dad.?

When we walked into the house we found Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie watching the evening news. To say the least, I was a little surprised to see my own face on TV.

??Police are continuing to search for missing 14 year old, Nicholas Sutherland, who disappeared from his home in the New Haven suburb of Brookfield yesterday morning. When last seen he was wearing a grey tee shirt, khaki shorts and a pair of tennis shoes. He stands 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighs 125lbs, has sandy hair and green eyes. If anyone has any information on the whereabouts of this boy you are urged to contact police immediately. In other news??

?Oh shit,? I exclaimed.

?That?s it, I?m calling the cops,? said Mr. McKenzie as he got up to get the phone.

?Wait Mr. McKenzie, please don?t call the police,? I pleaded.

?I?m sorry but I have no choice, we could get in serious trouble,? he answered.

?Wait, please sir, if I give you my home number would you call my parents instead,? I asked.

He thought about it for a moment and agreed that would probably be the best course of action. I gave him the number and he went into the kitchen to make the call. I was ready to go home but still nervous about talking to mom and dad so I was happy to let Mr. McKenzie deal with my parents. When he came back into the living room he filled us in on what had been arranged.

?Alright, they?re going to meet us in Meriden in about an hour. Adam and I will take you back,? he stated.

?Can I come,? Jamie asked eagerly.

?I don?t think that?s a good idea son,? said Mr. McKenzie.

?But dad,? Jamie whined.

?Jamie, I think it?s best for you to remain here,? Mr. McKenzie said sternly.

?Okay,? he grumbled, ?come on Nicky, let?s check my room, make sure you don?t forget anything.

I started to follow Jamie upstairs then stopped and turned towards his father.

?I?m sorry Mr. McKenzie, I didn?t mean to cause you and your family any trouble,? I said.

?It?s okay,? he answered, taking on a less stern visage, ?I?m just glad it was my son who brought you home rather than some pervert.?

That said, I followed Jamie upstairs. When the door closed he hugged me tight.

?Promise you won?t forget about me,? he asked.

?Dude, how could I forget you,? I exclaimed, ?out of all this crap that?s happened, meeting you made it all worthwhile.?

?Mean it?? he asked.

?Course I do and it?s not like I?ll never see you again, New Haven isn?t that far,? I reminded him, ?and I even have something to remember you by.?

?What?s that,? he asked with a puzzled look on his face.

?I?m still wearing your underwear,? I smirked.

?Oh, that?s hot,? Jamie laughed.

We traded email addresses then another hug and a few kisses but all too soon it was time to go. I climbed in the car with Mr. McKenzie and Adam then turned to watch their house fade in the distance. Jamie watched until we were just a dot on the horizon. I can?t get over my good fortune in meeting him. I?m glad my first experience was with someone so sweet, kind and beautiful. It would be so easy to fall in love with him, I promised myself that whatever it took, I?d see him again.

I started to get nervous on the drive. I still didn?t know what I was going to say to my parents. I knew they?d be happy to see me, I just hoped they?d forget to be mad for what I?d done. I was pretty quiet but the closer we got I started to get chatty. I apologized over and over to Adam and his dad for all the trouble I?d caused and thanked them for their hospitality. I was sure glad they hadn?t just dumped me off at a police station. Sure, the police would have taken me home but it would have been pretty scary sitting around in a jailhouse while they sorted everything out. Mr. McKenzie lectured me about putting my parents through all of this and the bad choice?s I?d made but there was kindness in his voice. Adam just smiled and winked at me as a way to let me know it was just his dad?s way.

Eventually we pulled into the parking lot of a Mac Donald?s near the highway and right away I spotted my mom?s car. I stepped out and immediately tensed up when I saw Nathan had come, alone.

?What?s the matter, who?s that,? Adam asked sensing my tension.

?It, it?s my brother,? I stuttered.

I walked over to the car with Adam and Mr. McKenzie in tow. I hadn?t expected Nathan to show up, let alone without mom and dad. I was even more surprised when I got close enough and he grabbed me in his powerful, athletic arms. He held me tight and I felt his body shake with sobs.

?Nicky I?m so sorry,? he wept, ?I never should have said what I said. I don?t know what I was thinking, I just got mad and it came flying out of my mouth. I?m so, so sorry. Please don?t hate me.?

And suddenly I wasn?t angry anymore. The way he held me, the things he said, it was like the old Nathan was back. I looked up at his handsome face and all I could see was the nine year old boy who carried me home when I?d hurt my leg. I hugged my brother tightly and we cried together for a few minutes. Mr. McKenzie and Adam waited patiently and let us have our moment.

?Thank you for taking care of Nicky,? said Nathan, once we?d both regained our composure.

?It?s quite all right,? Mr. McKenzie smiled.

?Take care of yourself Nicky, stay out of trouble,? he said as he tussled my hair.

?It was, hmm, interesting, meeting you,? smiled Adam as he gave me a pat on the back.

?He?s a nice kid, look after him, huh,? said Adam as he shook Nathan?s hand.

?I will, that?s never going to be a problem again,? Nathan agreed.

We were quiet in the car, while Nathan was getting back on the freeway. Once we had a few miles under our belt I asked the question that kept going through my mind.

?Where are mom and dad.?

?They were out looking for you when Mr. McKenzie called, they left me home just in case you came back,? he answered.

?I called them as soon as I got off the phone but no one answered so I left a message and headed out. Dad called while I was on my way here,? Nathan continued.

?Oh, are they mad,? I asked in a timid voice.

?Well you?re probably going to be grounded for life,? Nathan smiled, ?but no, they weren?t mad, they?re just glad you?re safe and didn?t get hurt.?

?I?m glad too Nicky,? Nathan admitted, ?ever since you?ve been gone all I could think about was you lying in a ditch somewhere and I wasn?t there to help you. Worse, I know this is all my fault.?

?Nate, it?s not all your fault. There?s plenty of blame to go around. It?s mostly my fault,? I admitted.

?Think you can ever forgive me,? he asked, unable to look me in the face.

?I didn?t think I?d ever be able to do that,? I started, ?but I know you were hurting too, all this time thinking mom and dad loved me more. You know that?s not true don?t you??

?Yeah, I know that now, it was stupid and childish to ever think that,? Nathan admitted.

?Well, to answer your question, of course I forgive you, I love you Nathan,? I said.

For the second time that night my big brother choked back sniffles.

?Thanks Nicky, I love you to.?

We didn?t say much on the rest of the ride home, we had a lot on our minds. I kept thinking about what I was going to say to my parents and it was tying my stomach up in knots. I didn?t snap out of it until Nathan swore as we pulled up to the house. There were people all over our lawn, it looked like reporters from all the local TV stations and news papers plus most of our neighbors.

?Nate, what the hell,? I exclaimed questioningly.

Nathan just looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. He didn?t know what was going on anymore than I did. He parked the car and as soon as we stepped out we seemed to be swamped by people. I had camera?s shoved in my face, there we?re people shouting questions at me and I was scared to death. I hadn?t expected this.

Finally some police officers cleared a path for my parents to get through. I couldn?t help it, when I saw my mom running towards me, I cried. The looks on my parents faces screamed relief as they rushed forward and hugged me. I wanted to stand there and hold them forever but that wasn?t going to happen in front of this crowd, my mother held me close while dad, Nathan and the cops guided us into the house.

I held on to my mother for dear life but out of the corner of my eye I noticed several of my friends and their families mixed in with the crowd. I found out later that most of them had been up all night and most of the day, searching for me out in the woods. I knew what I?d done was wrong and that I?d caused my parents untold grief but I was surprised how many others had taken the time to try and find me, even after having seen myself on the nightly news.

Once the door was closed, both of my parents hugged me again, my mom even kissed me on the cheek, over and over again. I forgot to feel guilty for a second and just felt embarrassed. Like I said before, I?m a shy, quiet person and all this attention was too much for me. I just wanted to slink off to my room but that clearly wasn?t in the cards. When my mom finished gushing over me she grabbed Nathan and hugged him just as hard.

?Nathan, honey, I?m sorry for the things I said to you, I love you both so much,? said mom.

?Its? ok mom, I know you were just scared for Nicky. I?m sorry too,? said Nathan.

?Mom, who are all these people,? I asked once she turned back to me.

?This community has been holding its breath hoping that you?d come home safely, young man,? said the senior police officer, before mom could answer.

?I don?t understand, I knew you guys would be upset,? I said to my parents, ?but I didn?t think all this would happen.?

?Nicky, when you didn?t come home and we couldn?t find you,? dad began, ?I had to tell the police about your condition, we were scared to death that you were lost in the woods, bleeding to death.?

As the gravity of what I?d done started to sink in, I started to cry again. I?m really not a cry baby, give me a break, it?s been an emotional time.

?I, I?m sorry,? I whined, ?I messed up so bad.?

My mom took Nathan and I into the living room and dad dealt with the police. Apparently after Nathan spoke to dad, he called the police and let them know to call off the search, that I?d been found and my brother was bringing me home. The dispatcher recalled all of the officers and that information was picked up on police scanners in news rooms all over town. That explained the media presence on our lawn.

Dad and the senior police officer went out to speak to the reporters. The officer explained that normally a person isn?t considered missing until they?ve been gone for at least 24 hours but given the special circumstances of my medical condition, police launched a full scale search of the surrounding woods with the help of neighbors and local volunteers. The search was called off when I called home and made arrangements to be picked up. My father went on to explain that my disappearance was the result of a fight between brothers, exacerbated by the serious nature of my hemophilia. Dad stated that they were thankful I was home safe and thankful to all those who had helped to look for me but now I needed to be left alone with my family.

Surprisingly that actually worked. The reporters packed up their cameras, the neighbors shook my dad?s hand and told him they were happy our family was whole again and then everyone went back to their own lives. The police said they?d leave an officer behind to shoo away any unwanted visitors and that ended their formal involvement in this mess. Finally I was alone with my family.

I told them everything. I told them how I?d walked all day and ended up at the rest stop, how I got scared and accepted a ride from Adam and how I was too proud to come home after having acted so foolishly. Surprisingly, they were pretty understanding, though I still got grounded for a month. I think my parents understood that I?d probably punish myself more than they ever could with my guilty conscience. I didn?t care, I didn?t want to leave the house ever again, I?d missed my mom and dad and even Nathan, I was so happy to be home that they could have punished me for a year and I wouldn?t have complained.

On the bright side they wanted to meet the McKenzie?s. I?d told them all about the family that had taken me in for the night and my parents felt they owed them a debt of gratitude. My parents decided that we?d invite the McKenzie?s to a bbq that coming weekend.

When I finally got to my room and lay down on the bed I started thinking about everything that had happened. Just two days ago I hated my brother, was blissfully ignorant about my adoption, and was a total virgin. I smiled when I started to think of Jamie. If someone had told me a few days ago that I?d met a gorgeous boy and get to kiss him and suck his dick, I?d have laughed in their face.

Absentmindedly, I reached under my tee shirt and started to stroke the soft skin between my belly button and my waistline. I reached into my shorts and felt my stiffening boy cock through my underwear, Jamie?s underwear. I couldn?t wait to see him again. I jumped up and went over to my computer.

When I logged on to my email account I discovered over 200 emails, I guess my friends had been concerned about me. I figured I knew what most of them said so I just deleted them then sent an email to Jamie inviting his family over for that bbq. Next I logged on to my Facebook account and posted a note letting all of my friends know I was home safe, thanked them for their concern and told them I?d fill them in on the details later.

When I was done with my post I was happy to see that Jamie had already responded to my email.

?Hey Nicky, we?ll be there! I went and asked mom and dad as soon as I read your email. Mom says to have your mom call tomorrow with the details.

We saw you on the news tonight, when you got home, you looked scared to death, still cute though :). I?m already missing you and looking forward to seeing you this weekend. Can?t wait for you to show me your room, hint, hint.

Hugs and Kisses,


I almost started to drool just thinking about having Jamie here in my room. Meeting him has been such a lucky break. Thoughts of Jamie danced through my mind that night and needless to say, I had very sweet dreams.

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