Every Book Has a Story

By Vex Garnet

Published on Jan 1, 2010


Hi, this is my first ever story that I've ever written in my entire life. This a gay high school story. It's completely fiction. Now let's go over the rules here. One: If you under the age of 18 or not legal to read or to be even on this site please leave. Two: This story may contain graphic details of male sex, so if that makes you uncomfortable in any way, I'd advise you to leave ASAP. Now that that's out of the way, I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter of EBHS. Email me at jrl816@hotmail.com if you have any comments about the characters, story, whatever. I'll be happy to answer any questions you have regarding the story and I will answer them as soon as I can.

Every Book Has A Story Chapter One: Rewind

[The football game was going great. It was fourth quarter and our team was in the lead by a ton of points. The Jaguars were going to beat their rivaling team for another year and there was nothing they could do about it, well except lose of course. The crowd was going crazy. The school band was replaying the fight song over and over again, its like that was the only song they could play. Justin was sitting a row next to my best friend, Angela, a Caucasian mixed Moroccan and Italian. She was blowing her French horn. She was so passionate for her music, but Justin and Angela both knew that it wasn't her dream to be playing brass instruments for her life. The game finally finished, 70 -35. Angela, his best friend, sighed with relief and stood up. She sat next to him and gave him a hug. She looked at the field with him and laughed.]

Angela: We won!

Justin: I know. Fun.

Angela: I love how you come here and you have no idea what's going on.

Justin: You know me, just here for the support of the band.

Angela: We both know that isn't the reason you're here. You're here for Mike. So why aren't you on the field.

Justin: Cause I respect his time with his...comrades?

Angela: Ok. You just don't want to go there because he's with his friends and they're all crazy right now.

Justin: Right on the money. Last time, I went there...let's just say it was not pretty.

Angela: I know. You and Mike came into the band room and you were covered in mud. It was so cute. You and Mike matched.

Justin: [Glares at Angela] Was not funny. You know how long I took a shower?

Angela: Long enough to worry Mike, I bet.

Justin: Yup. He thought I died from the steam in bathroom. So he barged right in right when I was getting out of the shower.

Angela: Not like you mind, you guys have been dating for like a year.

Justin: Still. I like my privacy.

Angela: True. Well I'm going in. You coming?

Justin: No, I'll just wait for Mike.

Angela: Okay, suit yourself.

[Angela exits.]

[Justin walked down the bleachers and stood at the fence that separated the crowd from the field. He looked down at the field and saw the coaches drenched in sport drinks. The team was nowhere to be found though.]

Justin: Guess they went into the locker room already.

[He turned around and was met with a kiss on his lips. They broke out of it and it was his football boyfriend, Mike.]

Mike: Looking for me?

Justin: No, I was actually planning on leaving.

Mike: Don't lie. I know you want some of this. [Points at himself]

Justin: For some reason, that reminds me of The Santa Clause 2.

Mike: But I'm not fat or white.

Justin: You're mixed, white and black.

Mike: So?

Justin: You look more white cause you're pale as hell.

Mike: Shut up. I just haven't been getting a lot of sun and I blame it on you.

Justin: Justin? Why me? You're the one into sports. The sun should be basking on your skin.

Mike: Okay. Well you're Asian, you should be dark.

Justin: Half-Asian. I'm Chinese and Filipino.

Mike: That's Asian.

Justin: Filipino is not Asian. It's Pacific Islander. How many times do I have to tell you that?

Mike: A lot. [Laughs] Let's head in. It's freaking cold out here. [Takes his hand]

[They head inside and wow after a year of being together people still glared at them, or at least Justin. It makes him so uncomfortable. Everyone says they're such a mismatch and Justin's friends call them the "Unlikely Couple of the Century." Not his fault Mike is attracted to him. But Justin thinks the people that hate him the most in this school are most of Mike's friends and his ex-girlfriends. I can understand them though. He's a football star and he's a scrawny Asian American (Shut up, I'm not being a hypocrite) that has emo hair and wears skinny jeans but mixes it up with 80s gear. So I can completely agree why they think that he has downgraded and went with him. I mean he always dates freaking models, and they're all gorgeous, and they're actually all of his favorite models but they all hate him. So they finally make it to the band room and Justin shuts the door still clinging to Mike.]

Angela: Uh you're safe now, you don't have to cower behind Mike well unless you're in that mood.

Justin: [Moves away from Mike] Even if I were in that mood, you know you wouldn't be able to see it since I am Asian.

Mike: [Wraps his arms around me] You're not too small for me, Jus.

Angela: Ugh, I just threw up in my pussy.

Justin: You took that from Eating Out 3.

Angela: I know but you guys are making me sick.

Justin: Not like you and Billie are any different. Actually you guys together are worse than Mike by himself. That's scary.

Angela: Screw you.

Justin: Pass.

Mike: Hopefully you aren't passing on me tonight. [Rests his chin on my head]

Angela: Mike you really need to stop talking. That's really gross.

Mike: [Laughs]

Justin: Ow. Your chin hurts my noggin.

Mike: Aw, I'm sorry baby. Hopefully you don't hurt me tonight.

Angela: How is that possi--hold on. Who fucks who in this relationship?

Justin: No one does, we're not at that stage yet.

Mike: Someone will [Points at Justin] tonight.

Angela: Holy shit! Justin, you're going to fuck Mike?!

[Justin turns his head around and looks at Mike. He gives his a nervous smile.]

Justin: For that, no sex tonight.

Mike: What?! But you promised that if we win tonight that you would--

Me: Maybe you should learn to keep that mouth shut.

Mike: [Pouts] But Jus, I've been waiting for a whole year. Please! [Gets on his knees] I am begging you. Please!

[Justin looks around and notices the whole room is looking at Mike then at him.]

Justin: [In thought] Oh fuck me sideways. This sucks ass. [Kneels down and whispers] Fine, but you have to quit acting like this. It's getting a bit too weird.

Mike: Okay. [Kisses his forehead]

[They both get up and Mike, again, wraps his arms around Justin.]

Justin: If you mention sex again, I will spade you Ang.

Angela: Right, I doubt that. You love me.

Justin: Just because I love you, doesn't mean I can't spade you.

Angela: Still don't believe you.

Mike: If I were you I--

Justin: Mike, shut up. You've said enough for tonight.

Voice: Now is that anyway to treat a man? I don't think so.

Angela: Great, the slut herself has shown herself to the crowd.

[Mike and Justin turn around and see Jael, Mike's most recent ex-girlfriend. She's a Caucasian mixed German and Italian. She had the most amazing body but had the worst personality and treated everyone around her like her subjects. I guess she's used to get what she wants though. Since she's a model. She's not a slut, she just has anger issues.]

Angela: I don't know what you're doing here, Jael but you're not welcome here.

Jael: [Ignores Angela and pushes Justin away from Mike. She wraps her arms around him and licks his right cheek] Hey boo, let's get out of this shit hole.

Mike: [Pushes Jael away from him] Jael, I've told you already. We're through. Just leave me and Justin alone.

Jael: You're kidding me right? You're dumping me for that piece of shit?

Mike: This is one of the reasons why I can't be around you anymore. You treat people like they don't matter.

Jael: They don't.

Mike: Well if you're going to make it in this world, you need some friends. You can't live it if you're ordering people around and don't even appreciate their spot in this world.

Justin: You heard the man. Get out of here.

Jael: [Walks over to Justin and bitch slaps him] Don't talk to me like I'm some maggot. I'm not you.

[Justin get in her face and glares at her.]

Jael: What? You're going to hit a girl now?

Justin: No, I forgive you. I'm sorry you have a problem with me and Mike being together but there's nothing you can do that will break us up. So I have three things for you. One, shut the fuck up. Two, back the fuck off. And three, well there really isn't a three but you get the point.

Mike: Jael, just leave okay.

Jael: Watch yourself faggot, cause I'm going to make your last year here hell.

Justin: Good. I'm looking forward to it.

[Jael storms out.]

Mike: You handled that better than I would have ever thought. I'm sorry she hit you. Your cheek is all red.

Justin: It's fine. Angela and I always have bitch slapping contests so I'm fine.

Mike: You guys do? Who wins?

Justin: It varies.

Mike: How?

Angela: Don't worry about it.

Mike: Baby, are you a masochist?

Justin: More or less a masochist. I consider myself in between, more a sadist than a masochist. But when you're full blown gay and out in high school, you get used to pain physically and mentally.

Mike: Do people still hurt you now?

Justin: From time to time. Mainly your friends and Jael.

Mike: I'll talk to my friends about. I don't want to be their friend if they're going to hurt you.

Justin: It's fine. This is my story and I don't want anyone to mess it up.

Mike: But--

Justin: Mike, if you butt in you'll be like Hollywood raining on my parade. Now you know what Hollywood does to good books.

Angela: They cock it up.

Justin: Eggsactly.

Mike: Egg?

Justin: The other white meat.

Mike: You watch way too much you tube shit.

Justin: It's not shit. It's Liam Sullivan and Shane Dawson.

Mike: I don't find them the least bit funny.

Justin: You like one of Liam's songs though. You sing everyday.

Mike: Okay, I like it a little bit. Is that good enough?

Justin: Maybe. [Smiles.]

Mike: You're so cute. Angela, we're going to jet. We'll see you tomorrow.

Angela: Ew, hopefully you guys aren't too lovey dovey. It's gross.

Justin: Don't worry about us, I'm more worried about you and Billie. Aren't you two supposed to be--

Angela: Now let's not talk about me and Billie.

Justin: Thought so. Well we're out. See you tomorrow.

[Mike and Justin exit.]

[Text Mode]

Angela: Where for out thou, Billie?

Billie: Sorry, I'm on my way. Got sidetracked.

Angela: No worries. I'll just wait for u.

[After half an hour passes by, Billie walks into the band room.]

Angela: Took you long enough.

Billie: Sorry, I was...got caught in time.

[Angela and Billie walk out the school and get into Billie's car.]

Angela: So what were you doing before this?

Billie: Uh like I said, I got sidetracked. Don't worry about it.

Angela: Oh...okay. [Looks out the window]

[The drive home was awkward and silent. Billie pulled up to Angela's driveway and parked his car.]

Angela: Thanks for the ride. [Opens the door]

Billie: [Grabs Angela's shoulder] Wait.

Angela: [Closes the door] What?

Billie: I'm not trying to keep secrets from you, it's just that I'm not ready.

Angela: Not ready for what? A relationship? Billie, I told you this before if you don't want a intimate relationship with me, we shouldn't even be in this position in the first place.

Billie: No, it's not anything like that. I want to tell you what I've been hiding--

Angela: Then just tell me.

Billie: I can't. At least not yet. Not till I know--

Angela: Okay. Stick with your excuses. [Opens the door and slams the door]

[Billie pulls out of her driveway and drives home.]

Billie: Fuck! Why can't I just tell her?

[Mike and Justin get back to Mike's house and they run into Mike's house. Mike shuts the door and kisses Justin.]

Mike: I can't wait.

Justin: Go get ready. I'll be there in a few.

Mike: Okay. Don't be too long now. [Mike walks to his room]

[Justin sighs in relief and walks to the kitchen. There was a note to Mike on the table from his mom. It read: Michael, don't forget to mow the lawn before we get back. Love you, Mom.]

Justin: Cute. I'll make sure he does that, Mrs. V.

[Justin looks at the fridge and looks at all the pictures on the fridge. Pictures of family and his football buds. Even pictures of his exes including Jael. But nowhere was their a picture of him on the fridge. It's true that Mike's relationship with Justin has been in the air for a year at their school but at home, Mike still keeps it a secret. Justin somewhat feels ashamed to be walking around in an invisibility cloak all the time when his family was around. He always was in the background when his family had daily get togethers. You see, Justin worked at this fancy smancy country club place as a customer service associate but in Justin's mind his job was to be the slave to anyone or anybody. Every now and then, Mike would sneak Justin in the back and make out but after that he'd have to go right back to his rich family and talk about whatever. Plus his family was really close minded when it came to male sexuality. When Mike's dad found out that Justin worked at the country club, he went berserk. He went to great lengths just to get him fired but to no avail Justin stayed. But a good thing came out of that, at least for Mike's dad, Justin is constantly ordered to do things in perfection for him, if he doesn't he complains to his manager and Justin gets chewed out for it.]

Justin: I guess I'll never be on the fridge. [Sighs] At least I have Mike though. [Smiles]

[Justin walks back to Mike's room and notices Mike passed out on his bed.]

Justin: Guess all that pent up energy made the big man crash. [Giggles]

[Justin sits on the bed and gazes at Mike. He traces his fingers over his shirt. He could feel every ripple on his chest. Mike smiled and opened his eyes.]

Mike: That tickles. [Pulls Justin next to him and wraps his arms around him] Let's go to bed.

Justin: I thought you wanted me to--

Mike: I've decided that I want my first time as a bottom to be special and planning sex really doesn't make anything special.

Justin: Good, because I really didn't want to tonight.

Mike: [Laughs] I guess we both win. [Climbs on top of him and kisses his neck]

Justin: Mike, stop. [Inhales.] Oh god, Mike you smell so bad!

Mike: You know you like how I smell. I smell like a man.

Justin: More like a caveman. Go take a shower or at least let me spray you in Febreeze.

Mike: Nope, you get to have the whole enchilada. [Grapples onto Justin]

Justin: Mike let me go! You smell! I'm dying here.

Mike: Goodnight, Jus.

Justin: Mike!

Next: Chapter 2

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