Every Book Has a Story

By Vex Garnet

Published on Jan 8, 2010


Hey guys, it's time for chapter two. I got some emails on how some of you liked the first chapter so i hope you enjoy this one.

Chapter Two: Time

[Months have passed since chapter one. Graduation has already ended and everyone is excited for leaving high school. Justin is back at Mike's place enjoying his happy relationship with Mike.]

Justin: I'm so happy school is over and I don't have to deal with all that bullshit. Now I can just spend all my time with you.

Mike: [Texting and not paying attention to Justin] Uh huh.

Justin: [Notices that Mike is not paying attention] I'm thinking of killing myself tonight so I don't have to see your face again.

Mike: Uh huh, love you too.

Justin: [Punches Mike's back]

Mike: Ow, what's your problem?

Justin: My problem is that you're texting while I'm trying to have a serious heart to heart conversation with you. Who are you texting anyways?

Mike: No one. It's none of you business.

Justin: I don't like how you're keeping secrets from me, Mike. I'm your boyfriend.

Mike: I'm not keeping secrets from you.

Justin: Then why don't you tell me who you're texting. Because apparently they're more important than I am.

Mike: You're over reacting. Just calm down and forget about it.

Justin: I'm not going to forget about it, Mike. Either tell me or I'm leaving.

Mike: Go ahead. Because you're acting like a baby.

[Justin shakes his head and walks out. He walks around the block, stops at a stop sign, and sits down.]

Justin: [Sigh] Maybe I was being childish. I mean everyone needs their privacy right? [Sigh] I guess I have to go apologize now. I hate apologizing.

[Justin walks back to Mike's house and notices Jael's car in the driveway.]

Justin: No way. What the fuck is her car doing here?

[Justin walks up to the window that show's Mike's room. In the room, he saw Mike and Jael doing what they should not be doing.]

Justin: That fucking bitch. So that's who he's been texting. [Tears start to well up] Why am I crying? I'm just going to go home.

[The next day, Justin woke up in his house on his bed. Justin thought it was weird that he was in his bed since he fell asleep on the floor. He groggily gets out of bed as he hears noises coming from the kitchen. He knew it couldn't be his family since his family went back to Las Vegas months ago, so Justin has been living alone for quite a bit hence the reason why he jumps between two main houses, Angela's and Mike's. Luckily, Justin's father forgot his handgun, when Justin found it, he left it in a secret compartment under his nightstand. Justin took out the gun and sneaked out of his room. He hid behind the wall leading into the kitchen. From the corner, he peered into the kitchen and saw a tall, muscle man opening the drawers and cabinets. Justin creped up behind the man and pointed the gun at the man's head.]

Justin: Freeze! Put your hand behind your head. [Jumps up and down] Oh I always wanted to say that!

[The man turns around and Justin slightly lowers his gun.]

Justin: Michael? What the hell are you doing here? How'd you get in my house?

Mike: Baby, calm down. You gave me a key after everyone left. Just drop the gun.

Justin: [Brings the gun back at its place] You didn't answer half of my questions. What. Are. You. Doing here?

Mike: I felt bad for getting in that silly argument yesterday. You weren't at Angela's house so I came here only to find out that you either missed the bed or you fell off the bed. Either way, I put you back on your bed and decided to make some breakfast but I can't find any pans or pots or anything for that matter. There I explained why I'm here. Now put down the gun, Jus.

[Justin puts the gun on safety and puts in his small jean pocket.]

Mike: Baby, what's gotten into you all of sudden? Do you need to sit down?

Justin: I'm fine. Just leave me alone.

Mike: What? Have you...eaten anything since you left my place?

Justin: That's none of your business.

Mike: Why are you being like this? What have I done to make you act like this?

Justin: Lying for one thing.

Mike: About?

Justin: Loving me. You don't care about me. Our relationship was just a joke.

Mike: Okay something is definitely up. You haven't talked like this since--

Justin: Since we weren't together. But now I'm feeling like it'd be better if we never met.

Mike: Baby, what's wrong? [Opens his arms] You need a hug?

Justin: Don't make me point that gun at you again. You know what you did. You're just not thinking hard enough.

Mike: Quit being such a dick! What am I doing wrong for you to be like this!?

Justin: [Hops up on the counter] If you're going to act like nothing happened then I'm going to as well.

Mike: What?

Justin: We're through.

Mike: What?!

Justin: Are you def? Go home.

Mike: Baby--

Justin: I'm not your baby anymore.

Mike: [Sigh] I'll call you tomorrow, okay. [Kisses Justin's forehead]

[Mike exits.]

Justin: I should have been more precise and concise with that thick headed asshole. [Slams his fists on the counter] Dammit! [Texts Angela] Hey, I need u 2 cum ovr 2 my place. I hve important info 2 tell u.

Angela: Okay, so I'm here. It's about Mike isn't it.

Justin: Half of it is about Mike, half of it is about me.

Angela: Tell me Mike's part.

Justin: [Exhales] He cheated on me with Jael. I don't know how long they've been seeing each other, but I saw them yesterday fucking through Mike's window. We got into an argument and I left, but I felt bad and came back. I saw Jael's car and that's when I saw them.

Angela: I-I'm so sorry. I'm going to rib his dick off with my bare hands.

Justin: No, don't do it.

Angela: I'm your best friend, I'm going to hurt him the way he hurt you.

Justin: This is my issue and my issue alone.

Angela: It doesn't have to be.

Justin: I want to be. Involving people that aren't in the situation will bring more fuel to the fire and I want to keep the fire as low as possible.

Angela: But--

Justin: Please, I have to do this on my own and on my own time.

Angela: Fine. What about you? What's the issue with you?

Justin: I'm done with bullshit. I'm leaving.

Angela: Leaving? What do mean by "leaving?"

Justin: I'm moving back to Las Vegas.

Angela: No! No, you can't!

Justin: I'm sorry, I already have a plane ticket. I'm leaving tomorrow.

Angela: [Tears begin to fall] Please reconsider. You're my best friend but you're more than that. You're like the brother I never had instead I get an older sister that has a drinking problem. I don't know what I would do without you.

Justin: You don't think I don't feel the same way? I got left with a little brother that has book smarts but everything else is quite slow. But I have to do what I think is right for me. You taught me that.

Angela: I take it back!

Justin: [Pulls her into a hug] I have to do this. You'll be find without me. You did fine without me before I even moved here.

Angela: But now I'm better because you're in my life.

Justin: You'll be fine, I'm sure of it. It's not like I won't come back. Haley's comet circumnavigates Earth and I too will come back but probably less than how many years it takes her to come back.

Angela: Okay but I'm dropping you off at the airport. No one else.

[Justin sat down in his new room in Vegas. He looked around the room, it was exactly like it was back in Kansas City, Missouri. Except for that the walls were painted white instead of red and there were several bright neon lightning bolts painted on each wall. There was also a lyric phrase painted on the top of each wall, "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." But other than that it was the same: Watchmen posters, a lady gaga poster, a road rage Snoopy lithograph on the walls, a PS2, Wii, and an Xbox 360 located under the TV stand, a cream like carpet, a brown computer chair, and a mattress at the end with a nightstand on the left of the bed.]

Justin: Great, so much fun.

Justin's mom: Justin! Clean your room!

Justin: Why?!

Justin's mom: Because we're having a party tonight!

Justin: [Sighs and bangs his head on the wall behind him] Great, a party for celebrating my comeback. I'd rather go to bed.

[Hours passed and the party has ensued. Justin could hear the party go on outside his room. Family was laughing and having fun, while he was wallowing in his own misery, of course it had to be in the dark as well. Suddenly the door opened and a tall Filipino man stepped in.]

Man: Hello?

Justin: Is there something you wanted?

Man: Oh hi, you must be Justin, the birthday boy.

Justin: Actually it's not my birthday, but its my welcome back party.

Man: That would explain why there's no cake.

Justin: [Sigh]

Man: [Sits down in front of Justin and holds out his hand] Art.

Justin: What?

Man: My name is Art.

Justin: Your parents named you Art?

Art: Well no, they named me Arthur, but I prefer Art.

Justin: Well Arthur, I'm not in the mood for talking so if you came in here for something just get it.

Art: Well no one asked me to do anything. I just came to look for the birthday boy.

Justin: There's no birthday boy though.

Art: Well there's boy isn't there?

Justin: Sure and an old man.

Art: Yeah, wait what? I'm not an old man.

Justin: You're older than I am, aren't you?

Art: Yeah, but I'm not that old.

Justin: You're older than me so you're an old man.

Art: Ha ha ha very funny. How old do you think I am?

Justin: Twenty five?

Art: Thanks for the compliment. [Smiles] I'm twenty eight.

Justin: You're not serious are you? Wow you really are an old man. [Mumbles] A cute one though.

Art: Whatcha say?

Justin: Nothing.

Art: No, what did you say?

Justin: Nothing, old man.

Art: Tell me.

Justin: Fine, let's just talk.

Art: [Chuckles] Way to change the subject. So why are you so blue?

Justin: Because I'm here instead of there solving the problem completely and thoroughly.

Art: What problem?

Justin: My problem with my ex.

Art: Girl problems, I wish I could say I know how you feel.

Justin: Well obviously.

Art: What's that supposed to mean?

Justin: Look at you. You're a stud.

Art: [Blushes] I'm not a stud.

Justin: You may not think you are, but I do. If I had your looks I wouldn't gotten cheated on, with his ex girlfriend.

Art: His? Ex-girlfriend? I thought you were talking about your ex-girlfriend.

Justin: I'm gay, Arthur.

Art: Really?

Justin: If you have a problem with my sexuality, I suggest you just leave now because I'm in no mood for a heated argument.

Art: No, it's fine. It just kinda surprised me. You don't seem gay to me.

Justin: That's only because you don't know me very well.

Art: Are you calling yourself a fem-gay?

Justin: No, more like a neutral one.

Art: So if you're neutral then how would I know that you were gay?

Justin: It's called gaydar.

Art: I guess I don't have a good gaydar then.

Justin: Guess not.

Art: Look I'm really sorry for what happened to you. If it means anything, I think your better off without him.

Justin: You don't know him, so you can't say anything.

Art: Fine, how about this. Your cute for a kid.

Justin: [Blushes] Shut up. Your acts of kindness don't phase me one bit.

Art: I bet your red cheeks don't phase you either.

Justin: Shut up.

Art: It's okay, you don't have to deny anything. [Gets up] Well I have to go home, I got work early tomorrow.

Justin: Oh okay. Thanks for the chat. Made me feel a little better.

Art: No problem. [Opens the door] I wasn't lying when I said you're cute. I'll see you later.

[Art exits.]

Justin: [Giggles] See ya, Art.

[The next day Justin woke up with twenty missed calls and about the same number of texts from Mike. Justin held down "1" to hear his voicemail.]

Mike: Hey baby, where are you? Angela won't answer the door and your house is for sale. Call me back okay? I love you.


Mike: Hey baby, it's me again. Please call me as soon as you get this message. I'm worried that you ran away or something. Please just call me okay.


Mike: ...Justin? I miss you. Where are you?


Mike: I miss you. Call me.


[Justin hangs up on voicemail.]

Justin: This is so annoying. Can't he get a clue? We're over! [Stands up] WE'RE FUCKING OVER!

Next: Chapter 3

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