Every Book Has a Story

By Vex Garnet

Published on Jan 11, 2010


Here's chapter four, enjoy!

Chapter Four: Choices

[Justin is sitting on a chair positioned right next to Art's hospital bed. The top part of Art's head, right above the eyes, is wrapped with a thick layer of medical bandages. He has a few tubes and wires on him but other than those he looks fine. Justin however, is tapping his feet and tracing the frame of the bed waiting for Art to wake up. He still feels a deep form of shame encased within his own mind. Every few minutes, he replays the accident over and over again. And every time the scene ends, he cries for about ten minutes. It's like watching a DVD that only play one scene and on repeat. It's quite depressing. Jay and Andy are outside the room and have been watching Justin be calm then cry, then calm again, then cy again.]

Andy: This is really depressing. Maybe one of us should go in there.

Jay: No, he needs his time. Without any distractions. It's how his brain works or something.

Andy: I know but this has been going on for hours.

Jay: You think I don't know? We are the only ones here for them.

Andy: I'm here for Justin, not him.

Jay: [Looks at Andy] What exactly is your beef with Art?

Andy: Nothing, I just don't like him.

Jay: You don't like him? Or you don't like him because Justin likes Art?

Andy: What are you trying to say? I told you I'm not gay!

Jay: You keep saying you're not but your actions say otherwise.

Andy: I just care about him. Don't you?

Jay: I do, he's my cousin. But I also know that it's none of my business who he dates.

Andy: Why not? The guy is ten years older than him. He's a cradle robber.

Jay: It's legal. Justin is eighteen so it's not bad.

Andy: Still.

Jay: Why don't you just come out the closet and you can have Justin for yourself?

Andy: Because I'm not gay.

Jay: Right.

Andy: Why doesn't anyone in your family believe I'm straight?

Jay: Because all the straight guys that Justin likes usually turn out to like him as well.

Andy: What? So! Doesn't mean that I am.

Jay: Suit yourself. Stay in the closet.

Andy: I'm not staying in the closet because I'm not in the closet!

Jay: Your lips move but all I hear is gay, gay, gay.

[Justin enters.]

Andy: Justin! How is he?

Jay: I thought you didn't care about Art?

[Andy steps on Jay's foot.]

Jay: Fuck! What the fuck?

Justin: He's fine. He just won't wake up. [Lies down on the chairs next to Andy and rests his head in his lap] It's all my fault isn't it?

Jay: Oh Justin's in your lap, I bet you don't like that since your straight.

Andy: [Whispers] Shut up, Jay.

Justin: I mean if I knew he was going to save me, I wouldn't have been such a dumbass.

Andy: You're not a dumbass.

Justin: You're just saying that. I am one. I'm naïve. I'm careless for deciding to throw my life away over a guy. I'm--

Andy: You're heart broken, that's all. It's common for people to act the way you're acting when their heart get broken. [Plays with Justin's hair]

Justin: Andy?

Andy: What?

Justin: [Sits up] We're you just playing with my hair?

Andy: Uh...um...no.

Justin: I think you were.

Andy: Well I was only doing it because I was trying to comfort you, that's all. Don't try and get any weird thoughts.

Jay: Hey, Art's up.

Justin: [Looks up at Art] He is! [Hugs Andy] Thanks for listening to me babble.

[Justin exits.]

Andy: Uh you're...welcome.

Jay: Aw poor Andy. You finally thought you had Justin all to yourself but nope even when he's in your lap you still manage to drive him away. Sad isn't it.

Andy: Shut up.

Jay: So you admit you want him.

Andy: You know what just drop it. Because no matter what I say, nothing will make you believe I'm straight.

Jay: [Stands up] Because you're not. Look I'm going to go home. Take Justin home, I know you won't mind.

[Jay exits.]

Andy: Fucking dick man, fucking dick.

Art: There's my sunshine. I wake up and no one's in the room. It was a little bit depressing.

Justin: I'm sorry. I-I--

Art: Don't worry about it okay. You really need to stop apologizing all the time.

Justin: I usually don't apologize for anything it's just that I feel so guilty for what happened.

Art: Well you shouldn't. Just talk it out.

Justin: It's not the best thing to talk about right now. I'm still a little bit edgy.

Art: We discussed the surface of your break up but we didn't really go in depth with what happened. When you're ready, I'm all ears.

Justin: Okay so we don't have to talk about it now?

Art: Nope, whenever you're ready. I'm not going to force you.

Justin: Okay, good. I'm not ready to tell you the details.

Art: Fine by me. Is there anything else you want to talk about?

Justin: Um you won't be able to go home till you've regained your strength and your wounds heal up. I'm sorry about our date. I guess I ruined everything for you today.

Art: You didn't ruin anything. We're still on our date.

Justin: We are?

[Nurse enters.]

Nurse: Visiting hours are over.

Art: Guess not. [Laughs] I'll see you tomorrow, right?

Justin: Uh...yeah. Goodnight, Art.

Art: Goodnight Jus.

Justin: Excuse me?

Art: Goodnight Jus. Is it okay if I call you Jus?

Justin: Uh yeah it's fine. It just caught me by surprise that's all.

[Justin leaves the room and notices that Jay is gone.]

Justin: Where's Jay?

Andy: He went home a while ago. You ready?

Justin: You're taking me home?

Andy: I don't see anyone else here that will. Unless you're going to take a taxi.

Justin: No, I'm not going to take a taxi.

Andy: Then I'm taking you home. Jay did say you lived a few blocks from me. Which street?

Justin: 1999 Raspberry Hill Rd.

Andy: Oh I know where that is.

[Andy and Justin are in Andy's Red 2007 Toyota Camry. The car is silent, the only thing that you can here is faint breathing and music playing on the radio.]

Andy: Hey Justin?

Justin: What?

Andy: Nothing. I thought you were asleep that's all. It's weird to not hear you insult me or tease me.

Justin: I have a lot on my plate right now. So I don't really have time to hurt you.

Andy: Oh please, you don't hurt me.

Justin: You don't have to get all defensive on me. I was just saying.

[Silence fills the car for another five minutes.]

Justin: Hey Andy?

Andy: I'm not sleeping. I'm driving.

Justin: [Looks at Andy]

Andy: I can feel your eyes burning a hole in my face. You're just like my gay cousin and my gay best friend.

Justin: Thanks for the comparison. The only thing in common I have with those two are sexuality and race. Everything else, I'm my own person.

Andy: But the thing you do remind me of them.

Justin: [Sigh] Never mind then.

Andy: Never mind what?

Justin: Don't worry about it.

Andy: [Pulls into a stranger's driveway] Tell me.

Justin: Andy, this isn't my house.

Andy: I know. But I want to know what you're going to say.

Justin: [Looks outside and notices a `No Trespassing' sign] Uh Andy, I think we should get out of here. It says no trespassing.

Andy: Well if you just tell me what you have one your--

Man: Who's out there?

Andy: Look like we don't have that much time, Justin.

Justin: Exactly, so let's go!

Andy: Not till you tell me what's on your mind.

Man: I see you! [Fires a round in the air]

Justin: Holy shit! Andy that guy has a gun!

Andy: You better tell me then.

Justin: Andy, if you don't go right now I'm going to do something that you're not going to like one bit.

Andy: Like what? You're going to low blow me?

[Justin looks outside and notices the man getting closer and closer. Justin's entire body was trembling in fear. He was not in the mood for this crap but he was too scared to stand up for himself. Justin put both hands on Andy's face and kissed him. Andy sat there surprised. His lips were locked with Justin's and he didn't know how to react. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. Just as he was about to put his hands on Justin, Justin pulled away.]

Justin: What are you waiting for? Let's go!

[Andy just sat there frozen. He was still in the moment. The man was just about to load his handgun when Justin, still in his seat put his left hand on the steering wheel and with his right hand, he put the car in reverse. With his left foot, he stepped on the gas. The car sped in reverse about ten feet from the stranger's driveway. Justin put the car in drive and put all his limbs back into the passenger side.]

Justin: Let's go, Andy!

Andy: Uh...right! Sorry. [Andy sped away]

[Andy drove for a few minutes and eventually ended up in Justin's driveway. He looked at Justin again and noticed he was slouched in his chair.]

Andy: Justin?

Justin: Not now, Andy. I'm very pissed off right now. You could have gotten us killed. What were you thinking back there?!

Andy: I guess I wasn't. Sorry, but you kissed me! How was I supposed to come back from that?

Justin: I told you I was going to do something drastic.

Andy: No, you said something I'm not going to like. Gay people like getting kissed by cute boys.

Justin: Shut it, Andy. I know you're not gay. I just call you a fag cause I know you don't like being called that.

Andy: Oh...well I'm glad you understand finally. So you don't like me anymore?

Justin: Just because I admit that you're not gay doesn't mean I don't have feelings for you, Andy. I still do, but I know that nothing would ever happen between us. You're straight, I'm gay. It's just another curse I have where I fall for the straight guys.

Andy: And what about Art?

Justin: What about him?

Andy: He's your boyfriend, isn't he? Won't he be mad that you kissed another guy?

Justin: I doubt it.

Andy: Why? Because he's old?

Justin: No, because for starters we're not together. We just went on an unusual first date. And I don't think he's the jealous type. So even if I told him that kissed you, a straight boy, he'd most likely laugh at me.

Andy: Oh.

Justin: You sound disappointed.

Andy: [Defensive] WHAT?! No! I'm not.

Justin: [Laughs]

Andy: What?! I said I'm not!

Justin: You know, I take it back about you being straight. This whole defensive act is just too cute.

Andy: H-Hey, I'm not straight--I mean gay!

[Justin opens the door. He looks back at Andy, who looks like he's about to piss his pants or pop a vein, and kissed him on the cheek. Andy freezes again. Justin just laughs and exits.]

Andy: [Chants] I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay.

[The next day, Justin drives to Jay's place. As he pulls into their driveway, another car come from behind his and blocks his exit. Justin looks in his rear view mirror and notices a red car but can't distinguish the make of the car. He notices the person walking out of the car so Justin steps out of his car only to notice that it's Andy.]

Justin: Hey, faggot. Here for another kiss?

Andy: [Still chanting and ignoring Justin] I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay.

Justin: [Giggles] So cute.

[Justin walks right next to Andy and holds his hand. Andy stops and pushes Justin away from him.]

Andy: Get away from me, woman!

Justin: [Giggles] If I'm a woman, wouldn't you like it if I hold your hand? Oh wait, that's right you're gay!

Andy: Shut the fuck up, Justin.

Justin: Okay okay, no need to get touchy. [Mumbles] Cock tease.

Andy: What'd you call me?

Justin: Nothing! Geez you're like my mother.

Andy: Well maybe if you quit acting like a baby, I wouldn't have to be your mother.

[Andy and Justin to argue as they let themselves into Jay's house. As they continue to argue, Jay notices that Justin is different then he was yesterday. Justin was flirty and happy. Jay shrugs and gets back to getting dressed.]

Justin: So what are you doing here anyways?

Andy: It's anyway, and Jay said we were going to go to the mall. I'm off today and I need to go buy some new shoes.

Justin: Wow, do you still have that whole closet full of shoes?

Andy: My closet is not full of shoes.

Justin: Sorry for my exaggeration. You just have more shoes than I do. I have like six pairs of shoes. You have shoes for each day of the year.

Andy: You know what I'm not talking to you anymore.

Justin: Like when I kissed you?

Jay: You guys kissed?! [Jay runs down the stairs and sits on the couch across from Andy and Justin]

Andy: He kissed me. It's not what you think.

Justin: Yup, I kissed him and he was speechless. It was so cute, I just had to kiss him again but the second time was on his cheek.

Jay: What?!

Andy: [Punches Justin's arm]

Justin: Ow! I'm fragile! [Rubs arm] I'm probably going to get a bruise now.

Jay: You guys are to--

Andy: NO! You're not getting all the information.

Jay: Okay, then tell me what happened.

Justin: I'd be happy to--

Andy: [Punches the same spot on Justin's arm] You're not going to talk. Knowing you, you'll over exaggerate everything.

Justin: [Mumbles while still rubbing his arm] No, I won't.

Andy: Okay well it started out like this.

[Andy tells Jay the whole story. From the beginning of the car ride, to stranger danger, to their lip lock, to the ending.]

Jay: Wow. So Andy, you like Justin still?

Andy: I'm not gay!

Jay: I'm just kidding.

Justin: As much as I would love to tease Andy again I can't. I'm going to go see Art. Jay, can I have my books now?

[Jay hands Justin his books.]

Justin: Thanks. I'll see you guys later. Hey, Andy I need you to move your car. It's blocking my exit.

Andy: [Sigh] Fuck my life.

[Andy exits.]

Jay: So, you and Andy. What happened to you and Art?

Justin: We'll when I leave, I'm going on my second hospital date.

Jay: So who do you like more? Andy or Art?

Justin: I'd have to say Andy. He's my first crush here and plus I kissed him and I don't know, this will sound corny but I felt something like chemistry.

Jay: Didn't you suck at chemistry in high school?

Justin: Yes, but you know what I mean. I like Art and all but--

Jay: But what?

Justin: Whenever I look at Andy, I just get this feeling that it's right but with Art, I feel an attraction but other than that? I don't know. Maybe it's because I hardly know him. But I'm going to stick it out and see where things go. I mean I have a far more better chance with Art anyways. He's gay.

Jay: Well you did kiss Andy and he didn't throw away your friendship. So maybe there is a `chemistry connection'.

Justin: [Sigh] Maybe, but I'm an impatient loser. So like I said, I'll just have to see where things go.

Jay: Well if you ask me, I think you should stick with Andy. I don't have anything against Art, I mean he's cool but it just seems like you guys are friends but with Andy you guys act like a couple. But it's your choice.

Justin: Good thing I didn't ask you.

[Andy enters.]

Justin: That's my cue to leave. Peace!

[Justin exits.]

Andy: We're you guys talking about me?

Jay: Yup.

Andy: What? About what?

Jay: What do you think?

Andy: What did he say?

Jay: Shouldn't you be asking him?

Andy: Like he's going to tell me. Come on Jay give me a hint.

Jay: Fine here's your clue. Choices.

Andy: What?

Jay: C-H-O-I-C-E-S, choices. That is how you spell choices right?

Andy: Yeah, but what kind of clue is that?

Jay: Your clue.

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